What Sunday told a PM News reporter:
Our sex life is great. She usually gives it to me real good. We do everything that couples do (laughs) Our challenges do not affect our feelings. We’ve never had any problem in that area of our lives,” he said happily.
The baby born without defect is considered by their neighbours as a miracle child, considering the circumstances surrounding his birth.
During a visit to the couple’s residence, a picture of poverty is crystal clear around them but their home is filled with an aura of love. The husband cuddled their new born baby with one hand while holding the love of his life with the second hand.
Though he could not see the handsome baby boy he was carrying, nevertheless, his countenance was that of a man truly grateful to God as he intermittently grinned with delight.
Interestingly, the abundance of love radiating between the couple has endeared them to many other couples in the neighbourhood.
Adebanjo Abimbola who lives adjacent to the Owoyemis, says: “The way the couple lives their life is a challenge to other couples in the neighbourhood; though physically challenged and faced with harsh economic condition, they are always seen together and happy with each other. They epitomise my idea of true love and we all are learning how to love our spouses from them.”
“The man is blind and the woman is deaf and autistic. We (neighbours) have never seen them quarrel with each other. You need to see how happy they live as if all is well with them,” Folake further hinted.
Omotola, a neighbour spoke on how the couple communicate with each other, do the cooking and other household chores.She said, “two of them go to the market together to buy foodstuffs. The wife, in her condition, does the cooking and every other domestic chore with assistance from her husband. Though dumb, she always tries to mutter out some words. Most of the time, no one else understands her except the husband because she does it incoherently.”
Source: PM News
Awwwwww, cute! though I had a good laugh @ "she gives it to me real good", the Missus is ogbono feli feli material.hehehe
All I can say is WOOOOOOOOW.....
And they have checked that the baby is absolutely normal? hmmm God be praised
The story get as e be
Wow great
The Real Truth Said: ALLAHAMDULILIA. 0an example to us all in this country devoid of understanding of what 'true love' entails. In a keeping up wth the jones country where brazilian and funmi hair and trying to snag a rich guy by force and ride jeep and bently dey. Question this shld pose to us all is does true love still matter? Do people rate true love in the face of hardships. Do all these so called big familes even focus on charecter and substance. Again I vouche for true love. In the face of all trails and tribulations of life it will never fail. My fellow sisters let us all focus on depth of charecter, fear of GOD and a man thts hard working tht has potential than focusing on whose who, whts his fathers name syndrome. Congrats to this couple. I salute them
Wow! Just Wow!!!
May God bless dem
How can they argue when she can't hear him. Anyway, congrats to them!
Happy married life but the Combination is not fantastics. Many things is wrong
WOW!!! *tears rolling down my cheeks*. This is what true love is (in good and in bad time and physically challenged ). i'm guessing when they were about to get married family members and friends may have tried to convinced them not to be married and they might have been made fun of them together.
My dear teenagers, young adults, adults ESP singles let this be an example of what true love is. Love isn't about how much you have in your bank account, or how many cars you own, or whether he or she is from a wealthy family BUT about how happy you are with the person. Let's not sacrifice true love and happiness because of the physical or material things the person has. *tears still rolling down my cheeks*
God uses d foolish things of d world to confound d wise! People wey get everythng never even get 1 percent of this kind of love! Its a shame. Bless u my dears!
This is great, but how did the man toast the lady, i have imagine all sort b4 posting, Wow! unquestionable God
Wow!!! Linda, ur blog is awesome, he be like say u dey use juju, I am alwyas on dis blog, i refresh everytime, i am even broadcasting to my friends to check out this blog. ur the babe. kudos. God will increase u as u r updating us, u are hardworking, u will not seat with main man u will sit with the King. love ya.
This is really cute, i hope they continue like this.
thats true love...despite their physical disabilities they beat the odds..
but nawa oh she...nothing i no go hear from this our country
I knw dis man well he stays in my area he's been a shoe cobler since I was in primary skool and am 23 now am so happy for him.Linda u needed to see the naming ceremony it was Great cos everyone in d neighbourhood suported them.@Linda I love wht ur doing.tnx
In another part of d world they will be making there money with a reality tv show
I knw dis man well he stays in my area he's been a shoe cobler since I was in primary skool and am 23 now am so happy for him.Linda u needed to see the naming ceremony it was Great cos everyone in d neighbourhood suported them.@Linda I love wht ur doing.tnx
O wow! Linda ow r dey surviving tho? R dey able 2 fend 4 demselves n deir child? Is dere a way 2 assist dem wit anythn no matter ow small?
M speechless mehn.
nice. God bless and uplift the family, in Jesus name, amen.
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Sex life!!!! Bbut bbut bbut..........*spluttering* i cant believe this
Dear Nollywood stars,
Take a cue from these fellas.
Best Regards,
She's all he's not literally. They complement each other perfectly! He can't see, but he can hear and talk, she can't hear or talk but she can see.
I totally agree dear, the combination of your grammar is not 'fantastics' at all. Many things 'is' indeed wrong.
Oooooooh! Ma owuru train umuoba
This is True Love. I'm just wondering how she was diagnosed with Autism.
love is the greatest of all and it Conquers all
God is just awesome.....
na wa for pple d combination isnt fanstatic producewife for am nau, d man isnt complaining very much happy with his choice, the main essence linda made this post is for pple who r chasing after shadows to make a reverse n start chasing the real thing huh
Well they'll have to wait till the child has grown to a certain age to be absolutely sure
God bless them in the mighty name of Jesus. Tolerance and love is what marriage should be. I am impressed, may the uphold each other always.And may their child be blessed.
Aawww ikr !! Lin we want to assist them, how can we do that? Please make sure u find out and for some reason I keep echoing to myself that his eyes could be treated here in england hmmnnn I'm coming let me do some research first.. But please look into how we can donate some money to them
This is so lovely ! Definition of true love am super jealous! Hehe
God is great!
Love conquers all!
hmmmmm some comment here are so funy.... Thank God for them.... I have to start showing love now... Lol..... Ahahhahaha
Bitch! Meaning?
I never thought this kind of love would ever exist in this modern day.May God continue to bless them.
Happy for them buh honestly the guy can't see so he can't see some of d wrong she does he can't argue cos she is deaf
wow,this is so touching!! We can actually learn from them and apply in our marriages and relationships.we must train ourselves to shut our eyes to some things,close our ears to gossip and only speak that which encourages.am truly blessed by this couple.God bless them!may their child grow up without any troubles in Jesus Name....Amen.
Pls you guys in the area shld help him wiv a hair cut. Thanks.
Linda can you try a bit harder by getting to find out what this couple could be needing, becos u explained their economic hardship without giving room for readers that might want to help them.an account number will do pls.
Woooooowwww!!! Dis kinda love is from where?
God is awesome
we got to thank God for them
We just have to thank God for them
if e no be true love watin he for be , blind and deaf and dum.. they fit now.
Linda, please how can I support this couple, no amount is small,I will like to know them and where they live and spend some time with them. I am marveled. email me @yetundefash@yahoo.com. you are doing a great job. God will promote and elevate you dear.
This is Beautiful.
Please, If you can also post on how we can help them, their child especially, that'll be splendid.
If not, please mail the information to me f.ayinoluwa@live.com
in the us here,they would have had a reality show,we copy the united states in all they do but i dont think ave heard keeping up with the orjiakors or who else is a slut like k kim,or better still,the house wives of surulere or victoria island,ave never seen a marriage like this,God is awesome,how do they live,but thank God the sex is good,she gives it to him real good,i guess thats the way they communicate
Lmfao paty rock anntem
Lmao...u no well o scorpion!nice one tho!
True love goes beyond the physical, .it is a beautiful thing in our eyes
Chai! I still dey roll ontop floor.laughing my ass out.SOooo hilarious
'She usually gives it to me real good...' Yuck! Lol. But im so happy 4 them. Thats good :)
LWKMD.My tots exactly.How can they fight when he is blind to her faults and she is deaf to his rants?
Nice one..though i expect their kids to be okay,cos their physical conditions arnt genetical and hence sudnt be passed to the unborn..I wish them more happy years to come and more kids too..
ONOME says........
The story got me laughing so hard.He is blind so cannot see she is deaf and basically dumb.So she can see but not hear if her husband cusses her out and he is blind so basically if his wife vexes him he cannot even see her to register his annoyance nor speak for here to be aware cos she can't hear.And if she dey vex for her hubby how does she clearly express it to him verbally or even visually cos he cannot see and i am back to starting point.Classic.Lolllllllll
This is what marriage is all about I guess.You become literally blind ,deaf and dumb to each other's faults.
Of course their son is ok.Its not exactly some transferable condition,duh!
They need support as do a lot of welfare cases in Nigeria.
Woooow!! Am deeply touched by this story, u 're doing a great Job dear, it would be nice if u can also organise a fund raise... May God bless u abundantly.
Soo proud of the both of them,U see,if physically challenged pple can av a happy home,how about you normal pple?Think!!
This is so totally cool. Please if you have any specialized knowledge on dealing with addictions and all that stuff, be the first to post on my new support site http://fratpackng.prophpbb.com/ . long live...whatever
D same love wey we get 4 our very old planes. Lov dy sweet o
Linda, why do you have to include "dumb" in your title? Is she dumb? Ok, I understand being deaf, but don't get the whole "deaf & dumb". I think just deaf and autistic would have been sufficient. You should be a little more polished with your title. Great article though!
that is love for you. am happy for them.
God is great
true case of love is blind#trulyveryblind#
God really works in Mysterious ways...wat a great couple
This is awesome!! ıam really touched. May God continue to be their provider..
This is why they say there is ability in disability also, there is LOVE in disability bcos they are also humans hence, they smell, feel, love, etc.
I wish them all the best. Linda u shld have put a link shld some people wanna help.
You know,this is how marriage should be,d man should turn a blind eye to all d womans inperfections n d woman should play dumb so as not to be talkin per second billing . Na those two tins dey bring wahala.In essence dey complement each other.Married couples n singles pls take note.
Lwkmd..scorpion u b 'grammar police?....i don laf until ma womb don dy pain me..
Thank u oh Scorpion!some pple and Gbagaun,I'm tired!
No day passes without hearing a major shell or a factor,ki lo de!
Education is really deteriorating in Nigeria and its saD!
Graduates can't express themselves in English!!!
may Alimighty God bless der marriage Amen. pllls u guyz shld think b4 posting any comments here cus some words u use r nt write. Linda i appreciate ur efforts, God will mk u bigger Amen meanwhile try and post all my comments fenks.
Ehn good o but mmmm der can't be problem nah, the senses dat cause fights are non existent. U can't nag if u r dumb, u can't hear a nag if u r deaf, u can't be angry @ what or over what you see if u can't see! Neways what I take of dis is be dumb to nagging, be deaf to nagging nd be blind to things u can't change.
Thank you Yahweh for blessing this lovely couple with a beautiful healthy child. May abundance reign in their lives and may the unconditional love they have for each other continue to radiate in their home. Wonderful story! Linda, thanks for sharing :)
Sue me!
why would u call her deaf and dumb? because she is deaf it means she is dumb???? wow
Scorpion u no well o!I don pee for my pant o!!!!!lWKMD ooooo
woo! Dis is real good, am hapi 4 dem
Dear Linda, I have never posted on your blog. I was so moved by this story! Is there anyway I can pay respect to this family because of that blessing of a child.? nothing is too small. if there is please contact me: aghoohas63@yahoo.com
thank you!
Only in Nigeria would this be a story. Educated people who don't know anything.
Check the world around you, lots of stories like this exist already, they simply don't get the publicity.
Great but how will they cater for the baby? really hope a health visitor is supporting them for the baby's sake.
I am amazed at the wonderful deeds of your hands,O'LORD and I return all trophies to you.
Hmmm d story is odd sha.....how do dey communicate?via sex*confused bbm smiley*
In their imperfection... the brought out perfection. Why would they not be happy... owing to fact that the problem of most marriages today, apart from money is by the misuse of the senses of the eye, ear and mouth. A blind husband will not look at another woman, a deaf and dumb wife will not complain and nag the husband to death.
I don't understand you all. He is blind. She is deaf, dumb and autistic. AUTISTIC. Even normal people find it difficult to raise children nowadays. How will they cope. You people are talking about true love, what about the children they bring into this world? Is it easy to raise a child? Its even worse in a dangerous and harsh city like Lagos. School, health, upkeep etc. What if they have wicked neighbours who sexually abuse the kids? After all the father can't see and the mother can't hear, speak or know what's going on because she isn'y mentally capable. Who will guide the children's morals? Na wa o. May God help them. Because left to the parents, I don't know how they will cope. In my opinion, some people shouldnt be allowed to marry, and if they do, they shouldnt bring kids to the world to suffer. Men and sex sef. Ask the woman, she might not even know what it going on. So sad!
dis is serious oo am short of words
am just short of word...
dis is serious oo am short of words
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