Chris Attoh Peter Okoye
According to Joy Bewaji, a writer for Genevieve Magazine, Ghaniana actor Chris Attoh, and Musician Peter Okoye are among the top 5 celebrity men on this part of the globe who make women's hearts skip. The remaining three when you continue...

You agree on these top five guys? Read the full article here HERE
I over agree so very right I just love Flavour he's the hotess of them all
Nice quys!but the fact is flavour is evry qurl dream!mhen dis quy is a bomb!any qurl wo object my sayinq should drop her {comment}...****
yes ooo! flavour shud be num1
i love ebuka.....so i agree jare
i dnt agree wen it comes to lynx and ebuka...naaaaa..am nt a fan..but HELL 2 DA YH for d oda three..even tho i dnt really kno da chris guy..bu hiz aight..and y is da oda okoye broda nt on dis list ? huh
Chris Attoh!!! sighh* <3 <3
Post comments silly! e don dey enter ur head again
lmao!what is ebuka doing on dis list?erm pls dere is no sex appeal what so ever!!!chris on the other hand??YUUUM!!!lynxx looks like he gives good head dou LMAO!
Ebuka and lynxx!damn theyr soo finnnnnneeeee!the article has got dat right.the rest are just ok.
agree with all except ebuka and flavour!
all first four yes, flavour not so sure
Ebuka turns me on all the time. My lawd.. They are all good looking but I don't know why Chris wears makeup, makes him look gay
Who the fuck lusts after flavor.... Eewwwww nd Ebuka doesn't do it for me either
So wait oh..Ebuka and his ever so tight pants is a celebrity?? Wonder shall never end..hahaha
Lynxx, Peter and Chris in that order...d other two I'll pass on.
abeg abeg abeg.. Wetin flavor dey find for there..so wrong!
Ur Peter is among soo u go like am! Agbaya ni e Linda! Lynxx is a fine boy, Ebuka is ok!
Caption should be changed to
Does this mean the sexiest Nigerian men are all igbo? Awww
Ebuka's my number 1 anyday tho <3_<3
Oh btw abeg who the hell lusts after Flavour?
LYNX yes yes yes!!!! i agree
i dont agree with ebuka ooo. the guy na homosexual na, how WOMAN go lust after am?
personally, its peter okoye and flavour for me. they get my heart beating, EVERYTIMEEEEEE....sigh!
As for lynx and chris atoh, nothing.
Even Igbo boys dey represent...( i heard chris is half Igbo) lol no kill me...but yh they are all fine and attractive in their own way...as for me i only have eyes for my bbe
i sweat to God theres nothing sexy or fine abt this lynx.each time pple say he's fine,i try very hard to see it and often ask myself if something is wrong wth my sight.but believe me,nothing is wrong with me.d boy is just there jor
Ewwwww who lusts after lynxx and ebuka yuckkkkkk
I agree, but in my opinion.... (Minus flavour)
Ebuka????????? Dats a joke !! I know 100 men dat should come before him .
I AGREE!!! Sort of. I still don't see what they see in Lynxx. I've even met him several times and I just can't seem to see what girls see sha. Number 1 one for me is Chris Attoh! Yeah he can get it. Anytime. Ebuka is hot but......something just not right about him, I admire Flavour mainly for his talent, as for the the Okoye brother, I dash you that one Linda. My only joy is that Desmond Elliott is not on that list. I would have gone to hug a transformer if he was. Lol.
Minus Ebuka plus MoEasy I gree...
Hmmm! Really? *RME*
gawwwwgeous an in ehn. Chris Attoh... If I could runaway I'll run with you far away,to a place where there'll be angels *singing style plus*
Oh my days flavour yes yes and fucking yes....... They can all get it all of it! Jeeezzzzeeee im creaming in my pants at work from al this eye candy*sigh*
Lynxxx yeah, Ebuka yeah, Peter....errmm not bad, flavour? Mba, Chris? who u be, I no sabi u oh
Flavour Nabania.........tufia, mba nu! Ill go for Lynxx and keep dreaming ill get him
His Royal Hotness Chris Attoh!!!
Really???my heart don't skip for any of them...sorry!!!
i beg flavour is not part of the list..Uti Nwachukwu nko?
even banky w fit dey here...i beg Flavour is just out and even Lynxx see naaa!!
Nah! Peter and Flavour, yes! Whatever happened to John Dumelo?
Hmmmmm funny enuf I kinda agree.
As in!!!!!! This list couldn't be more accurate!
Not so sure abt Ebuka though....but that Chris Attoh??? I fit kidnap am, lock him in tower and have him attend to my sexual needs!
whats ebuka doin there he is so.... not top 5
This list is sooooo on point. I don’t even know what order it should be in, but they're all so yummy :D
Nah..none of them works for me..sorry..next please
Peter I gt, d Ghanian actor is also cute, dnt c y nd how flavour made d list tho... Buh dis Peter is HOT
Abeg flavour no dey jor!!! hian!
They shoulda replaced flavor with Uti....then the list will be complete!
Why is Ebuka on that list? *rme*
Lynxx no ni... Lol
Aaah! Ahhh aaaah,.. in Mister Maydee's voice...**covers face*.
I lust them except Ebuka!! hehehe
Ebuka and Flavour WTF...where is Tubaba...Give me some 2face and RMD and i ll feel alright
Lynxxx can gerrrit!!!!!
None. They are all razz and dress like ushers. Chris Attoh has the most potential...well if he starts presenting himself better
Ebuka is not a celebrity nau. Which movie or music industry? mschewwwww.
Abeg make una comot flavour from this list joh....mgbeke guy with no class and fake wears in all his videos.Patch Patch obioma jeans.
How can they put Flavour in the same category as handsome and classy sophisticated lynxx? that guy has got style with a capital "S".Peter abi Paul...we already know say he hot joh..pass d mic.ebuka is not a star.period. Chris is super hot too.
Chris attoh any day anytime..d most handsome and cutest!!!
where is john dumelo?*smiles*
CHRIS ATTOH...come to me! FLAVOUR! Coolest igbo dude ever.EBUKA...Gay...unless proven otherwise. LYNXX huge neck on you bruv, still hot though. GOD is beautiful...such beautiful beautiful creatures...
I wanna flirt with Chris, chop Peter’s money, put Lynxx in a glass jar and ogle him, do some durrty dancing with Flava… And marry Ebuka! Now wouldn’t that be just divine *_*
Yes! Yes! O Lord yes!
Yes! Yes! O Lord Yes!
Mikel obi nko?
I agree 100%
Wat abt soji bankole of tinsel nw?
Remove dt ebuka jor!
to all of you asking why Flavour is on the list, i have one question... HAVE YOU SEEN HIM TWIST AND WIND HIS WAIST?!!!! #thatisall
Chris is the finest. Peter, that body is banging. Ebuka, abeg close your mouth. Lynxxx, those lips can do many wonder. Flavour, the say u dey move, I can be ur ashawo, porokoto
Ahhh Ebuka is just divine! Doesn't have to be a music or movie star jare, he's just a sexy sexy sexxxxxy tv personality <3_<3
Flavour on the other hand tho (N)
I dont know about ebuka with his ass as big as my tommy right now. But he is cute though.
When the word lust is used, then I guess lynxxtunu and my Ashawo bro does it for me. For some reasons iv never looked at the rest twice
ℓ☺ℓ! Yu're a total joke! :)
ℓ☺ℓ! Sounds like no1 wants Ebuka here. Woreva! I dnt even knw hu he is! X
Biko what made ds ebuka a celebrity cos I just got to knw of him fronm lib due to wierd sense of dressing, chris is da bomb, flavour I feeeelll uuuuuu,
Linda dis ur readers r crazzzzyyyyy!!! I wan die for laff!! Lmao
When I saw Chris @ d cinema, wanted 2faint. 😍.abeg na him b no 1. D boy 2 fine.
Pls why is uti nt on d list
Wack list!!! No Van Vicker or John Dumelo.
Well linda I think I av to change to anoda blog bcos i don tire to dey tell u to post my comment and since u av ur own selected crowd, make I go where dem appreciate me. Enjoy
U r disgusting
chei! I fit chop that chris guy...he so turns me on..d list is so on point!! Cldnt b any bera
Please add Iyanya to that list. He gives me night sweats!
Pls y is flavour on ds list nd uti isn't??
So gay
I was expecting joseph benjamin :'( flavour @ alll no sex appeal
All butt ugly
mehn..dis chris guy is so handsome..followed by ebuka...and WTF is flavour doing dere??he shldnt b in dis list..he shld b groupd wit doz yori yori ugly n igbotic boyz..lol
Chris Attoh yessssss he is cute and an awesome actor, Chukie Lynx omg he is HOT,Chukie,I'm ffg u on twitter,lol. Flavor is ok! But EBUKA??? Wharahell! That guy is queer and his funny colors of outfit doesn't help matters! The psquare guy has nice abs tho!...TC
Basically coming to the conclusion you south easterners are racist, if it was a yoruba woman that compiled this list, she would be politically correct enough to make it a diverse list (adding a ghanian is a further insult, not a compensation).
Sorry to say it, but your small mindedness offends me and makes me sick.
5 cutest guys my ass, all airbrushed American wannabi, Nna boys, who's best skills are probably fighting like baboons with cutlass. Nonsense.
Linda I'm signing off here, your propaganda confuses and offends me, honestly, are we to subscribe to ethnic superiority now?
umm.....Eeeeewwwww to Ebuka and Lynxx! Seriously??? Ppl who find them hot definitly need other ppl to help them make decisions about guys..#just saying!
Flavour is strangely hot too.i think its got to do with way he moves dat waist..lol
Now chris, and peter??....hmmm.......i think imma go take a cold shower now! ;)
dont even know who dis ebuka guy is; he's just cute, not enuf sex appeal jor! whose askin y flavour is there #u shld go rewatch Adanma video or even Oyi!!! as 4 d rest they sure deserve it
Who told you people that Chris Attoh wears make up?! Have you ever caught him applying lipstick and foundation?!
Ebuka is fine but should not be on a TOP five list. E no reach abeg. However,flavour & Chris Attoh...*faints*
But this nigger, Ebuka, is gay now? He reminds me of those boys we used to like back in high school because they looked CUTE. He's not cute like Chris Brown; he looks a pretty Igbo girl. Women don't like men who look like fine girls, they like sexy and fine men Like Chris Attoh, Ramsey, RMD,etc.
I do, never knew how hot he was until I saw that video wt Tiwa Savage...... Good Lord!!! He was so sexy Indeed "Oyi na tumo" I like masculine sexy flavour does it for me. Chris and Ebuka are feminine sexy. Lynxx and Peter not bad too.
I want a piece of flavor....love him to pieces
Mumu. See lossers beef!
Daahhhh!!!! He was a housemate in d ist and only Bigbrother Nigeria......That brought Ebuka to limelight.
For those who don't know or can't remember, Ebuka was on the first and only Big Brother Nigeria, along with Gideon Okeke of TINSEL. By the way, how come they didn't put Gideon on the list?
the list wld ave been perfect if benjamin was listed...but the chris guy is so howtie
All good looking men.... Peter Okoye's abs are ..... To develop them kind of abs takes alot of hard-work and discipline. Big Kudos to him!!!!
them too black joor.
Chris Attoh n Peter anyday. Wont mind catching them alone somewhere. *wink*. But Ebuka like seriously? neva looked @ him twice. Lynxx, neva seen him before. Flavour has a hot body but he is not refined.
I'm not d type to a celeb n move b it Michael Jackson etc I can't even lost over a guy I am that grounded - I can so control myself. Yeah these guys are hottt (except ebuka who's just der) but big deal - so what if der hott?
Now looking at d first photo - Chris Jesus Christ, is he an artwork? If I spot him in real I'm sure I'll pee on myself, see his Color n smile n everything else, God's work, I alwYs chose men based on personality but how can a guy dis hott ever offend even if he does I'm sure dose looks will dilute it. Yummy
Abeg Ebuka no suppose dey dat list. Wats so sexy about him? Gideon is even sexier than him. Whtaever happened 2 D'banj n Tuface? Dis kain list sef na wah.
Yea joseph benjamin is hot!
I agree but remove Ebuka, fix Tuface and John Dumelo in the list. Btw, Linda..u don take style feature peter okoye twice so far this week, what of the other twin? I've never seen him on your blog? Sometimes, i feel peter gets lots of attention leaving paul out. Make e no turn to envy for the duo as in most cases for twins.. #justsaying#
complete list.i agree with d magazine
for me flavor is no 1,y is Ebuka dere?
Thanks dear, the very ist that appreciates Ebuka b4 all other beefers. Ebuka is an intellectual, the kind that U take home to papa.
But other pple dey miss oo
John Dumelo
Joseph Benjamin etc
**Btw Linda, maybe u should have ur own list. Voted by ur readers right here** Yeah, LIB cutest men of the year/month. Oya carry go, I don give u idea.
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)). I gbo things. Take a look @ MBGN
i agree with just attoh,flavour nd square
I used to be in love with Ebuka fom Big Brother Nigeria days....but these days, I'm not so sure oh...now, he comes across as fake somehow somehow....
Chris and Lynxx...maybe...never really noticed them (no be everybody dey watch Tinsel)
PEter Okoye is undoubtedly smoking with guns blazing...but all I can do is admire him....I no like local boyz jor..
I never knew Flavour was that crazily hot till I saw the porokoto video! Chai!! *words cannot begin to describe*
VERDICT: I cannot marry/date any of them...despite the "heat"...
peter; chris, lynx nd ebuka any day any tym, im ur gal bt swiously flavor dsnt fit in for me bcz i lyk facially handsome men nt jst body wise alone. So i gues diff strokes for diff folks
Me and linda has d same eye where peter is,I only lust for peter,I don't notice any other person on that list apart frm peter but I wonder y paul is not here cos his also as hot as his brother infact a photocopy of his brother, thou he don't move me as much as peter moves me maybe cos of his hair I don't fancy guys with long hair,I so much love them, but am so lust for peter.
Lynxxx anyday
chris is just the best abi.he is soo cute.
Chick says....
EBUKA on this list, is this a joke?????.....linda abeg no dey yab Ebuka like this na, even him sef no say e no fine reach...
I don't agree.
dont 'lost' over a guy dear..its not good eya..dont give your family members the problem of finding you ok.stay one place
Peter Okoye six pack in a cooler...nom nom
Dang!!Am onto saving sex for marriage tyns but mehn!!! i would off my "paint" for any of these guys esp Chris Attoh before u say jack robinson.....hehehehe.
Flavour looks gay! Na only Igbo boys u dey put. Mschewwww! What about John Dumelo? He is 100 times finer than all these Igbo boys u put on this list. Just admit that u want that song ripping Peter. See Flavour's lips like he has just finished eating akpu!
@may 17 2012 12:39am: yes its only IGBO GUYS.. Y?? Cos they are simply the finest!! jealous, hating retard like u.
Flavour it is 4 me, dat his waist makes me go gaga
See you...lusting after OLD married men!
minus ebuka plus dbanj... tot I was d only one who had a tin 4 flavour
So we v fine naija men like dis*wipes sweat* it is well.
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