The victim - Chioma Onyeagwe The stabber - Hope Amadi wearing the shirt she refused to return

Chioma is presently in the hospital receiving treatment for her near fatal wounds
Some students of the Igbinedion Univeristy, Okada, Edo State, contacted me yesterday about an incident that happened in their school involving two room mates, Chioma Onyeagwe and Hope Amadi. They had a fight over a shirt, and one of them nearly lost her life. Read the full gist I got after the cut...
According to reports, Hope Amadi borrowed Chioma's cloth and refused to return it for many days. When Chioma asked for her cloth back on Tuesday June 5th, Hope allegedly became extremely aggressive and the two girls got into serious argument. Then a fight ensued. Witnesses say Hope Amadi picked up scissors from their room and stabbed Chioma seven times on the neck, arm and other places. Chioma was rushed to the Igbinedion University Teaching Hospital, where doctors reported that Chioma was stabbed on her artery, and that if she hadn't been rushed to the hospital when she was she would have died.
Hope Amadi has been suspended from school.
1 – 200 of 267 Newer› Newest»she should be expelled self
Just Suspension alone? - What about arrest for attempted murder???
Suspended? More like expelled. She should be arrested and charged with attempted murder ASAP!
Women i fear una. One of the reasons i dont get into fight with my girlfriend.... Might get on her nerve and she will wait for me to sleep and stab the hell outta me.
#Nnewi Son#
Look at d "ajebo"-lookn girl behaving like a wild beast! I blv she has bn secretly jealous of her roommate b4 now....... She shd be expelled & jailed!!!
suspended??? she shud be expelled and jailed!!! wots a shirt compared to human life....higehst wey e fit be na 7k5
maybe the hope for still come out with Phd at the age of 24 separtment of borrow and staber...lollllllllll useless schools
We have really lost our way as a society ...... We place value on irrelevant things. Only God can help us . A CHANGE HAS GOT TO HAPPEN
- why should girls borrow clothes, why cant you wear what you have and be happy and leave it at that
- Everyone wants to be babe and called a dresser meanwhile na borrow borrow ..SHM
- Then you want to kill a whole human bein because of a shirt
- Who fights not to talk of stab because of CLOTH
-if you must baff of , they go buy okira to increase your wardrobe, why borrow
***Yet we blame the government for all our problems. The problem is with me and you . Everyone needs to change individually in Nigeria.
****WE HAVE LOST OUR VALUES , WE HAVE LOST OUR WAYS ****, I cry for my people
Suspended? She should be expelled and detained. That's attempt murder.
This happened all because of a t shirt, what is happening in nigeria? God help us
All these babes Sha, what sort of rage would make someone think to stab a friend. This is crazy.
Suspended or jailed for attempted murder?
She should be expelled
What is really happening these days? May God deliver us from all evil.
supensed? she shld be expelled and handled over to the police..i trust covenant university..she will be sleepin in kirikiri by now..ordinary pple that stole were paraded talk of someone that almost killed sumbody.....GPU...na wa for school
It won't be more than boyfriend issue. Smh
Suspended? That's attempted murder,what is the school authority doing about it?
She should be arrested and tried as an adult. what is this world turning into? Girls pls, stop this disgraceful acts of borrowing clothes you can't afford.
Wizard says....
Haba Linda, surely there is more to this story. How can someone stab someone over a shirt. She must be demon possessed or there is a lot more than we know. She should not be suspended but expelled. If she can do this over a shirt then what will she do over money. What makes it more annoying is these are my fellow ibo people.
She will go to jail. that's an evil thing she did.
Grevious bodly harm!!! Asault n batery!!! ZINA GH
She should b expelled and arrested!that's all!
She's crazy! I recomment her to go to MFM for one week deliverance, with dry FASTING.
"Our great igbenidion university " lol boro boro , if d girl papa get moni den d case don close b dat . den dat dead hospital wey na student b nurse , hia !!! . i pray she survives oh . my Alma Mata
Dis is pure wickedness she should be expelled
That's how bad it can get when people don't know what true worth is and value what will pass quicker then the setting of the sun. Anyway, I'm sure a lawyer will argue self defense since the stabbing came in the course of the fight.
i just have one thing to say hell has no fury than a woman scorn.....
which way naija pple. she just dey form big gal 4 nottin.
she shld av been expelled 4rm d skul.
nawah o 4 naija babe.
Leeks did u read the post atall???. it was clearly stated taht dey had a fight over a SHIRT not boyfriend!!!! This is weird and crazy.to stab someone over a shirt that's not even yours. the stabber must be possesed.she should have been expelled pronto. God help us ooo.
this story is a sad one but i happen to know amadi hope personally , she is not that kind of person and i have not gone into the details of what really happen and until then i reserve my comment but hope you fuck up sha. wetin remain for you to graduate.
woooow . she was stabed 7 times 2 @ D sides of her tommy 2 @ her neck 2 on her arm den on her shoulder d girl who stabbed dem say na hottest gehl 4 sch (nd she dey boro gan) u go sch go do fashion . ontop peson cloth fa , u no wan return am hia. dnt no how girls bhave . be content. . MY A
Which MFM for deliverance abeggiiiii make we hear Ooº°˚
Expulsion is the best punishment@least all d huge amount of money dey pay wld b in vain.wicked act.haba
Which MFM for deliverance abeggiiiii make we hear Ooº°˚
D gal shud face the law nd pls boys watch out... beauty is nt it again.look @ for responsible girls
Hope u fuckup sha.....u must go to jail.
She needs to speak to someone, that isn't normal behaviour.
It could be early signs of a mental health issue.
its a shame......tooo bad
suspension ko. d girl wudnt go anywere . wen ha papa drop moni mata go close. shes has more dan d girl she stil went 2 boro . greed eh . dnt no how pple feel borowin clothes. den u go go snap for OFEGE shop wit anoda peson bafs wen d peson don rock am . chai .
Hmmm,babes sha! I refuse to bliv that d chic almost killed another human being over a shirt (seriously*rme*). There's more to this gist. And she shuld be arrested!!!
You see what Drug can cause? I graduated from that school and i can tell you 60% of the students in that school are on hard drugs. They will soon start killing themselves to feed on. The Power of Drugs
Please dont blame this on anybody or dat Nigeria have lost our values etc....this can happen anywhere in the world is a criminal offence....
hanhan! Infact, I begin to fear ladies... The school authority should expel this lady and charge her to court with attempted murder.
Omg, Dis Hope chick went to my high sch, FGGC Bwari Abuja. She stuck me as a cool, level-headed chick. Wow, I never knew she could do something like dat. Oh well, they don't write it on d face. I hope d oda chick gets well soonest.
See I dnt want to act confused ere buh why shld she be suspended? She shld be expelled and also charged for attempted murder... Wat if d girl hadn't survived it or might nt survive it she wud be outta d country by nw nd def means d scul is lakadastical bout dis issue which means dis isn't d first tym sumfin luk dat is happening in dis same scul... I trust Covenant uni d geh wud be expelled immedaitely, forced to attend WOFBI, special prayers nd deliverance by d bishop and dey hand her over to d law enforcement agency to continue frm where they stopped...
Some babes and borrow borrow make me fine.........all in d name of wanting to become a big babe abi.........
Tust me, students dont get expelled in that school. The owners are concerned more about money than anything else. That would think of the girl's school fees.
She needs 2 face d wrath of the law as well. 4 an irresponsible bhavior on part 2 her colleague,she had 2 stab her again. What is she tryin 2 proove? Dat she's d boss? She's a corporate tout and she needs 2 be dealt wit u.
anon 10.42 u were obviously d drug dealer if 60% of d sch were on drugs . u dey mad walai . i was a student dere too neva did drugs or any stupid tin . besides every sch has its own ishh so plss abeg no cos we wey no see drugs Okay . if u no d 60 % pls say der names so instead of dis rubish talk . na pple lik u dem go expell 4rm sch u go stil deil dey collect sch fees moni 4rm ur guardian as ur papa dey village dey pose . rubish !!!
na wa oooooo,and this is what a fellow man will marry and keep at home as a wife.
Money talks,bullshit walks. Her papa must really be a superstar for the Igbis for his dghter to just be suspended for this murderous act. Tmrw una go hear sey Hope de skul for jand. Life of borrowers...
I am so upset. She should be in prison now, what do you mean by suspension. This is clearly attempted murder. Amadi if you were my daughter, i would have dealt with u.
Na real MFM! Mcheeew. Av seen/heard worse tins happen in dt hell hole called school
Correction *Like a Woman Scorned* NOT *than a woman scorn*
U r welcome...
they r supposed to jail her for attempted murder...dats all..wats suspension? mtcheeww!
erm madam. I think what Leeks is trying to say is that the severity of the stabbing couldn't have just been becos of a shirt. An argument ensued remember, hence exchange of words. Yes I believe Man matter eneter the issue join. They are not telling us the full story
Has it gotten to that extent?
And only suspension? She should be questioned by the police and even expelled! This is rubbish naw! All For a piece of clothing?
Over a shirt?? If it was once it was probably a mistake buh 7times? Dats absurd.. She needs psychiatric help
one needs to be really careful when deciding who to live with, not everyone that looks normal is right in the head. Some people are so full of hate, envy and wickedness. Thank God Chioma did not lose her life coz of a shirt. It is well..
Hope shd b jailed and as for chioma i wish her quick recovery
pls gehs is dis Hope amadi dat went to fggc bwari?jst asking
U̶̲̥̅̊'re just a fool! Im sure u̶̲̥̅̊ wer evn expelled cz of ur drug addiction! Dts if u̶̲̥̅̊ cld evn afford d sch fees.....EWU
Who mentioned drugs now??? R u sure u̶̲̥̅̊'re even a graduate....pple jst tink d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ can comment anyhow. If u̶̲̥̅̊ dont have anything reasonable 2 say, den STFU!
I belief the fault is frm the two of them...why should chioma break bottle to ginger fight?..d skul authority should give them indefinite suspension...
glorified secondary school.
<b wahala dey
Very annoying story. Expulsion is d least of purnishments when there's expulsion. Kmt, she wld av first slept in jail to reminisce on d act till she gets bailed. On top borrowed cloth again. Seriously this is inhumanly n shld b dealt with appropriately. Jst hope d victim ll learn her be ok n learn not to borrow what she can't give out
She's definately mental nd needs serz attention cuz wat she did is seen as absolute madness
................d@ girl iz a witch all dese mamiwater galz. aje oshi!!!!!
Hope is not ashamed she de pose wit shirt wey she borrow. and for Christ sake ha skl fees is nothing less dan 300k, why cnt she buy ha own clothes. okrika full every where, she wnt belong wit borrowed clothes. asshole, pls she shld be punished. linda tk dis seriously ooo n see dat CHIOMA gets justice. Hope shld be arrested n jailed, dis is a serious offence
Igbo people and their quest for material possession....lol...*coming from an igbo boy-nwanyonyiri*
why borrow someone's cloth! seriously, what happened to be contented with what you have.
Dat girl hope amadi should be tried!! We should spread d newstill it gets 2 d govt!! Nd so people will be careful of her!!
Blame GEJ! He should be held responsible! Poor leadership making girls stab themselves!
@ madam Nekky, I believe that as much as we are free to express our thoughts I am free to post that I'm sure it's got to be a man involved in all this. Seriously did u ask me if I just read d post? Yes I did n assure u that I understood it perfectly. If that's my opinion then it is, this is a light hearted forum aimed at entertaining n relieving people not CNN or Aljazeera so take ur serios fake self back to d classroom n ask ur teacher that question. Iwent to a better school than u did or probably u are still a student.
This is the effect of hard drugs. I know her and know she is a drug user. Let me not say more than that before Linda refuses 2 post my post.
This is the effect of hard drugs. I know her and know she is a drug user. Let me not say more than that before Linda refuses 2 post my post.
She gotto expelled and arrested cos that's alleged muder...stabbing someone over her own shirt like seriosuly... borrowing someone shirt to feel superior yet you wanna get the person killed
"Recomment" ke?
Am starting to believe dere's more to this fight dan dat shirt!...nd am very sure dat girl takes drugs for her to be dis agressive! *smh*
she should be arrested...attempted murder abi homicide. what happened to fighting with only hands and finger nails?
The pressure in that school is crazy, I trully don't get why ladies borrow clothes, bags, etc don't they understand the implication. That's how my secondary school friend cleared my wardrobe after visiting n took them back to school ( this same school) lied n all that it wasn't her until people saw her wear them. Peer pressure is real but bad. Kids should be taught to withstand it n live within your means or that of your parents.
@leeks , could there be more to this story? Lol
Are u blind?did u not read b4 typin ds shit?must errithin b about 'men'foolish fool
May God 4give us! Aw can ya rum m8 help den u re10 her gud dids wif tryin 2 kil her? Left 4 me alone she should b killed @ 1ce, cuz we dnt even no if she'll organise her fwends wo bhav lyk her 2 kil d gal in d Hosp. She's a BEAST!!! A live Agent of satan!
This 1 naa small tin naa no be okada again! *smh* hiss* thank God am done der!
What's this nonsense suspension?? She should be jailed and tried for attempted murder. Or wetin she no know say stabbing with scissors can kill a person??
Am sure dat she boought dat top frm Mama harry Or aunty chizzy nd yet want to kill sumbody for it. Ds girl dat even borrowed she doesn't ve shame. Nawaoo
Ummmmm hope u shudnt hv let d devil use u. :(
OMG! wat is happenin? Am tired of dis odd stories oooooooooo...dis 9ja sef.
These girls take Codeine liberally. Codeine is like water in dat University. One or both of dem (dey were roommies) had systemic substances of abuse
Shut up u fool y she no fit go MFM go do deliverance abi na ur sista stab person.... Mumu.... Mchewww
Okada no go gree expel person na...no b skool fees money dem dey find..*smh
Gbam.... I concur..... She's such a bastard wicked bitch
Fuck all dis rumours please someone sensible should know this story is just been cooked up Think people all this can't happen like this a girl stabbed. Seven times picture can't just be like this it will be worse 4ck all this nonsense #heartherealtruth
"Anonymous said...
maybe the hope for still come out with Phd at the age of 24 separtment of borrow and staber...lollllllllll useless schools
June 7, 2012 10:10 AM".......WAIT, DAFUQ DID I JUST READ?
Haaaaahaaaaaa u r so ryte...d schl fees esama ll get wnt let him suspend her...yeye school.our great igbinedion university.my wonderful alma mata
suspension ke? my dearest CU officials will so hand her over to the police. evil child.. i'm sure the shirt sef is okirika *long hiss*
Truly over 60% of the young girls in IOU are into drugs..parents shud check there wards.
Smh,so okada is going from bad to worse.she should be arrested!
Dis is a sign of jealousy and wickedness, she shud be expelled and sent to do some tym in jail, WTF!!!!!
D girl don chop winch
Linda, this na small gist compared to what goes on in that school.
Not too long ago, I met a lady with a male friend of mind at Silverbird Cinemas.
Apparently my friend has known the chick from his days in Igbinedion.
And then he makes most awful mistake of his life. He was thirsty and the chick had a can of coke she was sipping. My guy innocently asks "babe can i get a sip from your can, it been a bloody hot day" and the chick gives him a drink.
30mins later my guy was collapsing and his tongue was bluish. I called my cousin who is a trauma doctor and explain the physical ailment and he simply said to me, "your friend has just ingested Rophynol, Get water into his system as fast as possible and as much as possible"
Linda the Issue here is that the private universities are becoming worse than the public ones. Drugs, Sex and Violence is being perpetrated in these schools.
Invite people to tell you sories of what happens in Private uni's and you will have a heart attack.
I tell you what, stroll through the night clubs on the island,on any given friday, and i bet my left arm 70% of the girls half naked and missbehaving in clubs are private Uni. girls.
Its really that bad
Don't blame d gehl just yet,its soo sad cos I know Hope too well and I'm so shocked she did this,but there should be more to the story I don't think she'd just stab her 4 a common shirt that she wore on her Rag day. Don't be too quick to judge people she isn't that kind of person but she went too far, God y?
shey dis on na GEJ na him cause am abi? useless country
its funny how degradation of values and morals can effect terrible chains of occurence. the stabber 'Hope Amadi' happens to be my ex-secondary school mate...its really disappointing to hear such...i 'hope' as her name implies, that she is brought to book for her animalistic attitude.
Dats y all dat glitters isn't gold, some chics go dey form beauty but na d beast dey inside dem...jus for a shirt??? What wud she do for a car *smh* wonders!
Looking at the Hope's picture seff,she looks like a witch,MFM calling asap....
Okada gals,we must show ourself,una don stop to dey fight for boys,now na shirt...smh
This news is pure shit can't believe this try something else
another story wack enough to make me speechless! Women? Stabbing over a shirt? Wht is happening?
shey dis on na GEJ na him cause am abi? useless country
You are right.I like your comment
Na bath salt cause am...gbam!
This is a disgrace to womanhood,please yawl need to change.
I don't get how someone can repeatedly stab another 7times and someone says it can happen anywhere in the world...the world is seriously coming to an end I swear down...dt girls mind is seriously twisted..cos whatever that's in her needs to be put out....Damn!!!
na wa o, its sooooooooooooooo unfortunate. stabbing a human is really devlish
Ȋ̝̊̅†̥ ȋ̝̊̅ڪ very wrong 4 her to starb her friend that way let school take their decesion we can not jugde bcus we r not d best if we r in her shows we r still going to do d same let her b punished 4 starbing at all
She is mad! Dey shud slice her body and dip dry pepper insde!Mad girl becos of ordinary cloth she must ave bougt frm benderselect!,maybe her bf is scoopin d babe dts y she wantd to kill her! Yeye sombody!taaa!
Thank God say she no chop am join since na cannibalism dey reign now.this is an act of babarism.she should be arrested and seek psycological help.if she was stabbed once maybe na due to rage,but seven times hmmm
i'm a graduate of Igbinedion University and i must say how terrible the moral standard have fallen.........its all fake asses in that school all in the name of what? Trying to get attention of boys there, little do they know that the outside world is an ocean compared to the pool they see themselves in...... Suspension alone? Dats crazy. So if the girl had died now wat will they have done. She should be jailed for attempted murder, den wen she is done doing time, she will realise that life aint about fashion and boys.......its a diff ball game entirely...shame on the school for the judgement they passed sef rubbish!
This is really pathetic and a result of lack of contentment. Guess the stabber must have been high on some cheap drugs!!!
WtH!!! She has to be expelled; that's attempted murder. what kind of nonsense is that; now that a lot of people are dying these past few days; this idiot wants to be used by the devil; she has to be arrested too. @ least iuo can't fall my hand on that one; in as much as I hate my sch
She shld be charged to court
U sure say u go the school? Hw much u bribe for ur 3rd class? Check the spelling- Its 'igbinedion'. And na which teachn hospital no de use student nurse? i bow for u oh. Iya shola Lord or is it okoto u prefer? Hope she gets better. My alma mater(not mata)
This is pathetic!! I hope chioma gets well soon!!
is that a snake on her neck?
I knw dese girls sha!smh all bkus of a cloth!na dis kyn girls dey form pass.
Well, I strongly believe , this is an act of past grudge. If not , then she's mentally ill,
Dis s rily serz oooo.. D Chioma gurl s ma Learned Colleague oooo.. God please save her life... Buh all dis Pipu formn big gurl sef.. I don Tire oooo.. Girls shud stp kipn up wiv d Jonesses.. Jes live ur normal life... Dis s jes 4 a while, we will all live Iuo 1day so while ur still in Iuo behave ursef... Wot a Pity Chioma..
In as much as hope Amadi s guilty f d wat hppnd,letz luk @ d facts nd situations surroundn d case..chioma mgt hv mde some provokin utterances...hope dat ws 2 extreme aldo...
There is nothing wrong with expressing herself.. The friend must have pissed her off and she got stabbed.. Finish.. Nothing new! Ppl do worse things.. The victim should have died! Would have made d story interesting -____-
My dear!dis our great igbinedion university!na wa!meanwhile,dey actually hav real nurses dere in addition to d students.dey train nurses dere too remember
Every one commenting on this should pls ask GOD 4forgiveness coz u re all judging based on a one sided story,the choima u guyz re talking about has been stealing from this same hope nd hope has also helped chioma beat up someone.this chioma also locked an any work in d room threaten to kill her with a knife coz of #450 so it is nemesis. I know d both of them personally so I know both d story,nd informant forgot to make mention of the was beaten by almost 50 people nd one of those 50 wanted to also stab her with a bottle
Linda, at least this one na woman versus woman so lemme hear what u'l say......Sexist woman. ..Mtcheww
Wats ur beef wit d school. ℓ̊'m sure u went to a more useful school, hence, ur non-coordinated statement makes sense to u...
he who goes aborrowing goes asorrowing! #NP Stupid girls by Pink! the love for material things these days is rather shocking and appalling! EEEWWWWW!!!!
she is a disgrace to Igbinedion university. she needs to be expelled from school. i'm a graduate of igbins and this things does not happen in our time. students should protest, she should not be seen among them. she should be arrested and charged for murder. Anonymous.
dis is not only bcos of d shirt rather it is accumulated beef
I'm not surprise atall with her ashewo behavior...after-all majority of her role models at d top in Naija are ex ashewos of different category. Wicked & unforgiving daughters of Jezebel, remember your punishments awaits you if you don't repent from your EVIL WAYS
She needs to be put in jail. Thats attempted murder. in the U.S she woud be facing at least 10years in jail
Dat gal is a vanper, hw she do such a thing 2 her fellow gal
Iuo. I fear dat school o. Bunch of wayward kids frm rich homes who believe they can get away wit their atrocities. A majoity that is.
Both of them share the blame,but to stab som1 to that extent she's a demon and shud be psycho checked
Smh....4 sm1 ai tot ha 2 b..tz just unexplainablly appalling..think thr should b lot 2 d@ action Dan jst d ps of clothe or mayb extra-terrestrial effects ....give dz a tot "deliverance" homiez
i think she should be expelled for the threat on another person's life. If it was in the U.S, she would definitely be charged for assault and threat to another person's life which will definitely get her some time in prison
Chioma should be handed over to the police, she is an animal
I beg to differ!this is just too show we all as human beings have our own evil inside us somewhere it only takes someone or something to unleash this out!In my opinion I think it has to do more than just a shirt,maybe there has been a silent beef going on n it took a shirt to bring it out
Anger is a very dangerous thing when it possesses u!I experienced the same thing when I was in secondary school,I was in SS3 n I was very ill n my roommate a Jss2 student had been taking the piss out of me for few days but been ignoring her!that particular day I called her to help me fetch water to bath cos I was running temperature!she gave me a dirty look n attitude and I was weak!out of ANGER I pulled her inside the room cos our pastors house was next to the hostel n he has warned us severally about noise..unknowing to me that the force at which I used in pulling her inside the wardrode door was opened and a nail was there hanging out!she bashed her head into it and started bleeding!I didn't mean to hurt her or beat her but just wanted to shake her up abit!the girl ended up in the hospital and I apologised cos no intentions were made!
My point is never let anger drive to the point where u won't be able to control it in which that was happened in this case and which is not acceptable!on the other hand we really don't know what the other girl was saying to the owner of the shirt!for all we care she Might have been talking down on her instead of apologising or talking her friend down on the issue!it takes a lot of maturity n the spirit of God to back out from a very heated argument..but at the end the girl can't justify her reasons for stabbing the girl!I bet she needs an anger management class
she has issues.... Real complex issues... She need proffessional help. She should be stripped naked and beaten in public! Den handed over to the police and Nigeria education Board should blacklist her from schools in nigeria as well... Make she go dey sell orange.!
hmmm...suspension is mild they should expel her and make sure she doesn't get admitted into any school for at least the next 2yrs.
She should be sent to a remand home. Oloshi!
WTF! A girl did this? Un-fucking-believable. Such ruffians have no business in a civilized world. It's her type that gives other decent girls a bad name...She has to be expelled (not suspended) & charged with 1st degree murder. #anuofia
Useless skools? i don't think u shld be bias besides, call the name of ur skool and I'll find a gist worse than this. Compelled with ur ASUU strike. If u graduated old blame the system ur govt made. i wasted 2yrs in a state uni. Don't judge if u hvnt seen both sides. Face it govt skools are far worse nw wit various nefarious activities. I'm sure if u had the money u wld have gone to private too. Befor 2006 ASUU was alw on strike. U wldnt knw except u just graduated recently, i got into uni 2001wit my legal jamb score( no runs) into LASU and also went to OOU(then OSU). Tell me ur not part of the illegalities in Jamb. Blame ur govt. and the pple who spoil our country's name no matter hw lil the corruption may be. Evn the person buyn pirated cds to watch movies is part of it. Focus my brother, no beef
I knw iuo very well,d girl is still in sch,am sure she has nt gone home,,wht I suggest is dey shld impose d rules on dem,nt to dey travel go benin every weekend up and down
The likes of Zainab,because of a shirt? I guess if I was d brother of the victim I should be a man and "walk away" knowing that my lil sis is struggling for her life huh? I will strangle d b**ch 1st! B4 anything else..some women can be hypocrites..talk about double standard..mscheeww..
It's about time,Igbinedion girls are all touts,parading like their cream when their very local,lousy,trashy human beings...this is not d first time and d useless skool trust me wud let d b**** go scot free.Stupid Alma Mata....mstwwwwwww
There`s more to this story than just a shirt•pure envy yes hope is envious of her friend. Please ladies shy una eyes o and choose ur friends wisely! Some girls come into ur lives for various reasons u"ll even be surprised that the so called hope have more than her friend but she just wants what her friend has.frenemies all over the place me as I dey so wetin I no get no dey enter my eye! Be content ladies that's why I'ld rather be by myself than surround my self with so called friends wolfs in sheeps clothing! Pretentious bastards that always want to bring u down.Haters
Linda, If it was a guy that slapped a girl now you will raise hell. Now a girl stabbed and almost killed another girl. From your comments, this type of domestic violence seems minor.
@#Nnewi Son#(Anonymous 10:07 AM)
Wise talk from u....I have never in my life hit a woman.When I was in Uni,I had a serious argument with my ex for d first time,even without touching her,I woke up in d middle of d night to see her seated by d bedside looking @me. I asked her wat she was doing she said she wasn't feeling sleepy, mee too no sleep again dat night....lol..Pls.guys don't under estimate some girls oooo.
imagine when dis one marries now, she will start to beat her hubby, hmmmm. maybe anoda Anambra chick...lmao
she should be rusticated and not suspended.
Only suspension? She should be arrested.
I know d both of them and dey av been room mates for a few years and they used to gang up against other girls. I guess time was up for them to face themselves so its nt really abt d shirt
Hope is always fighting
D girl is a bad girl....she must b jaied
C painment, wot has skuls or phd got 2 do wit dis, if ur parents r so poor dt dey cld nt afford 2 send u 2 a 1derful private institutions doesn't mean u shld hate on d skuls, ur poor parents r d ones 2 blame.1 advice 4 u, pls make sure u make enuf money 2 sent ur kids 2 such skuls so dt dey dnt end up lyk u.
When I saw the picture of Hope Amadi no offense but the fisrt thing that came to my mind was what would my mum say if she read this article. and this was t "Of course she is mad and wild look at her, purple lipstick, cheei". On a more serious note why is she not being expelled or arrested, she deserves to be regardless of whether she is from an affluent family or not. justice should have no limitations
infact she needs to be epelled from skul totally, arrest for attempted murder,nonsense
That is too bad,suspension or been expell is not enough,there is a perfect place made for people like her (prison)
That is too bad,suspension or been expell is not enough,there is a perfect place made for people like her (prison)
God help us o cos some pple r just evil
That Hope girl is something else. Never under-estimate the rage of a lady. *Scared*
Well she should be arrested and prosecuted for attempted murder.
Hey don't state wut u don't knw...If care is not taken u were on drugs while there..there are a lot of us dat weren't on drugz and were over 60%...Sure u spent ur time in d wrong places and with d wrong crowd. Don't paint an extremely wrong picture. Vices r in every skl plz don't overplay d issue.
Pls meshunugi I was dere ehhn,she was nt even remorseful plus trust me the girl is a devil what of if I was not there to take her to the hospital abeg she should be expelled
Girls/ladies are fast loosing it. This is what we should be talking about not how not hit a lady when she acts UNlady. Linda,shey if dis type jam me make I no touch am abi.make person wey get mind like me stab me sake of say people dey c her as woman?
Parents get work sha.
@#Nnewi Son#(Anonymous 10:07 AM)
Wise talk from u....I have never in my life hit a woman.When I was in Uni,I had a serious argument with my ex for d first time,even without touching her,I woke up in d middle of d night to see her seated by d bedside looking @me. I asked her wat she was doing she said she wasn't feeling sleepy, mee too no sleep again dat night....lol..Pls.guys don't under estimate some girls oooo.
June 7, 2012 2:51 PM
Hahahahahaha lmao. You totally finished me with this comment, lol!
By the time she goes to jail, she will become Hopeless. Useless idiot. Omo oshi.
Cool story u did not continuously keep stabbing her and run after her to continue, and you feel bad. The bitch doesn't feel bad she is there running her smelly mouth
Chioma brke a bottle 1st buh she wsn't fast enof, Hope quickly grabbd a scissors & stabbd her...dey both smoke weed so dey deserve wot dey gt...
Linda, so if am with dis kain girl(Zainab's role model) i should wait 4 her to kill me shey
ONOME says............ @Amiga;lolllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzz.Sleep commot from your eye abi,lollllll.You got me cracking up there1Chei!
This is a criminal case.I don't care the amount of provocation;when you raise your hand to hit someone it is ASSAULT.The dictionary meaning has not changed.When you proceed to use a dangerous weapon with intent to cause body harm;it's attempted murder.A competent court should try her and lock her up.
You cannot keep using sentiments to cover up crimes.RUBBISH!
Verdict: Borrow pose shud be strapped nd locked away in isolation for 25yrs, maybe whn she gets out she wud appreciate life over a shirt.
She a beas£,needs 2 be £aken 2 fores£,d@'s her home
Dem suppose arrest that girl. The hope girl don get the girl for mind since no be only cloth cause am. Stab 7 times haba mana.
it is so over with me n LIB #wash# burr linda you haven't been posting my comments... i have plenty voltrons ooo don't test me lol
Only dem n dia clique actually knw d truth....der has 2 be more 2 dis story...chioma used 2 get in2 quarrels a lot...but no matter wot happnd, no psychologically normal person wld stab her fellow humanbeing jst like dat....we shldnt blame our country, we hav unstable individuals evrywer....if chioma is willing 2 press charges against hope den she might end up in jail...
This is wicked, I saw a similar story at www.nigerianuniversitynews.com, but I could not believe it, till I saw it again here.
That students should be checked. I do not think she is OK.
Hace dnt let amadohia strike ur mouth there with the lie you are telling no such thing happened hope kept stabbing the girl chioma couldn't even fight back and when chioma got strength and left the room the bitch ran after her to continue stabbing her if not for the help of some people that held her back she is a witch,she should be expelled
Deir is sth obviously rong wit her,partial psychosis or sth,bcos a normal human being dat God in his infinite mercy created will pick up a scissors and stab her roommate bcos of shirt,so i advice dat dey tak her to a pschatric home..
is she not meant to be arrested or what r the police still waiting for... rubbish
Buh were she were ve cloth go kwanu 4 5day,abi no be ve same room dem dey stay?...ah don dey fear vis school o,person wey dey go vis kind skul no suppose dey borrow cloth maybe na runs money many of dem dey carry pay skul fees, who knows?
When they cage them all in the name of trying to make em responsible citizens,,why wnt they explode if given a little opportunity to flex???
Stabbing sm1 wt scissors 7 times???
Dat geh get mind I swr dwn!!!
hey angry ladies,is dis d same Hope Amadi dat finished frm FGGC Bwari?
@mr richman"a 1derful institutions"
"make sure u make enuff money to sent ur children to such schools" oooh chim...richman no sense
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