Shan George's movie ‘Finding Goodluck’ premiered last Friday May 25 at Terra Kulture, V/I, Lagos. More photos when you continue...

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Good Grief! Some women no set O!
Ok, I'm gonna need Shaun Gearge to go get liposuction or stop wearing these ridiculous clothes. She has got more tyres on that mid riff than a michellin distributor.
Nice nice bt y is Chidi Mokeme lukin lyk dat?
Is it just me or does Tonto look preggys????
Y does chidi look so oldddd?
Ufuoma looks like a bush woman. Ewww to her wig.
Gosh! why do these Nollywood stars look sooooo Rough even with the money they have. Only Monalisa Chinda even looks rather clean and polished!
See Stephanie's hands!
Anita hogan's dress sense hasn't improved at all#gush#..lovin ini edo n monalisa as always...wats wit all d folds shan george..lov kate nd desmond too....nkiru sylvanus in a dress? #faints#hmmm steph don old ooo
Chai Aunty Shan, wat with all dese folds nd u still wearin a backless gown. *lipsealed*. Monalisa, Ini, Tonto and Nkiru y'all caught ma eye. Good dress sense. Desmond dis ur pocket square ehn, tooor..... And who d heck did dis to Ufuoma??? Not coool
What is that rubbish Shan George is wearing? Please can someone tell these rubbish people that clothes are supposed to be picked in such a way that when you wear them they flatter your body and accentuate the body parts that look good the most. So what is Shan showing us, her folds or her flat ass....Geeeezzzzzzz
Can't these people ever learn from their more exposed colleagues in Hollywood?
Bottom line, if you must show off your body, show off the beautiful part, like maybe your curves, firm body and shape, and not bearing your ugly folds in the open!!! Abeg cover am!
LMAOO!!! These pictures have slain me ooo. Ahhhhh. Stephnora is NOT aging well AT ALL! Chioma Chukwuka's legs ehn, e be like matured cassava. Why can I see Ini Edo's coloured bra underneath the top?x_x(what happened to a full black bra?!) Shan George looks nice ehn, but the back view na die. Foldation! Chidi Mokeme looks good mehn shiiiiiii. Tonto looks nice o. And the gorimapa girl looks nice too :D
what is shan george wearing? couldn't she get a better cloth than that ?
Its like all the nigerian actress are all fat! Only kate is slim n fit! The all look big n heavy! Ewwwwww! Nasty!!!!!!!! The outfits horrible...its like they never wear wat fits them, its either too BIG or too TiGhT! Yall should get a stylist! U can wear cheap outfits and still look classy n expensive! Note that NOLLYWOOD actresses!
Its like all the nigerian actress are all fat! Only kate is slim n fit! The all look big n heavy! Ewwwwww! Nasty!!!!!!!! The outfits horrible...its like they never wear wat fits them, its either too BIG or too TiGhT! Yall should get a stylist! U can wear cheap outfits and still look classy n expensive! Note that NOLLYWOOD actresses!
what are they all wearing??!!! apart from Monalisa, everyone is a hot mess!! es[ecially shan goerge..look at that back fat!!
i agree
So Na on top red carpet u dey use your moshi moshi... Olodo
Miss Okereke please hide that hand!Thank u
Congrat to you Shan! But Please!!!! must you dress that way? why showing people your entire breast? Does dat add to your personality? I don't think so rather it has reduced the respect that people have for you. Please our celebrities, there is no sense in nududity. And @ Ufoma, why is she looking to local?
Wow! Good to see all dem Nollywood stars frm way back looking glam. Congrats Shan! Hope it's a good one. Erm....Ufuoma biko what happened??? **Pls who's d dude posing with d moshi moshi? Oga it is to be used in ur office, car or home not on red carpet. *rme* Nigerians! We can pose shaa!
Ufoma,wat is dis? Stephnora luk old, ini is nw chanel n genny fan.. Ayeye!!
I like Shan George but she irritates me. She should be enlightened but sometimes she looses it. Does she not have a full length mirror. Look at that back! You only reveal a toned Back or thigh or whatever. It was her one opportunity to shine and she missed it. It could have been Kate Henshaw's movie for all i care!
see her big big folds, mtschew na by force to wear backless?
shan george pls you're straight,that dress is not for ppl ur shape. D dress will be good on a full figured woman.@Nkiru sylvanus,na waoh!! My governor Rochas is rily doing a good job. Omoh i no mind a governor friend.*winks* oya ppl crusify me. holly marys and manderline.#HeadPhoneOn.#internetSubscriptionExpired.
What's with the tattoos?
Tranny looking scum,very repulsive!
Ooops...I made my comment b4 I saw d oda shan G's back-shot wif d folds hanging out!! Dem open back dresses aint for ppl wif plenty folds and besides she shudnt hav taken a back shot. Look at all dem damn folds.
Nkiru S looking so white and Fat!! Nice dress thou!!
Billie jean
Tontodike needs to get spanz abeg.Monal;isa chinda luks like she's trying to hard but doesnt even get noticed.Chioma chukwuka luks good.Lilian bach is a gorgeous woman,she's in her 40s.Ufuoma ejenobor luks hunry,luks like she's not eaten for days and dress couldnt stay on her neck.WHERE WAS THE RED CARPET,THIS ONE DAT AM SEEING TILES.
Apart 4rm chiomachukuka and monalisa combo, no oda female celeb impressed me wiff her dressing o, and why is ini edo looking cheap?
Shan George's dress sucks. Why did she put on a dress showing all that fat on her back.
Naija celebrity and no dress-sense sha....
It looks like Tonto has put on some weight and she should quit bleaching her skin, black knuckles.
Pictures that make you go hmmmmmm!
slyvanus has put on so much weight my goodness
as for shan biko what on earth is she wearing ehh??? looks like the dress mercy johnson wore one time like that that white colour that made her look stupid and shan does look ridiculous in that dress mehn she no no say she don old cargo mschew
the ibru women ehh mehn dem worwor no be small
every one show face chidi gigalo too show em ugly face
not hating buh apart fro Monalisa, Tonto, Ini, Kate, the rest of the pics are a bit tacky. Shan shouldn't have given a back pose cos d folds took away d beauty of the dress. anyways, congrats to her. e no easy
Seriously I have to give it to Nollywwod. They really support one another. Cos me I dont know what Shan George could ossibly produce that will make me want to watch it. She does not strike me as a producer.
Almost everyone looks really nice! But what is with Ufoma's hair and Chioma Chukwuemeka looks constipated. Desmond sweetie you are getting a little chunky o. Hit the gym you sexy chocolate goodness. Who is the guy with that huge ass headset that Linda featured a while back. Let me guess, he has to be an igbo dude. They are the ones that typically act like money miss road. I dont have a problem with the hand or head set but this is not the avenue to use one. Anyway I await the movie
OMG....what happened to stephnora okere????
Oh wow! Look at Ini, MonaLisa, Kate and Tonto. They look soooooo goood. Good job ladies
er...now where do i start from sef, cuz only few are looking nice doh..shey with shan's fold's, lol not with dat kinda dress mehn,ini edo is manageable,nice dress tonto buh guess she needs to work on her tummy, i lovvvee kate and lilian's attire....ewoooo what happned to ifeoma ejenabor choi!!desmond's jacket is somehow sef,i like chioma's dress...mr and mrs ejiro look alike hehe..awww loving monalisa orange jacket, chidi mokeme hhmmnn issorai
TONTOOOOOO!!!! MY very own Marilyn Monroe. I love this chick. I just want one night with her
Tonto looks cute!
Isnt this Shan George over 40 with like 3 grown kids? Chei I envy her BODY!!! I am only 28 with 1 child and I fight my weight like crazy. I have done sit up tire to get a flat stomach to no avail. What is your secret madam or is there bypass surgery involved here?
Tonto looks nice just dont lyk the stomack. Aka Amber Rose looks gud. The rest naaaaa
Is it d photographer or wat??? Most peeps are lookin haggard! Steph-nora wat was dat overall?Lilian Bach....u always miss d mark try as much as u may,Kate Henshaw-too much goin on biko,Ufoma were u playin a Grandma in dat costume and hair or wat? Ini- Not bad love d hair, Mona block doz colors away jare, Chidi honeymoon don finish ni...Shan George, for ur age u stil look good so I wont say a word....Hope d movie is a better effort compared to ur music??
Zaki Adzi drop d tourch already biko!!!!""Epacious u alwaz knw d right tin to wear
Dis Chidi Mokeme always luks dirty,Chioma Chukwuka luked lovely but one strand of her weave dey fall comot o!lol.Shan herself n her dress lukd confused-was dat Daisy Danjuma?
Not sure Chidi Mokeme's wife took a good look at him before he left the house!
I love Kate!
wtf is going on with INI lately, her dressing is deteriorating
to the one who said you want one night with tontoh well good for you. Let her evil ass draw your spirit.
I hear she does everything - you can even includes dogs and snakes in your session
why do most of the guests look razz
Monalisa looks hot
Zakky Azzy enough with the damn torchlight already!
Love what Kate is wearing. Infact am going to "copy" it for my outing this weekend. hehehe!
Is it just me or do the ibru sisters have a striking resemblance With osita iheme "paw paW"? Just asking oh. Tonto dike is obviously on a mission to become a white girl. Ladies quit bleaching
shan's dress is nice but it doesnt luk gud on her...flabsss, dats all we can see from her back pose...pls dress to suit ur physique....ini edo looks nice, glad shez taken a break from all dem lace nd brazillian wig...tonto looks nice tho aprt from d bleachn...lilan looks gud too...kate henshaw---i love uuu!!!...steph nora - bleaching gone wrong...i dont understand wat ufoma wore neither do i understand d hair...chioma, desmond,monalisa( always lukn hot dese days) were lukn fab...lady in d black dress, ud luk more nicer with a jacket covering d arms...nd d ibrus...no comment.P.S> Linda i heart ur blog..started reading for two weeks now...keep up d good work
As always Kate Henshaw looks great, am a great admirer of her stlye. And Monalisa Chinda looks good too. I think some of the other ladies should check how something fits before they leave the house.
Luv Monalisa nd tonto. Kate henshaw i wanna b fit like u wen am old. Pls Y am I seein a lot of orobohs. Pls dey shld loose some weight cos obesity kills.
Nawa 4 dis celebs ooo.
Well Monalisa nd kate looks perfectly good.linda will neva post my comments...( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡)
Monalisa nd Kate looks fine nd perfect.
Nawa 4 dis celebs ooo.
Well Monalisa nd kate looks perfectly good.linda will neva post my comments...( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡)
*YAWNS* Tufia unu nollywood classless bunch! i love u Mona lisa u rock! as for the rest get a stylist ASAP..learn from Hollywood biko nu!
tontoh dike is def pregoo!! this cannot be fat.steph nora okere,,, i guess u now regret ever bleaching?hun u aint aging well. hide doz granny's hand next time. tontoh take note. stop while you can to avoid regrets.
Is it only me or does Tonto Dike look older than Kate Henshaw? Monalisa always looking good. Kate, you are fit and beautiful. Ini, you have always been a pretty girl.
So freaking tired of seeing desmond elliot everywhere. Shan George biko...with folds like that and loopy saggy breastisis....no nau...#ImustWearcutOutdress# Who is that gbagun idiot with over tight suit and a gold phone?! Naija ppl can sha fall their own hand sha.....Look at the horrible tatoos on that Ibru sister? As if her obesity no do to make person run.Chei..all that money and no intention of a personal trainer.
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º..this anon o badt gan,,me sef don see †ђξ resemblance so tey,buh i no juz wan jump ni..buh seriously †ђξ ibru sisters aπϑ pawpaw culd pass for siblings cuz facially they look so much alike,,lol
Does Shan George ever look in the mirror? She lacks anything called grace, charisma and style! WTH?
Who is d lady in a red dress whose boobs are complaining of suffocation? Na by force?
Tonto Dike isn't pregnant? That bump is the result of unhealthy lifestyle....
Kuddos to Monalisa and Kate Henshaw.
ewwwwwwwwww to everyone except MONALISA and CHIOMA
Shan george wif folds lik dat u shldnt wear such..ufoma ejenobor wah wia u finking wearing such....Monalisa,Ini edo,chioma,nkiru luks gorg!!!!!Btw chidi mokeme luks sick...tonto n d rest of u luk ok tho!
shaun george go burn some calories,,,see those folds behind,shit!
Tacky tacky tacky these women need to knw that less is more.aunty shan pls cover ur folds na u dnt have to wear a backless gown to look hot.p.s where is my bloglord o!#ally say so
Shan shd have just titled d movie 'Finding Goodluck Patiently' that way maybe d english-speaking empress would have shown up and i bet she'd been in good company too.Someone shd tell that dude that it's a fashion faux-paux to wear a double breasted suit-jacket on jeans.I comment my reserve on d ladies but love me some Kate Henshaw n d Amber Rose look-alike.
First time seeing kate look dis chic.. Monalisa looks cøol 2.. Desmond wots wit d 'imbe' smile na.. I think Chidi didnt sleep well d nite b4.. Congrats shan on ur movie and dat dress is allergic 2u. Stay away frm it!
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) @matured cassava,anon 11:35 u're mean*straight face*but ufuoma na wa 4 dis ur bubu ooo,hmmmm!u 4 tie wrapper na*smh*monalisa's outfit waz cool,kate too*as 4 d rest of u pls set up ur fashion sense*wheeeeew*
i dont know y u guys keep comparing nollywood to hollywood there is a huge gap na?? dese our celebrities are fillage pple and still need some grooming....anti shan u fall my hand o! dese folds na die....shey na by force to wear backless ni?? dose who told u dat u look nice dat day should be shot...
OMG they all look stress and chav,with the slaps of foundation on their faces makes them look old,seriously Nollywood stars need to Upgrade find professional Stylist and makeup Artist to dress you for an occasion,none of them is worth the title of an Actress or Celebrity, lots of places to learn from start from '' HOLLYWOOD.
Not sure I understand what I am seeing. I want to cry more than laugh.
Since you are all in the image making business, stop acting like amateurs. Some got it right but others .....mmm mmm mba mba
Piece of advice, if there are too many functions and you find your closet being challenged, start modulating your appearances. You can always stay away from some events instead of appearing and bringing your brand down
Love you all especially Kate, looking good.
Can people for once shut the f**k up with the freaking fat comments! Must everyone look the same? obviously the bigger gals are not wearing what suits them but must you call them all fat! Shaun's dress is not suited for her but she does not need liposuction. She is a beautiful lady.
Jeez people! lets look beyond peoples sizes. This weight thing is becoming an epidemic and I hope there are no teenagers reading these comments. Before you know they will start puking to be slim. Plssss!
Relax peeps, stars sometimes dress a bit casual for movie premiers. Even American stars do that. And that's why Kate Henshaw was a bit casual.
That aside, Shan George's dress was a mess and she was never the curvy kind of girl. Tonto's tummy isn't flat. Kate Henshaw was in better shape than most if not all.
Desmond Elliot was never the muscle kind of guy. Nollywood men don't really gym except maybe for Jnr Pope. Desmond's coat looked good
U envy shan george's figure. Like seriously?
kate , Monalisa,Chioma, Ini nailed it for me for the rest? Ewww!
Tonto looks like she wants to spit *eeww*.
what happened to Stephnora Okereke and Nkiru Sylvanus? You people are actresses, lose weight and inspire us
Shan George? your clothes could be more classy lady (but i have seen worse)
Mona lisa, Kate, Ini---nailed it gurls
Isn`t chidi supposed to be on honeymoon?
why is desmond everywhere?
The girl with Amber Rose swag is gorgeous. She's in Brymo's Ara video.
No comment on the other women. They look rough, overweight, tired, too many problems. They don't have the "IT" factor especially as celebrities.
Well,Tonto's tummy may not be flat but she looks good though. Shan pls stop wearing backless tops/dresses! #epicfail
She was hoping Jonathan will appear at the premier , btw y Tonto be like pesin wey swallow sour pap.
LMAO! Marriage has started taking its toll on Chidi Mokeme. See how old he looks
Nkiru Sylvanus lol long time o. Ehen I don't understand Chioma Chukwuka's hair o
Abi??? Like he's not sleeping well or wat?
Linda,it will be vry diff for u to get wrinkles,no nid to spend so much moni on expensive creams to fight wrinkles cos the comments u see each day n post n laugh is enuf medicine for u....i dnt bother to watch a comedy movie,i just log on here when i nid a quick laff..naija una dey rep well-well o!!
My thoughts exactly.
hmmmm chidi is really lukn old oh
Na wa o whick kind dressing be dis?From the host,Steph Nora i beg pack dat ur yamayama hand well,Lepacious Bose i reserve ma comment,Chidi Mokeme pls wot happened to ur face is it dat married life doesnt you or wot?
I wish Nigerian actress could actually TONE UP and dress better- by tone up, i mean going to the gym and working out= take Tonto Dike for instance- her hair is awful and her body is so undefined!
How come noones spoken about chico ejiros coat sorry jacket...he looks defeated.
allow dem o!!..so many parties/weddings in what..like 4 weeks..Tonto looks good..and Amber Rose lookalike..Kate..Mona..looked relaxed and fresh
gosh who punch chidi mokeme face?
From previous pictures I've seen, this 'Ufuoma Ejenobor' is actually really beautiful. I don't know whether she was in a haste to dress up or the photographer was bad but she's really looking haggard here
What do u mean by "local"? If u knew English, u will know that local means something from a particular place or something of a particular place. Maybe u mean "classless"
Wots wit Shan George n dt annoying dress displaying all her folds n sagged breast?so nt nice...Chidi Mokeme looks beaten,Ufouma wsup wit dt wig n outfit???big no no...big ups 2 Monalisa,Ini,Chioma n maybe Tonto...
LOL@the clown that said marriage has taken its toll on Chidi. No be 5 minutes ago he marry?
Una no go kill pelzon here!
May your friends not be like this o! http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2012/05/lifes-choice-1.html
dat ufuoma geh looks lk a big man person! d fack yo!
Zinkata is wack.
Ngwa!!! How did Shan George manage to allow people that came to see her own movie/premier upstage her in dressing? My dear Miss George if you want to wear open back.... the flabs will just have to go. Meanwhile thumbs up to Kate Henshaw and Chioma Chukwuka-Akpotha looking good as they always do.
With all da tyre and she still chose dat dress? i dey bow 4 some pple's dress sense sha.
Annon 12.00pm,l didt comment abt Shan George's dressing,but she shd't have worn it as she has folds,and yes let me tell you ,that l will not wear such an outfit, as well as l have folds too.You wear what fits you and what you look good in while wearing it.Its friends and pple like you that wear any outfit you see,whether you look good in it or not,and let me tell you,though she looks very good for her age,she shld't have worn that dress SHIKENA.
zakky still dey cary flashlight? Pls what is he lighting? someone needs to tell him that ish is stale..for real.
So many fashion faux pas...kate henshaw needs to update her wardrobe n check out sme fahion blogs...dt neck piece was totally unnecessary...n sersly shan george is like 40 smetin..y on God's green earth is she wearing dt dress..its not age appropriate n she certainly doesn't av d body to pull it up..ini edo seems to like dis particular hairstyle n wasup with desmond's suit..jst smetin off about it n all dis old women with their boobs hangin out...pls put it away..on d other hand monalisa is lukin real good...as always...n I'm likin d amber rose wannabe...she's rily pullin off the whole thing well
Shan, u look good at ur age n life experiences, but pls stay off such dresses.
Kate I like ur style. Tontoh, u naturally repulse me.
Franca Anaka u look real nice in blue. I'll love to see more of u at social events.
Nkeiru u not looking so bad, just watch d weight.
Chico n wife funny looking, lmao.
Steph nora, Chioma, Ibru women n a whole bunch of u all should look in d mirror properly b4 stepping out.
Is Lilian bach pregnant?
I wonder why people still waste their precious time to talk about this horrible, mannerless, animal in human form called shan. This mean mother fucker tout. God is awesome sha to have make her a celebrity no sense of dressing nor any trait of celeb in her. Your days are numbered.
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