There is a marijuana farm beside John Kirk Primary school, Etinam L.G.A of Akwa-Ibom state, owned and handled by a church elder. The marijuana farm is being grown on close to four plots of land and this church elder owner sells a leaf of the marijuana for about N1,500 to the public. I hear even Primary school children are also involved in the trade and consumption of products that comes out of the farm.
Question: what did God create marijuana for? Abi na Satan create am?
ONOME says........
Nigerian drama part what is is one???
Real life is certainly stranger than fiction:)Elder I hail o,lollllzz
i will never forget my first and only experience with mary j....28th Febuary 2012, i thought i was going to run mad, i cooked a spoonful of it with beans, ate and went to sleep, woke up on the living room floor banging my head on the tiles and i couldn't stop. i was feeling hot inside an air conditioned room, i felt cold in the afternoon sun and even wanted to sleep on the main road, everybody i saw looked like aki and paw.
I was given strong sedatives and i still couldn't sleep. i will never ever ever in my life go near hard drugs again lai lai. Forget the lies that your friends will tell you about how good you will feel.
Take me hear please
these Church people mehn never cease to amaze me!!!!!
He's a disgrace to christiandoom!
Anonymous said
Nawaa for this elders in the church who deceive pple in d name of God,any way he might be an elder in one of these white garment churches. may God ve mercy on the elder
Noting do the man. All na vegetable! Good for you. Vitamin A. I mix it with my indomie all the *...*. L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿
Hope his grand kids are among those buying from him...elder indeed! *hiss*
Lin its not bad u knoo!! Its actualt medicinal! However it is when it is abused that it brings about negative effects.. Imagine taking 30 tablets of paracetamol within two days !! .. Weed isn't bad at all especially when its mixed with food .. I dunno about smoking thoo
let him sell.......leave d poor elder alone to make a living although am against the consumption by ur acclaimed primary school pupils....
This is very unfortunate, a man that is suppose to be of good moral example to his community but busy destroying them. An elder and a church member....hmmm, that's heavy. May God forgive him and put him on the right path.
God bless marijuana and the smokers
That's sad. Hope the law takes it's full course. Not surprised one bit about him being a church elder though. I never judge people by their religion, or the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. He's just a treacherous repulsive crook representing all that is wrong with Christianity
God bless the smokers
Lmaooooo...MA NIGGAHZ!!! *Thumbs Up* Hahah :D :D
Na wa oh!!! Church Elder
I am Nneka,
I have heard of a place like this in Akwa ibom. Any police officer that goes near there will be murdered and buried on the farm!its a harsh place!indigenes have no choice but to support these drug lords
I hope sai d pastor and his church members no dey shark d marijuana 4 night vigil
Holy high!!! Sheeee. I'm feeling dis dude. Legalize dat ish..... God bless
You can Imagine a Pastor.Pastors,Afar,Imam and Bad Politicians are the Problems we are having in that Country Nigeria.They have Children every where codedly sleeping with Women all in the name of Prayers some of them even are Cocain barons,Gays,Bisexual etc. Please my Brothers and Sister call God,Holyspirit and Christ Jesus yourself as a Christain and read your Bible ur self.God will answer You very well.And for Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters too call on God and Mohamed he will answer you too he is not a Wicked or Partial God. He dont ask us to kill one another he says love ur Nabours as ur self.Imagine you asking such People to pray for You,call God ur self if Christian is ur Nabour and he dont have food to Eat give him food,if a muslim is ur Nabour and he dont have good Close to put on give him with all this we dont need too much Prayers I beg my People make we wake up. God loves Us all Muslims or Chritians.
Akwa ibom again!!!! Nna ehnn diz state di oku!! Lmaoooo
There was a time I smoked it, i thought my jeans were heavy.so I carried it on my shoulder and started walking.
Elder loun loun! ..smh, i comment ma reserve Oº°
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hmmnn maybe d beans made it stronger !!! But lmao!! If I had ur experience ill try it AGAIN!!!!! Loool ahh ur friends should use it to tease u all the time lolz
Lmao! Pele papi. Sofri sofri next time
Derz absolutely nofin wrong wiv marijuana n jas lyk sum1 point'd out its d abuse of it datz wrong. Ask cancer patients dey'l tell u it helps wiv d afta effects of chemo.
As 4 d elder growin n sellin it, its a biznes to him. Make una leff d guy abeg, der r ppl doin worse finz.
we need more of these farms in Nigeria!! oooosssshhheeeyyyy!!
Lmao, your story is so funny!!!!
I have a confession don't take it personal,I love linda but her height is 2 much,I hate anonymous comentors coz most of them are stupid,I love susan peters coz she has a bb porse,I hate dis blog coz it has made me an addict
That explains why the guy is a "high" reverend in his church...lol
U must be mad... Idiot...Daz d pronlems muslims dnt have...Oponu radarada
U must be mad. Idiotic finking. Dis is d problem muslims dnt have. U̶̲̥̅̊ fink U̶̲̥̅̊ knw it all or ur congregation is attended by saints. Ode oshi
Som say;Blaw was discovered on Moses grave centuries ago.Mr Elder,wen ur high,remember sha,dat"Oluwa is d highest".u no fit high pass am.
The other time na one Pastor na him Sleep with Six Sisters.Na another one with Marijuana Farm.Will
Native Doctors do that?Please my Brothers and Sister lets call God our selfs he will ANSWER . Dont let People fool you in the name of God,Pastor Guguru.
White garment or black garment, church is church, christians are christians, elders are elders...Igbo farmers
cues music "cos am a ganja farmer, call me the ganja planter" hahahahahahahaha!!!
Am really disapointed with the people we call men of God but they contribute in decaying our dear country.God pls have mercy on us all
No the question is, linda called it illegal, do we have legal marijuana farms ?
Kwahuhahahahaha, this is the funniest comment on this BLOG in 4yrs
Eze I am laughing :)
Eze am still laughing ooo :))
That's some crazy shit tho!
The stigma attached to marijuana is too much, this plant was put on earth by God for a purpose, I know many testimonies given by people who said this same plant saved their lives, including my own mother who suffers from insomia, it helps her sleep. Its those that decide to misuse it that it ruins, remember anything that can do good can also do harm, even common paracetamol if u take to much na over dose go kill you!
LMAOOOOOO @papi's comment...and that guy that carried his jeans!...u guys are too funny.
Fuck outta here!! 0________O Seriously tho, when will thunder start firing some idiots that roam this earth? I think I much prefer it if Amadioha and co were still around. KMT
Lmao!!!!! AHhh people please keep ur high stories coming I'm soo enjoying this
Lmao!!!! Ur high!!!
I wanna marry juana...lol
nothng do u elder. 2 faced bastard. mscheew
Recollection by my friends.I tried it @ d beach with friends a long time ago.I was normal all thru ride home and now recollection by my parents:i got to the bottom of d stairs n shouted 4 them to come out of their room as i had something i wanted to discuss with them.While they were both standing @ d top of d stairs,i walked up right past them and into their room locking d door n crashing out.Time was about 2am.Suffice to say,i've been smoke free till this day-14yrs plus after n counting.
Lmao!!!!!!!!! Oh lord !! U people will not kill me
God bless you my broda...ONE LOVE
Igbo pple will say church is diff from business...#Godiswatchingyou
Don't mind them elder joor. Do you thang ^_^
God is watching him no doubt but have u smoked this thing nd after have sex? LAWD HAAA MERCY! Best Eva. Not saying u shld try it tho. Its bad of him just transfer some to me abeg!
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