Lovely people of Africa, there are many things I wish I could do to revert this unfortunate incident but as we all know, one cannot go back in time.
I had the opportunity of a lifetime to entertain Africa on the most coveted platform but I messed it up due to my act of indiscipline.Continue reading...
I hereby render my deepest heartfelt apology to all the people of Africa, to the people of my motherland Ghana, to the entire Big Brother Africa team, my cherished housemates and most importantly to Zainab and her family.
I am fully and solely responsible for my actions and I under no circumstance justify hitting a woman no matter the level of provocation.
To all my dedicated viewers, fans and critics, I say thank you for all the support. I am truly sorry for letting you down and I promise that I would never repeat such unscrupulous behavior.
This is my sincere apology and I hope it is accepted.
Ehya too late. But Z is a stupid gel too sha.
K-solo in d making
Will Zainab be mature and tender her own apology?
This is what K-Solo should have written in his Press Release. Some PR professionals are really on top to their game. To DKB, I didnt know who you were untill this Zainab incident. But from today, you have won my "fanship"
That's nice of him. I hope he sends Amber Rose an apology too!
Accepted jare! we are all human beings. Zainab should learn to kip her trap shut n think with her head. All d likes of DKB should also learn anger management.
apology accepted. Go and sin no more bruv. u have proven to be a man by dis step u'v taken. oya Zainab follow suit cos u started dis whole mess in d 1st place. if only i can see u one on one,i'll like to give u a piece of the venom in my mouth.
Apology accepted DKB by d way tnx for that slap that bitch deserved d slap I wish Roki can also gives Maneta that type of hot slap. I no mind @ all.
Not accepted!
Linda hw u take knw say d letter is an uneditted letter were u there when it was written?
Pls keep ur scripted apology to yourself u'll do it again in a heartbeat.
BTW linda isn't it 'AN unedited..'Jst saying
Hug transformer mschew
Eyaaaaaaaa..... I loved yu tho'
Fuck you x10 dkb u can go to hell,now I miss zainab in d house all bcos of u
Azonto slap toh madt!accepted,bro
Apolpgy Accepted but ÈŠ̝̊̅† È‹̝̊̅̄§ still campaign after election
Whatever! First of all he's not sincere just worried about his failed career. Why now? He should have expressed his regrets prior to being evicted. The fact that he pushed then slapped her so hard her glasses flew off tells me the guy is crazy. DKB go find life you big azz LOSER!!!
this apology nah campaign after election.
Why shuld he apologise when a little gurl is runnin her mouth forgetin she's a gurl........na wetin fit her mtcheeww..(omo-iwo)says so....
really n u were dia hwen he wrote the letter to know that it has not been unedited ok oh if u say so.
Why shuld he apologise when a little gurl is runnin her mouth forgetin she's a gurl........na wetin fit her mtcheeww..(omo-iwo)says so....
Apology not accepted. Now bba is boring because of yu.#womanhitter#
LMAOOO @k-solo in the making
pass the mic meh
It's on d bba stargame site.
Apology accepted. Go and sin no more as in don't ever think of hitting your wife when you get married. :)))
My comment is to the producers, management, directors and chairman of Big Brother Africa:
What DKB did was a criminal offence and a gross violation of T&C. His behaviour is grotesque, shamed your brand and sent out the worst message. violence against human beings or even domestic animals is 100% wrong. There's no mitigating circumstances or justifiable excuse for the diabolical and barbaric behaviour of DKB.
Violence is any shape or form must not be tolerated or condoned. You must make an example of DKB to act as deterrent to anyone who might want to follow in his footsteps. You will be failing in your duty should you not take action against DKB. You will be failing the public and your audience if punitive action is not taken against DKB.
@ lit spicer are u saying it acceptable to hit a woman bcos she's running her mouth? Hitting women must be running in ur family. Smh
Some ppl need to be luck away, do u knw how damage he has done to himself.... Or do u think any company in their right mind will allow him to endorse their product or to be ambassador for anything. Well it Africa anything can happen but if he try dat in England he wil be put away in jail n big brother will stil pay compensation for zainab.
Ksolo brother...... AWon were.
repentance is necessary atleast he has realised his mistake. Appology accepted. Go and sin no more.
Arrested and charged sha. i laugh in spanish.
Men whatevs jare, i just wanna than DKB for giving me the most entertaining 5 mins of television ive seen in while. That video cracks me up every time!
Slap me... slap me... TOZAAA!
tew mad men.
yeah yeah, DKB was wrong. dont hit a babe and all that, but Zainab deserved it and it was just too sweet!
This serves Zainab right but shao DKB for take am easy
accepted but ƌσи'τ do dat again even for ur wife
Apology accepted!!u av taken d rite step,u were provoked ni jaree. Zainab shld carry her pencil mouth come apologize cus she started d whole tin.
WDF!!! why is he appologising? i dnt knw why they held him becos shes a girl? he should have beaten respect into her. being a lady does no justify stupidity. she 4 try am 4 9ija boi so she 4 learn d hard way...cc>>....(K Solo)
I really hate to take sides in this kind of situation,I'm a woman too and I know no m
an should ever raise a hand to a woman,but when a woman degrades and shames a man,she definitely had it coming, on another note dkb should have just walked away.but anyway what's done is done,I hope this doesn't ruin things for him.best of luck dkb.
Is this some kind of questionnaire for ur project? If its not please #PASSTHESALT
HmMmmm..I wonder why my comments are never shown..arrrgggh..Dkb dts a good 1 ..buh u 4 give her more slaps...Next base jare..@Zainaab go n get more slap..dts wat. U desrve until ure trained on hw 2 talk.
May it fit you someday too. It runs in your generation I guess
Yes I English professor, teach us! Is it 'A unedited' letter? Mtceeeew
KemiKal or whatever your name is....please shusssssshhhhh there will you! Officer in charge! Which Law school did you even go to sef?? Did you not see her provoke him and slap him first? She also used foul language. So that would be Public disorder and assualt plus criminal damage for all the equipment/ furniture she destroyed on her wild antics!!! So stop pointing the finger solely at him and view the matter with an unbiased mind!
Madman! Go ask google.
Buhahahahahaha. But really,Is this some kind of questionnaire for your project? Let Tobenna have your answer please.
Your mother is a fool....ode ni
Zainab wanted to look at ur sex organ n u should man up n invite her in both have a good romantic shower.tell her to show u her sex organ too n win d competition rather u let her sexual frustration hot libido to storm u out of d competition yeye ghana boy
Thats more like it!
Better late than never. you will build you image in due course man. some corporate organization will still not touch you with a ten foot stick. good luck wriggling out of this.God will help you.i forgive you.Zainab needs to apologize too.
Dis Dkb Guy is sick & he's such a violent thing.I laugh when ppl just accept an unsincere apologies,I wish him badluck
This is just PR...I think he just realized the folly of his ways and that he is a LOSER. The practiced hand with which he did this tells me he has done it before...and thus, he will very likely do it again...Once a beater, ALWAYS a beater....
o n pe!dat serves her right.dkb apology accepted!
I dnt want to be a judge or anything...but if u watch d clip properly, u will see that zainab slapped him first. I am not saying that beating a woman is cool (in my opinion its a sign of cowardice) but then shouldn't zainab have respected herself? We are all shouting gender equality,but she went up to him screaming hit me and even slapped him first. Respect is reciprocal...if she had stayed on her own we wouldn't be discussing dis issue. Whether he apologized cos of his career or not (his conscience will judge him) he has apologized. Zainab should also tender her apology.don't forget zainab had been disturbing him in d house for sometime b4 d ugly incident. If we want men to respect us,we should respect ourselves. Apology accepted.
Kamikal i totally agree with you.....even if she was wrong by going to peep.....he cam out saying he'll slap her...meaning he provoked her first.....and all of u supporting him are just as bad and must have violent streaks as well... we re just crucifying Ksolo when most of u here are probably the same
*dead* Loooooool
You err youself; it is actually 'an unedited'....
wow no apology to the person that chop slap issorite.... those of you laughing keep it up may somebody not slap your sister next.
hope the apology is accepted but na Medicine after death.
DKB taking woman battery to the public, to d whole old to see. BBUK is going on n we haven't seen any one push n slap each other let alone a woman. What differentiates a man from a woman is maturity, restraint, self worth n self control etc. what man doesnt know that women run mouth more than showers but yet u had to destroy your destiny cos of a woman, you hAd to just beat her n show us u can dodge on national television . Clap for yourself cos I can't see you as a role model, or a company using u for endorsement or even u been a brand except for pro domestic violence. Above all to err is usman. I hope u are truly forgiven butt forgetting will take time' d guy that slapped a girl on BBA' .
As for sis Goldie when u are done u'll come home . Crying openly for man geez!
This is so scary, these comments show that NAIJA men are wife beaters or potential wife beaters. How can anyone deserve a beating. God help us. Amen
Some men think it is OK to beat their wives or colleagues and then say sorry afterwards....He even has the audacity to say he hopes his apology will be accepted. As we all know, sorry does not wake up a dead wife. So I will say this. DKB your apologies have been accepted so now please play your part and proceed to the nearest police station in Ghana to begin your incarceration you barbaric lost coward.
Laughing o hard @ mama ifu' practice hand' . I agree oh , u can see he's an expert, even knows when to dock n his swift movement. Expert.
Now DKB have apologised let Zainab do same or she is happy that is wanna have sex now she is free.
God has endured it for long, but now i tell u people its all over for bba or corrupt show as i call it. Watch this evil come to an end.
Oh boy,the guy is not a nigerian.OK?
LMAO..... i don't condone violence but Kemikal's comment has sent me through the roof with laughter. As in that is an essay on not condoning violence...you should study law cos u will pass in flying colours.
You must be solo makinde's broda. Oloshi
Nice one DKB
Apology accepted,go and slap no more
Dude believe mi, u did nothing wrong ,if i was in your shoes, i'd smash her in the Face "twice"
@Tonia 5.37 why wont u suppot Zainab? Look at ur own language sef, e be like say u dey prison. Birds of the same feather mscheuuuww
Even the tone of the letter is not very remorseful. He's reminding us that he was provoked and at the same time rallying his 'dedicated fans e.t.c'. It feels very strategic to me. I am wary of this apology too easily given for a situation that he unnecessarily escalated. He really ought to seek help for his emotional issues.
To the KemiKal supporter at 9:07.
Feel free to have your own opinion, there's nothing wrong with that. I do believe however, that people should have opinions based on the events they have seen themselves and not based on what others have said or are said to have seen.
When DKB came out of the shower he did NOT threaten to slap Zainab straight away. He simply warned her not to do such an act of peeping at him in the bathroom like that again. There was nothing wrong with him doing that. Only for her to start swearing and acting a fool live on TV. She didnt even try to apologise for what she did, instead she was justifying it saying she wasn't only looking at him. At the same time as swearing calling him a "nigger" and a "bitch".
For goodness sake!!! Where are your standards here?? What does this say about us as a people? On TV!! and on BIG BROTHER *AFRICA* for that matter. She feels it's ok to go around calling people the name we accuse the white pple of insulting us with??? Tryna be a wannabe fake arse ghetto American KMT. Pleassssse, she obviously felt humiliated at the fact that he confronted her in the presence of others over the issue of her peeping.
Zainab's attitude was despicable and totally uncalled for. She lacks respect, home training and morals and I dont care what she may or may not have been through in her life, that is not enough to warrant such behaviour at this age, she was a grown woman the last time I checked.
I have been through hell in my life too but I use my energy positively and dont go around thinking "I'm the shit", making a fool of myself and my nation on international television squaring up to a man. He shouldn't of slapped her but in fact you can clearly see he didnt even want to when he initially walked away. He even told her when she was busy shouting "slap me now", that he was in the bathroom and tried to moved forwards (away from her), but then she jumped in his face and even slapped him first.
Zainab is worst than a vicious animal so DONT YOU DARE talk about others and their violent streaks because clearly you lack the information necessary to base your assumptions on. If you condone Zainab's behaviour (her use of FOUL language, aggression and violence)then actually, it is you that clearly think such behaviour is appropriate and therefore believe such is a useful way of living. Nonsense KMT.
To all you people acting Holier than thou...both men and women.
I hope you realise that the world we live in is not a perfect one and people do make mistakes with which they can apologise or arrogantly choose not to. DKB has swallowed his pride and come out to apologise which I wonder if many of you will do in even smaller situations.
How do you know that his apology is not genuine, are you God? What gives you the right to label people by calling DKB a "woman batterer"? Do you know the meaning of that term (I suggest you go and check it out?) Did he slap anyone else in that house before the unfortunate incident? Have any of his partners claimed he beats them?
I really wonder how you can actually insult him and wish him bad luck for a simple mistake that anyone could have made. It was not an ongoing thing, in fact when she carried on throwing things, did he not walk away? Do you think he didnt have the power to beat her up properly if he was really the person your making him out to be?
You say he should have had self- control!! A person can only take so much especially when they are pushed to the wall. How many of you have self- control when you're out in the world collecting bribes, sleeping with men for money, stealing, killing, cheating on your wife, insulting your wife daily, leaving her at home while you take your gf's on business trips with you (is that not abuse?) Are you saying all you men out there have never insulted a woman because thats the same thing! Stop judging people especially when your own is worse! That is exactly the reason why Nigeria cannot progress. Too much energy spent on nonsense negativity rather than accepting mistakes, learning from them and moving on to bigger and better things. It is pulling you backwards, please move forwards jorrr! And to the lady that said in England DKB would have been sent to prison, ermmm... I think you need to get your facts straight there Hun, then probably watch the video again, again and again if necessary so that you actually see what happened throughout the event as usually done in the Court of Law. Then find out what the UK Law on Self- defence and Provocation is in criminal matters. Thank you
Na wa for some people. Can't you see how annoying the horny slut was acting.An African woman going to peep at a naked man....ha.. If I was DKB I would have given her four more slaps and send her to the floor. Stupid girl mtcheeeeeeeeeew.
K.Solo in d making
Not accepted cos you be God....Abeg go sit down inside gutter!!!!!
Wow! I just saw a video of another man throwing water at one woman, then slapping another 58 yr old woman THREE times on live TV!!!
He wasn't African though, he's European. And a spokesman of a Greek political party.
It's still condemable, where ever it happens, but I guess Abusing women is not exclusively an African thing after all.
No b small questionnaire o. Wt an epistle. Pscheeeew. Why dnt u go arrest him? U r here blabbin.
To those of you supporting DKB action, I wonder if you will support same if Zainab were to be your daughter, sister or even your fiance? One wonders if any of you has ever handled a woman under your roof before, because if you had, you will know women tends to provoke to boiling point, and it takes a REAL man to walk it off. DKB had earned himself the appellation of a WOMAN BEATER, shebi he is a comedian, let us see how he jokes himself out of that.
Be violent, and then apologise later, those are the traits of a serial women beater. One way or the other, I know he wont get away with that heavy slap he landed on Zainab face, it is too much of a deed.
I know so many pple commenting on this issue did not watch the aftermath of the slap. Though BBA has removed it from their site; then you will know that Zainab deserve more than those pretty SLAPS. A lady that throw bottles, hot water, frying pan and can also go as far as open the bath door over a guy.... Haba. The lady is no more a lady, just an animal. To Kemika or whatever. Don't just stand on the stupid idea of woman right or whatever to judge this guy. Mind you this is Africa not UK.
DKB is the Man , bitches should be slapped, ladies don't complain unless you are BITCH..
From the little I had seen of DKB before the slap I can honestly say that he was fated to slap someone. Zainab happened to be the (un)lucky one. He had shown so much signs of pent up violence in the various diagreements he had had with other housemates. If you ask me he was a disaster waiting to happen. Zainab just happened to press the 'activate' button. I think other housemates should be grateful to her. It could have been any one of them further down the road.
Zainab unfortunately is the type of girl that can and will continue to activate violence from men that come her way if she does not change. As much as I am of the view that men should not hit women I am also realistic to know that there are men that when a Zainab 'tries' them, they will show her that she made a big mistake.
No woman deserves a slap even if seriously provoked. Men of these days are getting very agressive, its scary.
Anxiously waiting for Zainab's reply and possibly an apology too.
More to the story as DKB in more WAHALA http://t.co/8SH4lNs0
To all of you that have constantly vilified DKB for his actions, eat your hearts out! The mark of a man lies in the ability to rise above the situations you find yourself in, even if they were self inflicted. The man has swallowed his pride and taken responsibility for his actions...regardless of the fact that his actions were justifiable.
And all of you who continue to condemn him even though he has shown that he's a better person, y'all are hypocrites!
@Kemikal: You need to lighten up abeg! Why are you brewing a thunder storm in a tea cup???
All you so called moral crusaders, did you notice that she was the first to assault him?? Of course you didnt!
Good one DKB! We need to see Zainab apologise too
And to those of you saying he should be jailed, I hope u know provocation is a defense in law even for murder (Penal Code). And any Judge who sees the video would accept that he was provoked, don't also forget that in the eyes of the law men and women are equal, all the judge need to consider is two men are fighting. He was slapped and he slapped back. Simple. I don't not condone hitting a woman at all, but this is a battle she might not win both in court and public opinion, she had it coming.
Mature u say? I think d word is will she b reasonable enough to tender an apology? Sometimes,we get angry n mess thns up bt d courtesy of apologizing can go a long way.
This has been a very Interesting discussion......@Anon. 3:59 am and Anon. 4:40am I agree with you.
Just from watching the show a few times I noticed that both Zainab and DKb have some anger issues and dat they were bound to clash but not to the extent of physical attack "which by the way I don't encourage "
DKb's apology sounds a bit doctored but I have to give it to him he made an effort bcos it is not easy to get a good PR dat can manage dis kind of negative publicity.
I also believe dat Zainab owes Africa an apology also for her foul language and all the derogatory names she called DKB and also for disgracing women.... becos pikin wey dem train well no go go dey look man wey dey baff for inside baffroom.
Once a douchebag always a douchebag
Oloshi tun fi critics si,smh,aburo K-solo
Dis Kemikal person is just a jobless attention seeking twat! yes DKB did wrong but all dis self righteousness for what? abegi! gaan drink bleach
Zainab where is ur apology o???? Ashewo wey open bathroom on men, and had the odasity to slap a man first. She get luk say na for TV if not na massive beating u 4 recieve...
To all u lieing girls out there...try Naija man u hear una go see pepper...nonsense!
Dkb did well by apologising,buh its a stain on hs carrier nd personality,it stil doesn't justify hs actions.
At Anonymous June 8, 2012 11:53 AM:
"Heat of paassion" or "provocation" as you call it, is only considered in the "penalty phase" of a criminal case in most states not the "trial phase." So the defendant will still be convicted of murder, however, the sentence MAY be redeuced if the defendant is able to show that he/she was provoked. You can't claim provocation when you already threatened to take an action because that is proof of premeditation.In this case, DKB threatened to slap Zainab so...you get the drift.
May I just say that I am appalled to say the least at some of you, especially women, condoning DKB's behavior. Zainab was wrong for what she did BUT DKB, if he were a TRUE man, would have walked away.
i wonder why people are crucifying d poor guy. she slapped him first, was she meant to do dat? abegi lets be honest with ourselves......
GBAM!! Anonymous 05:21PM has hit the nail on the head. DKB is very lucky that charges were not filed against him. In my experience handling similar cases, the judge will consider "provocation" before sentencing. It does not come up in determing whether you are guilty or not of ASSAULT. Some men like DKB are just ticking time bombs. They are very agressive and just angry inside. Like another LIB commenter stated, they go about exploding when the Zainabs of this world push their buttons. You cant say she provocked him and so she deserved the slap.I still feel his pain though but that is what grown men do they either walk away or respond back verbally. If you keep attributing your behavior to provocation, it means you sure as heck will be slapping hundreds of people daily. From the guy in front of you in traffic talking on his cellphone and driving really slow, to the lady at the grocery store that gives you a funny look. Hope you guys see where I am getting at.Not trying to sway your opinion but letting you see it from a different angle.
Lmao @tobenna.. Didnt evn w8 2 read d whole comment
Hypocrites dats all what we've got in dis country,sinners claiming holier than thou,kettle calling pot black,obasanjo calling senators corrupt,Bode George calling Tinubu criminal. Yea he should av walked away,I don't accept his apology,he's not a man bla bla bla,swear u've not raised ur hand on a woman and i bet u were so blinded by ur ego u made d woman apologise in ur stead. And u ladies supporting dat biatch,how many times have ur mum strike ur dad first? And what has always been d result whenever she failed to behave like a woman? I guess ur mum got Keyamo or Agbakoba in her payroll. Trust me not to join d bandwagon in dis issue,I promise to love,honour and respect my wife as long as she does same.~BONAVENTURE NNAGS~ says so.
Bonaventure 3gbosas for you, you have said it all. Case closed #pass the mic
IF prezzo had not advised him to tender an apology(check the video clip on you tube if you doubt), I wonder if this would have come. am not buying this!
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