Also, over 11, 000 marriages were conducted in all the branches of RCCG this year alone.
It was Pastor Adeboye himself who revealed the number of babies born during the last Holy Ghost convention which ended August 10th 2012. He said:
"I asked God for 70, 000 children during last Holy Ghost convention and as at now, from reports in Nigeria alone, we have gotten 60, 979 babies, and more at still coming. We have also conducted 11, 962 marriages in RCCG this year.
I Love Daddy G.O
God please hear and answer my prayers, let me carry my own child before this time next year, in Jesus Name i pray...
Do they understand teh implication, no job no social security nigeri ppl be wise, is not all about making baby ..
Wait... Wait.... Is there something like family planning?
Mine would be added to it soon in jesus name........amen
ONOME says.....
Linda which one be "baby factory"??Lollllll.Trust nigerians to feed me that crap of "babies are gifts from God".Hush!Spare me your psychobabble.If those children I see hawking in the streets and selling pure water,biscuits,rice,working as housemaids and houseboys,bus conductors,children running about the streets with no clothing on,not going to school etc,if those are the gifts then I sorry for una.
With population explosion everywhere leading to unemployment,inflation,disease and strife etc,for an erudite scholar and well educated man turned pastor to talk like this,little wonder poverty and Nigerians are one.
And yes I am taking it personal.What sort of arrant nonsense is this?I keep saying it animals stand a better chance in Western countries than children in Nigeria.
Baby Boom for real????? In this global population uncertainty?What percentage of these Mothers could honestly afford a decent means of livelihood or are you now going to be one of those that says 'It's God that giveth Children'...
Birth of a new Child is a joy to behold no doubt,but having a baby without any meaningful means of giving the child a decent life,is completely a NO NO for me.
Pastor Adeboye, Nigeria has enough population living in abject poverty.Or are we trying to match up with the Northerners on population?
I say it unequivocally, it should be one man one wife ,three kids.Anything above that is totally out of place.
Go and multiply does not mean go and over populate a given environment without meaningful means of looking after the kids.
Anyways, God has given me the wisdom already, to make my own decisions.
God is gr8
Glory to God Almighty!
To God be the glory, great things he has done.
God is faithful to his own
Dey no ask God 4 money?
I need money oooooo
He shud ask God for trillionaires :D
God is at work in RCCG!
is this healthy for our nation???? are these kids being taken care of? and what happened to marrying with caution and guidance from God. :s I love pastor Adeboye but are our priorities straight?
den bishop oyedepo will tel us dey av 100,000 babies......talk about contributions to overpopulation.#jst sayin# ......ksho
PS - no one shld chew me.thx
Bless be God.
Can somebody shout Halleluyah!
LinLin your miracle awaits you there too. dont miss out...Amen!
Can somebody shout Halleluyah!
mine would be added soon by his grace
All d glory to d God of Adeboye,Him alone is d living God.what about d statistics of brand new cars.no yeye car dey dat camp.My jeep too is joining the brand new family and my marriage and children IJN.Linda darling did i just see you in front row:)
what is news about this? dear Linda Kindly watch what u post online about men of God how can u say Redemption camp has become a baby factory do they manufacture babies there?? For God sake the man of God asked for babies from God he didnt say he ordered for babies to be manufactured.......
so there are no more barren women in the RCCG u go fair nau
God be praised..
i claim one for my aunty in jesus name
The God of adeboye is a living God!!......my uncles baby is 1 of d 70,000 babies. Lin hope u heard d testimonies 2 dey were mind blowing!!
people just like to talk rubbish sha. Yes there is overpopulation in Nigeria and we have millions of children living in poverty. But has anyone thought of the fact that more than likely the bulk of these children Pastor Adeboye is talking about are children born to families who were praying for children????????
God bless daddy adeboye nd also a happy new year to all rccg family....lAMDA
I also decree dat my own marriage will nt pass dis yr IN JESUS NAME! AMEN
Another foolish publicity/marketing ploy. Can he show us evidence of the babies born? Their date of birht, birth certificate etc...
These thieving men just proclaim crap as though God is some bush God. Now some idiots on here are saying the god of Adeboye... and i'm sure you all know that it is not the same Christian God that is His God. As long as you are aware, i'm fine
This is not the way christians do things. This is what you expect from shady marketing companies advertisig products by making ludicrous claims to draw in customers. for e.g anti- ageing cream. We know such things do not exist. If you eff without condom chances of getting pregnant is pretty high it matters not how long you sleep in this dodgy camp.
Stay blessed and become enlightened people!
Why are some peoples comments bitter? What's wrong with the fact that he asked God for children and God answered him? What do u all mean that this means ova population? Or if the kids are well fed? What arrant nonsense.. This women are married for God sake,in there husbands home and have no kids of there own,they go for prayers and God answers them and y'all are saying rubbish? So because Nigeria is ova populated they shouldn't ask God for kids? And u Linda what is the meaning of baby boom? Ur heading is what is inviting nonsense talks here.,get married and not have kids then u will knw the pain,u won't use that word rather u would say miracle.. Nonsense. He prayed to God and God intervened on behalf of those who needed the children,did it occur to u that he might be talking about women who have been married and no kids.. U are so daft.. If u like don't post my comment#Rubbish
I decree my own will join IJN
Do u knw dt there a lot n a lot of barren women out there n u r talking of over population, shldnt they av there own children? There r a lot of women who secretly engage in family planning cos they don't want more children. To those who r considering over population, may God not spare them one, if u av already, make them "peme" cos one is a number so dt d population can b controlled, abi u hear say na Pst Adeboye wife born all of them. The Bible say "we shld b fruitful n multiply" did u ever come across a certain number, the Bible also support proper parenting which means bear d children u can nuture, D book also say d poor shall not cease from d land which means choose where u belong.
Wat kind of rubbish re U̶̲̥̅̊ uttering!is it a crime to get married or for God to bless ur marriage!its so simple,ask God to make U̶̲̥̅̊ remain single&barren so dt our priorities will b straight!yeye
Don't mind dem with their rubbish words.do they knw how many pple pray 4babies everyday.can they pray not to ve cars just becos lagos streets re crowded...yeye pple
I say amen to ur prayers jare!
Gbe gbogbo enu buruku e soun and keep ur opinion to ur self.oni sokuso
Don't mind dem with their rubbish words.do they knw how many pple pray 4babies everyday.can they pray not to ve cars just becos lagos streets re crowded...yeye pple
Huh?? Seriously. We are already overpopulated as it is. No disrespect to the man but he needs to pray for a smaller # of kids and to those who want and can take care of them.
Kai RCCG folks are strokers sha. LoL
Thank u for this comment....pple will jst open their mouth and be talking nonsense...so because nigeria is overpopulated,then pple who don't ve kids @all shld jst stay like dt???think b4 u talk...it was probably for the barren couples...thank God for pastor adeboye...and no,I don't go to rccg!
U are very stupid,if u don't have any thing to stay,shut the fuck up and quit saying trash.. Who are u to say he's not a man of God? How dare u judge? And who told u that wen u have sex without condom u are at risk of pregnancy? Haven't u seen women that are married without kids? U think they have sex with condom? What kind of human being are u? Oh,just pray that neither u or any one u knw go through the pain of been married and not having kids.. #annoying
They are busy pumping their wives against the forth coming conventions instead of the praying and fasting. 60,000 is a enormous number oh.
What kinda rubbish talk is this? So because there is no job,no social security women who are in there husbands house without children shouldn't ask God for children abi? U are so daft trust me.. U are suppose to be rejoicing that God visited women who wanted this children u are busy talking of job,why didn't ur parents consider that before bringing u to the world.. ODE
Sasha Ode ni e, what about those who as been married for a long time like forever without any child, should they stay without children simply because the country is over populated? U̶̲̥̅̊ be fool oo check yourself
Linda I think u shld get ur facts rite were u at d camp ground ? Did u hear d testimonies?instead of u to go nd beg God dat ur marriages shld be one of d ones dat wuld be conducted by next year convention u re here running ur mouth.God is watchin u nd pls post ma comment
Aunty Linda, I attend RCCG and I was at the said Holy Ghost Service. The figure Pastor Adeboye gave is the total number of figures born to RCCG Parishioners worldwide and not babies born on the camp. Each parish of RCCG registers all births, deaths and marriages in its parish and these figures are collated annually.
By the way, God has promised him to increase the number of babies to 100,000. For those who are desirous of children, biko start praying.
Mine wud be added this time next year IJMN
Amen .
М̣̣̥̇̊Ɣ sister will surely get hers and i tap from this annointing also IJN!....nellyzone.
Amen .
Religious Madness
Baby Factory!! why don't they get R Kelly to mark the day..Nigeria needs to contain that population..thats why the resources would never go round..even if the politicians allowed..too many kids end up being abused and as househelps!!
When are this churches going to annouce creating 60,000 jobs??..now i wouild say hallelujah to that..until then....
My testimony too will be added dis year in Jesus name....I shall sing my song and dance my dance,pple shall celebrate with me and testify to d goodness of God in my Life...in Jesus name.
Some people are just so negative, talking about overpopulation and other craps. Those people asked God for children and He gave them! Pls tell me ow that is a bad thing, pls lets be careful about the things we say. I am a Catholic and i love Pastor Adeboye and i know God is working thru him, the Lord's blessing shall continue to abide in our lives. Amen.
Amen dear. God will do it for u & also bless us with good husband.
Sharrap der..wat dyu knw?
Close up ur dirty mouth. No be person born u? God fed multitudes with jus 7loaves of bread & 2fish..leave der welfare for God & invest ur time in sumtin more productve 2d nation.
God of adeboye let me av reason to testify to ur name b4 end of dis year, je kin finu soyun kin feyin mi gbomopon,oluwa je kin romo peranise maje kiwon bere olorun mida midile oko mi, grant me my own children in d name of jesus. amen.
Anon 4:07pm is the dumbest person I've ever read his/her comments. Wow!!
My dear, yes children are gifts from God! If you know your bible you would not talk like someone who is all knowing! You speak like you are smart but you have forgotten that there is something like socio-economic status. I am pretty sure you are not married that why you have spoken like this. Even in the so called developed counteries people live worse than the "poor" in nigeria. At least they can sell purewater here when some people there are drinking muddy water! My dear try to be a mother/father and you would see that money is not everything. My mother sold uku and my elder sister hawked fufu! So we could get an education. Where are we today?? Well the gift God gave my mum(children)never made her give up! She is enjoying her hard work today! With a duplex in vgc, grandchildren, vacation every summer to any country etc!! I can go on. Please be mindful of what you say about children cos you are one and your parents are praying for you too! Thanks.
Has any of the women come to meet you for financial aid??? Some could not get kids for 18 years!! And they where blessed with 4 kids! if it was you since God has given you the wisdom to make decisions would you throw the 4th child away? Since you believe in 3 kids in a family.
Nicely said! Linda you should key into these testimonies so your own would come! The mouth is a very strong tool!
Happy new year to you too! This new year would bring more testimonies IJN!!
Am sure you are the testing animal in the lab. Cos you speak like you have got peanuts for a brain! What do you say about people who conceive without a womb, or those who have been married for years with no kids? Is it that they are not having sex well?? You are not God and you should not judge! Please be mindful of what you say!
I pity all ds idiots talkin trash abt a man of God.afta nowan go bck,sit dwn n check ur lives, notin tangible bcos u are so bitter.so bcos we vw kids hawkin n all in 9ja, d kids born in d cmp must b frm poor parents.how dumb can sum pple b, lik seriously. Any1 dat curses a man of God is cursed 4 life.til u ask 4 4givness.foolish pple.u must luk 4 a fault in every post.tk ur frustration elsewhere biko.as 4 u linda, dnt repent n go dere so u'l pray n get a hubby.b putin up silly headlines lik ds.ow can u cal d house of God a baby factory? Mind d terms u use.
When you are ready to start a family and you don't have kids let me see who you would turn too. Maybe you and your husband would go on full course 'effing'(in your words)because with what you have said God would make sure you acknowledge to His greatness and you would be forced to kneel before Him! That I guarantee! And you would know that God I greater than science.
I ve been looking for a sane comment since..I am so wt u on ur point.
I hope all 70000 families can take care of these kids and don't end up sending them to be somebody's househelp so that their crazy madam can iron his or her ass as punishment for a perceived crime.
mtcheeeww simple biology, even animals give birth and animals r barren too, its not news...
everything doesn't need to be spiritual....
God pls visit my home with my miracle babies IJN Amen. I know that my expectations shall never be cut off by any devil.
@Anon 4:07, be careful wat u write or say bout men of God especially wen U̶̲̥̅̊я №† sure of ur facts
To God be all the glory! I'm also holding hands and praying with and for those who seek children. It shall come to pass.
We give God all the Glory
Amen. The Lord will surprise you
Wow, thank God! Congratulations to all the parents and those still waiting, may the Lord provide accordingly!
If you have the resources and maturity to bear and rear children, I don't think there's anything wrong; as long as you can take care of them and provide for all your needs! A child indeed is a gift from God!
It's the Celebration of Marriage Week, appreciate your spouse today!
When u see d crowd that comes out when an altar call is made @ d camp for those looking for d fruit of d womb, u'll know that this 60,000 babies is not enuf. Even in ur local church, d no. when d call is made, will surprise u. So wots d vexing over babies abt?
Publicity...RCCG? Do u know wot u r talking abt? Does Pastor Adeboye or his members look hungry to u? Careful wot u say my dear.
Can all of u screaming "over populatio" shut d f**k up.do not allow d wrath of God rest upon u.watch ur tongue
I can attest to that because i am included in the blessing as God blessed my with a baby boy this year. Thank you Jesus for your mercy endureth forever
Na wa oh... So a lot of women were busy indeed
Be mindful of your tongue. Its a warning!!!
Gud answer, d so called sasha fierce pls don't giv birth so as not 2 make Nigeria over populated. Ode oshi
he asked God for 70,000 children and got it.
if i were him, I'll wait to get a decline in poverty & increase in jobs and end of war (cos as far as am concerned, the situation is nigerian is like war.. too much suffering)....
so he got 70,000 children and he is celebrating.
i think he shd get the other stuff before asking for 70,000....
many of whom will not get the access to education... those who do, many will use it to apply for non-degree jobs etc...
am sick of this
Ode ni e Simple!!!
This just adds to d overpopulation problem we already have in ds country ¯\..(•. • )../¯
Nicely said, Linda those children were not all born on redemption camp nd as 4 d baby factory thing, pls be mindful of Wot u say o.
Jesus Christ! who will feed those children? Goddamit! that's lot of children!!!
mehn, this pastor is wikid ooo. Instead of him to ask God to help ppl get jobs so they can feed the future babies; he went after the easy things. I'm not saying for all others who are having difficulty is easy.I'm saying if you have fertile ppl together he go fit reach the goal of 70000 babies in one year. He needs to set the goal of 70000 members geting jobs that will pay and last. then we are talking.
I am part of the testimony of GO's prayer. I actually logged in online to join the Holy Ghost Service (I live in Houston) last year August. After 5 years of marriage, I had a baby boy in June.
To everyone talking about population and poverty, I pray you never experience a delay in your marriage.
Some of the people who go to seek the face of GOD for babies may have been married for between 5-20 years without issues or they just have one.
If they get their intervention from God thru Daddy G.O what is wrong with that?
Dont these people have a rigth to have at least one or two children?
The comments I see here are suggestive of ignoring the personal issues of the gifts these people have received and concentrating on the global effect of over population.
As much as I agree that population should be controlled, I also believe that every couple has a right to at least a child or two.
What makes Daddy G.O's call a miracle is that it is directed at those who dont have and who sought the face of God to embrace theirs.
Stop questioning God cos he is all knowing and HIS ways are not our ways.
For me, I see it as an opportunity to thank God for using Daddy Adeboye to impact on so many lives.
GOD is GOD and nothing can change that fact.
By the mandate of heaven, I decree to all that are against the good news here to go barren in every areas of their lives forever. I am part of the celebrants and I took my baby to dance b4 God at Camp after waiting for 3yrs and above, my uncle married 1994 and never got any child until this decree was made and for the first time in his life his baby came among them and he baceme a father.. Do you know the agony and pain of barreness? From 2day, all of you that are against it here will start to experience it all around your life. Please, make sure you don't disturb men of God when the result start bcos you are reaping what you sow with your mouth and post, check the pics of these testimonies via facebook through johnadewale@yahoo.com and if you need babies, God will surely give them to you soon in Jesus name, He that is able to provide them, will make provisions for their care, stay blessed, I am not ananymous but JOHN ADEWALE (A practical testimony to what God can do, has done and will continue to do), let the fools continue in their pains and agony while you remain blessed, cheers.
yes it's GOD but don't forget that the weather for past months ve bin cold *winks*
Linda stop mocking men of God and their ministries,The bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue
Don't worry. You would have a good job and you wount have kids. Let me see if you wount shout to God! For real joy in being a mother.
i tap into the blessings of marriage. i pray that my man sent from God will locate b4 d year runs out. thank U Jesus for answered prayers. those condenming the man of God and criticizing, pls stop it. children are gifts from God and God in his infinite wisdom created dis world in such a way that pple can never outnumber lands. i blive dese babies were born to parents who have waited upon God to bless their marriages with fruit of the womb. stop the analysis and pray to God to meet u at d point of ur needs just as he met these parents testifying!!!!
God is at work in RCCG....may God continue to preserve our daddy for us o
What do u mean by baby factory. That is a bull shit language. Linda mind ur language.
Some people just make comments out of mere foolishness and from thier bitter minds. SMH. Just pray to God that you will neva get married and be barren, the you will understand why Daddy GO aked for 70,000 babies. Well, I claim twins from the few babies left for God to distribute.
Perfect reply @ Anon 7:13.....well said
All those that are talking about over population, should pray that bareness should not b their lot or that of anyone close to them. Every weekend people get married and they are xpected 2 give birth. so many others hav bn married 4 long n God gave them children. What are we talking about? The 60,000 children is from RCCG world wide and not only those given birth to at the camp.
Linda listen very well, i was at the camp when they were called out.
all of you talking of over population pls dont get married and if you eventually do dont have children and those who already have eg onome go home and kill them so that the standard of living in Nigeria will improve. So not having children is the solution to Nig problems. Nonsense CHILDREN ARE GIFTS I MEAN PRECIOUS GIFT FROM GOD and take good care of them.
@JOHN ADEWALE ----Becareful how u let you tongue slip with curses. For a child of God whom has just been blessed with a child, you are cursing yourself further. You need to take back the curse you just spilt here before God teaches you a lesson himself. You do not curse his children under no circumstances. All the ppl here against the baby boom camp are still God's children. You have no business cursing anyone. Watch your toungue. Giving birth is one thing.... I'm just saying.
Silly fowl!!..wen u doint have urs,consider it family planning o..uve obviously licked cactus milk..so ur brainz not properly functioning..did u c 'unwanted babies'der?
Congratulations to all the new fathers and mothers; and as for some folks here who are learned economist, may the God of heaven wait for a blue sky in world economy before releasing their expectations to them, in Jesus name, i pray...Amen. Thank you father for prayer answered.
Dem say who no go no know! If u were not there at the convention, don't blaspheme. When the children were brought forth for thanksgiving, only like .03% were above 2 years. We don't need birth certs to know what BABIES look like. May God help ur ignorance.
Linda, before u fool urself and buy undue gbese, RCCG and Pastor Adeboye are not like the others you try to run down o. Berra be kiafu. The 70,000 babies are from RCCG WORLDWIDE not Nigeria alone. So all of you yarning balls about over population and insulting a true MOG, I won't blame you for your ignorance. Na Linda and her half report cos am.
Lindodo, I hope you go to Redeem o. At least you can get a husband there. and many babies.
Why didn't he pray for the end of boko haram menace?is that not a more pressing issue than this baby production?What a country.U lot deserve every bit of what u get.Foolish meek fools being ruled by idiots
Btw 1990 and 2009, Africa's population grew by 58.4%, whc is an alarming rate considering most of the Countries are 3rd world that can't feed themselves. I'm so happy for the first timers who are giving birth, but for those having their 5th and so on kids,can u pls stop polluting the World? How is the world going to cope with feeding 10 billion people projected in the yr 2100?
@john wale ure a hypocrite! U claim2b a christain nd yet u open ur foolish mouth2rain curses on pple! I gues u hvnt hrd of "freedom of speech" i pray everytin u wrote in ur comment shd go back2u nd ur family in a 1000 folds!if ure a testimony,u shd b tinkin of ways2convince pple in belivin nd hopin in God nd not "daddy" or wateva! God gives babies not ny pastor nor rev fada!thank God4urlyf nd encourage pple2repent nd belive in God nd nt curse odas!i pity ur lyf.PS don't even try2curse me,am 2much4u,u wil only end up inflictin more pains on ur generations! I belive in God,not ny man of God!
Amen. The good Lord who did mine just this month will also do yours. Just stay steadfast in Ʋr prayers.
Thanks everyone, you guys brought tears to my eyes. I know i will come back to testify on this blog in Jesus Name...
All of you protesting against God's anointed and claiming to have known God, don't you know you are already caused? I have not caused you but only helped you enough to execute your plans and get obligations fulfilled, but if you are sure you ready want to face me, then come out with your real identity and Let's see who is on the right side, so you can even have any feeling about my post? you cowards!
You that claimed 2B too much and does fear any man of God, why is my post a hurt to you then and why are you reacting to it? have you 4gotten that in the whole Bible, the only person that became barren for life was the one who mocked man of God David? I pity your life bcos you will end up running after men of God 4rescue, God will only get through His representatives to reach you and these are His men. You are the holiest that have seen hypocrate. Pass through the experience of those parents that got the babies and enjoy it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about summer internship.
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