Meanwhile the pilot of the Dana Air plane was an American, co-pilot an Indian and the flight engineer from Indonesia. Among the dead are six Chinese citizens.
The pilot declared an emergency as the plane was on final approach to Murtala Muhammed International Airport, and according to witnesses, the plane appeared to be coming in high with its noise up when it crashed, hitting the ground tail first. Continue to see photos from the crash...
Sigh!!!! God dey
Nigerians are still to blame for the crash because even though the owners wanted the plane to fly. It would have probably gone through some sort of check when it was still on ground.
Nigerian officials who would have probably collected money and looked the other way when matters of the ill fated flight arises.
Is it possible for a plane which has given so much distress,issues and complications be over looked time without number to be 'repaired' and allowed to fly.
Nigerian officers with Dana who knew of the situation could have easily reported to the appropriate authorities to endure that the plane was grounded.
This is not accidental, or due to errors of omission or commission. but outright MANSLAUGHTER.
From the owners to the pilots to technicians and even crew members who had at least an inkling that the plane was not fit to fight could have stopped the disaster waiting to happen.
So sad
May their souls rest in perfect peace. BTW linda stop copying & pasting News with the typo error and all. or read thru well bfr u post.. Biko. "its noise up when it crashed, hitting the ground tail first."
i love ur blog doe.
Out of greed n wickedness many livs of luv ones hav been lost. Oh ma friends sis who is pregnant n just got married few months ago also lost her life just 2go n visit d moder inlaw. Hai wat a world we live.
oh chineke, Uwa nka di egwu,Lord have mercy; i'm so scared of what is going to happen next,
Dear Lord.......comfort the families of the deceased........I saw pics of the @Aneme family....They lost 7 members of their family......So sad....It is well
Just no words.
Linda i am so angry right now and a whole family was wiped out as well even my formal VC from FUTO was among the dead.I dont know when we eill stop buying cheap aircraft in that country.May their souls rest in peace,Amen
so sad, May the souls of te faithfully departed rest in peace.... i cant just imagine teir final minutes....
The pilot was an american?!
nija dark country in an even darker continent...i hope the owner of this airline hasnt used these innocent humans as blood sacrifices to enrich himself further...
so sad,dont no if we will eva heal from this tragedy
Extremely sad and heart-breaking...wat a needless waste. Someone please tell me what the way forward is. The future of this country is so so so bleak. My heart goes out to the affected families; God will comfort you all_amen.
Most of these people on the scene without safety equipment like simple mask are gonna have some form of lung disease in the future. Toxic stuff right there people.
The management of Dana Air must be brought to book for their culpability in this incident. May the souls of the faithful rest in peace.
This is just sad
not been at peace since i heard this news, this is such a terrible loss and the fact that this could hae been avoided makes me more heart broken...the Nigerian govt shld revoke the license of dana air and the aviation sector has to be revamped, RIP Uncle sunday enuma ...such a great loss to the Ichi community....im at work and i cant een concentrate..smh!!!
not been at peace since i heard this news, this is such a terrible loss and the fact that this could hae been avoided makes me more heart broken...the Nigerian govt shld revoke the license of dana air and the aviation sector has to be revamped, RIP Uncle sunday enuma ...such a great loss to the Ichi community....im at work and i cant een concentrate..smh!!!
so sad, May the souls of te faithfully departed rest in peace.... i cant just imagine teir final minutes....
for further safety and health reasons,hope everyone at the site tried to cover their noses with pieces of clothes to prevent lungs or nasal infections of any kind. we appreciate all their help and also hoping the don't expose themselves.my heart still goes out to the little ones.
My heart goes out to all the Victims of the plane crash. Life we know is unpredictable and fleeting, it's then in our best interest to be ready for eternity. What keeps bugin me is why dey were been careless and selfish " tryn to safe cost". @ linda,well done n gud job.
Its so sad
Why didn't d nonsense plane just wait another 5mins before breaking down na
What is there to say really.
Just so that we can all realize that no one has it perfectly clued out. A good number of us if given a choice will prefer the combination of an American an Indian and an Indonesian to fly us over a Nigerian crew.
Evidently, the power and skill to fly and assure safety neither resides on a foreigner nor Nigerian. Ultimately it's God that preserves us from evil.
Seeing these pics sure sobers one at the frailty of life. Any off those 153 persons or those cut accidentally in their homes could have been us. To think one flew this airline. Who says it couldn't have been on a day one flew it? Who says? Just God and only him alone.
Heavenly Father, kindly grant the bereaved, the fortitude that can only come from you.
Manage manage country.. Now we see the out come.. , so sad ;(
Firstly, the airline management must face the full wrath of the law for gross negligence.
The airline/aviation regulators in the country must be fully investigated for permitting such a substandard aircraft to ply the airways and any culpability must be exposed and duly punishedJ
The terms of reference and standards for foreign owned organisations operating in Nigeria must be reviewed urgently.
The government must show Nigerians that they matter by ensuring that criminal charges are brought against any party/parties that had any oversight in this great tragedy.
Nigerians too must realise in these day and age that God does not interfere in the running of countries..they must make changes that would ensure their safety, survival and preservation.
With the current spate of armed robbery, kidnapping, corruption, road accidents, air crashes, terrorism and several other perverse occurrences - the Nigerian is an endangered specie!
May the soul of the forceful departed rest in peace and may their relatives find the fortitude to bear the loss.
Nigeria and Nigerians must realise that good footprints in the sands of time are never achieved by docility!
Still have tears in my eyes, not just because we lost people, real people, close pple, but because it was due to stupid bloody negligence and sheer wickedness and greed. Families are in deep sorrow and lives will never ever be the same again, just because a bunch of greedy pple decided more money was worth the lives of 153 people on board and some more on ground. Its utterly disgraceful that generations have been wiped out. Oh my heart bleeds for children who have los parents, families whose breadwinners are dead, friends plunged into despair, families who have no bodies to even bury and pple who are still screaming in terror and shock for a very very avoidable tragedy. Can’t still stop my heart from aching. Pls sign the petition. http://t.co/36vTddEP thanks
Nigeria we hail thee a place wer indians can come and joke with our lives and go freely i dey hail ooo (omo-iwo)
Linda,i watch this flash on BBC n i duck in shame for my dear beloved naija!!!We have all it takes to move ahead,to make the system work as it does down here but then we are all interested in money,money money.Nobody wants change in that country even though we all cry change!change!try something new that will bring a bit of sanity in any sphere of human development n its d common man that will first make snide remarks n try to avert the change before it even develops further. So it is not only the leaders that are to blame,we all are involved.I remember last year,i was in naija n i went to one of the banks to clear a cheque someone gave me;i was quietly waiting on d queue n the woman at the counter was even a bit irritated at me for not coming forward to meet her despite the fact that she still had like two persons in front of her that she was attending to simultaneously!!..i had to tell her:NO,i'd wait my proper turn.u cant imagine the looks i got from her and other customers standing nearby..so it is way deep,the whole system is toally in need of a revolution.
Nigeria we hail thee a place wer indians can come and joke with our lives and go freely i dey hail ooo (omo-iwo)
People can blame the company I totaly agree but goverment too should be blamed. A poular telecommunication company sometime ago was in the news for giving free airtime to members of house of Reps,they settle senate,settle NCC,pay cofines,levie,tax etc after paying for registeration.
They would lobby for favourable laws,bribe our corrupt officials,pay 'omo-onile' to work on their masts,pay to erect the masts,power the masts with diesel generators 24hours everyday this is minus cost of running their business etc
What I'm saying is this,until Nigerias from the top to the bottom stop this corruption,companies would have to keep cutting corners to stay afloat,buying cheap parts,employing cheap labour etc and avoidable incidents like these won't stop!
Terribly devastating,buh wah can we do?! God have mercy!
'LASEMA boss said the residents of the buildings that the plane struck will be evacuated and taken care of.'
*Clapping hands*indeed!na today?!eps d bit about ..:'and taken care of'Stay tuned in d next couple of days,weeks,months n YEARS n see if they will really do this..ds country is sick,sick,sick sick!!!
I thought so too.. The thing for just manage for another 5 minutes
This is just sad but it also shows that the poor/rich can suffer the same fate. On the road, air, sea we are all vulnerable.. This tragedy should serve as a reminders for all Nigerians especially the rich and corrupted leaders to invest in Nigeria.. Change the country for better otherwise these tragedies will not cease.. My heart goes out to all the family.. RIP
Pls levi rest in peace
American pilot so what? May his soul RIP. but we have better qualified and experienced pilots in Nigeria.School of Aviation Zaria has produced some of the best pilots in the world and the school used to be rated 1st class. The thing is that these expatriate pilots cannot get jet time in the US and are probably flying prop aircraft spraying crops and only come here as a stop gap to make their jet times and move over to bigger airlines when they have the required hours.. Obviously the best American pilots will never come to Nigeria to fly when they can fly for Etihad Emirates and co.the moment this morons especially Ararume of Arik realise this the better for us
Abeg let's hear pple are dead and ur still lookn at typographical errors!
Oga professor,abeg read and commot eye!
Abii yu didn't get the msg she was tryn to pass???
This is so sad, its a black weekend indeed. May God give the families of the departed the beatitude to courage to bear their loss.
@ Tobee.....you're very right! shaking my head sadly.
*parking my bags, leaving this dump till it develops into a Country*
It is a pity that Nigeria is a country where indians,chinese & Lebanese come and do anything they like and go scot free bcos they knw that u can do anything and nothing will happen. just heard 4rm a reliable source that the plane was was bought 4rm Alaska here in the sate bcos of series of problems the owner sold it to these useless Indians, they now choose Nigeria as their comfort zone. i knw our "she" president and those in authority sweep it under the carpet. i suggest they should freeze every business owned by Dana in Nigeria or better still use their assets to compensate the victims family and make a stiff environment for all these foreign investors so that they will be proactive
I strongly believe that our leaders have covenanted this nation to satan & association of witches and wizards. There is so much evil in the land, wickedness is now a way of life, ritual killings here and there. Rape is endless, murder and corruption has been given permanent accommodation, boko haram is now the government. My heart breaks for my country,Nigeria. LORD unseat the strongman of this nation. MERCY!!!
Oh, so the cowards have gone and shut down their Abuja office??? How cowardly.
this is very sad!!!!!
This is all so sad...
My sentiment exactly.they were aware of the fault and yet did nothing.God is up there watching us.I just wish that nigerians will open there mouth to pray to God.
We need help in this country and sincerely d good or worst of this country starts from us-d individual.what are you doing to make the country a better place?
Are we not all corrupt? Aint we all bunch of thieves?Aint we all?The problem is US.
The problem is lack of fear of God.
You are right. The problem is US.We need to sanitize ourselves.How can a country that has a caboodle of THIEVES ever see the light of day.We are deluding ourselves if we expect things to turn around without a critical self examination..There are too many thieves in this country and no nation can survive with these many hoodlums rooming free.When was the last time a politician or former politician was successfully prosecuted and sent to jail?Fa fa fa foul.it never happens.The police is inept.The judiciary is moribund and even the voters are docile and co
We really have problem n this country, I don’t know what GEJ have to do with this. If I will ask this is GEJ the pilot is GEJ the engineers of Dana airline that clear the flight to fly in Nigeria airspace we should blame those people that suppose to make sure that all flight that fly within our airspace are air warden I don’t know if GEJ have to liv his job to checkmate other peoples job, I don’t know why Nigerians will never add anything that will help us we only love to blame people we shouldn’t blame, even in our families will blame so is not surprise to me anyway. Please Nigeria let us write what other country will read and understand we have people who can add good thing that will improve a country, let us blame the people who are straight involve to this plan crash I think the people will have to blame is Aviation Authority and those who are under them because they have work to do but refuse to do them maybe taking back kick was the best, 153 people on board crash to death IT CAN BE ANYBODY YOU OR ME let us write and blame the right people
This weekend was really a sad one. Talk about 6 degrees of separation! Thou I didn't no any1 personally, I have close friends who did. May their souls rest in peace.
1st heard the news on twitter and the watching the queen's jubilee celebrations, CNN interrupted with the breaking News! Where we're our fellow Nigerian stations? One was showing sesame street, another football, one was showing a play! WTF!!! A disgrace to the Broadcasting corporation of Nigeria.
The head of operations of Dana.......sometimes a simple sorry and owning up to your mistake would go along way. Who cares if u flew the air craft to Ibadan with no issues! The fact remains that the plane had issues 2ce in the last month and because of an urge to make profit you put 153 people's lives to the test. Whether the flight or baggage or woteva were insured is not the issue.
Madamme Dame Patience Ebele Jonathan, it's the aviation not the road safety that are to blame.
Now people are speaking up, Air Nigeria is a flying coffin! Arik international flew from NY to Nigeria with a leaking tank!
It's not by force for a country to have local flight if they all have the potential to kill us.
Abeg Biko FG, Senate gbogbo yin do something! Infact Goodluck should not fly the presidential jet but go commercial till this issues are sorted.
This is soo sad!!!! AND ANNOYING! AND THESE PEOPLE GO TO CHURCH!!!! DECLARE THEY ARE CHRISTIANS. All DANA officails are to blame and the MD. i pray this starts something new...just heard of all the other airlines that have faulty planes. we shud all let the cat out of the bag. be open people, full of integrity and honour for the life of a fellow human being. i think DANA airlines should be punished severely by the law to help the other airlines. they are not alone, many other airlines are careless. its only God who can really comfort those who mourn now.
Nigeria conspired to kill Rev Ayodeji Cole and his wife and tens of other people on that plane. Who will replace Levi Ajuonuma in his children's lives, who will be another Levi to his wife. Where will Titi find another Ehime Aikhomu. Ayodeji Cole believed so much in this entity called Nigeria that most of his sermons are to discourage youth from running abroad. See now! See now! He and his wife left three young kids confused, empty, lonely and aimless.
If we can no longer find leaders who will run the polity smoothly and safely without the demons of bribery and corruption, demons of greed and unholy wealth, then let us close the case of this nation. Let everyone choose the country that will accept to naturalize them. The more we cry for good governance, the worse it becomes. Even their children who school abroad and are tutored and taken through the art of being straight, upright and civil gets back home to assume the evil of their useless fathers in greater dimensions. As many of them who are in one way or the other connected to this grief that is traveling through the country like wildfire will forever live their own lives in grief, they will work for another to eat, build for another to inhabit. They will no more experience peace, because they have motgaged their peace and murdered it. Ooh Lord!!!!!!!!! How my heart breaks!
its indeed a sad and disheartening story. We Nigerian residents here in Toronto sympathize with the decease and pray God grant their families fortitude to bear the loss! TUSH
So sad... REV. Ayodeji and Ngozi RIP. It is well. Amen
“Senate demands nothing, but a holistic investigation of the remote and immediate causes of the plane crash," it reads. “Senate would also insist that the probe this time should not be limited to Dana Airlines and their fleet, but all the airlines operating in Nigeria.
Fools! It is a well known fact that "A stitch in time saves nine" if this had not happened would this probe be instructed? even if... it were, corruption will kill the truth!
Its so sad! as this Govt appears to be the most corrupt that Nigeria has ever had! Imagine all the lives lost! what a shame on our nation. Have you ever thought about it, that those ruling us now are a the complete Product of a Nigeria's' failed and Corrupt Leadership?
A probe is not only Needed but a complete sweep! consider the Oil subsidy probe and the Result! is anything done to the culprits? all we have in Nigeria of today is a Group of charlatans! cowardly minded and religious Bigots wrapped in Nepotism and Favoritism. chai! i weep for my Nation !Nigeria where is your conscience?.
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