The Central Hospital, located on Sapele Road, Benin, and still under construction, is a multi-billion naira project by the state government. The building collapsed around 4pm today leaving a few people trapped under the rubble for hours. No word yet on what led to the collapse.
And yes, you heard right. It's a building being constructed by the state government!
Another disater in our fatherland all because of "Cutting Corner", do it, my people will buy mentality. The contractor, the consultant and the com. of work shd be preparing to go into prison now.
What is it with all these bad news form Nigeria. God help us.
Linda I beg lets avoid turning this our LIB to Nkan Nbe or Laba Orun o am tired of all this sad News
This is beyond the supernatural , Nigerians Start Praying . #endtimethings
Oh Lord save us from this corrupt Contractors. Imagine! Thank you Lord for allowing it now than later which, may involve more lives. I pray God keeps alive those trapped in the debris.
everything about this country is wrong...
they won't go and buy genuine and original building stuff!!SMH
The building likely collapsed because the contractors are using poor quality materials. Please people, be very careful when using architects in Nigeria- they can quote you an extravagant bill cut corners and cheat you out of money while using poor quality materials to build your house. But let me know if you need a very good and reliable architect
Like seriously??
T.B. Joshua said it!
We thank God it's not when it had started being used that it collapsed
This is end time for d bad govt, god will take them 1 by 1
Linda can you help with publicising this Petition
Dana Airline, Nigerian Aviation Industry, Nigerian federal Government: Change safety procedures for all airlines in Nigeria/ Stop killing people!
this is totally unacceptable.The contractor should be blacklisted and the commissioner of the supervising ministry should be queried.This should not never have occured but it has because the contrtactor and officials of the state government are cutting corners and using inferior and substandard materials in order to enrich themselves. Shame on all of you that are corrupt. one day your evil deeds will catch up with you.
Not until we all have a change of heart and leave corrupt hearts behind n turn from our wicked ways....
D building didnt just collapse,a crane hit a beam dat was just constructed 2day dat lead 2 d collapse of dat section of d building
ONOME says.......
This is a serious matter o but the anon 10:57pm made me laugh!Please,what does nkan nbe,laba orun mean?
NYC-1 says: Ibori brothers! What do you expect? Does rain wash out the leopard's spots?
Please, I'm still hurting over the lost of innocent lives to the plane crash.
i no say diamond jubilee,and jonathanjubilee are the last kingdom,,patients i say
multi billion nira, must everything the government do run into billions,this is evil alway wanting to take money by fire by force, in fact i am really tired of this nation, i dream of making a change, but my dreams are slowly fading away becos of hopelessness.
Linda pls while putting the government on spot, be objective and call out the names of contractors...
I'm tired of all these.
God,Nigeria needs an intervention frm u. Listen 2 d cries of ur people who confidetly turn 2. Spare dis nationfrm chaos,anachy and doom. Bless us wf a kingdom of justice,love and peace,We ask dis through Christ our Lord,and the people say................AMEN!!!!!
I was at d seen is nt wat u think.do 2 others wat u want others 2 do 2 u.a word is enogh 4 d wise
The crane collapsed and fell on the building collapsing its topmost floor,what a bizzare incident !!!
And your reason for stressing the yeah I said the Government was? arent there several other states that allocated money to non existent projects. Are the builders govt workers as well or a third party contractor. Linda please stop all these sensationalizing news u now want to start giving like Sahara nonsense
which way 9ja
I was at d seen of d event its just we should control our self very well.in life u do 2 others wat u want others 2 do 2 u.dats m̶̲̥̅̊γ̲̣̣̥ advise
Thank God it collapsed now.... And not after the completion of the building!!
More lives would have been lost, if the hospital were already in full use!! Thank God no life was lost!!! Sad Story....
Nigerianz need God. Stop going to babaz n juju men
Stil under construction, not in use yet, stil collapsed. The idiots must'v used a bag of cement for 400 blocks! Multi million naira project! *smh*
Wot do u expect ? When they will use half of cement bag to build almost a whole builing
Ilu naa ti daru!! Olorun a ko wa yo ninu idamu yi sha! Nkan ti mo mo ni wipe ko si bi awon ole olori ibu naa le sorire fun gbogbo wahala ti wan fa fun ede wa. Oluwa a dari gbogbo e sa ti asiko ba ya.
Ilu naa ti daru!! Olorun a ko wa yo ninu idamu yi sha! Nkan ti mo mo ni wipe ko si bi awon ole olori ibu naa le sorire fun gbogbo wahala ti wan fa fun ede wa. Oluwa a dari gbogbo e sa ti asiko ba ya.
this is what we get when our leaders ignore standards and use substandard materials just to save money to pocket.
"And yes, you heard right. It's a building
being constructed by the state
government!".........why the emphasis? We heard u the 1st time
it the etsako witches at work
So help us God.
Another opportunity to abuse GEJ...
Oya 1-2- go, start abusing GEJ again, since we are so sure he is the cause of all things bad in Nigeria...
Honestly these bad newz r too much,.Lord pls dnt jxt allow innocent people continue to die or get wounded bcos of d corrupt and greedy ones amongst us.
Can u imagine,,still under construction O!!!! Den what wld av happened if dey started using it Mtscheeeeewwwww GOD plz come save us in dis country
Anoda disaster. This ppl № get shame o. What ll it cost them to buy solid cement or buy a machine that ll produce it. Cos am sure if all they re using is solid,it wldnt av collasped wen is not as if thunder strike it. Smh for this our gov,them 1 kill all of us? God d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ c una o and he knws ΰя numba
No surprises there then. It is not supernatural but natural. Use qualified people to do work even though they are more expensive. Instead we use quacks who are cheaper. There is a reason qualified people are more expensive, they design and build to prevent people being killed. Corruption must play a prt where govt might pay the fit price and contractors cut corners.
Two confirmd dead, one of which is an Expertrait!
So painful
A construction crane crashes into a building, being constructed with the crane, and you detail it as a building collapse?
up naija!!!
As much as i deplore the collapse of this structure, i smell sabotage and hope you are not lending your blog to politicians whose stock in trade is destroying this country. I know for certain they are aware that you have an audience and they know how huge your following is. They (politicians) Have done enough damage already to everything that matters most to Nigerians, dont allow them destroy our LIB.
am not the type to write alot but i really had to take out time to write this..Nigerians need to reflect on thier lifestyles. you blame the government and the country for everything,have you guys sat to examine urselves. nigerian community has been infested with so many mal practices like drugs, sexual abuse, corruption etc. yes its true that other african countries are not free from these practices but Nigeria is a king wn it comes to such. i swear i didn't even know what mary j looked and smelt like until i started hanging around nigerians. Nigerian men and women dont even help matters. the men are hard core womanizers and cheats while thier women are all lesbians. infact hanging out with nigerians made me realise dat the morals of the pple have been long gone. all dz things befalling Naija maybe dat God is unhappy with everything going on from the fake pastors to drugs to sexual abuse etc.. Nigerians need a change..
Hmmmmm...Hmmmmmm!!! Wtz goin on?lots of horrible thinx,within a particular tym..Nawaa Oh!!
Anon, 10:58 PM pls stop insinuating anything "spiritual". as the lay your bed, na so you go lie on top. you cant plant orange and harvest cassava. if you go and check most of the materials used where substandard so that oshiomole and a few others can earn extra money. its just the state of our society. on one side you have religeous but daft people who wont do anything while waiting on God. on the other side, you have a few greedy ones capitalising on the mindsets of the religeous people who are too holy to demand what is right from their leaders and would rather keep praying for God to come from heaven to change nigeria. we need to sit up!
And tmr...third main birdge is going down, bad news everyday. na wa o!
It is unfortunate, this country is just a one heck of disappointment in all levels. cutting corners by the government in all things to make them richer and the poor poorer. The money is there to build an edifice for the state but no, the governor, health commissioner, the perm sec for health and then the contractor, all will pertake in the cake. Then whatever that is left is for the mass. It is a shame, you Nigerians are in deep shit. It shall never end until there is a JERRY RAWLINS like ruler in Nigerian that will have the balls to tie them motherfucking assholes up at barbeach and kill all of them. Remember Jerry killed even his own brother in order to cleans the country. It must be done in Nigeria before you guys can move on. No two ways about it. From the President, all the ministers, past and present governors, state commissioners and head of all parastatals, kill all of them and then let anybody that is ready to rule to come and rule. There must be a blood bath, cleansing before Nigerians can change. Look at what happened with Dana Air, that is a prime example, cutting corners and making the rich richer. Air Nigeria is also a disaster waiting to happen. People, ya'll need a REVOLUTION. This country is a mess. Look at the rescue team at the Dana Air crash, people on the street. and the plane was burning for three hours without any rescue operation. A country without a direction being led by thieves. Thank God I have an alternative for Nigeria.
that what u get when u do non give the contractor the real amount of the contract. 2 billion naira contract u give 1 billion.u tell edo people is a 2 billion contract and contractor will agree is a 2 billiol naira contract. thieves
linda u make it sound like the whole building collapsed.please have a heart the pictures too are telling so much!.lets save our country's image.its not so bad atleast nobody died in the incident.something to be grateful for.and may be knowing the cause of the collapse could make make it even bearable.God bless Nigeria1
State hospital abi and they are still cutting cost????? God have mercy!
Linda Please check ur email.Highly important mail from Laura Fuentes
It was reported dat d building building collapsed becos it was hit by a crane. 2ndly, d state Gov shdn't b blamed, but d blame shd go 2 d constractors n whoever drove d crane.
LINDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!where u dey?y no news update na since this morning????abi na now u wan start ur mourning?biko,osisor,give us news ooooooooooooooooo!!!!
i heard a crane fell on the building.....
Did you say billion ?
I just wish we could all open our eyes and see that this country needs some kind of cleansing. May God save Nigeria....amen!
no word yet?? Ha, guys no need to ask; it is the work of detractors.... political detractors are always behind any thing the Comrade Governor does.... including gbanshing young MAU babes.
@anon8:22, You take Zobo mixd with akamu????? #Abeg go Mop River Niger!
@ anon 8:22,what do you mean their women are all lesbians? you well so??? what has that got to do with this building,dumbass?
So what exactly are u saying? Is the story cooked up or shes behind the collapsed building or shes bribed to report or she shldnt hv reported or.........? Mehn, ori e o pe rara and no apologies! What of if its fully functional and pple were there at that time? Then una go say na PDP or Anenih(note God go tear Pdp umbrella and confuse their tongues)
I wonder o, its obvious from these pics dat d structure is substandard. See how 'thin' the walls and floors are. Thank God this didnt happen after it started running as a hospital
So pple in d western world dont do drugs or are not sexually immoral. Were u alive during idiagbon/buharis reign and dis u notice the increased diacipline among Nigerians when d govt apparently set a good example. If a family is not functionong well would u blame d kids or d elders? If ur family or aponsors are in govt they cant escape the wrath of God o
Thank u for making sense
@anonymous 1:21..am sorry if u misunderstood me. i meant alot of nigerian women not all..infact all the nigerian girls around me in skool were engaged in lesbianism and i have had a few try it with me on twitter or so..smthing which is unheard of where i come from.
and u shud be really silly thinking this has nothing to do with the misfortunes befalling the country. the bible seriously condemns homo sexuality and u wud open ur mouth to ask wott lesbianism has got to do with the misfortunes be falling the country..open ur brain mr or madam..ode
A lot of people commenting here have no idea what even happened and LI who's supposed to find out and inform people rightly is given to sensationalism. I just tire.
It was on the news yesterday, it was the crane used during construction that caused this not cutting corners!
Naija and our the-Government-is-our-problem mentality, it was an accident, avoidable or not, I have no idea.
Linda I expect you to be a professional, get your facts right before you publish a story. This building was hit by a crane, that is why that section collapse, stop stressing on the govt, let the deliverance of this state continue and stop been and agent of backwardness.
I am surprised Oshiomole's deceitful government has not said it's the PDP that caused the collapse. Has any of the buildings he is building for himself using Edo tax payers' money collapse. Edo voters shine your eyes - Oshiomole is one of the most deceitful and fraudulent govts in living memory
So!!!! Prophet Prophesying evil all d time, he said d plane crash now he prophesied this one abeg abeg! STFU! What's his purpose of saying it now? To pray against it ok, yet they still happen anyway, meaning what? That God doesnt answer prayers of fake people c'est finis! Prophesying football scores wrongly, and prophesying evil is his specialty..SMH..... Don diddy
Gullible dull Nigerians, awon chicken brains oshi, of course they would come out to tell you its a crane that hit the building , what did u expect!!! U expect them to come out and say oh its cos we cut corners and used 2million to build when in fact we were awarded billions for the building.. AUTO MUMUS...KMT.. Later when elections come some mumus wld come and cook stories of hw they ddnt av shoes and cook stories for dese my chicken brained country people and then they would vote for them and the cycle repeats itself and the nation is fnished up with sorrow, poverty, frustration, pain and its likes all over again and again mchewwww..3elocation on my mind, I give up on you dumb asses... Don diddy..
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