To those who have been asking for my before before photo, here it is! The photo on the left is me back in 1997 a few weeks after I finished secondary school and the right photo is me last week.
Who would you rather? lol
Meanwhile, I do not put up people's before and after photos so others can mock them or whatever it is some of you think. It's just to show people what they used to look like and how much they have transformed over the years. Nothing sinister about it. You can not be ashamed of where you are coming from...because that's how you got to where you are today.
1 – 200 of 339 Newer› Newest»*it's some of you think* spell check babe.. nice photo tho
Mmmuah! I love you Linda. No surgery, no bleaching, just Linda. :D
Timeless Beauty :)
Girl go marry joor
Don't mind them, haters must surely hate, I love both pics, u look beautiful in both but sometins didn't change like ur nose, lol
You are used to Opening Your TEETH
I swear over fine de worry u,but one thing i love the most is ur captivating smile.really nice
Omg linda u didn't change much, jus dat u were darker b4 but apart from that ur face looks d same. Jus a lil change
i would rather shag d girl in 1997*bbm smilie* btw u look innocent way baq.
EJIE KURTZ says so
I will rather chose the Linda of last week, those pair of laps are sumptuous. Can't wait to have a bite
Still d same smile...
Oya its a challenge how many of u girls,ladies can put your old pic just like she did, i swear some pics will shut d server down lolzz but Linda don't u think Pin & number is missing? lol
Linda dear,u r cute
Forget people linda. Do ur job. Why y they feelin bad abt it. Is it u who told them to bleach? Oya let them free u joorr. U havnt changed much, stil pretty n all. Ur now sophisticated. Will send u my pics soon. Bfore n after lol u rock xx
I rather you in 1997, innocent Linda :)
awwwww aunty linda has always being a cutie and still is.ur before and after shows u r true to urself,u avn't changed much.still d same innocent face n smile.
lol babe u toh badt *grabs some vaseline to masturbate on last week photo*
Crase Man says...
Awww how sweet. Trust you to put the best photo of yourself when you were young. Bring the ones of your primary school days let us see so we could see how much you really changed :)
You still fine sha
I ♥ the old pics,looking so innocent,more beautiful.
I will pick the 'You' back then in '97 cos u luk so innocent then....buh nw, toh badt.
linda can i marry u
Lolz, still same look doh,buh more prettier șђǺ,
Besides picture quality, there's hardly any difference.
Linda I dey feel u wai?
U dey be keke.
Why lie? you blatantly put up Denicia one for her to be mocked. Stop lying Linda, and please stop fishing for compliments.
looool yup your right! plus you still lool preety havnt changed much
Chai. D young shall grow.d pix is a fyn oo #in funke akindeles voice
Linda,and what point are you trying to prove?don't you look lighter?curviar and thicker?don't you look different?haven't your facial features changed?everyone changes. Everyone does so don't make it seem like you haven't,looking at that picture you look 6+ shades lighter don't you? Oya if you like don't post my comment
Hmmmmmm bck in 1997 linda be black n white but now colour don enter....lwkmd....
I wonder how many years it took you to find a half decent picture from your so called before before. For your mind you are so sexy and hot. I laugh in Igbo!
Weldone Lindo! This is what we have been waiting for. The moment of truth.
Congratulation sha, I like your transformation. The message is... God is good, all the time.
Choi! Linda u jst kill Dencia finish wif dis pix wey u post.see as ur colour stil be d same.finegal no pimple.
hmmm, .... Linda na fine babe o .... the trip about this Linda babe is that she is so honest & upfront about herself ... one cant but like her .... so to all the haters she has posted a very old pic of herself
I think you were finer in 1997 than now.cs then you were chubby& you had dis baby face but nw you are nw dis model like slim& d baby face has disappeared.anyways I like you all d same.
Hi Linda, you´re so soft hearted and too down to eart for your line of work. I really was shocked yesterday to see people calling you names for posting Dencia´s pic. of past and present. goes to show peoples mentality- to say low is an understatement. Whoever is ashamed of his/her past is shallow, empty, vain and full of inferiority complex. You are black beautiful woman Linda and a proof that black women need not bleach or touch their skin to be beautiful.
You must have obviously looked for the best photo of your before and as a matter of fact you were a lot finer in your before picture but you ain't bad now tho,
Linda u never have looked bad..thumbs up**
right from your teenage,you are too much in beauty,intellect,style,etc.congrats to an African queen-YOU.
Am mighty proud of u lindodo dnt mind those stupid 2 dt commented on d dencia photo which am So sure is dencia masking as anon and rita! Jobless lot! U go girl!
Linda you have been seriously slacking with approving comments. A lot of people come here for the comments. Don't use your hands to scatter what God has blessed you with. If you need an assistant, please hire one. I'm sure you can afford it at this point in your life.
Friendly advice.
Praise the Lord sombady! Aunti Linda has just been transformed to Optimus Linda. *balls out singing,'I can transform a good girl to a freak*
Am proud of you gal! U were even more beautiful then than now....thumbs up!
Linda, you are one of the few people I like but please loose the hair style it is getting old, that's the only image I have of you in my large brain.... Try something new don't always play it safe....btw love the 90z pic
Thank God 4 civilisation
Omo-iwo's num 1 fan
Lol Linda, u still go back to dis ur centre parting? U take style subborn ooo. Via BB Bold 9 ( Aba version).
Linda dnt mind dem haters!!! Why u ashamed of ya past! If noffin else ur past makes u stronger!!! Love ya linda:) chino
Linda I love u, pls lets hook up for dinner.
Linda , your own transformation no too different ! You stll be mgbeke small ! And this your smile self (bb lip seal)
Awww...Linda, your before before fine oo, but u have definitely evolved.You are beautiful.
I jst love u.u've got a beautiful heart n abt d pix,not much transformation babes,ure still pretty,slim,tall n dark
Nice pix but do u have a thing against good makeup? Just asking sha. Try adding a little bit of colour to ya face. U make sense finally.
Abi o Linda, tell them now.
That remind me of Agbani Darego that was interview that Dele Momodu, after she read what was printed about her, she was so furious that they mention she lived in surburb area.
Who cares if you drink garri and epa to survive? The matter is you did not kill someone for that garri.
Ignorance is a disease
Nice before, ofcourse nicer now. The essense of living is to keep getting better as they years goes bye! *amrra*
Linda you look like ekaete, for the first pic but you still fine sha
you always been a fine girl now. keep up the good work mo n gbadun e.
Wow! The diff is clear. Big ups to "grown" Linda! *wide grin*
Mmmmhhh..like 7up..the Diff is...
u didnt change much,my colour!!!
Nice one linda,e clear say u b fine chic,u stil make sense 1997 den whn sabi yarb tell dem make dem bring their
Wow, Linda, as pretty as ever, just that you change with time. Who no like am, make him go boil stone.
Nice one linde,see as u make sense as @ 1997 dem whn sabi yarb tell dem make dem bring their pix of 2000 if we go fit look am.
Wow Linda, you didn't age a bit! You try sha! If is a white woman with pictures from the same year, you will think her after picture is her grandmother!
u have always been ugly,ugly before ugly now sekina
Thank you jare, black and beautiful then and still black and beautiful unlike Denicia that has bleached her life away!
You were so innocently pretty in 1997...I like!!!
Yumy yumy, the right pix.But Why do you, always like hidding one of your legs', in almost every pic u take??, i want to marry you ooo!!! but i still dey 400L, hop say u no go mind??...GALAXY!
you are so on point Miss ikeji, see how more beautiful you have transformed, i think this one(2012 pix) can now replace the one on your twitter page. ;)
Babe u look Gorgeous.
Walahi if I knw say u go fine like this ooo ... I for don chase u enuf back then
Well i wouldnt mind sending my own pix tooo .. Its been a long way from where we are coming from and we are now ....
GOD Bless and crown our hustle
Linda is dat hair I see on ur hands n legs in d 2012 pic? Mba nu sister. Come fresher than dat
Awwww.... You look so cute hun, bless!
u was always a cutie!!
Dats so true linda, don't mind dose bad belle pple dey re jst beefin
You have not changed a bit Linda,, most especially ur smile.
Nice! Of course posting before and after pictures of others shouldn't mean you are mocking them or trying to
Pretty nd still vry much prettier..
This ur frozen in time smile no even start today it was before before, hahahaha. U no wan make dey yab u Abi u don hear am today today.
I will rather go for your Old school than ur new school. 'cos that young gurl was yound and innocent buh the one on my right.....husssh. Linda now is enigmatic, ambitious and prom queen buh that's not what I've got in mind. Fill in the blank spaces. Love u dear!
Lmao Lynda Lynda Iya dudu*wink* bt criously my b4 b4 pics re wowo.
ur face did not change..only cream has helped u get brughter
U've transformed but d underlying beauty is noticable...
wow! Linda you have added some flesh! Way to go lady..yu also look cute before before..muah!
Lovely. Don't mind those people reading meanings into the before and after photos. Melike it joor.
Lollll u were a confirmed mgbeke then#joke#
and who is the guy in the 1997 pix?
Linda u get time to answer these people sha. U do not and I repeat u do not have to explain yourself to anybody pls. This is what u do for a living, if want to start explaining you go tire. Once u've made up ur mind abt a post just do it and move on jor. It comes with the territory and if u can't take d heat, Oya leave d kitchen o!
Buh linda u we're dark bfor hw come ur fair now? #effectsoftura
Linda you just a nutty girl, easy for you to say when you have been fine since you were a small "shild" compared to some of us that blossomed into God's beauty :)!!! But I feel you though, never be ashamed of were you are coming from, it is the foundation of were you are today!
So ur like 31yrs old.. Won't I calculate!**wink**
Isi aki!
Hmmmm linda that your curtain, almost all homes had it in ibadan then. Ure looking good girl
whao,the same type of smile .i would rather choose you now cos you re classic n fab.Go Girl you rock*wink*
Ur face did nt change so much Linda. N pls 4get bout dose h8rs! If u dnt av h8rz den u'r doin sumthn wrong! If dey did nt lyk amebo, dey will nt b on ur blog in d 1st place...luv u mucho linda xx
in your before before look, you look INNOCENT(even though you were not), NATURAL, BEAUTIFUL and what have you. But in your now look, you look WOW, SOPHISTICATED, GORGEOUS, GBOOGBO BIGS GIRLISH etc.
Notice you've added extra flesh. What is the secret? Prego?
Did you miss me? I'm gone never to surface again.
Hi Linda,
You sure are a cutie... I really can't choose between the young and innocent Linda and the Mature business savvy chic.
This guy loves you dearie, mwah.
someone who saw you 1997 last wont believe your the same now, innocent 1997 girl, black beauty .. but 2012 gossip monster n controversial press to be . get me right to be not yet (i see linda ending up in tv) just my prediction n you better not think about it nw. grow you fan base first. loud keyboard gossip star.
No much difference, just d human hair!!
Linda let's hook up na.
Hey!!! Obiangeli! Bt u turned out pretty in d end sha. No yawa.
The smile still remained the same. Indeed you've come a long way.
Who would I rather? Of course the 2012 version.
Linda... Linda.. Still lookin gorgeous n innocent wit an additional classiness. I say so via bold6 wit ipad10
nice pics, you didnt have to go explaining...loool...
Aww how cute... Ur were prety and still are...
You look older in 1997 and younger in 2012....b4 i forget,am d first 2 post.
Tank God for transformation, LMAO
I'm d 1st to comment again yipee!!!! Nd linda u didn't change much buh I prefer d 2012 pic ,u look nice ^_^
Oh my gosh...did u gain weight in the after photo? You look nice. Pls. Keep the extra flesh. They skinnny skinny after 30yrs old doesn't suit most women.
Same smile! Face didn't change! O well...
I think ur very cute
Damn i'll take the the older you anyday anytime you are one fly, beautiful, hawt looking Mami.
hahahahhahahah! u no just change at alllllllllllllll........
Linda u hav always been pretty,u really look innocent in dat pic i guess u were still a virgin.
D Lord's doing...
omo to shan!
You've always been a beauty Linda. This your before before pics just highlighted that. Α̲̅πϑ you were spot on abt you putting before before photos of others. We all have our humble beginings
NYC-1 says: Linda your beauty is striking, your smile, mesmerizing; but, you did not cross that leg well enough. You are the queen of hearts.
As long as you remain a public figure, you have to get use to criticism. I know you are smart; unlike some people wey go take police go arrest somebody bcos them voice their opinion; why them no go arrest Buhari for his own comment. Linda, I hope say them no go touch you o; for know, them still they say nay only one person dey post all the comments for blog, time go reach dem go start to take blog seriouly and by then them fit start to look for you. Just be careful - WISHING YOU THE BEST.
U no kuku fine, before or after..so no wahala.
Wow...U kinda look like me...the slimmer me sha...lol
Nice...ur before before pix is even fine...some of us looked hideous...:-D
You are so right and ever slimfeet. Good genes!
Linda Linda!!! U evolved well o! I would like to see ur pics again by 2050.
Linda est jolie.Thanks for inspiring a new generation of bloggers.UNILAG for life.
Lafº°˚=)) =)) ˚°º≈pourº°˚ ˚=)) =)) °º≈moet forº°˚ ˚ºmy expensive Tommy Hilfiger Boxers°˚ ˚°º~=)) =))
waz ur recent pic taken at raddison blu????????????
hey linda you just beautiful.
97 no too far na,show u like 90 or 89 pics
you too sweet ooo linda now and before before,luv it
Linda I love u!! Infact u deserve a kiss. Thanks for showin the light 2 doz who feel insecure about themselves. U can be annoyin with sum of ur post sha but I still luv u anyway!
Linda before before is more beautiful cos she looks so innocent.lol
hmmmmmmmmm nid to hav u in bed tonite.........lols
Anita where re U? Come nd c linda . She no peel her skinoo. Abii u c wen she put tonto dike b4 n after, y is dencia's own paining U. Abeg go and start ur own blog nd leav lindas blog alone..
Ah! 1997 still black and white?...nothin sha but just askin (via Motorola T191. Near NEPA Transformer)
those nincompoops bashing Dencia yestday,dis is ur darling Linda.4rm black 2 white hahahaha
Linda you de bleech? Why you kon yellow now. See your fresh lap for the second photo
U look good in both...n u really ddnt change.for their diff time periods they make sense.
I love both pics. What i like most about you is your frankness and realistic nature. No fronting, just being a real person without the charade that permeates the world of stardom and fame.
You have the Same smile in the two pix
lols... U always rock...
True talk babes. We shouldn't b ashamed of our past. U dint change o. Oma.
i thnk u were finer before..
Wow...U kinda look like me...a slimmer version tho...lol (for ma mind)
Ur before before pix even looks fine...some of us looked hideous...Nice...
Ur closer to where ur going to than where ur coming from... All d best!
u r prettier in 1997 nd innocent.
Linda u look pregnant in d second pic!!
Bikkie jean
Linda abeg, I love you! Tell these people to leave you alone. If someone wants to over do their bleaching.. let them over do it and they will be mocked regardless. And your NOW pic is hot oh ;)
GO LINDA, GOOO!!!... men these people should allow you
so Linda follow 4 d bleaching club??! Dencia iznt alone after all **long hiss**
You have had a boob job
Linda, u look so pretty in both pics, esp the 2nd one :). But u kinda need 2 wax ur legs :P. But I love u soooo much, ur truley an inspiration. Maleeka Zayn.
Nice one jare, u still have dat face, smile only that levels don change now lol......
You look good in both. I think everyone has transformed one way or the another especially skin. Everyone's complexion is brighter. Look Jlo, Shakira, Halle Berry, Beyonce, Angelina Jolie, they all look better now than before.
The Dencia one is one great transformation. It's not like she's light brown, she's literally pale looking. Not a good transformation.
lind, u are beautiful. will u marry me? am serious......
Linda abeg leave mata... You know why you posted that "before and after" pic of dencia and others. Obviously cos of backlash that you have decided to post your own, after you don select the btter pics of yourself (with your fresh laps). So please stop forming madam self rigtheous. As usual, you no go post this comment so congrats. If you post am sef, e no concyn me.
Linda.....Truth be told.....You have maintained your youthfulness!!!! u soooo have not changed facially...I can see you soo much in Linda 1997....and thats a complement....
continue to take care fo youself and make sure you pass all those genes to your kids!!!!!!
You were cuter on 97
Linda this one na wayo! U put u d best pix of ur before.
Linda as a virgin in 1997, Linda as a grown up, torn chic in 2012. Fredrick Uduoba
Luv ur words, who doesn t ave a past photo
Lily baby..bia na hair be that on ur leg? In the 2012 pic? So u are among those Nigerian girls that don't shave their legs when they ear a dress or skirt? Na wa o.
Nice writeup though. that won't stop me from voicing .....*cough* actually looked like those girls that hawk in the public garage.... Black beauty you were dearie.
Sorry if you find this ....... you know
Linda....I LOVE YOU...kip being you..xoxo
Hahahaahahaha,dis is linda's way of saying mak una no yab her ohhh.lwkm
Kindly tell dat to some dim witted posters who lash others as if they were any better in their past and present...and once d 1st person makes a derogatory comment,d rest follow suit....by d way linda as @ '97 ur chest still flat?? Heheheheh shoot me!!
Linda first off, u b monki as u refuse to post my comment on dencia bebe
Anyway u rily dint hv to giv in to all d h8. Postin ur b4 n afta aint necessary at all.......
But since u did, all I can see is a past n present, d only difference is that young girl hs become a beautiful woman with her flaws jst like evryone of us still luks lyk u jst dt nw u cn give urself well...wat u want
i concure! True talk! I know i might have dressed and looked differently back in the days,but guess what?.....so did everyone else! Fashion has changed over time so i may look much more "tushed" up now than i did a years ago but i'm still me and i'm proud of ME!!!
Once d 1st comment makes a derogatory remark,d rest follow suit.SO LINDA,as @ '97 ur chest still flat?? Hehehehe shoot me!!
Linda ur even sweeter then, so pretty ur parent got a beautiful baby in u
Pretty even in 1997!
True talk! Buh wah will u do 2 some fools who delight in jux mocking pple whereas dia own before before photo na shrek photocopy.
I see you come go find ur best before picture abi, abeg with immediate effect give us one when you dey primary 1 not when you con attain puberty.
Such a beautiful smile that you have retained as the years went by. Pretty you are too. Would definitely want to get to meet you whenever I am in Naija.
@ linda, I love the before before pix...... U looked so natural.
Still as ugly as ever!
Still d same smile!
Linda you look beatiful kai SEX on legsssss HOMO HIGHLY intended hehehehe
1 word #lovely#
You were cute Linda. Fresh and innocent looking. Infact, i think i prefer d b4 b4. LOL. You are one courageous woman. You r not afraid of being yabbed.
Wow linda ur a preety !!! I actually love ur before more lool
Linda no need for the explanation for people their mouth for me I would have preferred the Innocent school girl am sticking to the current Linda High flying and polished proud of you babes ride on forget any alaroye dem dem..lol
Lili Nwa, I prefer the former bcos she looks so innocent. hehee
Your smile didn't change Linda. Beautiful babe u were n still are.
When a woman was a girl. Now that we have seen this, may I move the motion for your baby pishure?
Linda your picture is lovely esp your new look picture i love dem legs of urs. LINDA PLS MARRY ME PLZZZ. I AHVE BEEN CONSIDERING EITH YOU OR TONTO DIKEH. BUT NA U WIN NOW MARRY ME LINDA
shave ur legs linda, ur a lady
sO BEAUTIFUL. nIGERIANS Finest thats wat you are.
Great transformation! The Linda in 1997 is so innocent looking, but the Linda in 2012 don wise and kunk ... But I prefer the 2012 Linda sha... cos you are so sweet looking ...lol
Linda give me Ʊ® before before anyday n anytime. Ʊ® before before D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ make me get hard on; pure african, mγ̲̣̣̥ black coffee, no sugar no cream.
U look beautiful Linda. Do not mind them haters.
Lovely. How i wish i knew you bk then.. I could av put u in family way.. Say 12- children by now.. Lol
Well done linda, the smile is still the same you are really bless.
Marry me Linda please,I just inherited N80m a month ago.We can go anywhere you like,the cash doesn't include the house at Asokoro...Just say yes
oh cmon linda , ur cute jor , buh money good o
U do look good Linda. Still d same old you? Keep it up!
Loool. Not much change except u now wear original extensions.
Looked more beautiful then.,and darker too.
U are still ur pretty self. The potentials are there for all to see then.
Linda Itiri eti oo b4 but a bit packaged now as ochie Mack
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