The stay-at-home mom based in Los Angeles says her own mother breastfed her until she was 6 years old, and plans to breastfeed her children until they are same age. She told Time magazine she has given up trying to explain or reason with people who are against her methods.
I've given up reasoning with strangers who see me nursing my son and threaten 'to call social services on me or that it’s child molestation'. People have to realize this is biologically normal. The more people see it, the more it’ll become normal in our culture. That’s what I’m hoping. I want people to see it."We've seen it alright, but it doesn't look normal. Anyone agree with this method? If yes, why?
Its just Gross, not normal
pls. whats the problem with breast feeding.y is the world making noise about this
i dont there is anything wrong with this pic.doctors encourage it.what the problem with the world
She is sick. She is now using her child to derive the pleasure of her boobs being sucked. This is a case of reverse Oedipus complex. There is nothing normal in it. Soon someone will tell us that her child touching her punana is normal since that's where the child come out from.
gudluck to her abeg!
she for wear the boy diaper till 6years too.
na her breast i dey pity.
hope say her husband follow dey suck de breast bcos all join na pickins!
no i don't why keep feeding a grown child with a full set of teeth who can at that age eat almost anything solid?
does not 'look' or 'feel' right to me
Well I guess legaly, she has a right to raise her child in whatever acceptable way she choses. I guess the questions is whether she truly feels that way or whether she is just a kinky freak.
DISGUSTING. I have 5 kids and breasfed each one of them but I hate to see mothers breastfeeding their kids in public. In other news, how in heavens name did she get that figure and flat midsection?????????????
She is not sick. Infact, there is nothing wrong with breastfeeding a three-year-old child. However, there is something about this photos that I don't like!
hmmm if my kid wants my breast milk at age 1 .my baby can suck from my breast, but once you start growing teeth and he or she still wants it then they will get it in a cup ! maybe with ice or chocolate lol
I see nothing bad in a kid drinking his or her mum's milk till 120 yrs old but not directly sucking from the breast.. too weird and sexual.
LMAO!u are funny but right!my tots exactly
Linda, at age 11, I still dey take my mama and grand mama breast play oo, so e dey normal...na I'm come make me strong like apuruka ooo
I sorry for the woman this boy go marry when him grow up. The Wipples go hear weh.
Breastfeeding children up to 5 or 6 six years is a personal choice, nothing wrong with it. Used to be part of our culture even, and I'm sure some naija women still do it till today.
one word....creepy
Doctors never encouraged dis.They and Dietitians only encouraged exclusive breastfeeding.This one is just using her children to derive pleasure her husband refuse to give!
I honestly don't know if its normal or not but I don't think she should have let her son's picture be taken so as not to subject him to ridicule and bullying. When I was in law school in kano there was this tailor in mami market that used to breastfeed her 4 year old child, and it just looked wrong..... As in the child would carry his small chair and come and sit by his mom and bring out her tit and start sucking....I so disliked seeing that. Ok, why exactly does she want the world to see and accept this? What advantage do her kids have over kids that stopped being breastfed at the normal age???
ONOME says.......
Lollllllll@anon 12:04am.U be pychiatrist/psychologist???Your comment make sense die!!
Madam leave your pikin alone doh!He can never supplement or satisfy whatever loneliness you are feeling.Braestfeeding till 1yr 4 months tops I understand anything above that needs psychological evaluation ASAP.Bond issues???!
Shey they say breastfeeding helps one lose weight. Are we sure that's not what she's doing here? Cos she does look really good.....just wondering.
Unrelated to this post, cos I couldn't comment on the last one, I just want to say that the whole Malaysian government is fucked up. Why would they sentence someone to death for carrying weed but give that woman only 18 months in prison?
this woman is retarded! Imagine d flat dry breasts sef....mtschewwww
Two questions for yall. Why you dey vex? Is it your toddler???
im kinda confused.
i thot breast mikk only comes out after childbirth.
does she have a way of producing milk?
She must be getting something good from it. Understand women get sexual release from the process. Just wants to prolong it and besides, the almost 4 year old has gotten better at it.
this is a No for me. breastfeeding a kid till he's 6? hell NO!
Fantastic. My son was breastfeeding until 3.5 years. I stopped because I got tired. Today he is so close to me. He loves his mama and his mama loves him and he has an A+++ brain. Breast feeding prevents breast cancer in women and increases IQ in kids. BTW, my boobs are still perky like when I was 20. Its genetic. Please breastfeed your babies. Someof you will have fallen breasts at 30 with or without breastfeeding!!
Lmsao. =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=))
Rotfl @120yrs the milk would have turned to powder naw. Lmao
Get ur cranium checked u, pervert.
What in this world could be wrong wit whast she's doin eh?
I SMH for you o!
I featured this on my blog earlier today. If a child can spell milk, then it is time to stop breast feeding him!
What WHO advocates is 6months exclusive breastfeeding and continued breastfeeding till 2 years. When our grandfathers had multiple wives, the women were allowed to do it, because apart from nutrient, breastfeeding has advantages such as creating mother-child bond. The issue now is that this child might become too attached to his (And he is a male child) mother.
Not true o.Recheck ur facts. Drs don't encourage only exclusive breastfeeding. We advice breastfeeding a child up till 2yrs but many ppl don't like it so we emphasize on exclusive breastfeeding.
@ yuck what is so wrong with breast feeding in public? Do you eat out ? Do animals feed their young in public? Why shouldn't babies also eat in public? If you don't like it then don't look. I have a 10 month old and I breast feed her when she's hungry wherever I am. Couldn't care less what narrow minded people think. As long as your boobs are well covered.
Absolutely nothing wrong with this lady wanting to breast feed her kids till they are 6. What makes you think breast feeding till 2 months or 1 year is normal and not 6 years??
As a doctor i will like to say she has done absolutely nothing wrong.
What's †ђξ biggie about hε̲̣я̲̣ breastfeeding hε̲̣я̲̣ 3yr kid,it should'nt βε̲̣̣̣̥ anybody's business if she so wish,afterall i †☺☺ stopped breast milk at age 3 aπϑ dat explains Wђγ i av a very strong immune system,cuz i dont fall ill aπϑ †ђξ last time i did fell ill was in 2009,which was just for a day aπϑ by †ђξ next day,i was back to normal.........buh i guess †ђξ only thing i frown on is †ђξ public display #just saying
Where is it defined that one needs to breastfeed a child from a certain age to a certain age.....Nigerians beatup their kids even in adulthood......mine own is that it is hers to her own.....
Six? SIX?? At 6 I was feeding maself rice wif a spoon.......chewing bread and all
I know breastfeeding is actually a fast way of loosing baby fat but...come on......6
For fucksake....let the boy GROW UP
In my opinion, the maximum number of months a mother should breastfeed her child is 18months. I don't see the point of breastfeeding a child dat can walk and talk properly
Come off it. Are you not smart enough or are you so bereft of any moral fibre that it's so unnaturally difficult for you to deduce that there is something crazzily abnormal for a mother to keep breastfeeding a boy of 3? If your answer is no, then someone please call a psycho handler. It's an emergency! You are in trouble.
I like yo comment. Oh, punana? Hmmnnn
Are u a mum? Guessed not! There is nothing wrong in it o, is just that since she had another baby she shd av stoped, me BF my son till he was almost 2yrs and had to stop cos am having another 1. Pls mothers BF is gud.
Abeg Abeg Abeg! I no gree!!! The sight is almost disturbing. Looks like a child sucking the boobs of his older girlfriend. Just dosent look right, abeg
Even seems like the woman is enjoying the sucking sef.
This picture will come to haunt this boy later in life . He will be teased constantly for this silly act
How can you breastfed such an old child
breatfeeding makes a woman loose weight. And considering she's feeding 2kids now! She may also just have good genes
@amarachukwu....u certainly got ma ribs cracking...buh u'ld agree wif me dat its medically rite....it hs even been proven 2 aid d mentality of a growing child...'touching her punana'....LWTMB
hahahaha she doesnt need to stop because even as adults d guys still grab the boobs so she berra continue until he is old enough to date den he can let go of her boobs and grab that of another chic......nice one sha...baby/teen fending.
yes, they said its healthy. but i dont agree with this method especially that her child is a boy. ooh Gosh!!! that guy is gonna grow up a "breast chaser". believe u me, its better she stops him now that he is 3(though very late). my aunt stopped her son @ one plus he is 10yrs old now. u cant sleep on d bed with this boy without him looking for ur breast @ nite.
Loooolz!--shebi d kid got teeth now, dont worry, she wld still lose ha NIPPLES!
3yrs still breast feeding???#raised eyebrow#
oya come n take a pack of pullups for him take add.
*In tuface's voice** no be small thing ooh!
Fastest way to shed post baby weight??? Breastfeed!! Breastfeed!! Breastfeed!!! The longer the beta.....maybe dats what she did.
Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D=D Нaнaɑº°˚=Dнaнaɑº°=D=D. Na wo ooo. Amarachukwu u re funny
No.....they don't
Linda,maybe d woman read ur piece on how d risk of breast cancer can be reduced by sucking lol!
lol @ " child touching her punana is normal" jus too funny AMARA LOL. well its onli male kids u find suckin til dat age not female . cos if was a female she wud gro up 2 b a lele while boys jus go lik big brest . as long as d child has started growin teeth den no more brest 4 dat pikin . dats jus spoilin d child. bsides na housewife she b soooo........
The question here is y did her mum fed for six yr?
What are d benefits of breast feeding for that long?
I work, ow does breast feeding for that long work for me?
I just need to know ow she's able to every other things aside breast feeding her children?
Linda pls publish ow breast feeding for six yrs worked for her all together. we need d full gist
This is just disguSting. My son stopped breastfeeding at 8months. He stopped by himself and I was happy with it. Can't imagine doing this. When I see kids who still bf by lyk 2yrs and ova, I feel like knocking them and their mothers on d head! How disgusting!
She's very ignorant. will breastfeeding her baby till six make him Albert Einstein? Illiterate oyinbo.
E go be full fat yoghurt or even cheese
Abeg u guys shld rest, do ur boyfriends and husbands nt suck ur boobs? And these r men of full age n capability to impregnate. Spare the 3 year old. At leaSt its nt like he's going around sucking stranger's breasts... Well at least nt for now ...:d . But honestly d pic looks weird
She's a pervert. She obviously is getting some sexual gratification from it.She should be hanged!
Amarackukwu u have made my day I can't stop laughing follow me on twitter @iam_koded u have a future in comedy.
absolutely nothing wrong with breast feeding. Its reccomended by Doctors and I must say its proven to reduce the incidence of common infections in children in these climes. Its much less expensive compared to infant baby formular. Regards the pictures, she's only trying to pass the message.
after she stops at age six, who will be breast feeding the son?
Its up to her but its not good to teach a 6 year old to be dependant on breast when he should be on solid food, even the 3 year old too!
D child is too big dats what's wrong ah mean look @ dat son...ugg kids dese days grow faster n deir minds mature a lot faster too I dnt think its okay to b bfing a man like dat focus on d toddler now d old dan one weh fit chop chicken go dey hustle bobby wit d one weh no get any oda option. Mtscheeeeeeeeeeew... Anoda soul lookn for 15 mins of fame
we oogle at the screen when we see women's breast. we don't see anything wrong with women showing their breast in public but if a woman is breastfeeding her baby it's gross?
the people that need their heads checked are those who think anything having to do with breast must be sexual. Breastfeeding is not only normal it's good for the baby and mother. Reduces mother's chances of breast cancer and increases child's chances of being healthy throughout his/her life
shey na until the boy grow biabia she go stop?? mtcheww....weirdo..
ENGLISH .... Some pple cn come on here to act like dictionaries sha! We #roger you #ndo
Ehehehehehehehehe!!!!!! Punana..I can make a song out of dis. Oouyyaa!!!
My son is touching my punana
Papa don go carry bulala
And e strong like thuraya
Shoutin like timaya
Make una leave me alone punana na my property yeeee!!!
Freak show
Is ur name some nigerian women? Hian
Dear prof, pls ask dem! All the perverts that know she's deriving pleasure must have done it also. Raise ur own perfect children and let others raise theirs. You may choose to disagree with it but insulting d woman, for what na? Na ur breast?
Ur name alone says how ignorant you are! Maggi ko, onga nko
You are the pervert...obviously! If e pain u so, why not go hang urself?
Did ahe breasfeed when she was pregnant with the younger child?
@Sexylove It's "The last time i did fall ill "
not "the last time I did fell ill" incase you wanna speak in public .
Shoooo, Abeg this one na INCEST now. God abeg o.
There is something seriously eerie about the picture. I think if you choose to breastfeed till your child is 20 years old that's entirely your choice but to broadcast it to the world is wrong because these children have to attend school later. So thanks to Mummy for making them targets for bullies. The article shouldn’t be called are you mom enough because there are plenty things mums do that makes them mum enough. Plastering your old toddler children’s pictures all over the papers/internet with your breast hanging in their mouth isn't one of them.
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