This is the face of the German man who was kidnapped in Kano on January 26 2012, and killed by his captors yesterday May 31 as JTF made efforts to rescue him.
Raufach Edgar, 36, was an engineer working with the Dantata and Sawoe construction company before his kidnap on January 26 while on his way to work. He was killed yesterday at the Danbare area, opposite the new campus of Bayero University Kano where he was being held, before he could be rescued by men of the JTF. The JTF killed six of his abductors.
Terrible , God forsaken animals! What did the achieve by killing him?
Dis news no dey complete everywhere! Na who kidnap am, Na BH or na thief people?
Wetin e dey find for Naija?ole buruku..he come find oil but later na groundnut oil he see. Abeg this people no dey Naija for good reason jor
Dem don go kill innocent people.....since Jan! Hába! I Hate this country.
@ Osy, You are the most ..... cant even find the word to describe your ignorance. I am tempted to wish your two legs gone the next time you leave the shores of this country. But im Christian so i'll pass but pls can someone do the wishing for me,lol.
This kinda act makes it very hard for foreign investors to come to Nigeria.
@ osy alot of ppl on this blog live outta nigeria...werin u wan hear again they say he be engineer for dantata and sowe E get who no dey fing green pasture,Does that justify him being killed,watch ur mouth......btw JTF should me more sensible am sure the death would have been preventable if they are not careless
Osy, u are the most local champion mumu i hv never seen, it is clear u are a bad person
These are the people that could help improve Nigeria's economy, but they are all getting chased away by these terrible and senseless killings! Nigeria is just going backwards each day! I feel bad for this country!
Stupid mofo!!!the loss of life alone is heart wrenching cos I know his death must have been gruesome.be human or at least try to act like one even if u are a beast(u talk like one)
Wetin white man do? this people really want blood and war.....like proper war with countries.
@ Osy u are wicked tufiakwaaaa may God forgive u I swear I wish it wz u in hez shoez make u knw hw e feel if Nigerianz were competent enuff will foreigners be hired to do jobs? Foolish nd wicked hrtd Osy...Spjl
Wats d meaning of JTF
@Osy u are a fool...a big fool,as in d biggest ode I hv heard talkin.......am sure u are one of does dat killed him,wizard...am sure if u had applied for d job he came for,den maybe he wld hv stayed in his country...dont worry by d time d Germans bring war to our country I will see how u will run ur mouth foolishly
linda thanks for the news. i don't think it is necessary to spread such news cause the aftermath of what could result of this, is fear among nigerians. this will prompt american and western economies to turn nigeria into a war zone. i hope you understand.
@Osy you are such an ignorant moronic, demonic, fool. Your reason for justifying his killing is no different than BH's reason for all these mass murders. People like you have the hottest part of hell reserved right now. Bastard. @Dhayour, even the hardest and best trained snipers and negotiators lose victims at the hands of captors so your comments does not hold water
Sharrap. Pls stop talking as if your parents didn't hustle to say school fees. Ewu
This was a failed rescue mission because the hostage was killed.Very unprofessional
may god help us. terrible things happening!
Mehn Fuck that Country! Thats y i dont live there! Ignorant Fucks!
Osy you are a bloody brainless mannerless fool.
Nigeria has gone to the dogs completely, it's becoming so shameful to tell people you are a Nigerian.
This is Pure Wickedness.This BHP are trying to give us more bad names God save this Land Nigeria .No food to Eat but they have Money to buy Guns and Bullets, may the Soul of the innocent Man rest in Peace.The white People should stop Producing Aminations because what goes around comes around.
Too bad how could men be this callous
Hope the Government will put an end to this kidnapping issues and give the citizenry and foreigners sense of security.
Osy, or what ever u call urself. Ask God to forgive u for this ur nonsense coment. Is not a joke I mean it cause what will befall u wenever u will leave the shores of this country will be terible!and beg linda to delete ur nonsense coment. Today is the first day of july and u shld be typing positive not negativ.
Too bad how could men be this callous
Hope the Government will put an end to this kidnapping issues and give the citizenry and foreigners sense of security.
i wish i could see how ur face lloks like...
I don't get.
When did we turn into all those other countries we watch on CNN?
Lyntroys says......
@Osy,u r a big fool,dats why poverty wants to kill u,someone came to ur country to work and u slaughter the person like ram and u r still calling the person 'ole' u r just a big cow,shame on u.
May GOD help us all,Y did dey hav to kill him after kiping him for so long,Oh GOD fight for your people.
Is this Osy guy for real? Na wa o!
ds country naija is becomin terrible by d day, God pls help us.
lyntroy says.....
infact u r very very stupid @Osy,heartless mutherf....ker.
check this out Linda http://www.gistexpress.com/2012/06/01/kenyan-student-alexander-kinyua-kills-ghanaian-roommate-and-ate-his-heart-and-brain/
@ Osy i hope you keep your ignorant arse in Nigeria! wetin the millions of Nigerians dey go find in outside? nonsense !
@ Osy, no apologies but you are the most insensitive prsn av come across in decades! Like seriously??? Can you listen to yourself? Wow!
@Osy u're such an ass,4 saying such of an innocent man..how shallow ur thinking is.. like the other reader said,i dnt even know what to say to u..u're such an ignorant fellow.
wicked people. now tell me what does this innocent man did to them that makes them kill him? i pray those behind this evil act are caught and brought to justice. This will discourage some foreign investors.
Osy,you're an idiot!
You're comment is totally moronic and unwarranted.....fool!
@osy u r an ignorant fool! I hope u never have to loose anyone...may ur conscience prick u for such a statement till u pass!
Osy u r an idiot. I guesses all Nigerians in diaspora shoud deserve to be killed cos the are looking or greener pasture. If your govt have the capital and skill set to get the crude out if the ground to the market..,then maybe expats won't have a reason to come and take ur jobs.
Is this a failed rescue atempt or his abductors have killed him earlier....NEWS should be stated straight ....
Its high time we engaged our security operatives in hostage rescue trainings to forestall future occurence.
@ Osy......... I am confident that you have a very loose screw in your brain . Please go check it out ASAP . Are you okay at all
How is working in a foreign country a justification to get killed. In short let me stop typing because i rain abuses on you . You are definitely Idiot
My heart goes out to the German family
'osy, i am so dissapointed. u r obviously primitively archaic and shallow. anyways may his soul RIP.
Some Nigerians are just plain stupid .... For @Osy mind he/she has said something sensible
SMH , what a big fool . if you dont have something useful to say why cant you shut your dirty stinky mouth . I can see the flies that come out of that mouth ***HISS***
So Sad , why kill innocent people , all because of greed and randsome money . Nigeria is gradually going down the drain
so sad. what is naija turning to?? may he RIP.
Stupid, didn't u hear he's an engineer? Its because ppl like u are too stupid to go to school, that's why we need foreign engineers. I'm sure its someone as stupid and dumb as u are who kidnapped him. Fool! See ur useless life. You might even be one of the killers who got away sef. Mtschew!
@anonymous june 1st 2010 2.10pm@dhayour 10q 4 ur comment on osy n d word 2 use 4 him/her?BASTARD yes dats d word cos sumx I wonder hw human beings fink.wen dey r mishandled in anoda man's country u can imagine d kindda tins dey av 2 say.dese killers wld neva knw peace
The guy is a full-time idiot!
@Osy, ur papa, ur family dem no go get on in life...say amen....U will be killed in a 4reign land,witout cause...say amen....idiot...can't U clean ur mouth b4 U talk....son of a bitch, bastards
It's a Crazy World! , pathetic situation. Evil men do... "Eni ta ofa soke to yi odo bori..." mynaijainfo.blogspot.com
How come the JTF did nothing for 6months? I can imagine what his family back home must be going through.....
This is nonsense jo!
Who this OSY , the comment is so dumb that it made me speechless and lost for words . Insensitive fool !!!!
My prayers and thoughts are with the White man's family
U r jes a foolish idiotic ignorant.....
Poor guy!Gott in himmel!Haba!May God visit the families of his killers with fire and brimestone even till their last generation!Amen!
@ osy, watch d way u talk.ure jus an arrogant ignorant sumthing.
So...JTF killed six of his abducters...so we only have JTF's word that it was his abducters that killed him and not one of their stray bullets...hmmm...methinks there's some washing going on here...may he rest in peace.
Ure just mean and senseless!Ure definately not going to end well.I pray die like him!heartless swine.
@ Osy am sure u can kidnap n kill too thats y ur brain can think of smtin so brutal......re u God wheter his here for good or not is that y he shd be killed dats someones father or boyfrnd n son etc.....i really hope ur familiy memebers all around d world re doing legit bizs......mshewwwwwwww
@ Osy quit being heartless. Evry1 luks 4 greener pastures. D fact he came lukin 4 1 doesn't mean he shld b killed in d process. If u were in his shoes am sure u wouldn't say dat. Emma
this people are wicked, normally, i no like oyinbo because they are racist and are very bad in their own ways but chei, this is so touching, why dem no go kill americans them instead of germans, na we wey dey europe go suffer am. I pity the guy sha.
@Osy 2:01 PM You must be an illiterate and a racist to put down such a comment. Its also Obvious that the closest you have come close to seeing a plane is when its in the sky so i might not hold your level of ignorance against you, however if for some divine reason and the aid of your community you have been privileged to see a plane on the floor then its a pity that you probably will remain in this your ignorant state for the rest of your life. Thats a living soul that meant no harm in anyway and you open your mouth foolishly. Its not your fault at all.
Nigeria is a failed country. Why do u kidnap someone who is trying to help make ur country a better one, eh, do u know how civilized his own country is, but out of wanting to better Nigeria, he leaves his homestead and goes into that notorious nigeria to go and be killed by hopeless bastards who do not know what to do with their useless existence than to kill a foreigner. I am so disgusted by this news and so ashamed to ne a Nigerian!
Osy said, U are an Idiot a very Stupid Person you dont have feelings at all. Do you know how many Nigerians Germangovernment takes care of?Heathcare,Education,goodliving those that dont have Work live very good here the way they cant live in our beloved Country Nigeria, even if they are doing normal Works eg some Teachers are not receiving up to 40thousand Nairi Monthly after hard Education . Do you know how many Graduates that dont have Works in Nigeria ?Nigeria Children here in Germany the Government pay them thesame Money they pay German Children Monthly, say 40/45thousand Naira can Our belove Country do that? No , not that we dont have the Money in that Country.
This country is just worst for every thing..
@ Osy... I really can't believe you could say this to someone that comes here to make a living.. I'm sure you will have some of your family members out of this Country.. How would feel if you heard they do the same to them where they are
Really unfortunate that his freedom was so near yet never to be reached. We should not celebrate this type of crime against humanity - that is what it is. What he was paid to do by Dantata, Nigerians no wan do am reliably. Otherwise, why would any business spend so much to bring in an expat. We have to fix things in the country.
Hmmm my prayers is dat Germans shud not start war wit us ooo! Jst one of their bomb wil clear d whole of naija! *Obara Jesus* But dis is wicked! Chai
2 failed rescues out of 2 attempts! Our counter-terrorism 'Delta-Force' needs to stick with training runs for now.
Their success rate is woeful and I wonder who keeps giving the ''GO'' order?
If someone is trying to mimic Obama's success with the SEAL team they had better make sure they get it right beginning with the basics:
Start with watching the following movies
- Delta Force 1,2 &3
- Raid on Entebbe
- The Unit
- Seals (lwkmd!)
- Executive Decision
- RAMBO I, II, III & IV (you got it!)
- The A-Team (rotf!)
Then step up to playing PS3:
- SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2
- SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault
- Medal of Honor
When they have finished, they can then start dreaming of embarking on such rescues!
.... just saying
I blame the stupid JTF for his death. Nigeria needs more orientation in matters concerning security. God help up and for the young man may your soul rest in perfect peace.
@ osy.....sorry for all the tongue lashing but hope you have learnt your lesson. Next time think well before you talk! My one kobo advice to you.
Osy! You be dope-mu of d highest order...pity as common sense just escape you like.
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