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One of the treatment rooms at Laserderm |
Laserderm boasts of high quality cutting-edge beauty technologies, techniques and treatments that include Laser Hair (removal of unsightly and facial hair), Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (treatments of ingrown hair as a result of shaving), Skin Rejuvenation (solving skin problems from acne, acne scarring, psoriasis, pigmented skin lesions and patches), Lines and Wrinkle Treatment (an age reversal treatment), Hyperhidrosis (treatment of excessive sweating, typically under armpits areas), Removal of Leg & Facial Veins and Onychomycosis (treatment of fungal nail infection).
Laserderm is located in a private area in Ikeja
Laserderm is an expert in Laser hair removal
Most women are obsessed with hair removal and have tried everything from shaving, waxing, sugaring, tweezing, epilators and finally laser hair removal. However, since the excellent inception of laser hair removal is, problems relating to hair removal have now become a thing of the past. Laser removes hair effectively and virtually painless.
We live in a world where glossy magazines and adverts frequently airbrush out any hint of facial fluff, while high-definition television and films mean that any woman in the public eye is threaded or waxed to baby-bottom smoothness before stepping in front of the camera.
So it’s no wonder techniques that promise permanent hair removal have become popular over the past few years, with laser hair removal, in particular, lauded by experts for its quick and efficient results.
Laser hair removal was made commercially available in the late 90s and became increasingly widespread in parts of America, United Kingdom and the Europe, however this is the first time we are coming across “Laserderm” a clinic in Lagos that offers safe, tried and tested laser hair removal treatments just as those you will find anywhere else in the world. There’s no longer any need to spend so much money travelling abroad to get the same level and class of beauty treatments right here in Nigeria.
No need to journey out of the country to get the same quality of treatments you will get from the UK, US or anywhere in Europe. In a recent tour of Laserderm – Dr Awudu, an expert medical practitioner and his team of Doctors gave some expert tips on laser hair removal treatments.
1. Find a clinic/spa where a doctor or nurse does the laser hair removal
Visit “Laserderm” laser and skin clinics located in Ikeja, Lagos- a new and innovative aesthetic practice run by fully qualified Medical practitioners with affiliations to practices in the United Kingdom. Before any treatment is carried out, a thorough assessment of your individual skin needs is carried out and a special treatment program is recommended to help you get that glowing and beautiful skin you have always desired. Specialized professionals trained internationally deliver safe, proven and effective non-surgical skin care treatments right.
2. Avoid Laser Hair Removal If Pregnant
As a pregnant woman, your hormones are constantly changing. The hair is controlled by hormones, as your hormones change so will the hair. It is best to avoid any laser procedure when pregnant, better to seek the advise of a medical practitioner.
3. Lasering Does Not Give Permanent Hair Removal Overnight
I have seen one too many advertisements claiming that they can permanently remove your hair. Note that laser is a series of treatment that will bring about the best results in hair removal. Do not be fooled by products or technologies that offer instant results.
4. Laser Hair Removal Does Have To Be Painful
Talk to your doctor about pain killers before the procedure also a good clinic or spa should recommend numbing creams that help with the pain though a side effect of numbing creams is that it does not allow you to feel the heat of the laser, thus might make it easier for you to burn without you feeling it at the time of the procedure.
5. Do Not Be Afraid To Speak Up
You know your body better than anyone else. If it feels too hot it means it is. You should feel a warm sensation but the laser should never feel hot. If it’s uncomfortable make sure you speak up and let your laser practitioner know they need to turn it down.
For more information on Laser and other skin treatments, visit Laserderm Clinics:
Address: 33 Akin Osiyemi Street off Allen Avenue, Ikeja (turning after Mr Biggs opposite Sterling Bank coming from the Opebi axis. Clinic is a white building at the end of Akin Osiyemi Street on the right hand-side), Lagos, Nigeria.
Tel: +234 (0) 1-8999778; +234-812-677-7778; +234-805-277-7778
Facebook: laserdermclinics
Twitter: @laserdermltd
Website: laserdermclinicsng.com
As for me, my budget doesn't go into this. There are cheaper ways for me :-)
Make sense. I'm interesteD in lines n wrinkle trtmt & also hyperhidrosis trtmt. LinDa plss let's know if we afford it plsssooo
sounds very interesting
Just started acne treatment with them. A but pricey but shall see how it goes. The doctor seemed well informed tho.
Na washy. Shaving stick and clipper dey no time for all these wayo tech
Now sisters what u were looking for in SOKOTO is now in ur SHOKOTO. Its time to make everything fake,time to restore wasted years, time to be old and be feeling funky. We call it d return to innocence.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.
can they remove strech marks? if not then am not intrested.
In the pictures, I see a mans face in the before, and a woman's face in the after. Whats up with that?
Besides, laser hair removal treatments are now available over the counter na.. Braun, Evoderma, Lumi all make these portable IPFs and they do the same thing as d clinics.. *justsaying
Nice concept tho
sounds very expensive..
laser is not good for anyone and should be avoided.......... Arent enough people dying from cancer already, how many more do we want to have cancer all in the name of beauty treatment
Is so easy to promote these products and promote the beauty but 10 years down the line , the side effect ancd health implication is simply not worth it . Please do not downplay the long term effect of laser treatment. THANK YOU
hummmmm Good luck to their business venture but my two cent is that Laser hair removal should be avoided. Laser is directly related to Cancer . Biko .
There is a high cases of our parents agemates dying of cancer , why add to the number . Nigerian healthcare is so useless and cannot properly maintain cancer patients. Please anything Laser
so true so true...No where in this write up did they state the side effect of Laser . Easy to promote the benefit without the longterm negative side effect
All na wash
work as a doctor in the UK,Laser hair treatment and other aesthetic procedures have been on going for years.There are no known links linking laser hair treatment with cancer.
Damn i dont nid dos
Please my sister has this serious skin issue, i really dont know of any good derma btw shes 17, the acne or rashes seem to be spreadn to her back with black spots.
i'll stick to hair removal cream ese.
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Def considering laser hair removal..need to hear a few success stories first though..:)
Please visit my blog>>> www.shelovesthefinerthings.blogspot.com
@Doctor in the UK.....I disagree with you oo. Just because there is no established link between Laser removal and cancer , does not mean there isnt. Laser hair removal is a relatively new procedure, so there is no long term data to know if it will cause cancer down the road..... ****I work in clinical trials in the America.
Based on the principle involved in the process , it most likely to be linked with CANCER down the road... A word is enough for the wise. Tobacoo industry denied for many years of the link between tobaco and cancer .
Boob Job, Nose job, Butt job, now skin job.
Fucking vanity
When the clients die, will their skin remain the same and not decay?
Why pay unnecessary much for something that won't impact the people around you?
Human selfishness is inbred and it is even metarmorphosising outta range these days!
What kind of laser is used?
If it is not the yag laser (Only laser that seems to be effective on black skin) please be careful on the area you select for treatment....
Linda pls let me know if dey av cure for Stretchmarks. Tnx
Linda pls when you get a place that can get rid or operate on stretch mark, dat I will be interested in. Hair is no problem @ all, nigerians don't ave a problem with it, but stretch mark!
Has laser treatment been shown to yield good results for African skin?? After all, if your skin is prone to keloids, then you are probably not a good candidate for laser dermabrasion o
Nice! Linda wats d price range like?me likey
medical grade laser use has been proven to be safe and effective.
Good question Toni, I also want to get rid of after birth stretch marks.
LOOOL @ shaving stick & clipper
Yeah @ Toni same question here can they remove strecth marks? I don't mind spending my last card there if they can.
Can one have hair implantation done at d clinic? Otherwise...... *yawns*
My wife actually visited this place and was full of praises. She says she got the same level of treatment, service and experience she normally gets in Europe (for her skin condition)in this place. Phew.. I think its time to be proud of made in Naija...
The phone numbers there are your friends hun.
Na wah oh, babes be warn. Natural beauty is the ultimate,do think of the later effect cos they will not haddle it perfectly. No bi money matter again
If I can find treatment to get rid of stretch marks or reduce them, I will be more than happy regardless of the price.
Any good suggestions on how to reduce stretch marks? Any effective lotion?
Looks and sounds good! Hoping it will be a great success.
Find "Him" before you find "him"- http://princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/07/24/find-him-before-you-find-him/
Shaving sticks and clippers are not the answer for some of us out there o... I use tweezers EVERY day to pull hairs from my beard and mustache. Den even when I wax it grows back too fast so I still hav to pull them out again. I am tired!!! Let the hair just go. I mean, am i competing with d guys? How much can it be anywyas?
doctor doctor, reply us here. can laser remove these ugly stretchmarks? I read somehhere that laser can do that... confirm pls
called the clinic and they clearly told me that the lasers are specifically designed for black skin. Think it's worth checking out then. At least I know i wanna come out monotone lol
i also heard that some hair removal creams have cancer causing agents. Problem is you have to use these creams forever. At least I know if I do laser then it shld be once and for all rigt
hyperhidrosis or hyper-odour-sis...hahaha, i know some people who could use that to stop their armpits sweating. Maybe you should put a flyer near the deoderant counter.
Come on now, we can clearly see that it is the same face before and after, look at the birthmirk or whatever is it, it's in both pictures. I guess the pic shows the hair removal results but need to find out just how permanent the permanent removal is! Don't resist change, give progress a chance.
Peace and Love
Their website has further information
I think you post their price range or better still a comprehensive price list cos I won't like to walk into the clinic with 5k in my pocket and then start eying the exit when I hear the actual price
By pricey U mean how much precisely? I have given up on my face,nothing seems to work. Pls help a sister out.
What price tag should I put on confidence? In this Lagos stress is enough already without me adding the issue of my chest and face. I must've spent thousands on Brazilian weaves not to talk about shoes so if I don't put my best face forward what's the point? I even think that if I do the maths it may be better for me to do the hair removal permanently and save all the money I keep using to buy shaving creams, sticks and wax strips, personally i won't be put off by a little expense to lose my hair complex, i'd rather be pound-wise than penny-foolish about this
I'm sure microdermabrasion can really help fade the dark spots all over my face, chest and back but I hope laserderm can give me products or something that will help me maintain when I finish the treatment sha
Pls A̶̲̥̅♏ worry of ma stretch marks ¢αη u get rid of it.
How much is d laser treatment?
Has anyone been to this laserderm yet? If yes what's the outcome pls? Cos I'm considering visiting them soon
I swear you are telling my story. Constant epilation and shaving has destroyed my skin. Did you get the procedure done? If yes, how do it go? I'm considering going to laserderm for laser hair removal. Is there any reason I shouldn't?
Find more information about Acne Scar Treatment Delhi at Guide to Treating laser mole removal gurgaon by Dr.DM Mahajan.
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