The interview between Chika and Stella was in Encomium mag last week. Too weird...read below..:-)
Chika I've been having some strange feelings inside meLol. Good question! Chika's reply when you continue...
Stella: How?
Chika: Waking up late, sleeping early. My waist is at times hurting me and I keep spitting and almost vomiting. As I am talking with you now, I am running a temperature, and the worst is my legs are heavy as if its swollen. I am not just myself as I always have fainting spells and I don't know what to do.
Stella: What you are describing is like pregnancy symptoms but you are a man so how can you be pregnant?
Chika: I don't know o my sister. I am afraid I don't want that because I have had it once and it was taken out and now again, after a year and some months, it's back again.
Stella: You were pregnant before?
Chika: Yes. Please pray for me. Before such has happened but not the same feeling like now. Then I was three weeks pregnant.
Stella: How is it possible? You have a womb?
Chika: The doctors say I have a womb but tiny, that it is not going to happen again. I have a womb but how can I give birth when I have only a penis?
Stella: So how did the doctor abort your last pregnancy?
Chika: The doctor cut my tummy open from under my navel down the last time. Let me rest now please, you are making me panic. I don't want anything to happen to me, I don't want to die.
End of interview! lol
Like I said, Chika is either messing with Stella or they are both just looking for ways to keep him in the news!
Pregnant indeed!
Wow..different strange things happening!
hian! issorai! ds wan pass me. this chika is definitely a butterfly who thinks himself a bird.
Just passing by!
Need 2 chek dia heads! How did d sperm get 2 d so cald womb? Or is he hmfrdyt? Some job 4 d doctors I tnk
Hmmmm nkan mbe!
LMAO....Foolishness. LOL
Bth Stella and the boy are mental and they have time. *abeg wey my agbalumo*
Lmsao!!! This dude is delusional!
Definately Sick
lwkmd.... will keep tabs on this one.. tiny womb ko.. so the sperm migrated from his ass to his 'tiny womb' abi?
issorai.. we are here
This one don pass nollywood story, Hollywood where are u ooooo....there's a million dollar script here waiting to be enacted. #Lights, camera, action# pregnant indeed, bros Yaba left is waiting for u, mcshewwww
he shud go nd sleep jor...........he z just looking 4 ways 2 stay in d news................*nonsense upon ingredient*...............next pls!
Lmao ds is madness...guess chika is mad...he bcame gay cs he wnts to hv per europian paspost e dey craze...even d stella wey dey interview am no well...linda whr u dey get ur info...i hail cs u dey try...
Chika's symptoms are those u find in some1 who has advanced chronic worm infection. It's hydraheaded tapeworms. Like dragons!lol!!! He needs a powerful worm expellant. Una see two mad people wey jump Yaba fence yesterday, yet u pay dem attn. Na wa o
Lord have mercy, the end has finally arrived.
kai*smh*!They have tampered with his brain frm d village lol
End time is really near... Dis igbo fall has fallen our hands...I wish he was hausa...it fits dem
Hmm dis is weird at d same tym funny
Hahahaha....Chai, wetin person no go read, see, hear for this life? Chika Nwafor, pregnant indeed...#wishfullthinking
â„“☺â„“,mayb es an amaphrodite.. Wetin we no go c dis days sef.. Anyfin es posibu Oº° .. Thr are lots of tins dat is apunin now dat stil has no xplaination..
Ode Oshi...Pregnant ko pregnant ni except u r an hermaphrodite.You need prayers.Wonders shall never end
hahahahahahhaha lol made my sunday!!!! i am a queen and i have sperms!!!!
Stella must have a lot of time on her hands to keep interviewing this guy...every interview is more bizarre than the last one. Is it medically possible for a guy to have a tiny womb? Doctors please help us out with this one.
The interviewer must have some incredible time in her hands to listen to such bullshits...
Hahahahahahahaha this made my day !!!
Congrats to the first Nigerian pregnant man !!! Lol !!!
Hahahahahah,this is so funny.I tink d chika guy is havin some fever or lemme call it a joke..via SusanPeters BBPorsche
Wish u twin delivery chika...LOL;)
Na person wey dey pregnant go born nah abi wch one be our own...who cares? Nxt gist.
dis dude is insane
I no fit laff nor talk sum big trash talk. Today na Sunday.
Madness of the first order! Who are they tryna kid? Cock n bull story
this dude is insane
Two nonsense unfortunate ladies
Lol crazyyyyyyyy
Sheer Stupidity!!! @Chika pls go get ur head examined! @Stella quit talkin 2 Chika! And @Lynn,pls stay away from Stella's "non-making sense" gists.
Linda,dis guy is definitely sick!I mean all he or shld I say she wants is cheap publicity,in short he don mara!
He must be out of his mind. What rubbish issshhh.
i will never believe any story again coming from this gay & stella.its so obvious they are just taking us for a ride..mtchewwwww
na wa o! a boy pregnant? wonders shall neva end
I can bet that this Igbo boy is using this stuffto make money from all those oyibo gay foundations. Carry go sha but.....
If ur mother usef a condom that day, all this nonsense wouldn't have happened. Ur just a waste, expirted material.
Lool I am that gullible that I believe he is/was pregnant ! Buahahahaha I guess that makes 3fools
This guy shld be taken to the rehab cos dats where he belongs and if possible he shld die there..
Looolz stupid people pregnant koo preginsect ni. Linda pls pass d mic joor
Hahahahahha! The funniest part of this interview was the way he said he needs to go and rest. Truly a maniac LOL...Nigerians are too funny!
lol...dumb ass...they are just messing around. your ass hole(which is what gay guys use to have sex) has no connections what so ever to your reproductive system. not in guys, not in girls. so dude...you can never ever be pregnant and no doctor could have taken out any thing from your tummy except it was a tumour...lol
Na wa o
Signs of the end time
Omo iwo's num 1 fan
What a crazy guy!! probably he has caught some disease...
Kolo kolo kolomental
na waooooo
Well he could be a hermophrodite & has both sexual organs thus a womb.
Seriously this guy don koloo oh. Laughing at "I don't knw my sister and let me rest now u're makin to panic" yeye boy.
See case oh, as fine boy come dey waste in vain while babes dey look for bf and hobby up and down. I dey vex now mtschee
Ati chika, ati stella...awon mejeji tin MAD!!
Via a stolen blackerry bold5...niyinugar
Is he mental??
hiaaaaan dis jist get asi be. Truly linda ur tots re same as myn. dis chika is a clown. I wish his pregnant wid triplets 'tongue out'
Scientifically he might b right. Is possible to hv a womb bt wwithout a virgina. No wonder he is gay. He is half half
Were. Adofuro! Na through ur backyard d belle take enta abi? E be like say dem Neva comot d padlock wey dem take lock ur brain. Na ur mama I pity. Tufiakwa. #sprinkles a bottle of hantu over self
Linda eeee. I read the stori. The guy don kolo. Abegiii .e no get belle. E no fit.
He's pregnant with the anti-christ.
It's medically impossible for for a man to be pregnant!
A gay pregnant? Nt posible.Dis guy is confused.he shd b arrested nd sent 2 panti.tired of readin his story.SlimIzzySay'So.
Let the comments roll in. Hahahahaha
Wonders shall never end. A gay man who is so proud to even be talking gibberish...o ga o!
Nd d media is paying him so much attention
see how people are fooling themselves....i pity u guy.
lmaoo is he mad ni
but he said he has a tiny womb na...ow tiny is it? like kolanut? *laughing n rollin on d floor*
Pregnant indeed bunch. Of jokers
The Buncum for go do sex change surgery 1st then we'll know where his problems lie. Whether or not he's messing with our senses, he deserves to be ____________(fill in the gap)
LMAOFF......This Chika guy is just looking for attention. How can a man get pregnant? IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!!! He even said the doctors told him he has a ''tiny'' womb. Lmaoff womb ko sack ni. He should better stop deceiving himself cuz i don't know anybody who will fall for this. THIS IS THE JOKE OF 2012. I can't stop laughing. nomodunbi
just passing.............. www.lowprice247sms.com
woah, absolutely ridiculous. some people should listen to themselves really. but i was well entertained and had quite a laugh just reading the interview. i could picture the gay dude channeling his inner diva self too...
i can't stop laughing.he make a fool of himself.
Ok oooo cough................
wonders shall never end!
Pregnant my black ass! Can he/both of them just SHUT UP!!!!!
Enough of this story please! Its becoming disgusting.
Linda na today you know say encomium dey give false gist?
Dnt beliv dis. Its madnes
maybe na so devil his master, want to punish him, because that guy is a shameless human being, that sold himself to Satan, very cheap, na die him wan use like that die as him does not want to repent and leave like a man, he is not like a woman, Dog better pass him, because dog knows his duty, even cat too
LINDA, This is my first time asking as someone who cares for the progress of your blog... DESIST FROM FEEDING US ANYTHING ABOUT THIS MORON.... seriously, its better we have no news dan opening d page to see dis dude...I want to refrain from saying more about him but please, writing about him is furthering his course in stupidity..n u will share in d blame if u continue...He not a necessary component of what this blog needs to succeed ...for your good n for d good of your readers.... Let dis human being fade into oblivion where he belongs abeg... please...thank u.
Why are you always disturbing us with the=is guy that obviously has issues including a great need for attention,
This guy is a joker, lwkmd.
How did he get 'pregnant'? Did his Husband's sperm fertilize his own sperm through his ass into his so called 'womb'?
Haha...sharaap there! I think he's just seeking attention!! It could also be hints that his ass-hole is getting tired of been banged repeatedly or they could be HIV symptoms.
He needs to seek medical help before it turns to full blown AIDS. IJS.
Lmaooooo!!!!ds is jst sad!really sad!!!
LMFAO!!!! This nigga is a joker!!!! =))
This guy is indeed crazy or he is lukin 4 cheap publicity or maybe d gay tin has really affected his tots dat he nw tinks of himself as a woman.
dis guy shud pls get out of d news headlines,where does he tink he is,hisssssssssssssssssSS,RUBBISH
Laugh wan tear my belle. The guy is so pathetic.
OMG! this guy just cracked me up..... I couldn't help but laugh.. lol
maybe na so devil his master, want to punish him, because that guy is a shameless human being, that sold himself to Satan, very cheap, na die him wan use like that die as him does not want to repent and leave like a man, he is not like a woman, Dog better pass him, because dog knows his duty, even cat too
Nobi only punishment. Dt guy don dey mental oooo!
Oshi ati ranu.fat hisssssssss.
Nonsense n ingredient
Is he nt ashame of himself. Infant he is a disgrace 2 himself & men in general!!!!!!! Pls tell him 2 repent & give his lyf 2 God!!!!
Mrs abi na Mr Chika needs to have his head examined. He is obviously going nuts.
I swear this boy na mad man..... lmaooooooooooo.......... i am beginning to like him hahahah he has got a huge sense of humor...wayray
He needs to a H.I.V test not a pregnancy test!
This local bitch should just shut his gay ass mouth up already, so disgusting and cheap. Ode!
lma0...this is more hilarious than papa ajasco!Even the interviewer get time to dey interview that guy
Demented fool!
I think Chika's people should be contacted at this time because the handshake is grudually going beyond the elbow. They need to chace a black goat before it is dark. Chika needs to come home and visit Yaba left.
This man is in need of a psych doctor. Preggo ko preggo ni. Yeye dey smell. He is a disgrace to naija and I pity his family that has to keep reading this all the time.
LMAO! #gbese... this one is crazy o!
of course he is pregnant...pregnant with stupidity. why wont u have waist pain when ur doing love tins with a gay sombori, abegi! b
YES, you are surely pregnant just like your father was pregnant of you....duffus.via BBB6
Hahahahaaaaaa!!!! LMFAO!!! Orishirishi lama ri laiye yi oooooo hahahahaaaa oshikoshi!
Reading this post alone is sickling...I'd better get prepared for work tomorrow or better still get a good sleep. Mstcheeeeeeew
i think he has some mental issues. stella doesn't seem like the type who has the time to orchestrate such nonsense.
is the womb connected to his ASS or his mouth?
mr chika, u just gat anal-niated
Linda if Maximus talk say witch dey worry u ppl go begin vex. Y have u refuse to post comment. Infact I won't visit ur blog again., nonsense
oho ara n'apu ya!!!
They are both crazy.
hahahahahahhaha linda abeg make you know make me break my teeth with laughter ohhhh which one come be this nah chei the things humans do to demselves ehhhh
Make fire burn all their yansh.
i don die......with rolling laugh. Wonders shall never end. So tiny ko, so tiny ni......still laughing.....
Rolling laughter..... so tiny ko, so tiny ni...... this guy no ko kill person....still laughing
Linda, †Ñ’ξ guy is a olori omo ale somebody, mtshewwwww...abeg next gist pls
Whaaaat da heck is this??? I don't know if I should laugh or if I should cry from such stupidity!!!!
Psychosis of the highest order
I strongly believe that the Chika guy needs some psychological check up. 'Ve read some of his interviews & stronlgy believe he needs a psyciatrist cos he isn't sane!!!
Abi are they stunts to remain in the news??? Total scrap
Chika ur a BIG FOOL,pls stop disturbing us...mtchewww
Really, this dude sucks.jeez how I dislike him. Mtcheeeeeew.
Hw can a man av a womb nd be pregnant..my God, dis world is rilly comin to an end
Ashiere ni bobo yii men.... Bloody fagot.. Disgusting, *spits,* *hits head on the wall*, * drinks petrol*
I wish I could laugh at that,it's more annoying than funny, I mean, is he for real?,abeg make dis guy go rest jare. Talk abt being super stupid.......mstchewww, una sure say dem no dey follow dis guy frm village.
Nasty German Immigrant says...over here in DEutschland we call this guy a missgeburt dummo Sau...just what wont people do for this paper?...says Nasty German Immigrant
HahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahAhahahahahha lmaooooo!!!!b unblivAble scenes !!! Choi!!! Zina GH
why is this guyirl still moving around freely,he should have been arrested and jailed for 14 yrs.ah ah, charly boy/denrele craze no reach dis one o.tufiakwa,o kwa mmadu muru nwa nkenu biko kwanu!! O bulu ogwu!!! A ju m ajo ihe..... Agahu!!
=))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº=)). Very funny, I think they are just acting Nigerian Film for us. Its a joke jor.
Yuck!!!! LOOOL.
Ni**a pray fr urslf! Am not going to waste the few minutes i use to ask favor frm my good Lord n include u in those few words!gosh! Heshe sounds like a spoilt kid! Heshe gotta act his age!kmt!
He has AIDS...Olodo original!!!
These can also be signs of Aids. has Chika checked his status lately??
This Chika guy is stark raving MAD!!!
OMG! This young man is seriously disturbed. Lawd have Mercy!!
HE JUST A PSHYCO!!!!!!!!!!!
Haven't stella heard of the pregnant man. As a matter of fact. Two men have been pregnant, one was a transgender and the other a full fledged man who had his baby removed via C-session. talking abt perversion
He should check his HIV status joor, pregnant my arse. na beans?
People that engage in terrible things are always afraid to die, but unfortunately they end up dying. you can't eat your cake and have it. Rubbish!!!
d guy needs serious mental assistance...... he has lost it completely
he should have a rethink on how to be popular
Awon ode
LWKM... Dey are both messing with each oda's mind
No be only womb,na fallopian tubes,nonsense,lol.
Lool,lwkmd, stupid wierdos,guess chika is suffering from brain problem. Its d stupid ass sex dats making him sick.gud for him.Monique
Sick sick sick...................
This is pure nonsense. Spare me jo, no other story than dis rubish? Abeg.
Epic foolishness!
well he could be a hemaphrodite. that is having sexual organs of both male and female. which makes his dual role of playing woman when he is a man understandable.(Its not his fault, he has mixed hormones running in his viens). However what i wonder is how the sperm got into his body if he has only a penis. LOL
of course he's messing with stella...kmt
Both of dem dey craze.....lol
Abeg Linda, next gist please, diz ones are just seeking for media attention. i don think the guy is saying any truth, he is a man and a confirmed gay or is he a hermaphrodite(genderless)?
Abeg! i dont think this is possible or is it an hermarfrodite cos is like they are seeking for MEDIA intervention ............stupid boy mtcheeeew from AK
linda i think u shud leave dis pple alone na i don tire oo...u seem so interested in his stupid case u wan marry am ni?
He must be out of his mind, abi na hermaphrodite?, anyway he just likes the media attention "rolling my eyes"
We re! kolo! wa wa!orwen wen,oruwe! pregnancy ko, preganancy ni.Bloody pervert.
***chews kola***
Oyeah? A womb, but without a vagina can you xplain how sperm got into his ?womb, is it through d rectum or thru his mouth......let him show us the scar plus reference to the Dr that did ToP for him. Illitrate like him, didn't even think to check what he wanted to lie about. Mek hin tell d Germans wey no understand English well, well, but for 9ja, na USAI!!!!!
one word sick
hahahahahahahahahahhaha this 2 Mofos are just seeking attention
Biko-nu this little boy no get papa and mama dem no dey read dis rubbish way dis mumu dey yarn tufiakwa. the ige of this boy village suppose banish im entire family and generation go yonder.
In hiswildest dreams..pregnant ko, get belle ni..mmmmsssccchhheeewww..Next pls!
Pls what is nkan mbe and lobatan?
his mad and don't know what his saying...
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA... idiotic sayings...mschewwwww . pass the mic jor..smh
Both stella and ds Guy,,Una no serious......No be only Pregnant,,U don BORN
Nkan baby-things re happenin, Lobatan-the end
Nkan Mbe means strange but true. Lobatan means its finish
He should go for HIV/AIDS test
Thanx guys, really appreciate the response.
Chika, u will die by the grace of God, u will never survive dis Insha Allah nd u shall be rosted in hell.
Dis Chika ehn, Ur mumu no get part 2, Ibu ike, serious nyash, U get belle? Odika ur brain was lost along with ur manhood, dem tell u say u get womb, u sef believe? Hian, biko.... dis guy dey desperate to become celebrity, who be dat Stella sef wey no get work, only 2 dey interview highly deranged yeye fowl like dis mumu-squared Chika ehn? Abeg Linda, find better story make u post 4 us jor, mtcheeeew.
Moving on.
Omo Naija toh badt gan has spoken via BB Tosh 25.
@Linda If u think this one is strange, U should read the article on him, he has finally divorced the Schwartz guy oh.... the story long...
Check it here: http://www.nollywoodgossip.net/2011/08/03/chika-nwafor-schwartz-the-gay-nigerian-divorces-german-husband/
My eyes don big finish.
Lol... I really have no words for Chika yeah... Clearly, he know's nothing about this world... Perhaps he's an Alien... All these special agencies should pick him up and do a series of tests kia kia oh before he corrupts us here... A PREGNANT MAN??? Such repulsive thought... Hian!!! Lekwa nu anya o... Chineke biko bia zoputara anyi o... ROTF... Blaady Idiat! V.R.M.E at Chika...
I concur! Dis guy wnt kill me ooo, choi! Preggy man, O di egwu really. Plz oo, does dis Chika ve family?
Now, i believe this Chika is mad or he probably escaped from the mental home. Does he know the meaning of the word pregnant or he means ssomething else. Were oshi.
Oga ju...... Haba only in Nigeria will I hear that a man had the the gastrointestinal tract kind of reproduction, stomach bug turn pregnancy... Lwkmd.... And if you really had an operation then it was appendectomy( just incase you have the scar to show)
We are a small group of people who want to help as many women (and men) as we can in their pregnancy quest and experience. Of course, the most important is the community and the support that people in the same position can give to each other.
pregnancy symptoms
Aru ooooo, tufiakwa. Anyways chika i dont blame u without be told ur eyes look like someone that is mentally ill, ndo nwanne madu may God forgive u....
=)) `°•.¸¸.•â„“☺â„“ `°•.¸¸.•=)) ochi atogbula mu oooo.
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