Doris Simeon's estranged husband is currently in the US with designers and manufacturers to put final touches to the product, which will comprise T-shirts, Jeans, Face Caps, Sunglasses, Sneakers etc
Delta Pikin will be officially launched in Nigeria in a few months.
Daniel.....I can see you Hv Moved on......chaiiii.....Men ooo.......
Dats so gud for him...buh he is cute șђǺ, ,nice albs aπϑ body to set gan...*winks
Doris see ur life ooooo, u better go beg ur man back ooo cos him levels don change oooo, gbo gbo biz boyz !
First of,uld suffer priracy,secondly if you are to sell,uv restricted yourself to just one target market,I'm not tribalistic,but I don't see a yoruba or hausa man wearing delta pikin..except you are in it for fun.jay
y dis yoruba boi dey use delta atate form swag, leav delta 4 we deltans, delta nor dey cari last
And stella is aggressively promoting him too! Could d husband-snatching stories be true? Hmmm......
Huh? Say what?! Rubbish! Go sort out your personal life first, then we can talk about a 'possible' clothing line. Until then *kmt*
Wouldn't it be better to have those same Americans enter into partnership with you in naija. Establish the clothing factory in Delta or Warri or someplace else and create employment?
They can supply the expertise and finances and you supply land and labor, plus naija sense and develop local skills.
I know - electricity, government regulations, insecurity etc - When will we start with our own?
Let's see what role Stella Damasus has in all this..after all she's from the Delta Region!!
Good for him. Don't like the name though.
he is not a yoruba boy ooo.he is from delta guys.get ur facts right!!!
Is Stella Damasus a business partner? #justasking
@anon 9:17, get ur factz ryt b4 openin ur big mouth. Daniel is a full blooded warri boi. Yes hez 4rm Delta State.
Wow this whole time I thot homeboy was a yoroba boy. Where is Doris from anyways
Cloth wey be say na them dey wear at last in shaggy's voice lol
FACE CAP....it's called Baseball Cap
FAZ CAP is the white cap worn by muslims..Nothing like FACE CAP.
What is "yoroba" ? Na wa peeps no even fit spell anymore! God help Nigerians and their schools.
Doris is from the Yoruba speaking part of Edo state. They just happen to be able to speak Yoruba fluently and entered the Yoruba film industry. Just like Mercy Aigbe. They are not yOrubas.
9jadeltapikin... People daniel na confirm delta boy @daniel ademinokan y U̶̲̥̅̊ go steal ma brand name I will sent police Τ̅☺ arrest U̶̲̥̅̊ life n direct.
Linda, I wouldn't wear any of his clothing even if I saw dem on u. I hav a problem with him leaving that his extremely beautiful wife, and secondly, I've never considered him a fashionista. He should just stick 2 his directing jor
one word nonsense
this guy is a hunk o...mrs doris you beta run back home oooo...many gals plotting to hav him oo
I thought he's yoruba looking at his last name. The clothing line sounds like second hand clothing. He needs to change the name.
Doris is Edo but speaks Yoruba. Edo people are actually from the Yoruba tribe, that's reason their cultures are so similar.
Someone goes and arranges white T-Shirt from China, engraves 'DP' '100% South South' and calls it a Label! Its okay, God is watching you!!!
Daniel hope u still play the bass guitar. You were always a wonder on that instrument.
Linda abeg no make me laugh.see as the inscriptions on d t- shirt resemble election campaign t-shirt.na wa for dis designer o. Why cant he use more elegant font. Lepa shandy.
I am Nneka,
Nice one!But we hear of so many clothing lines and don't actually see the cloths to buy. so,who buys these cloths?not aliens I hope?
And for the mumu above, we are 100% 9ja,and we don't do baseball. Its called face cap over hia.
Same way we do football not soccer....ignoramus
Haters ...... Hissssssssss
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