I looked at the photo, looked at it, looked at it oooooo and I didn't see anything, so I asked them what was strange about it and they said what you see written in the sand is an Arabic word meaning Allah is Great. All our Muslim brothers and sisters, is that really what's written there? Another photo when you continue...

Looooooooooooooooll! Linda has killed me! Joke of the year!
No comment
Yep, dats it.
it means Allah in arabic.
Onwero kwa ife mmadu na-ama afu n'uwa nke a biko nu. Obuzi kwa ndi alakuba ka ana aya....
Yeah that is really written their.Allahuakbar and i don't want anybody coming ere and start writing it was done by somebody if you do not believe then don't write anything.
Na craze dey worry them
Lol! I'm Muslim and I can't see nothing!
Let them continue deciving themselfs with foolish visualization of sand and rain.ignorant moroons
Na wa ooooo
Na hungry dey catch dem...jobless shomolu
Allahu akbar!
Human beings...
Muslims are sha looking for evry way to by force people into islam.what word? Its a heap of sand so rain can do that.jus part of of the heap washed dwn by d water from d rain causing it to break. No b baby with koran again? What next?
Pple ( nigerians )will neva stop amazing me with d way dy turn evrytin upside down. Biko, Ejo, is this not d natural tin that will happen wen strong flow of water washes over a heap of sand? If u doubt me, gather sand and try it urself. Mscheeww.
Book haram s taking their quest to take over Nigeria too far First baby born with Quran ...now ths
This is exactly what is in d picture. ALLAH (الَّله) *Silver Shadow*
i looked at the pictures, i looked again without my glasses *sigh*... nothing ooo. :X
i looked, and gazed with my pc bent and nothing... even with the glasses on, still nothing *sigh*
Na wa for naija people oh...anything they will turn into story. I did a Google translation and God is great is written thus: الله أكبر
How does that relate with what is in the sand? PSCHEW!!!!!!!!
Allahu Akbar!!! Allah is Indeed Great!!!
,it means Allah Is one
Mayb some1 wrote it dere joor.
All this 'miraculous' happenings concerning Islam in Nigeria sha. Am sure our muslim brothers are very happy.
Abeg shit jare!
Yes, that is the same way 'Allah' is written in arabic. One of the ayahs of the existence of only one God!
That is the name of God in Arabic
the lord is wonderful
i no see anytin oooo.. Linda yu funny o..#looked at it oooooo#
God is great and I don't have to wait to see it written in a pile of sand to confirm. I already know. Oh by the way, cant see jack in the sand.
Mayb sum1 wrote it?.....of cos sum1 did naw......dis is mur dan superstory,its nw ThisLife
It looks like Allah in Arabic (not Allah is great) but the spelling is wrong. The 'A' is joined to the first 'L' which it should not. It can as well be read as "aw" in English. This is just a coincidence. People should stop being silly and face their bricklaying job.
PS: I'm a Muslim and I know the Arabic language well. But i believe Nigerians are mostly hypocrites. If we really are as godly as we pretend to be, Nigeria would have become the best country in the world.
Pls, I no get energy to laugh.
Mtcheeeeewwww. . .this no be big deal nah! Anyone could just do that thing. Abeg pass the mic joooo. . .ar they trying to ilsamatize us?(if there is a wrd lyk that) The God that i knw n serve can do greater n more miraculous things than this.
In arabic, it simply spells ALLAH الله.
*stifles an out-burst* I'll send u more picture of heaps of sand with similar inscriptions. Unto d next one joor!
dude! ask for a guide for what u do not know and Linda too got a wrong translation too.what is actually written on that heap of sand is Allah in arabic,so look carefully............wc was ur first frm left as u googled it.
No therez more to what i can see !! They didn't see everything !! Linda look for a magnifying lens and place it close to the screen ! It reads : "Moron things !! U pple are incredibly dumb!! " mtscheewww
Linda much as i love u, i would not ignore dis ur unneccessary sarcasm. Becareful how you mess with things that have 2 do wit God or religion. You can have d whole word on ur blog, but really do u think dats all dat matters in life? Think my dear. Ur emphasizing on how u "looked oooooo" and didnt see anything, do u know anytin about arabic or wot cld that av connoted 2 u anyway??? If u like pluck out ur eyes from d socket, u wldnt know wot it is. Like i said earlier, wen it comes 2 God and religion dont try 2 be sarcastic, but neutral.i love u, i love lib but i love Allah SWT more. Yomi
@yomi my love, i was trying to be funny not sarcastic. some of u take things too seriously.
Hahahahahahahaha... Let them continue to deceive themself.
Looolest @ Onwero kwa ife mmadu na-ama afu n'uwa nke a biko nu. Obuzi kwa ndi alakuba ka ana aya....
Stop threatening people in the name of God. If there is any "war" to fight, let God fight it himself. All those veiled threats you issued at Linda above are unnecessary. Stop promoting hatred. This is the beginning of fanaticism and terrorism. Una tire me abeg. Chai!
I only see W.....what's with these people and their fakeism na? Make allah reveal himself for sky not ontop sand. Abeg make we hear word joor. I just showed d pic to my muslim friend, but without d story.....he didn't see any allah there.
Next thing now they will build a mosque on the sand...ldkmf! Nigerians sha...
Allah is The Greatest. NO ISLAM NO PARADISE. Its unfortunate the owner of this blog is a Xtian but its never 2 late 4 her 2b a Muslimah.I still remember her scepticism about d baby born with Holy Quran now she has started in her usual way when it comes to Islam. Hmmm!!!
Funny people,i wonder how our muslim bothers and sister from the south behave this days,last month was baby with holy koran and 2day again The hand writen on the sand.Na wa oooooooo
Abeg no piss for pant where yu dey vex!
Na joke oo......
This one go school. Thank u o jare. Na naija church and mosque plenty pass. Yet na here dem thief pass....others dey experience natural disasters, we dey experience man made disasters...yeye country.
@yomi I don't even know way to say to u....if u don't like d post don't comment.
I don't know Linda Ikeji personally, but @ Anonymous 9.23pm, hear me and hear me well, LINDA IKEJI WILL NEVER BE A MUSLIM!
I reject that for her in Jesus name.
Biko, keep ur Muslim things to urself....
Wonder how u pple associate urselfs with a Religion of Violence and bloodshed...killing innocent pple all in the name of 72virgins.
Please Yomi go nd hug dat heap of sand, we DON'T need pricks as u dat take things too personal. Schweeeeeeeew
The pattern on the sand looks like Allah in arabic and this should not be seen as a miracle as such cos there are more and bigger signs and wonders of Allah's existence amongst us if only we can see.
Then u are a blind and stupid Muslim. Open ur eyes and see ode oschi.
Na u be d moroon......... Don't use dt ur big mouth sin.....
U r so ignorant,u know nothg about islam.watch wot u say!
Omo I dont see it too. But every1 shld hold on to their beliefs
Una don start again abi?u dnt hav to plant al dis rediculous evidences to prove ur religion,ist it was d baby/koran jist nw dis,d whole thng is rather making US doubt even more
@ Anonymous 9:46pm. If you know nothing about Islam then keep your mouth shut. It is not a religion of bloodshed and violence. I have nothing to say for the people behind those killings but if they are actually fighting for Islam would they kill fellow muslims? This is not rocket science, just common sense. If you believe Jesus Christ is your lord and saviour, good for you but please don't even try to define a religion you know absolutely nothing about.
This is actually my first comment on here,I dont seems to find anything strange on here,it is clearly written by someone,there shouldnt be any argument about that
Choiiiii evilzzzz
LMAO @ anon 9:46
Is this ur blog? I think ppl can write whatever they wanna. Whatchu gonna do? Tell ur BH brothers?
Some say it means Allah is Great,others it just Allah n for other it Allah is one.which one e be?? All these inconsistencies just goes to show something...... As for that yomi, Linda has a mind of her own. Coz she runs a blog does not mean she cant av an opinion. She doesnt see it coz she doesnt.
I am a christian and I believe in only one God and I donot judge other people's religion. God will judge us by our believe. The God, I know wrote on stones. When I was young, I use to look at d sky after rain and the clouds form shapes and I say to my folks, ha!! Look!! Tht one is a man kissing a woman and tht one is an angel....n so on. My dad will say, its perception. So let's stop all this bickering.. Mind your religion n don't try to shove it down my thraot, I just might puke on you.
Keep on dreaming alhaji
That guy na Boko Haram nau. Mtschew!
i guess next time i see angel micheal in the cloud axing one ugly two horned demon... i will send the pix to you guys for posting...
Lol.true dt..ignoramuses
The other time a boy was born with Quran in his hand.....and now another wonder of the earth. " Chineke, na-aka gi ka umu gi gbabara!"
LMAO at hug the Heap of sand!! Lololololol!!! :D #evuls!
Only in Nja this would be a shrine..
Let's get it on Ebay!!!!
Lwkmd lmfaooooooo
Y'all got it wrong!!! I can see it clearly Linda, it means "joblessness"!!!!!
-Olu, Chicago
and then what?
At times when I see post like this, I hate coming bk to LIB, especially with the silly comments, if you don't know somehing isn't better to keep shut or simply ask? I'm sure in Christianity there's something called blasphemy as well, and ignorance is not an excuse, rather than commit sin insulting other people's belief and God, y not simply look the other way and move on with your life? Wait till judgement day to know the truth in mean time, don't add blasphemy to your other sins. Muslimah.
@anon0946 mtscheeeeeeew
@0948 thank you
Yea...I haff laf tire
Haba,if da broda said he didn't c anything let him bee,na buy force 2 see?
Plssssssssss gimme a brk... Some 1 cud av easily written that on d sand nao....
Linda is not tryin 2b funny or sacarstic, she's just givin us latest news of wots happening! Wots wrong wid dat! Duuuh
Dias ds joy and happiness yu get wn yu hear his name!
He is truely a God of peace!
I love you Lord!!!
To you calling another blind and stupid muslim. If you really know arabic.... Write Allah then write Sahu and compare the two with the pattern on the heap of sand. May Allah forgive our shortcomings!
All those ppl that use every means to attack Islam are suffering from what I call Islamophobia. While I listen to comparative lectures, I find it abit hard to preach to non-muslims except they are ones that initiate it cos the holy Qur'an says "to you be your religion and to me my religion."(Q109 vs 6) i f you know you are on the right path, u need not enforce ur belief or disturb ppl with preachings. Do unto others what you want for yourself. Channel all your energy into self development. Even some pry & sec sch students knw that BoKO HARAM is political, but some myopic ppl will attribute their action with Islam....
Well it is obvious someone wrote that there and its perfected by the rainfall.As you can see in the second picture the volume of sand around the heap those not amount to what would have been wash from there if it were to be true.Nigerians!!! we can make news outta anything
Do not get angry at people who judge islam and say its a violent religion. You can't entirely blame them. Terrorism and violence is always associated with islamic extremists. Please take your anger elsewhere. People judge based on what they see. They don't have to go and study islam deeply to conclude that its a violent religion. Its what they see. Everyday. Everywhere.
Hahahahahaha. Yeah. Muslimah. Hahahahahaha.
Really, is it your blog? Thank God is not o. Talmbout " I don't want anybody coming here and writing bla bla" You better go home and boss your dogs around. Scraps.
Hahahahahaha. Yeah. Muslimah. Hahahahahaha.
I ♡♥ Lib, ds comments r hilarious. Muslims go kari dey fight anyhw, mk ona cool dwn o.
ur d blind bat cuz ol i c is sand
After they will say its one god ???? Oga muslima I'm a confused child oo which one is the way jesus? Allah? Well on d bright side I practice my own religion through meditation and being a vegetarian and abstaining from alcohol and sex ... But I'm still not sure about who gives u life in heaven??
Biko juba zia fa nu?
what is written on the sand is Allah in Arabic
that is also a Ayat meaning : sign evidence of existence of only one God. therfore surrender becouse the promise of ur lord is true do not allow the live of this world lead u astry
it just means "Allah"
Let' just say...this ain't going to be the 9th wonder of the world..9ja always looking for a physical manifestation of their beliefs..e.g miracles..any wonder those religious leaders take them for a ride...next post a beg!!...
Ifesowapo says....
If islam is not a religion of violence,then why these senseless killings in the name of jihad.violence is not a way to preach or convert. Ow many times will u see xtians committing genocides in the name of jesus? Tolerance is d watchword
Nor will you woship that which I worship, so to you be your way and to me mine. People should stick to their believe which is their right that has been enjoined on them. There is no need for people to be downgrading other religion just bcos you wanted to voice your opinion, in as much you wont like someone to call all Nigerians Hoodlums, 419ers,Scammers etc which is also applicable to every aspect of life. There is 2 side of a coin in every Races, Religion, Countries and so on.
Practice urs make i practice mine.
Gba fun muri ni gba fun gbada ooooo.
Proudly Muslim!!!
Seems like you don't want to post my comment, well I'll write it again and again until you do. I used to love LIB, but more and more recently I have a reason to stop coming back. If you don't know something the best you can do for yourself is to keep shut or ask as opposed to insulting other pple's belief or God, I'm sure blasphemy is also a sin in Christianity, and in Islam ignorance isn't an excuse don't know about Christianity, y not move on to another post as oppose to commenting and insulting other pple's belief, u don't have to believe in it, there's is no compulsion in religion. Do no add blasphemy to your other sins. Wait till judgement day to know the truth. Muslimah
Why will God of all things to write in the sand, just write 'God'. The arabic text only says 'Allah' not even 'Allah is great'. I dont think God did that, no offence
Muslims abeg stop threatenin ppl, when u guys insult or say nasty stuff about Christianity in those ur Islam programs nd stuff, no one complains. I dont see how a person will feel that he is the only one who has a right to say and do stuff. Your just an ignorant little person for sayin all that bullshit.
When ur brothers blow up churches and people who are serving their God peacefully, i dont see you complaining or talking. But you know how to open your dirty mouth when ppl are comenting on a pic. What sense of priority youv got. Mumu.
The rain just eroded the sand. We too dey like miracle, every lil thing ppl go read meaning into it.
I don't understand people saying they can't see it. Are you a Muslim? Can you read arabic? If someone said what is written there is hebrew for Jehovah would u still abuse them? Someone said its just rain, of course we all know that. Hence the word miracle associated with it. I am a Christian but have heard even worse ridiculous signs from christians especially Catholics . I'm sure there are Catholics here abusing them, is it worse than ur Mary sightings which others can't see? I looked at Yomi's post & don't see any threat so I guess namesake has nothin' to fear. Good thing she apologized too. Me, i'm gonna print d picture & look for a Muslim who has never seen or heard of it(my gateman) and just ask him if he can see any arabic word in it. Only thing i do wish is that if God wanted to send a message, it would have been around d north & specifically to Boko Haram telling them Enough blood has been shed.
How does this differ from "mene mene, tekel urphasin"?
This sign means Allah and it has been seen before in many parts of the world including the moon. Its very obvious Islam is way out. However the world is filled with evil generations, so it will be hard for people to believe this kind of sign. some years back, a reknown pastor in Germany planted some flowers in his house and the flowers grew up a sign meaning Allahu Akbar(God is One). Please if anyone is in doubt about this strange signs. Pls, google islamic strange signs. i'm sure you will convert to islam before you finish reading. ALLAHU AKBAR.
Linda might not post this, but why does it seem like on every blog you go, on every Nigerian site you visit : Igbos seem to be the most vile, most bigoted and most tribal group of beings on the planet. . . I mean, check out most of the most derogatory comments on this topic and the native language that followed. Not surprising when you recall that they had no reason than tribalism to foist GEJ on the rest of the nation---- I_Spiks_Da_Troof
please support me
is dis a joke
similar incidence occurred some time ago in NAF Base Ikeja. A family saw the reflection of light on their toilet window and mistake it for the image of mary and 2 angels. People from far and wind gathered and turned the toilet into an alter. A week later, some other set of poeple saw what looked like arabic words in a gutter in the same NAF Base. Its all the same fake stories.
@Anonymous June 1, 2012 7:53 PM..nwanem ike guru m o...ka anyi ne nene n
Let it rain again. I'm sure the sand will spell "FOOLS" this time.
Like for real? Water always makes streaks on heaps of sand.
I can't see Allahu Akbar but I definitely see Allah...man made or mystery no one knows. So i think people should just quit using their fingers to type judgement on the issue!
Plus I see people with comments here about religion of bloodshed,killing,72 virgins etc and I just want to say stop propagating stuff that are mere hear-says they make you seem really stupid(no offence) because you say stuff you have no proof of!!Do you judge a whole family by the behavior of 1 son??
p.s before someone comes here and writes crap to me,please know I am not Muslim in the sense of the religion but I believe in one GOD.
Abeg,if u av noting 2 say just keep silent.whats arabic abut dat pic?nnsssschew.
I am Muslim...yes that inscription is Allah in Arabic....however it does take rocket science to see that the rains did not do that, someone inscribed the word on the sand! Perhaps the rain erupted and did not fall. We all talk so much religion yet there is so much war...I don't know Christianity or Islam to advocate anything other than love and peace. #search ur selves.....GOD IS WATCHING YOU
please gullible nigerians ....stop looking for supernatural signs face your failing country.......
someone should quickly freeze that sand, pack it up and place in a mosque so that all who want to believe can come and view it....
This is a joke right... I cannot see anything in the sand and if there was I'm sure Allah would go to greater lengths to make it crystal clear to all that he used his finger to personally write it...
Not convinced and have looked at it for quite a bit...
If that is wat dey r seeing den good for dem
Linda all i have to say is for u not to get involved with anything that has to do with religion whalla because i could see some rude comments already.We all serve just one God and only God knows is people and everyone has the right to believe in what ever they think is right,abi for instance what if i said it means i love Suya or BBQ in my own opinion,so everybody have his or her opinion about what they see,or read.so i don't see y this should raise any dust *JL*
am a muslim and i wondered why my fellow muslims are arguing! we all know they wont belive and we aint forcing any1 cos we are not those that goes house to house trying to deceive! atleast we know the meaning and u musnt know it
Yes super story is ol u know because na only NTA ur papa fix 4 house mumu
abeg tell me about islam....cause all i see is violence and yet they say it preaches peace and tolerance... abi another koran dey wey different from the one wey i read? or are the hadiths that record the prophet's sunnah lying?
Lets wait 4 anoda rain,maybe it wil be written in full...
Religious matters Nawa sha! Y can't pole just view the pic and say whether or not they saw anything or better still keep shut! We don't have to hear the rubbish u have to say about another's religion. Unto u is urs and unto me is mine! Let God be the judge!
@Kalimat, as a Muslim u may not be going from house to house preaching ...but ur religion idea of converting others to Islam is by BOMBING and KILLING innocent pple.
I will take someone knocking on doors, telling me about Jesus than somebody bombing planes, churches, buildings etc bc they see me as an infidel. And before u say it's political, this has been ur pattern worldwide.
Pls my sisters n brothers, receive Jesus Christ as ur Lord and Savior now before it's too late...all u have to do is say, 'Lord Jesus, I believe You died for my sins n God raised You from the dead, come into my heart n be the Lord of my life.'
Simple. Romans chpt 10 vs 10 says, 'for with the heart man believes and with ur Mouth confession is made unto righteousness.
God bless u.
Ignorance is a problem. U r psychic and can tell that all d anonymous comments r from igbo peeps and they told u GEJ is igbo abi? Ignorance is no longer an excuse for stupidity o! BTW d comments in Igbo did not insult anyone.
All I know is one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. So we can like to argue from now till kingdom come. There's only one way to find out the way to eternal life, after u haff die, and by then perhaps it may be too late. Relax people let go of religion it can be intoxicating.
LOL! @ "I looked at the photo, looked at it, looked at it oooooo and I didn't see anything"....
Linda you are FUNNYYYYYY sha!! My Goshness!
JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY!.....NO MORE, NO LESS! They can try to twist and turn it all they want....we all have a limited time here on Earth....that's why babies are being burn with koran and arabic words are written on sand....it's all part of what is suppose to happen, and it should not suprise us....read Matthew 24....satan is just panicking and in a state of confusion....
This is obviously rain and sand interplay but humans will hold strongly †o their beliefs, true or fabled. Many muslims have said it doesn't look like anything, they don't even see a writing not †o talk øf̲̣̣̣̥ its meaning. Well, it's a free country and we choose our life-paths. Jesus is Lord and â„“ don't need rain in †Ñ’Ñ‘ sand or †Ñ’Ñ‘ moon shapes and position †o prove it.
Well if u ask me i'd say it sure looks like it but pple ,dont c it dt way. so if i was d one wu discovered this, i'd thank God that i witnessed a proof to his existence and move one cuz pple wu will c it Will and pple wu wouldnt see it wouldnt!
that shows 'Allah is one'
All these English is really not worth it. I'm a Christian, and it's really not nice condemning another religion ESP Islam as I've noticed most Muslims r very sensitive ESP d uneducated ones a few of them r wise tho. That sand ting was written by somebody shikena no need for plenty grama
Islam is real take it or leave it.bt be sure of wot u say coz Allah known d reasons 4 creating those religion so don't judge coz d last day is near,i pray 2 be a muslim forever.Islam forever,insha Allah.
This is not the first and surely wnt be the last...hmm wonderz can never end.U GUYS AV 4GOTTEN D BABY WHOSE HANDS WERE BOUND 2GETHER LIKE HE'S PRAYIN UHN???TEL ME WETIN NAIJA NO FIT DO?
Haba you guys calling yourselves christians why are you calling them names now? what did they do to you?
It can happen.
But the one I would never believe is the one about baby born with kuran. lies.
Muslims are sha looking for evry way to by force people into islam.what word? Its a heap of sand so rain can do that.jus part of of the heap washed dwn by d water from d rain causing it to break. No b baby with koran again? What next? abeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg
Okay...I'm not a Muslim buh i know that they have a God "Allah" that they love and adore...Christians do too...i have worked with Muslims and i can boldly say that ISLAM is NOT a bad Religion. I love my Muslim friends....and ofcourse i Love CHRISTIANITY!
pls have respect for religion. no body is forcing anyone to accept. just respect n keep ur mouth shouts. respecting others belief is the only way to peace. do not criticize.
like they want to just by force involve everyone in their religion that has done more harm than good,imagine if they had been the one experiencing several bombing in their mosque we for no hear word.....NO word just what u see anytime there is down poor.Let them go and have a change of heart so that the world can be a better place for all.thanks
u dont want to publish my comment abi?no wahala. stay blessed
Echo Anon 8:42
It looks like Allah in Arabic (not Allah is great) but the spelling is wrong. The 'A' is joined to the first 'L' which it should not. It can as well be read as "aw" in English. This is just a coincidence. People should stop being silly and face their bricklaying job.
PS: I'm a Muslim and I know the Arabic language well. But i believe Nigerians are mostly hypocrites. If we really are as godly as we pretend to be, Nigeria would have become the best country in the world.
Well said my brother!!!!
Dumb dumb dumb.
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