Newsweek magazine's latest cover proclaims Barack Obama the 'first gay president'. The accompanying article was written by openly gay news magazine's writer, Andrew Sullivan.
When you step back a little and assess the record of Obama on gay rights, you see, in fact, that this was not an aberration. It was an inevitable culmination of three years of work. He had to discover his black identity and then reconcile it with his white family, just as gays discover their homosexual identity and then have to reconcile it with their heterosexual family.' Mr Sullivan said in a statement about the articleThoughts?
Waaat barrack obama(ın lt dagrın's voıce)
He's a very stupid man! This is somebody that goes to church o! Anumani mmuo! Let us see who will vote to keep him in when he's time is up!! Onye nzuzu! I'm bitter men! This nigga just open up the pathway to many many abominations!!
~ Menakaya's Baby.
hmmmmm....lets see how the elections will. hope it favors him.
No doubt about that. Sometimes i do wonder how he get so concerned about this gay thingy...Obama is no doubt the 1st gay President.
..Not far from the truth!!! Why legalize Gay marriage when the election is fast approaching ?
Na him sabi all for second term scopes I get it
From all indications,it seems most of d countries in d west n a large part of Europe applaud this move. D problem i have with this is that homosexuals are an abomination before God n d Almighty God will NEVER change His standards for any man. His eyes can't behold iniquity. Obama should think about this if he's really n truly a christian : Whose approval matters d most - God or man?.
Odes. He wants to sway the gay peoples votes to his side period o. He is not gay! Trust me, they are lots of gays in America and this could earn him more votes? Its all politics
I pity him
Homosexuals are NOT an abomination to God. Homosexuality is. There is a difference. Condemn the act, not the person. You are no judge of any man!
i knw that this man will fuck up, wen ppl are rejoicing, that a black man is now the president of the USA, i said that i hp he will not fail our hand as a black man, see am now, the first president that supported Gay, na gay man; no wonder the gay ppl was saying that they are the right ppl that will swear him in in the office, he does not have sense, tell me hw many gay ppl vote that can bring him back to the office, abeg let him drop joo, that sit no fit him at all, he hav finally show who he is. yaya homodemon man
This cover is just rubbish jor... people want to make money from it... Well, no one can actually vouch for him that he is or not. As per the gay marriage approval, he shouldn't have done it... I hope legalizing gay marriage is just a strategy for votes, otherwise, na God go help am if e win second term... naa ni
He's jst bin diplomatic! Do u guys knw ow many gay ppl will vote 4 him in d upcomn elections...plus I here d gays r d ws weilding power dese days n influence
Some nerves dude.......
He is not gay himself. He just started supporting gay rights a while ago. Most probably to get more votes in November. Come on! He's married with kids. He's trying to divert the attention of the masses from more serious problems. Look it up people, don't just conclude. He is owing much and people want him out and now he's devicing schemes to stay in office
It's just politics! He had previously said he doesn't support gay marriages so why the u-turn? The gay vote is huge (even though some people argue that it's negligible.) In reality a lot of influential people in America are closet gays. Hollywood, bankers and a lot of those Zionists (not Jewish) who are promoting new age. He needs their votes. Strategic!! Obama also isn't as clean as people think he is, no American President is! He's just part of an agenda.
Its politics joor! He wnts 2 win nw
Don't fret people,
All the homophobes out there have lost the argument.
Basically if God is your only argument to deny people the right to life without prejudice from your hypocritical selves, then intelligent people will defend us.
He's not gay, but he like most people who are comfortable in their sexuality, would not feel threatened by gay equality.
We don't need your permission and we will all be judged in front of God, so mind your own lives and leave gay people (everywhere) alone.
Obama will win, and the world will change for the better for it.
If you don't like it, go and hang yourselves.
Much love.
Gay people cant vote Obama to power cos they are only 4% of the american population about 9 million of 312 million people. Even if he is banking on the 41% liberal people in america to back him, trust me he can only get just about half who will agree with him, cos most of the liberals do not hate gay people but are opposed to same sex marriage.
The Gay. Lobby. Actually. Makes. Ppl feel like there are so many of them out there that they can sway votes! How many votes can gays actually sway in Obama's favour. He wouldve been wise to put the focus on health care and creating jobs instead of justifying his support for gay marriage by saying that Jesus said to do unto others as you would have them do to you!
nemesis will soon catch up with him.alll his plans will back fire him.Anti-christ
hmmmmm.Obama is not gay,its just part of politics.probably to get the Gay population into voting for him.May God judge him ooh
He only wants more votes!
this is mere propaganda on Obama's side...
this gay issue is the beginning of the end of the world
Why people find it difficult to agree obama is a fake and a fraud. So many Americans kiss his ass it irritates me. You can't have a constructive criticism about him without you trying to eaten by his disciples. Obama is the Anti-Christ. Why should he support something that he knows is wrong all in the name of votes. Shows how desperate his bi-racial confused ass is. I pray he loses this election. Shame on him, Shame on democrats. Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Babe or guy go and research on the tea room experience ! Heheh just go on google !
How insulting, the writer is comparing Obama being half black to someone being gay. He (Obama) had always accepted the fact that he was black, it was just some bigoted Americans that didn't accept it. Also there is nothing wrong with being black, being gay on the other hand is a sin.
Obama is definitely not gay. But the tag, gay President is to acknowledge him as a supporter of gays. It's a pity really because that tag is just so.
All this, to get the gay vote, a very huge lobbyist block in the U.S so as to secure his second term bid.
But then,you wonder whatever happened to the Christian side of his life? Obviously that is not a path he'd like to thread boldly.
no wonder why his's identifying with same sex business
Obama repent of your sins hidden or unhidden & follow jesus christ because he is the light & not darkness
At last, a breath of fresh air! God bless u̶̲̥̅̊ for this insightful and objective comment.
Who said Obama is a christian?
President Obama and his cohorts of gay marriage missed it.
What is the object of marriage? It is for two to become one flesh. Anatomically and morally, only a man and a woman can do this. Only spousal love is properly sexual for only it provides for the protection of that at which the marital act aims both in its unitive and procreative senses.
But what about "love"? Isn't it a bit mean-spirited not to allow people who love each other to get married, even if they are of the same gender? Love always seeks the well-being of the loved one. This is true in all sorts of love, whether between parents and children, between children themselves, or between friends. Sexualizing the love in these relationships would be profoundly mistaken since none of these loving relationships is or could be spousal in character.
Therefore, sex between parents and children, between siblings, or between unmarried friends, or between friends of the same gender is objectively disordered and will inflict harm on the parties involved no matter how they "feel." This is the opposite of seeking the loved one's well-being.
I stole this comment;
If nothing else surprises or upsets you, perhaps the painful realization that our government - from its conception - has been officiated by a bunch of negative occult 'wierdos' pretending to be what and who their constituents expected of them . . . while secretly engaging in pagan rituals - so ridiculous - so evil - you have to wonder about their sanity. Is it any wonder why our country is in the state it is at this very moment?
The anti-christ agenda has always been pushed by Yankee Presidents. Obama is no different.
Obama giving Naija beef over the whole anti-gay culture is like an African leader beefing US over their bigamy laws. Fact is, the dude is a stoodge. He says and does what he's told(like Jonny). Now he's pushing for gay marriage all over the world. Go talk am for middle east nah. All this posturing is for votes. Fact is most Americans are still in living in a financially recessive state so abeg park well.
Due to his support for gay marriage, he will lose the November election
instead of Obama to focus on the economy , he is endosing gay ... silly man ,I was a main/huge supporter of Obama before , now i cant wait for him to leave .
He is all talk and no action. Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice .
Obama seems to understand that religion has to be approached with intelligence. The available evidence from history and biology about gays shows that in the near future homophobes will appear unspeakably foolish. The evidence is abundant. Nature did not create everyone as straight. Live and let live is the sensible, enlightened approach, and President Obama is sensible and enlightened.
Obama. i asked you on my blog if you were sure about your stand. See now!
this Obama's stand has two major dimensions to it, first is the fact that he is trying to be re-elected back into the white house, and recent polls from different quaters have shown that the percentage of Americans that support Gay Marriages are slightly higher than those who do not support it, and Obama's quest to return back to the Oval office has over clouded his sense of Judgement in this matter. secondly please stop calling him a christian cos he isnt, Obama is a chieftain in Illuminati, and am sure they do not have a problem with Gay marriages. therefore he has to do there bidding. if Obama is a christian, then i am a free thinker*sarcasticface* so he isnt gay, jst dat he is the first American President to openly support Homosexuality, dis is more personal nd political than moral
A man’s destiny is determined by the map that he possess and what he might see as treasure island on his map can be a threshold of destruction like the prodigal son.
Once a man choose to ignore the principle of God in order to please men, such man should be rest assured that such men are only pushing him to the punishment of God.
Those who are in authority are preaching what they are not practicing! How come Barack Obama and Joe Biden are not having their marriages dissolved and marry same sex in order to be gay?
Indeed, America has lost its true principles that uphold its sovereignty has a dominant country above the rest of the world and this is a great opportunity for the opponent to come back strong and defend the foundation principle of America!
Where are the true Christians; Are the total population of true Christians less than the Gay or Same Sex; Are other religions also blind folded to believe that their gods permit Gay and Same Sex?
If Democratic Party wins again, it confirms that America is doom for destruction without remedy! This is a clarion call to all those who believed in the sacrifice of American’s forefathers and the efforts of all God’s generals that have come, gone and still existing! Church rise up to please God and not mere men, whose mentalities are blinded towards their destruction.
2 Chron. 7: 14 is the way for American Redemption! Don’t vote yourselves for Destruction.
(Check out a great article on www.megainsights.com)
Please free the man jo! The caption of the news is different from what the man is saying.
Homosexuals are not an abomination. In the not-so-distant past, black people were considered an abomination by the whites, and they justified their views with the bible -- same thing we are doing today. Condemning homosexual people, playing God and using the bible to justify our hate. The day we realise that these people are not disturbing anybody with their sexuality, the better for humanity as a whole.
I now know why Nigerians are ruled by 'idiots' in the name of democracy. So much ignorance out there in Nigeria.Religion should be a personal issue just like lifestyle should also be a personal issue. When politicians patronize church leaders who call themselves general overseers, you guys do not see anything wrong in that. You celebrate mediocrity in the name of religion but when you see something that you do not agree with, you are always the first to cast the first stone. Even Jesus said at some point that let me see who will cast the first stone. Because Obama says rights of everyone should be respected whether you are gay or straight, you all are invoking religion. That reminds me of when Jonathan knelt down before Adeboye and you all bought into it and all said your messiah is here.But what has become of Nigeria today? Gradually descending into chaos of unimaginable magnitude and none of you will say anything about Jona and those looting the treasury because they are christians... please face the evil that is milking Nigeria and leave Americans to face their own problem. I don't see you condemn Britain, Germany, South Africa and other western countries where gay marriage is legal. It is not even legal yet in America and you all are shouting that Obama should lose... He will win this election because he has done a lot of good for the American people..You Nigerians should pray to have a leader like him..Onyioshi..onyiara people
The things politicians will do to curry favour from the masses! I thought it was only in 9ja we had 'jibiti' sense!
All of una dey here dey cast and bind him... While some of my sharp naija people don already begin to dey arrange marriage things. Yes u know arranging to marry their brother or sister to be able to get papers. No more waiting on one Akata to do it for u. Lmfao!!!!
all i can say is, i just hope #newsweek is prepared to face whatever charges this their slander about Obama will cause them. btw i fink the news magazine is jes seeking attention from readers. whose business is it if Obama is GAY?/ HE HAS HIS OWN LIFE TO LIVE ABEG.
Read well...the writer didn't say na "GAY" on a literally meaning...he just related his mode of activities to that of a gay!...#shikena!......niyinugar
Well said, I pity him 2
Time and Newsweek have descended to the level of he National enquirer. Trying very hard to be tabloids.
Nothing new here, Tina Brown is spear heading this political hack job.
the write junk, then go to TV to quote their junk thus validating it.
Not happy but recognize it for what it is. A hack job
Sisi nene :)
Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
@Nne, u av said it all, it is all politics. d man is very smart. naija no be like america, there are lots of gay people in america. trust obama when he goes to campaign for votes in states dat av banned gay marriage, he wil also persuade them with his oratory.
@ Nne. U are on point kappish
Hmmmm....what do u expect?the end time is so so near n most of us re just too blind to see it....those who see it still believe der is time....all we want is more fame,power,money n all....this is just d beginning but GOD is GOD n HE KNOWS ALL
It may cost Obama his seat as the most powerful man in the world. The gays may have funded his campaign rallies in a big way.
There are many rich gay people in the US. They control the music industry. Kanye West once saluted them with a special speech.
Well, Obama may win by a margin, after that, he will never fight for gays again. In the UK, Cameron has pack peddled his stance on gay marriage after making big noises.
When you see fire, shouldn't you run? Mr Cameron is not a fool. He moves with the time, which changes rapidly.
Obama based his decision on politics->he knows his demographics and sabi the game wellu wellu
and Linda the paragraph you copied has nothing to do with the title. Being biracial has nothing to do with being gay. Perhaps you can copy most of the article so we can understand the author's point of view and properly share our thoughts?
I don't care about the headline or TIME cover, Obama's ears are huge. Let's talk about his big ears. You can never say anything behind Obama's back back, cos just like Will Smith, he'd hear it. lol. I'm kidding. I'm pro-Obama. I hope he wins reelection. I support everything he does. He should be US President forever and ever.
ALL President Obama said is that, he does NOT believe people should be discrimated against because they are gay, or that it is his position to go against gay people if they wanna get married....Let GOD be the judge; Obama doesn't want to judge gay people and what they do in their private bedrooms, and he is NOT passing laws to make gay marriage legal in America!
You can call him gay all YOU want, but judge NOT the president because he does NOT want to judge gay people..."he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone!"
I'm NOT in support of gay marriage, but I am 100% behind the president!!
Enuff said!!!
Menakaya's Baby do you go to church with him?
Our politicians in Nigeria are passing laws to make gay marriage ILLEGAL in Nigeria !!!
President Obama is NOT passing any LAWS to make gay marriage legal in America!!!
But is it not about time for our politicians in Nigeria to pass laws to make it ILLEGAL for MEN to marry more than one wife...and have several jump off & kids all over the place?....Oh, it is our culture you say, but it's still a SIN in the eyes of GOD!!!
Mr Christian. Homosexuals are NOT an abomination to God. Homosexuality is. There is a difference. Stop spreading lies about God and His love for all mankind, whether living in sin or not. If you truly know Christ, u wud know He never condemns the sinner but the sin. Don't come here to spread falsehood and lie against God!
Brothers and sisters,
We are of one flesh and blood, and regardless of the fact that you consider yourselves more blessed and complete in the sight of God, do not find yourselves in a position of judgment on those that God himself has put on this Earth.
We do not know God's will in all cases, and true as it may be that histories (often written from the perspective of the dominant within society) frowns upon many a things, let us not subscribe to those ideologies and lose sight of our humanity.
We proclaim Gods love, then in a blink of an eye, we make ourselves aggressors, motivated by fear and hatred.
How are we to know that thee things are not bound to come as a test to us. If today Jesus (whom you so claim to love with all your heart) came and said 'Behold I embrace all these gay people and I desire my fathers mercy on them' would you call him 'Gay' also.
Take heed, the test of times is not about how hard you fight on behalf of God, but how well you take care of your own lives and homes.
How you provide in times of adversity, how you do charitable works, how you spread the message of the love of God, as it was spread to you, and how you protect your fellow human beings.
The problem of the world today is that we lust for hate, we hate all things that differ from us, and yet when we look deep into it, we find that it is hatred of ourselves that we project on to others.
Those who are not innocent themselves, like the jews who wanted to stone Magdalene are back again in millions. And, would stone another man, not knowing that he bears is cross in accordance with what God had willed him.
The matter of free will is not the choice of being gay or not (there is no choice in that...no one would chose to be persecuted, to live a life of fear of their lives, to be stagmatized and marginized within society) The real choice is 'DO YOU ACCEPT YOUR LOT IN LIFE'
When we don't accept ourselves as we have been designed, then we are bound to die in misery and regret.
Many of you know that feeling, of never feeling good enough, multiply that by a hundred, this is what a gay person goes through, it is your duty to encourage and not attack and condemn like a pack of rabid wolves.
Segun, u make sense! Unfortunately the bulk of people commenting here are sadly ignorant
This is not a matter of trying to win votes, and if it is, it is in fact a good cause.
Are you all not tired of the amount of hatred you spill forth from your hearts, where is compassion and love that you all pretend to be experts of.
It doesnt matter what religion you follow, we are all human, Barack will go down in history as a man of the people, he, like Christ that you all so love, is fighting for the underdog.
I wonder if any of you trully have this amount of hate within you or if you are just using homophobia as a way to let off steam.
People. Come on, aren't you exhausted, you do not know what gay people go through in their lives, how can you comment?
How many of you even know whether your husband, washman, doctor, favorite actor is on the DL?
A man is not measured by his skin, but by the content of his heart.
If you do not act agree with act of homosexuality, then don't do it, but leave people to live....'LIVE YOUR LIFE'
So now being a homosexual is the same as being of mixed parentage.....wtf?
People. The writer just used that as a metaphor. I still think it is tasteless though. The writer is gay and wrote the article to show appreciation to obama.
Hey people,
Hypothetically speaking, how would you feel if people kept telling you..'God hates you, God hates you, God hates you' every breathing minute of your lives.....
knowing fully well within yourselves, that what is different from you is only skin deep, and they who tell you you are hated don't know you, don't know what you go through......
Lets take it to another level, how would you like it if your father, mother or close acquaintance, decided to abandon you because you did not marry who they wanted you to, or because of medical reasons you were unable to have children, or because you didnt go to the university or do the job they wanted you to do.
Another level, how would you respond to your own child if they were not born as you wanted to be. Male, female, dark or light skinned, perhaps even gay, if one day we developed the technology to tell...
I just wonder if people realise what they do, and how much heartache and pain they cause....
As I grow in life, I learn to put myself in other people's shoes, and see things from their perspective. Being 'I' is selfish, there is enough room on this planet for all us, and we would live better lives, if we begun to see it as belonging to everyone of us.
Uche the gay and ignorant moron. Shut up.
You are too lane pls,who told you gays dont have wives af kids? People like you thinks anyone that have kids and wife is no gay..abeg u are too backward and for ur information most gays do wed and have kids
I can't believe nigerians are now making arguments defending and justifying homosexuality.God dis world is finished, Sodom n Gomorahh is back starin at our faces,wat is d way forward oh lord!!!
Hahahahha @ you can never say a thing behind obama's back he'll hear it,LMAO
lol @Mena UkodoisReady's "Linda ..... Being biracial has nothing to do with being gay...."
• Straight
• Gay
• Lesbian
• Bisexual
• Transsexual
• Transgender (people that sleep with animals & dead bodies)
• Transplant (people that sleep with plants, trees & plywood)
• Pedophile (Freemasons & people with skeletons in their closet -- most of LIB readers. lol )
• Rapist (Men & some boys)
• Biracial (people in the closet that undecided about their sexuality)
I think Linda is right, though. Biracial would mean a bisexual who only sleeps with half casts or a half cast who is bisexual. lol
Pass d mic. .Illuminati
People are so ignorant, they just stay and manufacture news, Obama doesn't have the power to legalize same-sex marriage, he just said he is in support, his opinion is the finally say in the matter, they are still others that have a say to it, and the same-sex marriage stuff has to do with each state, so why crucify the man for his opinion?
Basically if it is the end times, all you can do is sit back and enjoy the ride, there's absolutely nothing any of you can do. Truth is if you try, you are getting in the way of the fulfilment of 'God's' will. ;-) the world has been ending for 2000 years, no matter what any of you say, it'll not come according to your desires.
Small minded ignoramuses. Lol
Obama didn't have to publicly support gay marriage. It's going to hurt him bad, in addition to the economy. No matter how liberal America is, many still believe in a man and woman.
I am not at any surprised at his sudden appearance for gay stuff, but I am sure that, for the election, well I reserve my comment but for crying out loud, Obama has made a slippery landing, and I doubt if the fall will not be devastating.
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