Runway lights at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja went off yesterday evening stalling the landing and taking off of planes. All the international planes that were meant to land at the airport in Abuja yesterday were re-routed to Lagos and Port Harcourt. Lufthansa, British Airways, and Air France flights had to land in Lagos where passengers where offered accommodation, while an Arik Flight coming from Port Harcourt was forced to return to PH.
This is the third time this year that blackouts will be recorded at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, and they are yet to find a permanent solution to it. I think the aviation industry needs a total overhauling; starting with the resignation of the minister in charge of the sector!
They make enuff $$$ to have Generators running 24/7 or maybe these Airports can get electricitt. From Neighbouring countries who normally have lights 24/7 or b4 running my cute fingers why weren't the any lights tho
na wa oooo dis country never ceases to amaze me, with all the evils dats been happening
Ya Linda, its called ''Vision 2020''. I beg pass d mic jo. Mtww
Can u imagine? A whole international airport 4 that matter situated in d federal capital territory we ve not recover from d one of last week ooo hear me self is it up to a week? Linda I agree with u let d minister in charge of Aviation resign jooooorr. Se no sabi her work na to dey buy buy brazillian, Indian hair and her yeye loud make ups.
Linda dear.it wasn't just only arik,my 6 45 flight aero was also included,it wasn't just funny, at all,said my last prayer,switched on my fon,sent txt messages to my family which cldnt deliver until we landed back to ph,we spent 2hrs on air, and u knw whts their funny excuse? That rats ate the cables,u can imagine that,its by the grace of God we landed abuja this mon on same flight,it wasn't funny ooooooooo
Linda, God bless you for ur suggestion, i have said it times without no. that Stella Oduah is incompetent & as such shld resign or be dismissed, if another crash shld occur now she'd come tell us that her thots are with the bereaved & other shits...mtcheew, Nigeria as a matter of fact is a failed state!!!
The worst of it all was that as at the time all these were goin on,candles are being used at the airport,a whole FEDRAL CAPITAL TERRITORY,#so bad
Rats ke? Na wa 4 we kontry sha sha oooo
what if a plane was trying to land at that time, and the lights on the run way goes out...... Nigeria ooooo which way forward.
somebody was praising the minister on fb few days to d crash and alas d crash happened, started saying she's stl d best even after d crash wonder what she wl say now? guess who ur Amaka Nwosu
birds of d same feather! a minister that all she knows how to do is paint her face, glue brazilian, knack rolex pls has she got any clue like d clueless one who nominated her just because she's his wife's friend and she helps her front to buy oil bloc, may God deal with all thats trying to run this country down, 'cause giving us 24hrs electricity is no a rocket science, Togo/Cotonou has enjoyed consisten eectricity since d 90's and this countries r not as rich as Nigeria, South Africa is sourcing for crude oil from us but their country is more better than Nigeria, infrastructure wise and economy wise, what is wrong wt us, Ghana has raced us and left us behind, even Obama confirmed it, yet our stupid leaders believe it shd be biz as usual, may all d people who want to run this country down be grounded to their tits n Jesus name
linda better post my comment o, partial gal
Imagine what wld hv happened if flights that wer forced 2 change their routes dint hv enof diesel...
GBAM# linda ur so on point!!!! Zina GH
Na wa o may God help us in this obodo nigeria. Susan
@iynda pls remember to do thanksgiving this Sunday
Everybody is saying the minister of aviation should resign. If and when she does, who will replace her? The entire system is wrong. Most Nigerians are corrupt not just the leaders.
Honestly, OVERHAUL is an UNDERSTATEMENT! How else can one rate the minister's level of INCOMPETENCE??? She's destroying the aviation sector by the day! Her powdered puffed brainz are beyond my imaginations, "ALL the AIRPORTS and I mean ALL the airports are undergoing renovations at d SAME TIME"... The terrazzo flooring by Julius Berger was removed and replaced with Chinese tiles with shiny surface, people have tripped and fell on it wen its dry,wat will happen wen its wet? No thoughts nor considerations to the human traffic flow at airports... Hhmmm I can smell "REVOLUTION" b4 2015... We can't continue like this!!!
Obasanjo has electricity 24hrs,even all dos ministers in maitama and asokoro have 24hrs power suppply?why can't the airport have 24hrs power!I taya 4 dis country.we need adolf hitler or americas intervention
Peters?....lol (na play I dey o!)
Demeuren sef is qualified, Stella Oduah on the other hand has a microbiology degree!!!! Only in naija are our cabinet mostly full of people unqualified for their positions. Its not even about nepotism, I dont care if you appoint your sister, please let her be qualified for the job!
Jokers thats what we all are! The sooner we get real with ourselves, the better for us and Nigeria! My Naija passport has expired, and right now I dont care to renew it. If something happens to me, at least the US will help me, they value the death of a citizen.
Dana pilot declared may day! Yet we didnt have any rescue teams ready in case of wahala! In a normal country, EMS would have been ready on ground, hospitals emergency departments would have been notified, in case! Instead what we do is to read the names of victims at the House and honour them with a min of silence! Please lets be real with ourselves! 52 years later and we keep going down into a deeper hole every year! We can lie to ourselves and claim to have nollywood and be entertainment society and fashion gurus, but no city is ever built on that. LETS NOT FOOL OURSELVES! Forget the government, the government is made up of Nigerians, we are the problem in our society!
Its not just the entire aviation industry, its the entire society down the core, down to Linda, and you and me!
Sorry for the unfortunate airport blackout. I vow to deal with those responsible. And as a responsible government, we shall set up a committee to look into it. My name is john zoologist
Imagine d look on ma face cos it was ma 1st tym flyin...wen dey annouced it I almst fainted in d plane ohh!! Only God will save us all..hiaan!!
If we start cleansing this country from the top trust me;the people below will fall in line sharpish.Alot of what's happening physically are manifestations of things done in the spiritual/fetish realm.God has answered our prayers long ago but we lack the collective faith to believe him and take back our land from the devourers.This' not the time for prayers but God-ordered action.Let us cleanse d land with their blood!
You must be a worthless piece of shit!Personally i will lodge a bullet in her brain or d space in her skull that's supposed to house a brain.I strongly believe it's time Nigerians took the law into their own hands and start murdering all these pple starting with Obj and Ibb.
major overhauling. when will these people start regarding lives?? d fear of the tragedy dat befall us on june 3rd is still fresh. i now believe our leaders are really wicked and selfish.june 3rd crash should have served as a wake up call for them to get the lights permanently fixed cos this is not the first time i'm hearing abt ds light ish. i'm really sad for my country.
That lace-front wearing minister and her co-horts need to be removed asap!
It haff finish fr dis country.God help us all....pls check www.tolanikol.wordpress.com
I don't know if firing Stella Oduah is the answer if they're just going to replace her with another incompetent. Didn't they fire the aviation minister after Sosoliso? That was when I thought a change would come but I was wrong. All we're doing now is pointing fingers when we are all in one way or another guilty of the rot that is Nigeria - even with the little things we do. I was thinking about the crash a few days ago and I had a depressing thought - maybe the reason why politicians are corrupt at the top is because when they were ordinary people they were corrupt too - looking for a quick fix, even something as small as violating a traffic rule. Bad habits start small and become criminal negligence. I think she should stay and start figuring out how the aviation ministry can be reformed. She resigns or is sacked and so what? She has already chopped enough. She'll just wait for the next administration and run for another position.
Point of correction, the anuofia who gave her praises was the divorced Amara Blessing Nwosu nee Ulasi
#GBAM# @ada
maybe instead of always focusing on acquiring wealth and status, Nigerians should really focus on becoming a better nation.
You are the cause of your own misery, do you not know that you are not supposed to switch you phone on once a plane is in motion as the signals might interfere with engine and cause an explosion. It could have been worse for you.
I feel you pain,true talk
Not surprised at all! I was on a flight to ABJ last september and the runway lights went off just as we were preparing to land,pilot has to hover around for about 15mins till they were restored.
And nobody in the sirport managemtn has been fired despite all these!!!
You know why a complete overhaul won't happen? Because you media guys are not consistent with your criticisms. You will be the same person praising Fashola even though evidence shows health, security, education and the generation of meaningful jobs are lacking. They will tell you your views are biased and political. If you guys can think of the plight of the common people and always stand by the facts, they will be compelled to appoint very qualified straightforward guys.
I weep for my country Nigeria
Ada Obama...you have said the bitter truth. The other day friends were arguing bla bla bla...the enemies of Nigeria are you and I. That is all!
Who is fooling who? Each time d talk about blackout, just knw dat d r smuggling tinz d dont want u 2 see, drug tinz.. Pas d mic.
@Ada, nice one..streetlight fortune ugorji.
I totally and honestly agree with you.And we as individual don't purge our mind of dirts,have a renewed mindset,start acting positively.I tell you we would remain the same.Its not about the Government.its about you and I
Pls don't ever compare Ghana with Naija. No matter what, Naija is still betta. End of story!
Then the ones who were dropped in Lagos will now have to take harrowing flights to Abuja. They make it so difficult for people, meanwhile these are easy things.
Oduah is the Dame's best friend. She's making billions for both GEJ and his wife. So if he sacks her it exposes them in a way. There are many qualified aviation experts in Nigeria, why can't experts be deployed to their fields? I forgot, it's all politics.
God ve u forsaken us. Please dont have mercy on us.
we need borrow light and life from Ghana, shame on Nigerian leaders
Lmao. Airplanes use aviation fuel not diesel. No be gen nah
Their is a video circulating of Jona doing brain surgery. Abeg Linda, broadcast it. Who knows, this yabis will make him sleep seven 'sleep' of a man.
I tire for this govt o.
Can we just declare Nigeria to be a failed state because it doesn't seem as if this is going to get better anytime soon. I know for a fact that even if the British colony had remained they will never mishandle our country the way our own people are handling it. Nigeria is a sad story and it will not change unless a revolution takes place.
In this sensitive period when the nation is still mourning the incident of last weekend and all eyes are on the aviation industry an International Airport's power supply is failing, I cant not even imagine what would have happened if a plane was landing at that moment when the power went off. We are deceiving ourselves that we have a country....a country that doesn't give a damn about its citizens.
This is an evidence of systemic failure. Nigeria as a country is a failed state. In 2012 we are 50years behind d rest of the world. We are so blessed, yet so poor. The problem with Nigeria is Nigerians. You and I, and everybody , we've lost our value system as a country., and the ruling elite has turned d country into a huge joke.
My dear Linda, Could you please research and let us know what exactly the problem is that Nigeria cannot provide her citizens with 24 hour power supply. It bothers me a lot. Concerned citizen.
She should be fired. Unfortunately they are all in on the corruption and rot so GEJ can 't fire her
You must be very stupid or a first time flyer to have tried contacting anyone via phone when d plane was still in the air. Did you have ear piece on when they made d announcement? Haba this your ignorance fit cos plane crash sef. Be very careful.
He didn't fire Allison, so there's no way he'll fire Oduah unless the Nigerian people stay on his ass like wet paint. Igbos are the overwhelming majority in this mans cabinet. What exactly have they achieved? Just stealing like never before. Imagine how much Allison stole. Nigeria has never experienced as much criminality in government at a goal, than we are experiencing on a daily basis now. If it was another region doing this, igbos won't let us hear the last of it. Linda the obvious tribalist, I know you won't post this one, but if I talk about yorubas like I always do, you post it sharp sharp. Ndo.
Anon 6:48 ode ni e...dey there make pant dey wear u. It's such arrogant stupidity, that keeps naija where it is. I'm sure u never branch Ghana. You for no dey talk like this. Obama pass Naija go Ghana go invite their prez for the G8 summit. They must be doing sth right. We had better start making our demands from this evil govt. Else, Ghana go soon be our small london.
Hmmmm! Nigeria's situation is pismal,dismal. It is regretably lugubrious that we keep making non professional to head our sectors of economy. For crying out loud, how can a dentist be efficient in an accounting sector. The GEJ administration has failed us totally. Down to fellow Nigerians, this people have so much worked on our psych that all the citizens now look for the slightest oppurtunity to make money. We are not considering the future of our unborn children and a better tommorrow.
Anon June 9, 2012 6:48 PM; hve you been to Ghana to make a comparison. If you've not you can't really make an objective opinion.
Anon June 10, 2012 9:57 AM; Diezani is from Bayelsa but married to an Igbo man. There's a difference.
Na wa for dis country ooo,afta dis Dana ish i expected them to up their game a bit.....mstchewwww,God help Nigeria....
Lmao.....Ghana don be small London sef....i skl in Ghana n i must tell you,i'll rather spend my holidays here than show in Naija oo.Its a big shame.24hrs light,Police wont harrass you,nobody wee kidnap you even if you take walks @ 2am in d mornin sef all alone.i am sorry to say this but Ghana has left Nigeria in the dust....They just found their crude oil,imagine what it'll be when the dough starts rolling in....
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