I understand using skin toning creams...a lot of us women have used it at one time or the other, to 'brighten or 'maintain' the skin complexion, in some cases to make the skin glow, etc etc...
What I do not understand is outright bleaching of the skin complexion. Going from dark-skinned to white-skinned. Why do some women do it? They think bleaching enhances their beauty or black isn't beautiful? Please share your thoughts...
Its a complex problem. black is beautiful.
I am black n proud
funny enough the Mschoza girl looks more beautiful when she was darker than wen she got her skin fried. we should be proud of our looks. damn!
i think they all look good though...guys seem to be more physicallyattracted to light skinned girls...fact
Why does the girl on the left look like Toke Makinwa??? Just saying!
Because of madness and stupidity
The fact is, humans can never be satisfied with what they have. Blacks think white is more beautiful and helps them stand out hence bleaching to lighten their skins. Whites on the other hand resort to tanning to darken themselves with the thought that it makes them look better. It's the human nature of greed. Sad that many do not know the medical repercussions of some actions performed in the name of beauty
jeez let me think...
1. self hatred
2. low self esteem
3. Inferiority complex
4. Envy
5.Abuse/bullying/Peer pressure
6. They don't know better
6. All of the above.
im light skinned and i think men seem to notice me first esp in the club before they consider the darker babes...fact
The spirit of micheal jackson at work in them.
Black is beautiful
Lack of self confidence, simple!
the Mshoza babe was not even ugly in her natural complexion, na wa oh
Anon @ 5:08PM
How come these same light skinned women still get dumped, and a lot of men settle down for good women, and good women come in dark and light skin. At the end of the day, just love yourself and accept you.
I'm tired of the whole bleaching story because it's their own issues coming from inside.
OMG! Didn't no dis was possible! Like...isn't there a very bad side effect to dis.cos I wonder why a person will go tru dis if they knew d bad side effects! Or correct me if I'm wrong, isn't there a drastic side effect...or is d side effect avoidable. Jus wondering oo.
Black is beautiful,joor oo.Cant afford 2bleach my chocolate cream body
Light skin is definitely more attractive, even from a distance. Unfortunately when you see some close-up, they wor wor well well.
Just today my colleague at work got back from a two week holiday in Turkey and is so brown (tanned) and all these oyibo's are facinated with her skin, yet our very own go dey bleach up and down... mentality sha!!!
HAHAHAHHA... Linda Ikeji... Hitting back at Toke Makinwa, abi? Why did I ever think you'd let what she said about you go... LMAO
Toke Makinwa :D
HAHAHAHHA... Linda Ikeji... Hitting back at Toke Makinwa, abi? Why did I ever think you'd let what she said about you go... LMAO
Simple answer: Inferiority complex and by the way, the dark girl in the first pix is far more beautiful than her white version.
There are no other reasons for doing this than complex problem. It's so sad when people do this to themselves, because when the so called white people see an original black person, you will be amazed with the level of admiration they will show. They even spend a whole lot of money in tanning their skin just to look dark. So why can't we just appreciate what we have.
we all just want to be comfortable with ourself,if you feeling being dark is not ok ,then i feel you have the right to do as you like with your body.mschoza girl's smile is brighter after her bleaching.she now feels more comfortable with herself
Bloglord is back!!! *dancin alanta* :D
So it's really because of men these women bleach their skin? Lmaooo.
It is obvious when women love themselves and are comfortable with themselves. If you love yourself, the right man will worship you. Men are not special beings so why change yourself to please someone who will die just like you.
And here in the US, "TAN MUM" is trying to be black. When will people learn to accept what God has given them.
All the celeb bleech just recently i was flabbergasted at how light nicki minaj has gone is it just me or did anyone else notice. Thats toning of the highest level kai.
Its the same reason Laila Ikeji (jokingly or not) thinks she's not beautiful and needs plastic surgery. SELF-HATE.
Most gals bleach 2get attention... α̲̅πϑ dats freaking stupid shaa..dnt dey kknw all dese tnz hav after effectz..mumu ppl!
linda im surprised at dis ur question oh! u are asking weda is it becoz we tink black isnt beautiful ofcourse we know dat black is beautifu! d problem is,will always be,and has always been MEN!! They are the ones dat wud do anytin for a pair of fresh fair laps so why wont gals go and bleach? Look around u and point out one popular or successful runs gal dat is black. D truth is dere are none. yellow skin is more attractive sad but true notin we can do but sit and gnash our teeth for now.mshewwwwwwwww
Linda u sef no bleach, i get ur pics o wen we dey secondary school
D same naija babe look ☺kªª¥ in her naturalcomplexion but after bleaching she sure looks like a scarecrow,d south african babe look better in her natural n still ☺kªª¥ in her fake complexion.d problem is ̷̷̴̐͠JU̶̲̥̅̊sτ̲̅ low self esteem.y shud tink of bleaching wit d disadvantages attached wit bleaching?funny enuf most of dis fair skinned arent really beautiful wen U̶̲̥̅̊ move close 2 dem but D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ r ̷̷̴̐͠JU̶̲̥̅̊sτ̲̅ attractive.
Bullshit!!Some light skinned girls can be uglier than Shrek.I can't wait to start laughing at the bitches that will get skin cancer in the name of bleaching.Why defy what God has given you?
Linda,u are also encouraging our women to bleach by publishing pigga women on your blog!You see them as a model of beauty while our black,chocolate and fair skin women are the real model of beauty and curvy!we should start to promote us too cos they dont promote us too...chikena!wole
those that bleach hate themselves
Linda, thank u jare...but it is also good for the Medical Doctors around us to tell us the consequences of bleaching skin so that the young ones among us who are planning to do so will quit...
Anyhow, each to her own...I do think that skin-bleaching-gone-wrong is the most disgusting sight on a woman...very disgusting!
Adaeze O.
Am a dark complexion girl
A friend constantly tells me that i am too black and hence i cant enhance my skin at all.
she goes and come back d next day and says "u and this your smooth skin plus ur pretty face" and i get all confused and hope this babe is not trying to tell me that i have identity crisis o.
So different stroke for different folks.
Personally i don't think colour is an issue. For me it's the features.....irrespective of how dark or light a person is...
That's why Naomi and iman will continue to be defined as the most beautiful women....
And by features, I mean a symmetrical face.
daniel says
so that they can DIE young of cancer ignorantly. Fake wanna beeeeeeees
Bloglord oyoyo!!
I think it's an inferiority complex.i'm proud of ma color.black is great.
Hahaha! So hilarious yet so true!
The naija babe is subomi taiwo. She had a chemical wash so she can be a video girl
Women bleach to look ugly, i guess. You know, when a woman becomes so beautiful, her mindset changes. Beauty becomes ugly to her and ugly becomes beauty. So her only solution now is to bleach, becoming ugly in the physical and beautiful in her mind. What a beautiful world we live in.
Why do you understand toning cream? because you use it? Please do not be a hypocrite. toning o, bleaching o all the same. if you moisturise your skin and eat properly it will reflect on your complexion. and FYI "toning" removes any residual greasiness still left on the skin from your make-up or your cleansing product. It also closes the pores, stimulates and circulation.
Linda that one wey you talk say 'lightening creams', 'cream to maintain your skin shade', 'cream to make you glow' etc. all na bleaching creams. Me I am extremely beautiful (no be mouth) -I know. Just that i put on a bit of weight recently though (lolzz. . .), I dont use anything to maintain any skin colour. I either use jergens, or revlon body cream and I am still very beautiful with lovely complexion. I am not very light in complexion. But my point is that people do not need these lightening or bleaching creams. The more you use these creams, the more you will need to 'maintain'. I wonder how our 'fore-mothers' still looked beautiful without all the bleaching and skin lightening creams
Na wa oh! Me I ve a supporting question, why do some men also indulge in this disgusting act? Perhaps, women want to be more attractive...what do guys seek for when they bleach?
cancer z real
proud of my colour
It's funny that after all that she did, she is still cross-eyed. Why don't you fix that?
They do it because they want to feel among, while some do it cos they have a complex....check out this post on a popular Ghana blog where the expose the top 5 Ghana celebrities that have bleached over he years. people like Yvonne Nelson and Jackie made the list...http://www.ghanacrunch.com/2012/exclusive-top-5-female-ghanaian-stars-that-have-seriously-bleached-their-skin-over-the-years/
Guys like their runz girls yellow, while madam for house, a natural black beauty!
Because they don't know who they are and they don't Value Gods work on them.
The disgusting thing about this bleaching is that its like an addiction. Your friends keep telling you to use the latest cream. Before you know it, you are stinking like rotten egg!!! God help you if they have to perform surgery on you. Your skin would be pulling apart because its so light! Enjoy your color. Even halfcaste people bleach these days oo. The most digusting one are men that bleach. Ewwwwwwwww. Crazy.
i've always said men are more attracted to light skin girls...but any time I bring it up with my guy friends, they say its a lie...smh *yimu*
I blame it on the white man! They imposed their preference for milk-skin on every other race. Dark Indians get discriminated against in India. Tanned Asians from Malaysia etc bleach their skin too. It is a world wide issue. The lighter you are the more attractive and acceptable you are. It is very sad.
It's a psychological issue to think that you would look better than the way you were created.
I love dark skinned people and love seeing confident dark skinned women. When I look at how beautiful Tiwa and Genevieve are I wonder why these insecure dark skinned women don't make an effort to see themselves in these goddesses.
Ok all the self rightous people here need to STFU, are you for real, like it or not, everyone has something about them they would like to change, others go a little more drastic that most, so freaking what. Please if you have ever permed ur hair, put weave on, wore wig, make up, (the list goes on) you really need to shut up because u are no better. Oh and for people that says toning is different, keep looking for a reason to judge someone else. Toning my ass, you still got a lighter color, just not as like as any of these girls. Pls people go and do something with ur time other than judging other people's motives. If bleaching is not for you than fine but its not for you to condemn does that chose to. I know for a fact that if more than half of you have the funds, you will definitely change something about ursef. Dang Nigerians and their poverty driven self righteousness. Ever heard of one mans trash another man's treasure?
of all the destiny child girls why did beyonce get jay z? ludacris fiancé?yellow 50 cent fiancé?yellow..floyd may weather fiancé?yellow...shaquille o neal nko?yellow..drake and tyra? yellow... chris brown and wizzy nko ?yellow...in naija ikechuku ,otedola,and many more successful guys? yellow.... so they are winning..hehehe
yeah we are winning...
Our Bloglord is back in the mix! Yippie!!!
Linda ask yourself that question. You are much lighter now.
Doesn't make it right, bcos of the nasty side effects. Not that we are jealous or judging bleachers.
make I continue??? Nguanu..micheal essien fiancé?yellow,jay jay okocha madam?yellow...joseph yobo nko?yellow,boris kojo?yellow, Late/great ojukwu non?yellow,..kanu nwankwo nko? yellow..yakubu aiyegbeni.madam?lite skinned ..make i stop there...conlusion...We are still winning Hehehehe
Ur very very stupid if if open ur eyes and read well or if you know what they call toning in town ni u wont be on here yabing rubbish fool. Pple that bleach now call it toning u fool its the new slang for bleaching Kmft
Ok the person that is wondering a way to turn ursef black, its called sunlight and you know wat plenty oyibo do it everyday. Those of u that are Kim K's fan and Snooki's fans, go check their pre-celebrity pics, they were all as pale as a ghost, but like was mentioned, everyone has different preference, becos you don't want what I want those not make my desires irrelevant. filipinos, and most Asians that are already light skin look for way to make themselves even lighter, who are u to judge. Yes I hope everyone knows the side effect of a lot of these things, but that's their choice to make not for you to condemn them.
Come and see hypocrites smh
@ Anonymous 5:09pm, you said it all.
Inferiority complex and low self extem
Okay so apparently people that bleach have a complex problem that means people that put on Brazilian hair and relax their hair to make it straight and not Afro also have a complex problem. Nigerians and their hypocrisy.
der linda i shall consut one of my ex-classmate and get back to u lol
Who stole my bleaching Danger, my fair fair bleaching danger. They will soon disappear.
Nice topic..this bleaching is some sort of epidemic..as someone said look at Nicki Minaj..its gotten so bad that the Brown skin are bleaching to get yella..and the yella ones are bleaching to be near white..
Peer pressure i reckon and surge of high profile yella celebs..definitely not society or western values..cos for some reason Oyinbos always prefer dark skinned women..maybe not so much in the entertainment world..but surely in their private lives..
Black Culture have taken it to a whole new level..the extra lenght weaves..incredible long eye lashes..extremely high heels..that whole stripper look...but not near as bad as Asians..their's goes way beyond skin colour!!
What surprises me is dat she says her man loves her more coz of her color...wat kind of love is dat abeg
Not only ladies bleach,some stupid men do too and am very sure that they are suffering from inferiority complex.How many white ladies paint their skin black(chacoal) because they want to be black.it time we woke up to our clour and beauty
Anon 7.25pm has taken this issue p o. na wa o.HMM waiting for more comments
Buh d niger girl get mind sha nt even scared of cancer na wa o.TOWI
Well if u must knw who I am I'm the nigerian girl in the pic nd pls I'm not that light.I'm not even light at all that pic.the bitch that did the pic is just mad. I'm still black nd proud
The other girl they used was a victim of CYBER BULLY by her friend and its a shame that LINDA IKEJI whom we hold in high esteem also contributed and promoted this cyber bullying, the girl did not bleach, it was the light and flash of the phone , i fu get to see her you would no she is dark as ever...WHAT A SHAME
The bleaching thing looks fine when u start till it gets to the point that ur veins start showing, disgusting. and then, the bleachers do smell, especially those that use the cheapee creams, lol
Meanwhile, am of the opinion that dark skinned gals age gracefully and slower, check out Kate Henshaw,Genevieve Nnaji, Joke Sylva, Steph Okereke-Idahosa, Mercy Johnson, etc. u will notice that u cant really see their age written on their face. Compare them with the light skinned counterpart, hmmmmm, Eucharia Anunobi, Tonto Dike, Rita Dominic, etc, hmmmmmmmmmmm.
At the extreme, check out those those Yoruba movies over bleached actresses, lmao.
Pls gals, spare urself the green veins and smelly bodies. **OKBYE**
@Anonymous May 8, 2012 7:25 PM,
the difference is that bleaching/toning is a lot more damaging.You can wipe off make-up, remove a wig/weave, add or lose weight but when you use chemicals to change your skin colour, there is rarely any going back.
The skin is an organ like the eye or ear.Would you put harsh chemicals in your ear except on prescription? No! But people use such harsh chemicals on their skin and it penetrates into the blood stream causing untold damage.
And Lind, FYI, if by toning you mean a form of skin-lightening, then you're toying with skin cancer...don't be fooled. It might not be harsh but it is definitely harmful.
Abeg go sidon..am sure you are one heck of a bleacher. Bleach ur skin away. It is wrong and it is not part of a cosmetic like brading ur hair, perming it etc. You are indulging in a lifestyle that cld backfire if u don't take time.
Because u have bleached ur skin, u end up corrupting innocent girls around u to do the same thinking it is good.
At least u have the guts to come and defend ur bleached self, others are keeping mute, cos they are guilty as charged!
Well 1st of all I think low self esteem n complex issues. Then men who 1t deir women 2 b light! Linda I hear sum gels mix Venus or Ozone relaxer wit deir body creams.
Chibuki: I'm in fact a very dark person. Love my skin and all. My skin glows and shines! And I love it. Buh c'mon guys, cut some ppl some slack. If they don't like certain things about themselves, they should change it! Simple! If a white man thinks he is too white and pale and decides to tan, u all would see it as cool, buh u would never say he has inferiority complex. Buh when a black girl who thinks she's too dark wants to change her complextion, u will start to throw all manners of insults! She I u all know there r skin dangers to tanning as there are to whitening. So, ppl should do whatever they please as long as they r doing it with themselves, by themselves and for themselves! Plus old also love to agree with the person who talked about Preminger hair, fixing of weaves, nails and what lot
Ps: I recommend palmers cocoa butter for any dark skin babe.ives used it for almost 14 yrs and I know it's good !
Such a pity that people can't accept themselves for whom they are n be proud of themselves in whatever colour,fairskinned,dark,chocolate even plus if na albino self.I live abroad and am a sucker for braids,african wears,n eevn use shea butter,i cant begin to tell u how much admiration,questions etc i get from white people.They so much long to be able to have braids on easily like we do,have tanned complexions,have access to our african designs but yet na our African people want to be like oyibo in every way.Pity,pity!
I understand men like light skinned women. I am a dark complexioned, smooth & clear skinned and extremely beautiful woman. Very confident woman too! I will never bleach my skin to make a man like me. Never. If a man will not like me bcos I am dark complexioned, he should take the bus!
Yeah! Also noticed that all of a sudden every gurl on the street is light skinned.Hmmm! Yu talkin about hair perm and all;no1's saying yu shudnt do dese thinz,don't yu just think total skin bleaching is extreme?????? Pls think again!
D reason y many black pple dnt come down wit skin cancer is bcos of d melanin rich skin God gave us. Melanin is d pigment in our skin that makes us dark. When we bleach, we remove the outer protective layers of the skin, and expose d newly forming ones and expose ourselves to UV rays frm d sun which will cos skin cancer and make us susceptible to all other types of cancers (dat is why oyinbo peeps use a lot of sun block creams cos dey dnt hv much melanin). The skin bcomes easily bruised, weak and friable. In addition, most of dese creams contain steroids. Prolonged steroid use is bad cos it lowers d immunity making one susceptible to ooportunistic infections dat normal antibiotics cannot trear, they affect the sex drive, affect normal salt and water balance in d body, so bleaching creams, toning creams (most of them) r bad... I feel sorry 4 d girls in d picture cos they've just literally exposed themselves to a battery of unending problems
Bloglord,u r bk?Hw ws USA?Did u gt to c d white house,shake hands wit Obama?
Pls dnt flatter urself.
Fool.As lng as u r using any product on ur skin,u r enhancinh it one way or d oda.
@ Anonymous May 8, 2012 7:25 PM
You are an epic bullshitter! You have no opinion of your own. Bleaching damages your skin, there are complications when you want to undergo surgery so what the eff are you talking about? This is a fact about bleaching! Shut the hell up if you are just here to preach your shit while others are having factual conversations.
There are other safer skin- lightening agents that people can use but the hydroquinone and some other lightening agents that a lot of Nigerian/ African women use are very dangerous. Something I have noticed is that light-skinned people age faster than dark skinned people. Think about the future and stop thinking about the present only. I know a woman who has been bleaching her skin for years and she looks terrible..her ears are partly green and black, she looks 20 years older than her age mates. Another bleaching cream addict had cancer and had to undergo surgery but guess what? they had problems conducting the surgery because she had bleached her skin,her skin was too weak to take the stitching. She eventually died.
So I repeat...shut the hell up if you have nothing intelligent to say!
In the end, it's a mind thing. I am very dark, but very attractive (there's no need pretending to be modest). In the end, you just gotta love yourself, and embrace what God made. While I try not to judge, I like to look at health hazards. Some people bleach so much you can see the blood moving in their veins.
It is the SAME as constantly relaxing the HAIR to change TEXTURE!! So lin I smell double standards here !! If ur anti bleach be anti relaxer and rock ur natural ,god given hair !!! I'm toffee and natural mmwah!
The funny thing is all these celebrities you guys worship, including Rihanna, Beyonce, and all these light skinned stars bleached their skin. They just do in other ways by using pills or mostly injections because they have the money. Get a grip people!! This is another beauty treatment! Why do you bleach your hair?? Why do u wear fake lashes or wear fake hair? Nigeria and hypocrisy!! Kai!!
When ever I come across ladies who bleach or are toning I always have a feeling of pity for them......Cos the side effects of bleaching is just out rightly ridiculous.....the itching, scratching, smelling, fanta head coca cola legs......#lol# And most of them are usually "bleaching gone wrong"......
The even worst case scenarios is when I see men bleach.......arhhh damn terrible! I don't know whether its just me.....most of these nigerian men who bleach are very fraudulent and dishonest.....perhaps its one of the side effects that come with bleaching for men......#lol#
In a nutshell "Bleaching is a result of inferiority complex" ......SIMPLE!
1. when you think of Africa, you think black continent. what other continet makes you think that NONE!!
That is why, we want to be like the others and so we bleach. Yes it is a mind thing but no be MADNESS. We are mothers wives and mistresses. We are educates, talented and bush!
Its the same thing with music, our acting, faking your accent etc.
. I feel like people who bleach have self esteem issues. When i first moved to the uk to study, i had a complex about my skin because i was always the darkest person everywhere i went. But after a while, i embraced it as who i was and i was not going to change it for anybody.
I am now very confident and it shows everywhere i go because i know black is beautiful.
Besides, if u r fine regardless of skin colour, guys will chase you. I know that for a fact.
One of the reason is that many men love light skinned babes that's a fact but light skinned women get dumped as much as dark skinned ones.
Another reason and the main one according to me is that among black people there is an inferiority complex the lighter you are the more consideration you get.
No wonder many men and women bleach regardless of the consequences. It is very dangerous there is no safe way to bleach and it should be a priority for all african countries to advertise people against this practice.
The question is WHAT CREAM RAE THEY USING??? Might make some money by selling it.
My good comrades, how substantively different is it culturally and racially to bleach one's skin as opposed to wearing fake or processed hair and using European or Arab names? Many of our people have bought into the the white supremacist beauty aesthetics imposed on us by the former colonizer and enslaver.
Have you noticed how women with natural hair are portrayed in some Naija films? These women are seen as down on their luck beings who are countrified. But as soon as they have been exposed to urban life or their economic condition has improved, they are decked out in weaves, wigs or processed hair.
Why are we embarrassed by our Afrikaness? Why do we aspire to be Afro-Saxons in spite of the removal of direct colonial rule?
We do not need to be the vulgar, bastardized representation of whiteness? Afrikans, emancipate yourself from mental slavery. Enough is enough!
Why are u a mumu?
if u r ugly ur complexion wont help u. so bleach from today till tomorrow u will still be ugly. monalisa chinda and rita dominic are light and still ugly. it has to do with facial features. look at madam egyptian milk jecinta, yvonne, toyin all ugly compared to dakore, ini or linda ikeji.
Inferiority complex.
mehn this is the height of bleaching. I can't believe the before and afters are the same girl. Amazing change!
That is Yoroba women 4 u. 4rm black to white
wow...on point.
They don't feel pretty in their skin color. Which is nonsense.
Blacks bleach to be White, White tann to be dark, Asians tann be dark. I'm black I love being black.
Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.....Bloglord.
Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.....Bloglord.
Thank you. Make people no start wahala here abeg. But all the same out of all the topics people have been requesting linda to put up why did she approve this particular one. No be linda? As naughty as anything. But that's why i like her sha
@Anon 7:25 8th may! STFU. I am pretty sure u av gone from mercy johnson's skin color to tonto dike's processed skin color. Don't try to justify stupidity, unless of course ur stupid which is clearly so. Take a sit biach\__
Well u don't blame the girls. All the oyibo pepper girls are all married while we the blackies are still single. Men I av already ordered my own bleaching cream so I can get my husband. I knw for sure that Lagos guys r more attracted to light skin girls with red lipstick, 6inch heel, and bold 5. And ironically they not only date them but they also marry them. My people when I am done with my color change it wld make headlines. Peace out
God bless you. The features and looks. Well cut features and a symmetrical face. Not very common though
I have no problem with trying to enhance one's looks after all most of us do that through clothes,make up,weaves,etc but the negative long term effects of bleaching/toning are what I'm. deeply concerned about.
And unfortunately what people(both men and women)
choose to ignore.
Our weather,diet,bad habits,age,stress,etc can affect our skin tone/elasticity negatively,and dull tired skin is so not attractive.:(
Find out how to safely and naturally even out and brighten your skin tone using natural fruits and vegetables.
I damn knw d babe well n trust me, she's not as light as dat... It was d makeup she did in addition 2 d er phone's camera flash (4dos using a bold5,am sure u can testify 2dat)... I so wish evry one commentin on dis can realy see er b4 judgin er... D reason y ders dis pic is bcos, she and er frnd ad ish n d babe felt dis was d best way 2 deal wiv er... N for d babe dat wrote er name on d blog, seriously dat wasn't needed.... Smh wat gos arund coms baq arund! Jst sayin :) .....
Whewww!is this toke makinwa?
If you understand skin toning, why can't you understand skin bleaching?
That is hypocrisy.
I have told my wife, the day i see any toning cram in the house is the day you park out.End of marriage.No negotiation.
And this girl on the left was fine when she was dark o! Which kind evil spirit go make am turn to ghost like this? Kai!
I agree with Anon 5:14. The spriit that got into Micheal Jackson is still alive and at work. I think its just an Inferiority complex/Low self esteem thingy.
I have skin the colour of cinnamon and a friend's mother was alway telling me to never,ever try to change the colour of my skin. she hammered on it like her very life depended on it and today, i am so scared of using body lotion that the only stuff i apply on my skin is baby oil and shea butter.
But really, i think its because light skin is attractive.
Hmmmm. This one pass me ooo. I am light skinned and growing up I hated my skin colour because I was easily noticed. In class the teachers would ask me questions, in the midst of people, you could spot me out easily and then I started using Dudu Osun to darken my skin. LOL. but it didn't work. Anyway,one man's meat is another man's poison. What ever the reason is I guess is to "look better" but do they really "look better?"
am light, my younger sister is black. she is more beautiful than i am...
May 9, 2012 8:03 AM
"I have told my wife, the day i see any toning cram in the house is the day you park out.End of marriage.No negotiation."
What is "Park out?" Do you mean park her car outside or "pack out"?
Typical arrogant, egotistical and petty Nigerian man. How can you kick your wife out because of toning cream? When you cheat on your wife, please let her scissors your pee-pee! hisssss
May 8, 2012 7:25 PM
"Ever heard of one mans trash another man's treasure?"
What fucking treasure? This is 100% trash. Stop supporting bullshit! These bitches are damaging their skin! What you Nigerian women should be doing is attend to your health, careers, having your own identity instead of bleaching, chasing married men for trendy shoes, clothes, phones, and wigs.
Linda you are a hypocrite. You were so black now you are brown and you call it toning? Same difference.
but b4 we get too judgemental,some pple bleach to get rid of major skin deffects,so no be deir fault.On a lighter note,maybe Micheal Jackson be deir role model.
If a girl turns from dark to fair, it could be described as a "Michael Jackson situation". I'm guessing she's no more comfortable with her looks. unfortunately they don't know that black don't crack
I like you, you are business minded wa gbayi. Lets go into business make these losers bleach themselves to death hehe
If your skin black....then by yellow simple!
Its yoruba u fool and am yoruba and i dont bleach it dont matter which tribe you are people from diff culture and nation bleach regaardless. Idiot
seriously i think she was most beautiful when she was not so white because thats true beauty. sorry dear but soon you will have reason to carry out another surgeyr on your body because you are insecure.
Light skin isnt attractive, it is noticeable in a sea of dark skin. Hence the immediate attention it gets.
Lmao...... You make sense die. A man that loves his wife niyen o
i think its stupidity, they re fools cos bleaching is expensive cos u'll ve to maintain it, it consumes lots of money,i'm dark nd natural not fake and i love it dat,bleaching is temporal
please use ORI aka SHEA BUTTER and trust me your skin will never be the same. i have been using it since nov 2011 and i keep hearing'' what lotion do you use,your skin is glowing like that of a baby''. that is the same cream our fore mothers used . i even apply it on my hair and right now, my hair grows like crazy and so full and bouncy when i roll or straighten it.
if you read the ingredients in some of these hair and body products,you will notice they contain Shea butter and other natural herbs and seeds we have in this our blessed Africa. so why don't we appreciate our naturals rather spend millions to acquire the same naturals from abroad(after being over processed and mixed with chemicals)
PS......there are fake ORI out there,before you purchase please feel it in your palm and it melts d moment you smoothen it in your palm. don't buy the hard rock ones that are whitish. natural ori is yellowish.
Check am na...jayz marry yellow,ludacris babe yellow,john legend babe yelow,chris brown own yellow,shaquille ONEAL own is yellow,lilwayne get yellow babe,50 cent has yellow chic,swiss beat nko? in naija lets see..ikechuku,otedola,Ojukwu,kanu nwankwo,jay jay okocha,joseph yobo,yakubu aiyegbeni,kalu uche, the list of good catches who married or dating light skinned babes is very long....YES eligible guys prefer light skin babes it seems ..
If you want to condemn bleaching but you don't have to condemn light skinned people in the process. I see a lot of hatred against light skinned folks and a lot of dark skinned girls always try to prove a point by saying how beautiful they are dark skinned. The truth is everyone has toned their skin at some point, even genevieve nnaji was very dark when she started but can you compare it with her complexion now.... You are beautiful ,you are beautiful and its all about the features and facial shape. Remember the rwanda genocide,this is how it started. Let's condemn bleaching but let's not condemn light skinned people in the process. There is a difference.
@ Subomi....u myt nt be as light skinned as d picx portrayEd bt truth is u ve so bleached..saw u in sch lastwk on a short denim dress n ur bleached legs were exposed! I knw wen u used 2 be a black beauty compared 2 dis terrible looking self u ve metmorphosed into....
i think she looks better....
i think she looks better....
make i continue???..chad ochocinco,mike tyson,bobby brown,kobe bryant,drake(yep his with tyra now),floyd "money"may weather,nelly,p diddy(apparently creeping wit yellow babe),wiz khalifa,eddie murphy..etc etc etc are all with light skinned chics ...soooo we are winning..hehehe dont abuse me its jus sum tin i thot off which is a fact
Anon May 9, 2012 10:41 AM; God bless you. Even mixed race people are accused of bleaching (not talking about Bey and Riri here.) I remember on this post ages ago when people said Daisy Danjuma bleached!
has to do wit self esteem & a complex they do it without waiting to fink of the after effect
Jen thanks for the old news. LOL!
Sum people just like to tone or bleach thei skin off,
i am naturally fair in color,all i do is maintain d same complexion. human beings are natutally contented wt wat dy have. The lady is beta in her natural color dan her wacko jacko color.
@ anon 11:19 AM.....lolzzz, u r welcome but how i for do am.....lol.....i don bcom native dermatologist.....c as i de advertise ori like say na my company....how u de sha.
It makes me so sad when I see black people that are bleaching their skin. They obviously don't love themselves and will still not love themselves when they are light skinned... The issue must be much deeper! It comes with so many health risks like skin cancer e.t.c. I am dark skinned and I love it, I love seeing people darker than I am, there is nothing like a dark/ blaccccckkk skinned beautiful person! To me that is what African beauty is! Don't get me wrong being light skinned is also beautiful. What I think is wonderful is God made us all beautiful in different ways, light skinned, dark skinned.... Just seeing beauty in different ways is wonderful and makes me praise God for it!! Its sad when people can't see what God has blessed them with.. For all those that compare bleaching to weaves and make up e.t.c you can actually remove the weave or choose not to wear makeup according to your mood, bleaching is permanent damage to the skin!!! Also when they showed michael jackson's skin after he died it showed he actually had dark spots and really did have a skin condition so that is different! To allow you girls that are not confident in your skin remember God made you the way you are for a reason and He will bless you with the perfect husband for you in His own time, that loves you the way you are!
Oshee, make ah google am!
thank God for this topic,infact i get angry whenever i see people bleaching. i'm naturally very light skinned, i get offended whenever people suggest i must be bleaching, mscheew!i've seen so many of my beautiful dark skinned friends bleach and become ugly.inferiority complex is bad o!
bleaching aint beauty
pale aint pretty
if tan is in vogue
and you want to bleach
then you have to think it through
Light skinned men marry dark skinned women think Obama, Babangida etc.......
Some one once told me that when a black man marries a white woman....WHO DIES FIRST... Why....
spirit of Aparthied
Someone said in a different post, opinions are like assholes everyone has one. I am not in support of bleaching or body argumentation, but neither am I against it. I just hate when Nigerians take it upon themselves to determine for others what's good for them. I hate the self righteousness BS, everyone here condemning but thinks its ok to tone or to change any other part of you, seriously u need to stop. Again everyones preferences are different, some prefer to take more drastic steps others not so much, some regret it after taking those steps, but one thing I really want everyone here to realize is people have to make their decisions for themselves (wrong or right) its' not for you to sit in front of your computer and make silly comments. And for the person that said there are safer ways to change your skin color, are you really kidding me? please decide which side you are on or like me chose to be on no side. Again, I pray everyone that uses any type of argumentation knows that risks, other than that there is no judging peoples motives especially when you know not what they are... That being said, if you have ever changed anything about your self and you are here judging people that are bleaching, pls STFU!
Because of comments that Nigerians themselves say like, "She's dark skinned BUT pretty..." why there gotta be a BUT??? inferioriy complex much...smh
If thats what makes her comfortable.....i dont fink there anything wrong...n besides ill always know shez BLACK!!....so pls lets not judge
Oh dear! MJ don hearrit...
low self esteem sha... n she was finer when she was dark... n she'll be someone's mother one day... the things she'll encourage her daughters to do in the name of not being ugly... lol
Oh wow I'm soo amazed !! Clap for urself winner ! U might wnt to investigate their ex's aswell and see if they were all lighties !! Please I'm waiting !! U seem to have soo much time on ur hand.. Bloody loser!
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) affects 5 to 7 million people in the United States. Every day people with BDD spend hours worrying about perceived defects in their physical appearance.
People get informed. Just because lots of people in the media are of lighter skin color does not mean they are communicating a social preference. Your self love starts from the inside out, remember that you're made in the image of God, spirit-wise.
Anon 2.51pm well said... Why are some Nigerian people filled with so much anger and bitterness? Cursing and making brash comments? I am a chocolate skinned girl and would never consider bleaching but come on, no need to hurl insults. Some underage kids have access to these blogs. We can strive to air our opinions without being out-rightly uncivil.
erm linda so you can address adeze's issue but you cant address mine...i want to know what guys think about perky vs big boobs cos i want to undergo a breast enhancement surgery im a 32B and i want to move to a C.. thanks
side effects abound, you thin ur skin, expose it to harmful radiation from the sun and other carcinogenic substances cos the melanin is no longer there to protect, plus injuries''ll take longer to healso you can easi;ly get infectedd;plus your skin looks dull and shabby if u neglect it even for the shortest period,and it''s addictive like cosmetic surgery-u''ll never be satisfied wit d result..it goes on and on
Im glad someone also noticed nicki minaj i taught i was the only one these days she looks lighter than beyonce during her DC days. Smh
When i was in secondary school there was this girl a year above me and a year older than me this girl was darker than me but now she is as light as nicki minaj and on instagram before she puts a pic up everyone is all over it about how beautiful she is yes she is pretty but regardless if she toned or not she would still be pretty in my books. But it just seems over the years this girl got lighter and lighter and lighter now thats toning joor bleaching the skin small small all i can say is God is watching you when skin cancer comes knocking on your door ehn issorai
You are right and Gen too. I must say Ini is very pretty.
Don't come here with tribal rubbish silly. Just so you know, I am not Yoruba.
The funny thing is the south African girl looks way better brown than white.
It's funny how practically everyone on here seems to be dark skinned and against bleaching. Na wa o #God is watching u!
It's funny how practically everyone on here seems to be dark skinned and against bleaching. Na wa o #God is watching u!
Yaaaaaaaay!!! She is back!!! I have missed u n ur coments Bloglord!!! Welcome.
As per the bleaching ish....all I have to say is...whatever makes u happy. But remember,skin cancer is real. So to all the bleachers,have fun!!
Nuff Said!!!
Men prefer the light skinned for play n the dark skin for wife!
Ofcourse the randy guys notice u 1st.The good n cool guys notice the dark girls.Don't b decieved.
Beware of skin cancer. Also, for those of us wey be oyibo black people from birth, we would like to announce that it is too much hard work to maintain this skin color. Na so u go dey run from sun. When small mosquito bite you, blotch go appear. When small pimple do you, black spot wey need prescription strength retin-A and Obagi nuderm go follow. Everything wey do you go turn red immediately. You made a mistake!
I'm light skinned and my most beautiful friends are darker than I am. I walk into a room with friends and the girl with the best features wins,any guy that chooses me for my complexion is usually razz and I want nothing to do with him.
Girls, it's about facial features not complexion. You see what you want to see to the girls listing married light skinned women, there's a matching list of married dark skinned women. I've seen more dark skinned women that I'm in awe of than light skinned women, becuase symmetric features are more electric on dark skin. Love yourself.
What makes me sad is how hard people try to put every light skinned woman in the bleaching box because they feel inferior to her in Lagos. Get over this madness and face your own.
well i think people re jst desperate to look beatiful and i think it is very silly nd gay but well God doesnt like it when you dont appericiate wat he has given so im think dat babe is jst fucked up for what she just did cause she doesnt even look finer.....
i think is fucked up to bleach thogh................
Dont think theres anything wwrong in bleaching. Its just like using makeup to look better except bleaching has side effects. Everyone knows lighter skin girls get more attention. TEAM LIGHT SKIN!!!
Omo, this woman no see wetin happen to MJ abi? She has a complex and she sure thinks that her new "white skin" will help her. Kpara n lo
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