Miss Angola Miss Botswana

Miss Cape Verde Miss Cote D'Ivoire
Miss World 2012 will take place on August 18, 2012 in Dongsheng Fitness Center Stadium, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China. With over 120 contestants from all over the world, this year's pageant is the biggest turnout in the pageant's history. More photos of the African contestants when you continue...

Miss Equatorial Guinea

Miss South Sudan

Miss Tanzania
Miss Zimbabwe
beautiful ladies. Tank God Isabella chose NYSC over dis, if not she for fall our hand. LMAO
Our girl has hope jare. Note to the stupid haters wey dey always full here: SUPPORT YOUR OWN FOR ONCE!!! So please....no negativity.
Nigerian rep doesn't even av a chance among d African reps talk more of the World contest gan gan! Well God dey!
Haha, not to brag- but I once banged Miss Equatorial Guinea during a vacation in Paris.
I no gbadun this Miss Zimbabwe @ all.
awwwwwwwwwwwwww............miss Nigeria is veery pweeety!!i"mo vote for her.
Equatorial guinea , south Africa n Nigeria stand a chance. The others are bleh! But really, why is mbgn 2012 not representing naija. Ben Bruce knows she doesn't stand a chance. He was bribed to let that girl win. Rubbish!
Lindo I dey look for the post about your future award nomination. Abi na for another page? Anyway, congratulations You rock jare. Tell. Us where to vote when the time come o.
For this one, me. I go with the Naija babe. She take style fine pass dem all. The shape of her face introduce her A's a naija girl before I even see the country name.
Apart from the people wey dey throw bomb,e be like say all other Nigerians we take style resemble ourselves o.
Person wey no know how plenty naija babe their facial feature dey look, make e take time scrutinize the miss world contestant wey from our WAZOBIA++.
How did miss Uganda win in her country? smh..Goodluck to all the contestants though.
Vote! Can this video be used in branding BBM in Africa? Video directed by award wining Akin Alabi, watch and share your views http://t.co/FVfpEQs
pretty ladies wish u all best of luck.
Linda.. this mis Angola bears a good resemblence to you oooo
Linda, which one be Miss Reunion?
The Miss Nigeria is really pretty..
Honestly, miss Nigeria beat all of them here hands down!!
Biko, as far as Africa and facial beauty goes (I can't see the bodies to compare their shapes), Nigeria is número uno here!!
Them girls are all pretty tho". Miss Ethiopia is pretty too..
Where dem pick these gals from?? 0_0
nice blog
Goodluck to miss Nigeria she looks innocently pleasant
Cool,calm,collected all pretty and lovely looking ladies .......
Miss Ethiopia all d way,pure,unadulterated, natural beauty...
miss Tanzania and angola have got more going for them i think
Theyr all ugly! I can pick ten prettier girls in my uni! Gosh.
love the Southy candidate... looks lipsy
Al luvlY ladies. I luv Miss Nigeria and Ethopia. Our naija gal is a natural beauty. Stevebond007 via Nokia torchlyt
Granville is a cutie, cos i have had her on my show a couple of times, she is a smart young girl, who has her head in place at the moment. but miss ivory coast is a must doooo
which one b miss re union again??? By the way, miss angola looks very much like linda ikeji
Miss kenya,miss liberia,miss south sudan,miss uganda and miss seychelles dnt stand any chance..sorry 2say! And miss tazania looks lyk a serial killer.. And Am so loving miss nigeria! She's just wot we need..as a representaive!
Thank God i know that a babe who represents her country as the most beautiful in that country isn't really the most beautiful girl there. If she really is, then i wonder what the other girls in Kneya, Uganda and Tanzania would look like.
Miss Angola all the way! That girl looks like what I sawin ma dream last nite and wokeup with something like white gum in ma boxers. Miss Zimbabwe looks like SA footballer Siyabonga Nomvethe. Anyway she may be fine in d eyes of her beholder.~BONARIO~says so viaNOKIA3310.
lovely ladies, Africa is a beautifull continent, www.tatafonaija.blogspot.com
nigeria is the finest there pls followed by angola. d rest r just bleh
Miss ANgola for sure! She has such poise! Lovely.
Nnaa meeehn they all look somehow, save Miss Nigeria, she has this radiating inner beauty... Btw Zimbabwe is dat d most beautiful geh u can produce? Chei!
WOW! african beauties. My pick will be miss angola, cote D'ivoire, gabon, nigeria and equatorial guinea i wish all of them the best of luck.
You forgot Morocco! My favourites are South Sudan, Israel and South Africa. Nigeria could spring a surprise too
Miss Kenya's nose is so wonderful. I also love Miss Zimbabwe's makeup. Really impressive...lol.
Miss nigeria looks so young &fresh,like she's just starting life...cute..dis last pix miss zimbabwe luks very natural..fine buh reminds me of mama africa...hehehehe
Can I have Miss Tanzania's number?damn!
Whoeva said d beaultiful ones are not yet born!....some are ugly thou!....
Abeg our nigerian gal is among d top 3 wen it comes 2 d african nations..haven't seen up 2 3 oda contestants who com close 2 her jo..even isabella stands a great chance among dem..hian..na wa o..e b like say dem rig dia own too..NEKS
Ethiopia is by far the best!!
miss equatorial guinea is the hottest.......
miss equatorial guinea is the hottest to me, naija also try small!!!
Wooow!!Linda 4 ova 3 yrs i've bin folowin ur blog but havent droped a coment.jst culdnt help it 2day.without a doubt daughters of Africans re supa gorgeous.. We sure av a contigent 4 includin d reps 4rm Angola,Cote D'ivoire,Equatorial Guinea n Ethiopia.They al av strong personalities in dese pics. D face of d Guinea rep is alredy tattooed on my brain. I've alwyz had a crush on Ethiopian chiks but u hardly find 1 wif rily chubby hipz (dont get me wrong,i lik dier skin tone n strikin faces). Gudluk 2 d Nigerian rep cus she has a lot of self-provin 2 do. Na my 1st tym oo so Linda abeg post ma coment 2 avoid Gra Gra.. SOUTH SIDE DUDE.
Miss naija represent wella.I wish her goodluck via bb SusanPorsche
Linda, it's bin hours since u put up new posts, I av refreshed ova a thousand tyms waitn 4 comments...n still nt even 1 av u posted! Y EVILS! Ppl kip complaining bt u dnt still put up posts n wait 4 donkey yrs jst 2 upload comments...it's rilly rilly annoyn! I used 2 love u b4 now I jst lyk n very soon stop visiting dis ya blog! That aside Miss Kenya, Miss Lesotho,Miss Liberia n Miss Uganda tho...#lipssealed#
All beautiful!
Excelling as a parent- http://princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/07/21/excelling-as-a-parent/
Chai awa naija babe is so cute sha, am encouragd . May God see her through .
south africa or angola will win. nigeria nd ethiopia nd sum mre r really slacking
Ewooooo,so na so we no take pass 4 half finals tlkless of quarter final of all d models wey dey naija na dis legbere na she 1 represent us well sha we tnk God say 1 person go commot be she *miss liberia* choi
Evn dis miss uganda
Na so so white women dey represent South Africa everytime, what about the black women?
not being bias but miss nigeria is the prettiest...*sigh* i wish them all the best sha
I love my Nigerian queen..They all look pretty tho...no 8tin!!!
My top 5 are Miss Tanzania,Nigeria,SA,Ethiopia and Cote D'Ivoire .
Ms Angola looks well fit!! Ms Botswana should invest in hair extensions.
My top 5 are Miss Tanzania,Nigeria,SA,Ethiopia and Cote D'Ivoire .
Abeg wetn de happn to miss liberia,uganda,south sudan,kenya? Wit dia darlyn yaki weavon. N whch colour of foundation miss reunion use?
so there is a country in Africa called Reunion..!! Pls excuse my blonde moment!!!.... But seriously Miss Uganda whaaaaaaaaat she/he looks like n excape zoo "light Skinned Monkey....
Errrr the African Representative tho.... E for Effort only 6 countries shld ve represented Africa. #jstsaying.
South sudan, Angola, Nigeria and Gabon all the way
Uganda wowo sha o. she resemble Angela Ukpoma when she won Miss Nigeria. Dewowo
Miss Kenya...but why
Miss Cote D'Ivoire has me dreaming in french #nice
Africa has beautiful girls!
Miss Cote D'Ivoire and Miss Nigeria are stunners!!! Damiete DEFINATELY stands a good chance! All d best sweety
Miss kenya too.
ONOME says........
My fave is miss Angola.
Miss angola AND
Miss Nigeria works for me. Miss Nigeria has a very innocent look n pretty too
so make we give u award for banging her na abi? achievement. yeye de worry u.
They all look alike, too much make up and weave. Would be nice to see a lady who truly represents what Africa stands for.
Thankyou!! I hope she has her hair up in the contest
You just dey store up, ticket for hell fire. Stop dey lie abeg.
Africa has beautiful girls...excerpt in nigeria
lA REUNION is an island in the north east of Africa. A former french colony just like Mauricius and Madagascar.
Elenu Razor! U lie..dis babe try abeg
Dis Kenya girl and Uganda girl nd some oda girls r sooOo... lips sealed. God help us. I laugh in chinese chi chu wong
Miss angola is pweedie, i love equitorial Guinea too.
As for liberia and Uganda +lipsealed+
Ohhh...and dt added a feather to ur cap?....mtcheeeew
Hope dats included in ur Resume... Ur greatest achievement I guess *bb Sarcasm smiley*
Sharrap u dog. U banged her and she banged u. U both banged urselves so what's the big deal? I guess banging her is ur biggest achievement.
Somebody explain Miss Liberia to me pls
She is representing French Reunion island located on the Indian Ocean to the east of the African continent. Remember, google is your friend ;-D.
Looks lik its not only nigeria that had a "bad pageant day" this year. I've always thought our rep deserved to win the mbgn crown,with d pics of d african ladies,she could @ least be in the top 5! Goodluck girl
Miss Ethiopia for Miss World!...Miss Cote D'ivoire first runner-up. Miss Angola 2nd runner-up, Miss Gabon 3rd runner-up. Miss South Africa 4th runner-up.....Miss South Sudan for Face of Africa 2012! lol.
Miss Kenya needs help. What is the purplish thing on her cheek? I am praying it is not blush. What happened to her hair? A dire case of overprocessing? Never seen hair that badly damaged. Love Damiete and Ms South Sudan. Not to be stereotypical but Ms South Sudan is a true Nubian and that hair do is taking away from her facial structure. It is hanging separate from the person wearing it.
Mr Fly dick that banged Ms Equatorial Guinea - I hope you did not leave her with permanent nightmares of the encounter. The type you figure out 10 years after the main show. Bragging about your nasty juvy shortlived random and rampant escapades on line. Please disappear from this page.
Here is my take on contestants to watch:
Miss Belgium - Exotic innocent look but since she is a beautician, the brain may not deliver.
Miss Colyumbia - top notch beauty
Ethiopia - Eye catching as well
Jamaica - eye catching but needs to buy an overdose of confidence
Damiete - get a wardrobe that vamps you up without costing you that innocence. You have the potential to charm to death
Waltes - HAUTE BODY - all female, natural looking fake tan, exotic look.
Now for the rest.....
South Sudan - I am not expecting you to make it through the first cut. However, I just needed to hote that your head looks bulbous with that fake hair. Tear out the hair for the competition and go au naturel.
Trinidad and Tobago - this is seriously horror movie material. Wetin do your eyes? Summary description - prostitute in a adark alley hotel cum drag queen in a house of misery.
Miss Lesotho gives me nightmares ooo! Our gal rocks o jareee!
@Baddest Guy, get a life! Telling us how u banged one of queens is such low life gist. grow up fool.
Our representative is not fine jor, I wonder the type of cretaria they use for judgement these days. Mtchewww!
Isabella is not bad compare to wat am seeing.....appreciate wat u ve got......let support our own gur ANONYMOUS 10:52am
Miss Ethiopia, I think takes the lead here! and the last in the list is Mis Uganda. lmao.
miss liberia look like sidolin our hoouse geh
Errm so is dt supd 2 be an achievement??
@Baddest Guy: So your claim to fame is having fornicated with the beauty queen and dwelling on it-how low of U!!! If she had any idea you were sure a scumbag, am sure she wld have thot beta than to ever lay her lips on U.
Lmao @ Miss Tanzania looks like a serial killer. I totally agree....she must have murdered other contestants in her country to emerge winner. Miss Nigeria is prreeeetttttyyyyyy. All these "wanna be " models in Nigeria should take a look at Miss Zimbabwe and Miss Nigeria....
As for the guy giving us heavy gist about banging one of them, you can like to keep that Nasty gist to your hopeless self. Linda pls post my comment ooooh, before Amadioha visits u.lmao
Miss Nigeria all the way. She is more prettier than all the ladies here. I wish her goodluck
I like Miss Cote d..., Miss Equatorial Guinea, Miss South Africa and Miss Nigeria.
Miss Ethopia i won marry u. Omo u too fine.
Cote D'Ivoire, Angola, and Nigeria have the most beautiful reps! Soooo glad Isabella is serving
I give it to the Ivorian or Sechyeles. But which one is Ms Reunion
Assuming its the truth. I bet if she so much as smiled out you, you'd have had a wet dream. Stupid Plonker
Is it me or does Miss Botswana look like Late Michael Jackson (God bless his soul)...
Yeah...and you are probably an old looking washed out has-been..
FYI:The forms for MBGN is just #5000,You would do yourself a favour by purchasing it next time.
@BaddestGuy really, which is obviously a bloody fucking lie. u dnt just claim such on social networks. whose actually supposed to believe that btw even if u did are we supposed to take of our pants and bras n wave it in the air. boohoo kmft......
Lovely looking ladies. My Special Ladies are; Miss Nigeria, Miss Angola, Miss South Africa and Miss Cote D'Ivoire. One of them will win. Watch Outttttttttttttttt.
www.promonigeria.blogspot.com dats my home.
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