P.Diddy and Cassie in Cannes, France, yesterday |
P.Diddy has three baby mamas...and one of those baby mamas, Kim Porter, is still the leading lady in his life. But he's also in a long term relationship with singer, Cassie. According to reports, Cassie and Kim are both currently in Cannes, France with P.Diddy. Some days you see the music mogul with Kim, some days he steps out with Cassie. And it seems these two women don't mind sharing one man.
What kind of a woman is comfortable dating a man for years knowing he has another serious woman in his life? I know it's a man's world, but why let them have their cake and eat it? Make him choose, dammit! :-)
What's your thoughts on this?
and that is exactly why i dumped my boyfriend......can't be dealing with his BS at this age...make up your mind jor
we have our very own annie macaulay here na.....the thing is these women in their empty brains think one day they would be the one the useless man marries...unfortunately for them, men dont change after marriage. if he treated u like shit b4 and had multiple gfs, he wld also be doing the same shit sfter marriage.
love??? fear??? not knowing ur self worth!!!! thinkin he is d only one for you!!!
Linda, this simply means the world goofed in shunning polygamy. It's more natural and would help in eliminating prostitution, and abundance of single girls who don't want to have children out of wedlock.
Today, it's common to have girls bring their friends for orgies with a guy and they have no qualms about it.
U shud know dat these women are not with diddy cos dey luv him, dey only want him for his money and fame. So trust me lin they'll do anything and wotevr it takes to get it
Is Kim Porter still his leading lady? I thought she was fed up and moved to LA? No doubt, she's his baby mama. When the money is too much, some women are just blinded by it all. If Diddy goes running to J Lo now, i bet she will take him back. That's life!
With women like these, men would always think they are the Alphas in our lives. Where is thy worth oh woman???
Na dem life be that. That's how they want it and it ain't gonna judge them. Warreva rocks your boat. SIGUEN! :D
U live in a country where polygamous marriages exist and is common. U can start asking ur questions from there. Different people are looking for different things in a relationship.
I personally wouldn't condone it but thats just me.
When it comes to that all men would appreciate Islam I guess.
True talk.buh smtmx wen we r inlove we 4get wats right n kip mking a fool of ourselves hoping n wishing tins wld turn around in our favour.buh d truth is wen we women r inluv we dnt take our brains along.
I think that Kim Porter is the bigger fool of the two. As for Cassie, I think Diddy just likes her for her looks. Kim Porter is also beautiful
Honestly we are the architects of our heartbreaks...women do not face up to reality... We prefer illusions.
On a lighter note... Let the WOMEN bashings begin!!! hehehe.
When it comes to that all men would appreciate Islam I guess. Linda it's 'have their cake and eat it'.
Nne we are talking about puff daddy and the perks that comes with him: expensive clothes, cars, plenty dollars in my name(in peter okoye's voice), more moni I can spend. I can share him with 30 other women for all I care, its nothing personal, it's just business.
its all abt the BENJAMIN.look give me 500mill n more will share u with the world lol
Money money money!!!it is the root of all things...
hahaha very funny, dint hear u saying this to 'Annie Macaulay'..
It won't look like rocket science to you by the time you are faced with a similar situation, i.e. an upwardly mobile hunk you like and-don't-mind-having-kids-for (even tho he be saddled with other women) on the one hand; and a miserable life with a hard working but pizza-delivery-guy-on-the-weekends type.
Why veture far sef??? There are a myriad of Naija babes that stoop to being concubine #5 so long as the chap brings home the bacon every so often. Sample them and post some of their reasons.
well its obvious dey don't mind after all the money is flowing in. Can't deal with dat,she should better be smart and be a baby mama b4 its ova since she doesn't mind a threesome.SMH.............
Annie Macauley's type. Duh...
odi kwa serious.........
He has the money, no girl would do that with an average bloke. Same with 2 face and annie
Women must accept that there is nothing like one-man-one wife/woman so Women, STOP deceiving yourselves and WAKE UP!!!
I have much respect for men who have many women/wives and they maintain them and their kids. It is when the man does nothing but rather the women maintaining the man that you can say they are having their cake and eating it.
Because they are stubborn! The same way u have remained stubborn and refuse to post comments until after more than 6 hours after the post.
Whatever Linda it is his DICK and life,if he likes let him carry all the women in te states.
Is it suddenly cause for alarm because its Pdiddy? How about the Alhaji's and muslims?
Women only do this cos they are enjoying something from the so called man, that they cant afford to let go. Cassie and Kim are both enjoying piddy's money and fame.
If Piddy was a broke ass? They so be outta there. Share what?!
There relationship is all abt fame and money
Not just a man, one with Money, Power and Rest. Every woman will die for it.
But Linda we have someone like that in naija..until recently #tuface!so the ladies don't care about the rivalry!
Well its clear...it is all because of the money baby!!!lol.
Only 1 woman cant spend his money. i'm sure they're ok wit it. Tat's Americans 4 u, cos they mite get married n divorce. and they mite last longer d way they're getting down wit it. Its similar to 2face case
Maybe the guy can do more than other previous guys. But Cassie just let me down on this one. Damn!
STUPID QUESTION COMING FROM A NAIJA BABE! A Lagos naija babe at that.Linda cut it out... Isnt that like 80% of the naija females that allow that madness
Kim Porter's his leading lady? l'odun wo? I think they are over (at least at the moment) and just because she is his *cough* serial, steady, standby and reliable baby momma does not mean that they would not walk on the same street or attend the same parties. Life will always go on.
No be Usher and Tameka be dis oh.
Linda it's all about the Benjamin's remember and with no doubt he's got it. he even makes his own stars...
He has cash, so I guess they are ok with it.
Low self esteem at play... Some people sell their souls for money! Tufiakwa
Linda dear, Diddy is d richest entertainer in d world, he's puff daddy meaning everything he has is big enof 2 go round. Even with d 3 baby mamas, a lot more women r willing to have more babies 4 him... Lol
cassie na kokoye nah...they don't give a damn as long as they are catered to e.g Kobe's wife.
One objective enough to know that there are not enough men to go round 1 each. There never will be.
Besides, as long as the man is taking care of her, what's the problem. Na the man get wahala pass
Dear Linda,do have any idea how much the dude is worth? Abegi,I'll readily share him with 8 women as long as he takes good care of me,foots my bills as in wella o!!!! Just 2 women pere???
In my dear country,girls happily share broke negroes here let alone a Diddy.
There's love in sharing please.
It's really a case of what floats one's boat! Cassie feels happy playing second fiddle & don't mind so how can that bother anyone? Simple I know a lady who left her husband after two children for a perceived rich divorcee so she'll live with her decision not me. As they say don't take pain killers for another person's pain.
Shut it, Linda. You're talking trash. How about you people in Nigeria? How about polygamous marriages? So, WTF are you talking about. So an American can't have more than one woman but your rulers, public servivants and stars can be in a polygamous relationship. Leave P Diddy alone. Mind your damn biznis. He ain't committing any crime. Smh. Now, pass the fcukin mic. lol
miss Linda, send us the video of how your bold 5 gat lost, u are keeping us in suspense and u know your bloggers will think that u are making the story up without us seeing the video. make us proud and please sen the video
U already said it 'its a man's world'.
Linda !!! Everywoman Has a Price and a situation that they just say WHAT THE HELL!!! You have not found yourself in such a situation before, irrespective of your sweet story a few weeks back. This has nothing to do with poor background or upbringing, its just the way it is. If Jay Z where to notice you and intends to make you his hand bag alongside Beyonce and if Bey is cool with it, i am sure before he says Lin you would have said ARE YOU TALKING TO ME I AM HERE. So calm down and don't get jealousy OK. Like you truly said, IT'S A MANS WORLD. Deal with it. SHIT HAPPENS.
Linda abeg free we men....d ladies know wot dey r benefiting 4m it so its a mutual thingy ok?:p
Linda, the correct term is actually, "Have their cake and eat it"
linda if its u, trust me u wouldnt mind..his p-diddy not any kind man o
Simon Cowell is a baba when it comes to this matter.
its women who think that having a man is what completes you as a woman. i found this out the hard way recently when i found out my ex had another gf, was a liar and a woman beater, i found it hard to leave him coz i was scared of bn alone, but recently i have come to the realization that i am complete whether or not i have a man and i can be happy with or without a man. basking happily in my singleness.
Some women dont mind oooo.bunch of idiots!
Yeah! They are both sharing the same man and don't mind. It's Akata now? What do u expect! lol
Simple..Money is talking..Money and power..you ladies are suckers for that..if a lady can date a married man why can't two ladies date an unmarried one? Whatever ladies say..many of them..MANY not ALL..always seem to have a price tag...
Linda, how much do you earn from blogging? add what you get from mortein and etisalat plus all the other PP you do on side...It can't buy a single bag for any of the ladies in question.
Men love the women, the women in turn loves the money and vice versa.
Why do Nigerian women marry or become second or even third wifes to people? cos like i would always say, all women are the same [35cl is 35cl] whether you fill it with coke, sprite or alomo bitters it doesnt change the size of the container.
What am i saying? "Women love COMFORT" comfort doesnt come CHEAP! - Soup wey sweet na beta money kill am.
Follow me @BaheetSocial - I geti money oh, kukere!
Linda who says its a man's world..is dis an example 4 a man abegg...na cassie no get brain
Remind me, who is cassie again?
Eh, I think Tuface and his babymamas are the best pple to direct dis ur question to, Linda. You no be dem personal person?
Diddy is Rich, Famous and Handsome...they've got no choice. And as my friend would say " A p*ssy once f*cked can always be ref*cked if you play your cards well"
Diddy and Kim have been broken up for years now! They have three children together so I guess they have to play nice.
U dey talk d one wey happen miles away. Our very own Tubaba nko? all dem baby mama's trying to be d alpha b**ch (sorry,dog) in his ken!
Linda this picture of Cassie and Diddy together was taken over the weekend not yesterday and Kim is not with Diddy in Cannes but she is in Vienna, Cassie is the one that had her 'turn' to be with him.
That said it is because of Igho, egho, MONEY. Some women do not have pride in their dictionary. These women know they are nothing without Diddy.
Can you picture Kim and Cassie without Diddy in their lives? Then i'm sure you get my drift.
Yes it's a man's world but women dictate the pace. Unfortunately most women were brought up to believe that they can only be successful by selling their Punani. The bigger the catch, the stronger and sweeter their Punani grip on the man, it does not matter if the man is an ASS hole, in their heads they say just give me dem diamond jeweleries, designer bags and let it always be my 'turn' to be pictured with you. So sad
All these celebrities sef...
because,he has money.if he is nobody,and has nothing,they won't be interest
E dey learn work na! Ask 2 baba! Na only am go fit explain! D̶̲̥̅̊Ñ”̲̣̣̣̥м̣̣̣̥ no get choice!
My opin....u've said it all Linda ''it's a man's world''.Da ladies need to behave and control their ego over material thingz and their quest 4 fame.Most ladies hav placed 'em selves in a situation whereby they hav to keep doing shits in order to keep & sustain their their faux life style.
For real tho, majority of celebs IDGF about. Like the ones u mentioned. What is hungrying them is not in the market. All i can say is good luck to them.
A woman who knows what she wants and does not care about any other factor. they are both living well and dining with one of the most sought after men in the world. It is not for me but if they can take it, kudos to them.
Dats why dey r called African American. Africans r allowed to marry more dan 1 woman. Na em P diddy dey practice so.
Thoughts??..nothing but cash money..security..
Its "have ur cake and eat it" not "eat ur cake and ve it"... All the same, its like Tu face's story.. they all hanging in dere.. hoping he picks 1...
Make him choose and you loose him. Then what? You'll be all by yourself. Lonely and sad!!! How many Diddy's can you get. What guarantee do you have that you'll meet another like him. Secondly lets not just say things on the surface. We all don't know the kind of relationship they have. How good/special they all feel about each other.
Lindaaa u knw sm1 comented previously dat u've never been inlov and lib commenters started castrating d person. Swt hrt, nature made us to be shock absorbers and preys to lies especially when u love that person. I'm not saying wat men are doing is good. But my sister no be by mouth, its only prayers and wisdom that a woman can use to keep a man on check. I too tear eye even worsens it. If u doubt me, ask ur mum or an older mature lady.
If they do not agree to share none of them will be where they are right now ( in France). Linda they are not complaining u are. Better be ready to share also, or u may be left out lol
there's lov in sharing
He is a polygamist and they are polygamist wives.
I know a man (African American) here in the US that had 4 wives. I knew because the 4th wife was my friend.
don't know the details of how they did it but na true talk. All these women were professionals and had their own lives and ran their homes.
Why are you crying for the bereaved? they like it that way, low or no self esteem and all
I used to criticize those women but truth is you don't choose who you fall for and you don't control your feelings. Now Im only praying that it never happens to me.
Linda, this thing annoys you too eh?!? Im telling you,women create their own problems! if only we could think like men just a little...
P diddy is worth millions of dollars! Nuff said!
Linda they are both comfortable with him...am happy the ladies are not Nigerian bcus if they were..we both will think its bcus of his money....oyibo women stil love money too...linda on the context of knowing that a man has another relationship and women stil chose to date him!!hmmmmm why u dey talk like this? Money rules the world mehn..am sure if u were in their shoe u won't be differnt....me too
Linda...no vex! Its called mulah and c*#k power! Aight?
thats not new is it? Remember a certain 2face???
U jst can't change it coz even d ladies r der for d money.if itz for real luv dey'd av looked elsewer.
How can Ƴυ̲̣̥. Make the man choose when there are more dan 1million girls ready to welcome him with open arms.the problem is with the women.they have to start learning to carry themselves wit style and class
Dis women simply dont know dia worth! And so bleedn wat if its a man's world? Dere r oda fun guys out dere, wat r u doin wt sm1 who outrightly disrespects u by havn other obvious affairs.
Well women cant stop being stupid, if dey do we wont hve smthn like dis to talk abt!
Wetin concern u linda? Make d guy enjoy him life nah!!!!!! Carry on jare P.Diddy
Who dem beat, who body dey pain?
Dem complain give you?
Linda....are you freaking kidding me ? If this outrage is coming from an American i would understand. But you who was born , bred and live in Nigeria is feigning outrage about this. Surrounding you in Nigeria are men married to and live under the same roof with multiple wives. So, why is this such a strange concept to you.
So u never know say with MONEY, u can do anything u like with women.
it's a pity but ask Annie Idibia, she will explain better. its really demeaning.
Nothing at all. Na look I dey look
Which kin kweshun u dey ask abi u never hear of polygamy?
Linda mind your business woh
If you ask this question to the two women involved, you will get the best answer which is, "SHUT UP"
You do know that they aren't dating the man, but the fame, fortune and opportunity he represents........!
Tuface has quietly become Father Abraham, ever heard of any baby mama drama or cat fights???
Yet, Monogamous husbands take an ass-whooping every other day!!!
*advice to men, get money, fame, power, repute, glam or die trying oh* *proven to make life easier*
Why make him choose? Diddy had a choice to commit or not, kim had a choice to accept that or walk away, she chose to accept it. No one should force anyone to do anything, she foolish thought if she had a couple of beautiful kids she wud hook him (like lots of foolish women with baby daddys),he has chosen his lifestyle. Women shud learn from this, find a man with the same views as urs, but if u fall in love with a man with different views don't bother trying to change it accept it like he accepts u or move on but all love comes with a tiny print, no one is perfect
Some of this celebrities have cockroaches in their cupboard so please people beware when copying their lifestyle.you never can no it might be an oath both took.their are notin to talk about
Erhm, they both have low self esteem ;desperate for diddy's attention and probably don't have any other challenge in life except to keeping seeking for his attention. I guess its safe to say, they were born/raised that way. Its working out for them; so far.
The man is a man of means and the most successful hiphop mogul.. Kim cant find a better man in her opinion, so she aint going nowhere.
Cassie is down for the team so no shakes. These women are down for Diddy regardless. If you were in Kim's shoes, you'd probably do the same thing. Trust me!
P Diddy is loaded; so why should one woman take all? Ladies we know it's sex that keep em coming back for more. *wink*
I'd say they are hungry ladies. Too bad for them tho
Hez a baws... No lady wants to leave such, they wld rather share. Its sad though
Mehn Linda....Man pass man ooo... coupled with the diminished morals in today's world what more do u expect? But then again lets not just tag it "new age" cos back then our forefathers dey marry more than 2.
NB: The President of Swaziland has more than 12 wives.
Money talks,women(some) flips...
Have you heard such story about a no body?
Wait till Diddy's well starts to run dry,then you can have your answer
NYC-1 says: Linda, the only way you will understand the way of life in Western world is if you come to live here for at lest 1 to 2 years. Coming here and visiting for 2 months will NEVER give you an understanding of women's life style and how they think. You are in Nigeria, so you will think and behave like a Nigerian; They are Westerners and they think and act differently. What you think you cherish so much, might just be nothing to them.
My sister, ask Mercy Aigbe, she will be better suited to answer this question for you! I don't know what is wrong with these women! I believe is the money, because no be good looks nah! Imagine, sharing all the bodily fluids the other woman is putting on your husband into your own, I'm not mad!
Women like Sumbo, Annie, etc....
The love of money and fame baby!
Or maybe the guy's thgy is fantastic. (ref. 33yr old retarded dude with 30 kids)
Really, I think the women are desperate or retarded.
Maybe, just maybe I can stick my man cheating on me, but I'd like to assume he is wearing protection. But with baby mamas, it's evident he isn't! I love me too much to risk dying young.. Aids is real!
my tot?...e concern u?LINDA!e concern you!....'a man's world' u said it ursef...allow us chop punnani and still hav it...haba!...lol if u lyk no post my comment
P'Diddy goes around with a BIG frown and so, he needs even much more than two women, so many men for him to boss around, the women understand why things needs to be that way.
This is hardly any different from Polygamy. Don't you also wonder how 2 women marry the same husband? It's similar
Cassie can sooo not ask him to choose and she knows why. Kim on the other hand...I don't understand, she can put her foot down cos she has his kids..but who knows? Maybe there's some freaky menage a trois sh*t going on there.
do you feel if they ve a choice dey would stay wiv him?
they just accept it because its better you know who is doing rather pretending n sleepn wiv other girls behind u
dem no get choice na, the dude is loaded. and dats how they roll
This Cassie babe is just wasting her youth *smh* she must be really delusional if she thinks Diddy wld marry her
hmmmm Linda. u self won dey do like say u Holly, its nothing new u gurlz know wassup, it is a small world wey plenty tinz dey happen
Still confirms that girls love rich men.. because they cant leave him because of his money...
I support u dammit..Lol! If we do the same thing they call us ho's so make that nigga choose!!!!!!!!!
Linda, you are still young and rocking. Some women are just pretty for nothing. These women are happy to be known with him. It is all about the money, honey!
Joke: If I see an ugly fool to dash millions on me, I would wendy williams a bit and runaway for better catch and cash. Poverty is no joke my sista. Ever wondered why Roli married Baba PDP George?
Fools,linda abeg post sometin else.
Apparently there's sth about p diddy that they just can't give up or have enough of. Could be his dough, personality, sth on his body or a combination of these. Whatever. Same's applicable in all cases like this.
BTW linda, I want to believe "What's your thoughts..." was an error :-)
Dis is stupidity, see even as d man luk lyk wetin d remote pulse
. #ladiesdntlearn#
cassie is signd up to bad boy records(which is diddy"s record label),so they dont hv 2 be dating 4"em to be together...,its nt un-common 4 label mates to spend a lotta time together
Well some people don't believe in monogamous relationships. Love is sharing at least so they say. If its not broken why fix it.
have u seen the show "big love"?
Whateva, wit d western vs naija morals. What about all d naija babes marrying for America. Fine ones marry d ones can't even speak pigeon. Meanwhile ,these men dog em, beat and use em. Opportunity is what it is. He's a bigger fool to suffa and throw his money away on a pot smoking/ careerless babes. Where would these two be ask self?? Don't hate the players hate the game.
Linda wtf are u talking about,with a fat bank account he can eat a bakery and have it all.Some women will not mind at all to be in Kim's position infact they will kill for it.
In this particular case i think there are hundreds of millions of reasons...in dollars!
because sadly some women out there are VERY cheap
ma darling lindar,dnt understand y,but anyway i can't take that,some women are comfortable with it dats y.
errmmmm sounds like Annie Macaulay and 2face situation to me.
Linda you have a duty to all of us to ensure you upload the video of this thief.
Because if you don't, you're exposing each & everyone of us to her aberrant activities. What she basically does is prowl the entire mall & that shop in particular, stealing from unwary customers.
Outside of the extremely unlikely possibility of you recovering your phone from her (she has probably sold it), we need to let everyone in her immediate circle of friends & family know the kind of sociopath she is, because she's a security risk to them too. She would steal from them just as easily as she did from you, & she could set them up for armed robbery.
Go and ask Jacob Zuma's wives and concubines. P Diddy is a small case.
d guy im wi i can share him cos i noe my place in hez life datz no1...truth is we share our men 1 wai or the other wif deir moms 4 d yoruba nd ibo boiz, with flings,with friends. once a woman is secured in haself sharin is no problem..linda post my comment oh
if u like be God if i see my man cheating its over except i dnt kno....mayb dats y am still single at 24....
my dear,am totally @ loss at wat to say....wat women do for fame and money.....look @ tu face n his baby mamas, he sleeps wit women unprotected
Annie should better go for a test
Aids is Real
Heehee...its all about the Benjies jawe...whatever rocks their Titanic jare...Next!!!
well no jealousy attached and no blame them cos he's got enough money for both of them and even more if he wishes and as long as they are getting the money am sure they wont mind
linda what do u expect from a bigtime music entrepreneur ...women wil alwayz be @ his doorstep. Even when he doesn't want them,they will keep coming... As for cassie,i know she is more or less a handbag to diddy.
Let keep Diddy's case aside...
What we should understand is that we don't choose who we fall in love with. I have this friend that is in love with two women...Trust me its more difficult than what y'all think. I had to stop judging people o. Heart matters get as e bi o..
This means that if a woman does not appreciate her man, a million and 1 woman are out there waiting to shower him with everything.
Me wan turn gay sef...hahahaha
wich kain question be dis linda? biko..d man get kishi na n he popular..i dont mind joinin d train o...hian..
So my long term bf and I split and got back together but he still held on to a number of relationships he had formed during the split and he let them go one after the other, telling them the reason, but even though these girls knew I was back in his life, they wanted to stay, saying they were still in love with him and all! Girls are the ones who bring on their own heartbreaks, plain and simple.
Linda and readers!!!
I'm in Lagos and in the same if not worse sort of relationship. He is a Super Big Boy... ie Plenty Money. 4 baby Mamas, and one new one on the way!!
I love him, the sex is great and the comfort is par none!! but I'm tired as I am always unhappy trying to bat out other women like flies...
Why am I stil there??? The comfort and hoping that he will change and take me as the one. Is that lame? Yes, but I feel helpless!!
mchew stupidity of course...d level of mumuness is incomprehendable!!
Its all about the fame and the money and in their twisted minds,They call it love.hisses....
Wake up miss,it's not going to happen .send me you phone number I will explain better to you.hehe
@ SnowWhite, you are not helpless. You are just a typical gold digger who married for money. Live with the consequences please.
And hey, dont blame the ashewo/runs girl on the street...all na to exchange bottom for money and comfort. End of Story!
Funke AKindele
U have said it all, even Linda will do him with 100 baby mamas lol
Which worth? Swear if u never bang more than one man n yet no one marry u. Una go dey here dey form posh n holy holy
Leave that thing ,I am a woman and me and u know we pretend slot and hate what we can't have,if diddy meet u now I bet na for inside car he go do u,until then dey there dey make noise
May God bless u,leave Linda make she dey form holy holy here as if we women don't know who we are,many babes do worse jor. As a woman I laugh when I read women comment trying to act posh and born again,make we leave matter for cockroach lol
Don't mind Linda ,he doesn't know diddy,she thinks it's tuface?even tuface woman no let am rest talkless of bad boy CEO.. No hip hop anything reach diddy even jay z dey commot cap for diddy,even suge knight of deathrow . Diddy fit fuck any woman in this world unless u no know am and see am with activities
Mehn you said it all,Linda talks like who never see things before,I know say things hard but hey who no go no go know,there are rich men and there are big shots. Diddy is a big shot. Even married women with 10kids fit follow am plus abeg lol
It's a lie jor u are nt happy talk true kilo de,maybe lesbo things
Wow good explaination.
@anon 5.21pm ur right i guess
You probably do not value yourself or ever see yourself amounting to much in life. That's why you've settled to be someone's object of self gratification. If the money goes, what happens? You'll just end up feeling like shit and knowing that you are worth much less than shit.
Ascribe value to yourself and move on. So many great guys out there. Just give yourself a chance.
na ashawo dem b nah. with good money like diddy own in 9ja u can date d whole a family; so, it is not new. woman is a shameless creature.
Na u worse pass abeg shift jor
I bet u no better pass the women so..
U go fear jealousy na lol
See jealousy oo,who u be sef?who u dey date or marry?abeg park well jor,u talk as if u go ever get man wey rich and get swag and fame like bad boy CEO diddy
Wow this is the best comment here so far
No worry when u reach that age dey no go tell u say there is always sharing with men,u still young that's why u dey select now,stay there dey form agbani derego ,when time reach u go manage even a man with 3 wives and lie say he don divorce lol
U right,,,,luk Lin money ÈŠ̝̊̅§ evrytin,,,,I married 4 luv cos I was A̷̷̴̐͠ gud grl wit tyme luv expired nd money was meant 2 sustain it bt my darlin hubby is so STINGY
Wif my experience,I wll date A̷̷̴̐͠ generous bastardly rich dude wif 8 odas sef,,,Diddy ÈŠ̝̊̅§ datin just 2 wif all his wealth...Lin abeg pass d mic joor
Its unbelieveable. She might be comfy with it,but its not a model behaviour.
why r we complaining? afterall some of us congratulated annie on her engagement and marriage after sticking with a guy who has 2 baby mamas.
I almost found myself in this situation recently, was almost sharing and no not for money, cuz if he has any I have never smelt it. It's plain stupid love! I forced myself to snap out of it by paying attention to the way he relates with me and deciding I deserve better and I will wait. I have very high self esteem and I'm ambitious (I will be successful with or without a man, in fact a man is more likely to be successful with me in his corner), I just don't fall in love easily but when I do it takes forever to get out of it. Only loved 2 men in my entire life and they both hurt me for many years before I let go. I feel like I may never love again and if I do it will take years, but I'm willing to wait and I hope it is worth it. It's very hard for me to find guys I like not to mention love. I can assure you though that it is not always about money. I'm starting to think the whole soul-mate thing is a fluke and trying to figure out a back up plan just in case I don't have one... So what's a girl to do, go with the soul-mate myth and wait forever, share the man she loves with another woman, settle with someone she doesn't love; for money, looks or just so she can have a family(is that fair to the man?) or just die alone or become a nun?
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4 thats why!
wtf, cassy's just foolish! do u know the number mehn that"ll do anything to have her? why the hell is she wasting her time wif this lost cause(diddy)?? kmt!
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