Something fun I just thought of and hopefully, some of you will be interested in this...:-). All you need to do is pick a look of any celeb of your choice, dress exactly like them, and send in the photo of yourself and the celeb. Let LIBers decide who wore it better. Sounds like fun, huh? Oya, lets's start *wink* (send photos to lindaikeji@gmail.com)
Meanwhile, who wore it better between Kim K and this LIB reader?
I actually like d lib reader's outfit. Looks smarter onher.
ill go with kimmy cakes
I like d lib reader's version beta, she styled it with her statement necklace nd lov d wedge. Looks a lot smarter.
Kim k her pic z just nt so gud
LIBer!!! Bt i wish u had better pose though.
I think d LIB reader wore it better.her body brought out d beauty of d outfit whereas kim K looks kinda skinny in it.this might be as a result of d difference in posture.bur worefa *in jenifa's voice*.LIB reader ni winner jawe
whats d lib reader's name..... lol.
anyway both!
**they will soon start. lib reader is wearing the fake..just watch out..**
i luvvvv kim, but d LIB reader wore it better
In addition, if the celeb is standing, sitting, jumping, running etc, kindly pose same to enable us (the judges) give fair judgement. Merci ;)
The celeb(the one at the left) slim feat and beauty
I dnt kia who wore it best, bt ma own issh is d fact dat most of dis libloogers call Kim K all sort of names nd nw wen askd to emmulate a celeb's dressin, d 1st celeb wz d same Kim K d cal shit. I fear wunna. Linda if u dnt post ma comment, u wil receive invisible slaps frm d face in dat cloud pic u posted
Kim k looks like Micheal Jackson..
Wich kain dumbelina question b ds,.how we go take no wen she siddon..abeg abeg..no stress us..btw ur idea sounds like fun..buh na money mata b dat o...NEKS
Hahaha! Linda this ur new concept na avenue for worwor babes to get yabbed the fuck out!!
Omo if u no fine, no just participate oh...I'm just saying! Coz yall know naija pple no dey joke when it comes to abusing the shit outta somebody! LOL!
The LIB reader seems better. Linda pls stipulate that the pose has to be the same.
So it is fat thet brings out chlothes ehn? Go sit down jareh! Kim K any day
Comparing needle and gun. She is a needle, kim is a gun.
Black is beautiful, so I'll go wid the LIB reader.
Always Put LIB Readers Name.they too bcome Celeb
That's not right, most pple wud make sure they look better with the help of their extended families n neighbors before sending d pic to u.
Is it cos ur gistless n dry nowadays that ur doing this?
If u get the main picture of kim on dis outfit,u'll die for her.
If u get the main picture of kim on dis outfit,u'll die for her.
Quick question---'Why does the LIB reader ve a guilty face on like she just farted? *Back to imaginary shopping in Harrods with Lindas sister*
The person that wore it first wore it better. Linda encourage originality, u can give a colour combination or a dress code assignment for the week and let people send in their entries and then we judge. It would be a fun way for us to learn how to be good dressers.......
Linda d pose ought to be d same, d LIB reader looks afraid in her clothes,selfconfidence missing,even with Kim a thousand miles from her,she still feels intimidated. But dat notwithstanding imma give it to d LIB reader,coz tucking her white shirt in gave it d official presentation d dress deserves,while Kim choose to fly hers,guess some Kanyewest hangover ish.~BONARIO~ says so viaNOKIA3310.
The LIB Reader
LIB reader wore it better,she looks more exquisite supremacy says so - via my best sex position (wheel barrow)
Guy, u r funny as hell!! Abeg Ms. Laura Ikeji, come nd carry ur husband o!
Thumbs up LIBer u did justice to that outfit
kim loses this time
What has colour got to do with it? Bloody racist. Olodo
TAaaaa! Gbafuo. Who's dry? Biko dnt insult ♍Ɣ Linda oo. U think its easy to gEt gist. Besides Linda is tryna make her blog a fun blog soooo duuuuuh
lib reader is a correct geh jare!kim kardawhore can go and dieeeee!
Hmmm I guess imma be d pusher and u d barrow*winks*BONARIO says so via NOKIA3310.
ur LIB reader no get name ????????????????????
thank u jare. Tot i was d only one who noticed it.
The LIB reader killed it linds. Kim k is lookin like wacko jacko in ds pics( no offense love @kim k). #High Five to d LIB Reader
Naija babe all the way......she sure rockeed it better.
Thank you!!!!! Tell dem!! Hypocritical bitches.
Lib reader
Comm'on let's be realistic...Kim wud always look good in anything she puts on...Kim looks casually hot n d other babe looks good too but she looks like she put too much effort in trying to look good..kimmie is a "NATURAL"... ;)
Epele ore kim k.I hope she's aware dat u r fighting for her blindly over here.I had to go back to my reply to check if I implied either directly or indirectly dat fat brings out clothes.na wa for u oh.u sure say u pass d aspect of english whr u had to summarize passages so? #just asking#
Lib reader all the way
This kim worwor joor kanye west don nakam finish but are u sure both are wearing original it looks fake to me• I have the original in my woodrope
lol! they wore it the same way na... nyway, since kim is the one standing and i can see her outift more, na kim carry this one...i'm out!
If its not panadol, it cnt b like panadol. Kim rocks, anytime, anyday. She sure rocked, rocks n will always rock it beta. Photocopy ko easy......
Its not even the same. Nearly cannot kill a bird. Kim K all the way!
The lib reader shuld av stood up instead of sitting down jewe!!!
Dnt really see ny diff dou
Its kim jor she looks better
Kim k is better anytime any day.
((((Slim Feat)))) hissorai! Kim K fauturin lib reader abi vice versa?
#TeamLib noni!!
@Anon July 7th 9.30am
"The original is in your woodrope" ehn?
#issorai# keep it there,don't bring out,for all our sakes...
kimk hardly makes a fashion error.
LIB reader biko... colour, accessories, shoes, all iz werking for me #ghanaianaccent
D LIB reader
LIB reader looks sulky,she wants to cry?Anyway just pay up for the clothes and ul feel more confident.lol The cloth fits LIB readr better tho
am beginning to think these people just look for pictures and decide to dress like celebrities.......its good to be inspired
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