The baby was born on Monday May 7thth, 2012, at Victoria Moses Church in Mushin, to an unmarried mother. According to the child's mother, Kikelomo Ikori, 32, when the baby was delivered, they saw him holding something in his hand which was stained with blood, and after cleaning it, they discovered it was a mini Qur'an.
A day after the baby was born, hundreds of people stormed the resident of the new mum in Shonde street, Ijeshatedo, Surulere, wanting to see the baby with their own eyes. And since his birth, quite a number of Islamic scholars have traveled far and wide to see the baby. Some people believe it's real, some don't.
The baby's mother Kike, who was a christian before giving birth to the baby has now turned to a Muslim. The baby's daddy is a married man who left Kike and told her to abort the pregnancy when he found out she was pregnant, but Kike decided to keep the pregnancy.
The question now is; is this medically possible? Do you believe that this can happen?
1 – 200 of 273 Newer› Newest»:D. First comer!
don't blive @ all it is satanic period
Liars lukin for attention guess she wants to catch the babys dadys attention.
Me don't believe it one bit
Hogwash.....Illiteracy mixed with poverty....
I dont knw wat to say.
Lmao. Kikelomo must have swallowed the Quran in order to bring the man back.
I heard dat story but did'nt blve it either, it sounded even funny.
One of d doctors who dilivered dat baby is definately a muslim. He/she is trying 2 tell d world islam is d legitimate religion. And i sori 4 d ignorant mother. Linda try finding out abt d doctors and u'll find a muslim i assure u>>Ice RAIN
That Quran is small enough to be inserted into anyone's vagina.
People are stupid as fuck.
You didn't post it because it didn't say "Baby Born with Bible in his Hands".
The earlier you all stop doubting the Miracles of Allah (God) the better for All humanity.
This very same God made Mary (Maryam) give bith to Jesus (Isa) even though she was a Virgin, and there's no sane Muslim that will deny that story because it was clearly stated in the Quran. And it is sure a Must for All muslims irrespective of background to accept as part of the Miracles of God.
This very same God have done it were people are born half human and half fish/ mamaid or whaever. Just this past few days we heard of a baby that had the upper part of Human and the other part of Mamaid.
We have heard in the past of people giving birth to babies with scales instead of hairs on their body.
This Same God makes a woman give birth to two, three, four, seven and even eleven babies at once. This same God has made a couple give birth to twins were one is Black and the Other is white.
On and on the Signs abd Miracles of God are evident so why are we still in doubt.
If the baby was from a Muslim home or born in a mosque, the entire world would have said it was all planned. But He made the baby come from a christian Mother and being delivered in a Church.
Well, do I need to say more?
Ahmed .A.
Founder Naija Musims Platform
We are in the end times! Anything can happen!
hmmmm......so she turned Muslim bc of it?
Linda hmmm what more can I say, this has to do with religion and I no fit shout
Personaly,i find it hard 2 believe these kind of stories...wel,if itz really true,one is left 2 wonder whether d world is cming 2 an end.
its medically possible, bt is it medicine that creates babies no, its God. guess people have to start believing in God more
I do not know how this is possible. But then again, there are so many things we don't understand in this world. I understand the fact that the mother immediately turned muslim maybe she feels that God is sending her a message through her baby. Well I am not scared and still stick to my Christian faith.
Why not lets leave medical part out of dis and focus on d spiritual part is God capable of doing something like dis? what if God put it there is dat impossible? If it was a bible wud u believe it or u wud still doubt it? God has done alot of miraculous nd wud still do more. Things like dis re used by God to remind we humans dat he exist nd he is capable of doing anything. Pls let us remember God always in all we do, avoid things he forbids us not to do nd do thing he tells us to do. God be with us all
Abeg! Not possible!
If by medically you mean native medicine AKA Juju, it is. This is a load of bull crap. Attention seeking folks can manufacture anything. I dont care if the baby was holding koran, Bible or ifa staff, it aint possible. How many pages does the Koran have? is it a complete Koran? Can the passages be read? Was it printed or written by hand? When God gave Moses the 10 commandments, He wrote it by hand!!!!
na wa for you o...there are a plethora of occurrences that are "medically impossible" but they happened anyways. was it medically possible for Abraham's wife to conceive at age 90? if you doubt the story, then you should be asking yourself what the motive behind someone coming out with this kind of story can possibly be. my dear leave mata for Mathias...
God works in mysterious ways
@ Ahmed, Baby born with Bible still is NOT any more believable than one born with a Qur'an... Its just not medically possible for something like that to happen. Lets not make it a Muslim vs Christian thing, Enuff said!!!
Idiotic story, anything dumb usually happens up north, where they lack education! It is not possible, that quaran was small enough to be fitted inside the vagina! Why on earth would it happen to happen in the northern part of Nigeria out of all the countries in the world? I dont blame the people for believing such stories cos they believe in anything! A baby being born with scales instead of hair is possible after all its keratin the same subsatnce of hair but in a different format. Stupid story!
All strory proves dt our god is one.
Ahmed I am a Christian but you just made alot of sense. You are absolutely correct.
I find it difficult to believe but again nothing is impossible but there are drs and nurses during the child's birth now why didn't we ask them if its true
I'm really dissapointed in you linda. Most media houses did'nt talk about it becos of the Islam factor. The baby's mum is a xtian, d nurse dt took d delivery was axtian, d place of birth is a church.... What more do you need.... Haba! Allah as said it all in the Qur'an suraul yasin ch 36 vs 8 & 9 "verily, we have put on their necks iron collars reaching to the chins,so that their heads are raised up..And we have put barrier b4 dem & a barrier behind dem & we have covered dem up so dt they will nt see..it is d same 2 dem whether u warn dem or u warn dem not, they will not believe" you guys better accept Islam, the true religion of Jesus christ, messenger of Allah...linda better post this
lies lies and lies. total rubbish. people seeking attention at all cost.from where to where.God is a miracle worker no doubt but this is fake. receive Jesus and be saved not all this liars with diff agenda. gbam.
don't know what to say really, but one the for sure is the whole story is fabricated and its a big fat and thick lie.
Linda, thats why there is something called mystery and i guess miracles, those things that cant be explained but happens. Ultimately, God sees all
the only thing that is possible is giving birth to a child with a sign and even that is mystery....roa
Don't believe it. She is just looking for something spectacular to make d married man accept d baby. It's all drama. What did d hospital staff say? Did they confirm d story?
You see, when people want to talk, they dont think twice b4 they talk, that is why some people are having problem. work of GOD, not human being, what GOD can not do? God can do everything. and l no if this happen in christienity way, they we not talk like this, well God will forgive all of them.
God works in a mysterious way my brother/sister. With him all things are possible. The baby brought a message from God that we are all serving the same God.
@Amarachukwu,you too make sense!the contents of the Quran should be checked indeed!
People dont think twice b4 they talk, GOD can do everything, and l no if this happen in xtian way they we not talk like this. well this is one of the sign. so if you want to talk watch ur mouth, and that is why some people are having problem. GOD is great.
I believe it can happen, this is not the first time things like these are happening (in different parts of the world). So, I definitely believe it can happen.
kinky babe: Please respect yourself, there's nothing satanic about the Quran. If you don't believe, just say so like Atobatele did without giving away your ignorance and foolishness!
Sugabelly: lol! Are you kidding me? okay so the Quran was placed in the baby's grip in the woman's vagina and whilst the woman was labouring to get the baby out and the baby also struggling to 'burst' into the world, the baby still held on to the Quran. How smart can anyone get? you are a freaking genius! you deserve an ovation and a medal.
Looking for attention from her husband? Lmao.
What makes this whole situation more interesting is that they are Christians in a christian environment! If they were looking for fame, fortune etc, they could easily have used a bible, so why didn't they? Think about it. Like I said earlier, you don't have to believe it.
Another question you might like to ask yourself, is it even possible for a day old baby to grasp something the way this baby did? Like i said, you don't have to believe it. Because believe it or not, ise Olohun o duro.
Oh Please, what the fuck is wrong with people? Someone placed that book there...dont believe it one bit.
Dummy the baby was born is surulere
You that say lie lie, you are on ur own o, you are saying lie lie on work of GOD abi, okay o, better go and ask for forgiveness.
Ahmed God will bless you, for that statement.
This story is a sign that the end time is nigh. The bible speaks about things like this; false witnessing, false prophets,miracles from the pit of hell etc.
The time has come where you have to not just hold on but hold on to your God real tight so that you are not swayed by the happenings in the world. Your bible is there to guide you so that you come out victorious. So be wise!!!
I don't know what to believe, so i believe everything, i don't know what believe, so i don't believe anything.
But what i believe is that the internet is real, and i believe you can browse free with ucweb with your phone powered and sponsor by etisalat
well don't believe it, it is not my business, believe it. It is your business.
Nigerians and their Wahala
We have heard lots of things and not seen... Why can't some bad blogger, take pics of the kid and the Qua.. Publish it on the net?
Thank you very much.. You've said it all
Who knows? The girl might just be seeking attention. And she got it! Her next baby will be born with a semi-mini bible.
whether d story is true or not, possible or not, real or not. I remain a Christian. Dis is not d first time dis type of story is told.
if the baby was born in an hospital,with certified docs and nurses,wld ve believed d story! but i dnt! dats y i prefer US,dey wld ve investigated d story!
Smtime ago a woman came on d moments wif Mo' show 2 say she had 8 babies in a year[which was by all means medically impossible]. She claimed God did it 4 her as she was a pastor of a church who has neva had a child b4. Mo Abudu has 2 carry out logical tests 2 varify how true her claims were & jst lyk this story too it went viral in d mass media. In d end it came out all false! Dia DNA's didn't match & d was no sign of post-prenancy 4rm d woman. Now, this woman had pple claiming they witnessed these miraculous births! Even till now she & her cohorts still claim its Gods doing! Having said these, its abt time we stop believing religious gibberish! Poverty in d whole makes men more desperate! & they use religion as a yardstick 4 these biases! Linda if I were u I wudnt post this story: reasons 4: Religion is & has been a volatile issue & sparks off sentiments. Solution: a proper investigation be carried out 2 prove authenticity. Our God is a merciful God! May he have mercy on us all! Amen!!!
This is just an easy avenue for impoverished peeps to make cool cash. Its already paying up coz I heard a lot of peeps from middle-east are coming to see what the baby looks like. In no time will the mother become a billionaire, so you guyz should think before commenting. Woman wey wan snatch another person husband go come give birth to saint? Its not done that way. Nooo
what if the baby was born with a bible would you believe it then
Its not true!!!!
I'm a christian but I must say Ahmed is so onpoint. I'm impressed with how you composed your statement. I have just encountered a well-learned & enlightened muslim. Keep it up my brother, we are all worshiping one God...
yet we would have said scientifically, the immaculate conception was not possible, yet it happened and we have all accepted it
God bless your heart! &i'm a Christian.. U made d best point eva
u should not ave post ds bcos initially u did not blive in it at all. anyway u did not av to believe but dont just mislead others from the truth.
God is not an aurthor of confusion. His handiworks can never be confusing. That said..i see this as attention seeking from a desperate unmarried lady, who is obviously getting what she wanted now.
Epic fool! Oloshi, were.. Idiot, bastard! Vagabond!!! No b ur fellow muslim comment (ahmed) what in God's name do u mean Jesus messenger of Allah? Oloriburuku.. Ode
All we should all say now is Glory be to God almighty. May his miracles never stop. May we never doubt him.
did u even read d story at al d baby was born in lagos dumb head
Thank you AHMAD for your logical statement.
hi all, I'm a Muslim and I believe in Allah's miracles but am surprised no one, especially those who have "made the pilgrimage" to see the child, is asking the right questions: was the so-called Quran printed/published? where was it published (just in case it says Saudi Arabia)? how many chapters does it have? could it be that this was one of the many things that possibly were inserted into the genital tract of the woman at the "white-garment" church she went to in order that she may be delivered post-date(11 mths)? I know it's comforting to know or be reminded that we are on the right path but we do not need these so called "miracles" as even the Quran itself says that the ULTIMATE miracle of Islam are the Words of the Quran.
God wouldnt need to insert a koran in a womans vagina to change her, he has the ability to send a prophet
and also touch her mind.
Well it's not a xtain muslim fight. The point is a child was born with an Item.
Do I believe it ......?
Now you talk of miracles and i think what exactly is the message behind this miracle? I know God is aware of our human confusion and would not want to add to it.
The baby's Mum should have remained Christian cos as far as i am concerned, she does not know exactly why her child was born with a Qu'ran.
Now if i may further add, The world is filled with various powers. God/Allah(believing that this is the northern name for God) has the ultimate/supreme power but has also given everyone of us our individual powers. Power to heal, see the future, bring peace etc. Even the Devil was giving power as well.
So do the maths while believing
One more thing, I need sm1 to confirm that that hospital exists and Why was a picture not taken immediately?
Okwu agwu
It may not be medically possible but it is possible and the above story is true.......God already said it in the Holy Quran that "he will keep sending his sign down and those that will believe will believe [2:6] As for those who disbelieve, it is the same for
them whether you warn them, or not warn them, they
cannot believe.
I learnt a particular verse/chapter/portion of the Quran was quoted in the quran held by the baby. Pls I want to know what that verse says.
Obviously this is just a mini book, incited in arabic. Why don't check the inscriptions in the book before you all make stupid conclusions. What if what is inside is far from religion matters. Please let's get to the root of this matter before we start another religion buhaha......don't you think the devil himself can allow such to happen. Don't forget that devil owns this world and can manipulate anything. So my brothers and sisters, let's just allow the family make some cool cash while it lasts coz to me, they are now a celebrity for now. And I bet the western world won't believe a bit of this, so also myself. Just
Slow news day Linda? This has been floating around for like a week on other websites. IMO, they should hide and not bring this thing to the fore.
@Fatimah... May Almighty Allah continue to enrich your knowledge bcos u have said it all but what really came to my surprise on this particular story is that u cant hold or read Quran when u are impure and given birth to a new born baby is also taking place in uncleanliness process, that was why Quran was sealed with Nylon which testify to supreme being of Almighty God bcos he is a consistence God
i hate mysterious shits like ds
Its a big lie, i refuse to believe one bit! Who published the book? mtchew!!!!!!!!!!!! Abeg!
When most Prophets (P.B.U.T) came with their scriptures and started proclaiming and testifying to oneness of God, they called them liars and all sort of names, some believe and some dont, so it is not a new thing to believe or not but what im sure of is death that is going to knock at the door of every living soul and our eyes will clear by that time
if u stil cant bliev,dats y ur pastors wil continue to decieve u wit there miracle while most of buried a live cow under church foundations.Or av u forgoten so early the idahosa story,who died n was buried by TRADITIONAL.wat pains me is that some of u went to school without been LOGICAL!
hmm, there is no element of truth in dis story,feels d baby mama want some attention.
@ Ahmed .A, baby born with a Bible or Quran, it's all the same! There's no prejudice here! All I can say is both books talk abt the end days and I strongly believe this is an act to cause confusion in the hearts of many. Just the same way the crying statues of Mary cause confusion in different parts of the world. If you call this a miracle, I disagree. Miracles are meant to affect directly and change lives positively.
I think we shd focus on Allah/God so He can help us discern what to blv and what not to blv! Let's seek Him and understand the significance of this...
Sekinat O.
@above: anonym 9.40am
You don't have to show the depth of your illiteracy. The digestive system is not connected to the Uterus. Even 'jazz' would have to follow d human anatomy. Do not let me call you an advanced 'ode'. It is high time Nigeria builds an 'education city ' for people like you just like in Qatar!!
i fink it a sign frm GOD for us to believe we serve one GOD..... muslims or xtians....i agree wit u @Amhed....Am a xtian duo...God is great......hummmmm
Allahu Akbar! - Allah(God) is great!
Laillahaillalah! - There is no god, but Allah(God)
Subhannallah! - Glory be to Allah(God)
Alhamdullilah! - All praises are to Allah(God)
ASHADUANLAILLAHA ILLALLAH WA ASHHADUANNA MUHAMMADU RASOOLULLAH - I testify there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah(God) and Mohammed is his messanger.
Verily, there is only 'one' God without any partners in his dominion and he over all things competent.
That is because Allah, He is the Truth, and it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who is Able to do all things. (Qur'an 22:6)
Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and was not wearied by their creation, is Able to give life to the dead? Yes, He surely is Able to do all things. (Qur'an 46:33)
All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Allah; and He is the Mighty, the Wise. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth; He quickeneth and He giveth death; and He is Able to do all things. He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower of all things. He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days; then He mounted the Throne. He knoweth all that entereth the earth and all that emergeth therefrom and all that cometh down from the sky and all that ascendeth therein; and He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah is Seer of what ye do. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and unto Allah (all) things are brought back. (Qur'an 57:1-5)
Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah. His is the dominion, and to Him belong all the praises and thanks, and He is Able to do all things. He it is Who created you, then some of you are disbelievers and some of you are believers. And Allah is All-Seer of what you do. He has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes, and to Him is the final Return. He knows what is in the heavens and on earth, and He knows what you conceal and what you reveal. And Allah is the All-Knower of what is in the bosoms (of men).(Qur'an 64:1-4)
It is Allah Who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof (i.e. seven). His Command descends between them (heavens and earth), that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah surrounds (comprehends) all things in (His) Knowledge. (Qur'an 65:12)
Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and, He is Able to do all things. Who hath created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving, Who hath created seven heavens in harmony. Thou (Muhammad) canst see no fault in the Beneficent One's creation; then look again: Canst thou see any rifts? Then look again and yet again, thy sight will return unto thee weakened and made dim. And verily We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame. S. 67:1-5
When they are told: "Believe in the way that the people believe," they say: "What! Are we to believe in the way that fools believe?" No indeed! They are the fools, but they do not know it. (Qur'an, 2:13)
No self can believe except with God's permission. He places a blight on those who do not use their intellect. (Qur'an, 10:100)
Some of them listen to you, but We have placed covers on their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. Though they see every Sign, they still have no faith, so that when they come to you, disputing with you, those who do not believe say: "This is nothing but the myths of previous peoples!" (Qur'an, 6:25)
"There is no compulsion in religion; Truth stands out clearly from falsehood" [Quran 2:256].
Pls they shd ask the mother of that baby where nd where she entered b4 and during the pregnancy. Whatever people like let them say concerning this matter, all I know and will always know and believe is that Jesus says in the book of John 14:6 "I am the Way, the Truth and Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me" ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE!
Very interesting fiction indeed!.Sure sign of the end of this evil age,isn't it about time anyway.Now,assuming this is true,did a young xtian girl who gets pregnant for a married man expect her action to produce anything more than a Qu'aran ?Should the baby have come with the Holy Bible that abhors that behaviour?He can only come with the written code that applauds such.She has made her choice and I wish her well in her money venture business or is faith?...buguulu...
may God just forgive you all saying, trash, if you don't believe why not just say i don't believe, its lesser curse than to insult the mother, doctor or at worst the religion, am sure if its a bible, its going to be a different story.
and someone talking illiteracy and swallowing in the same context? mehn you are the bigger fool here because the womb is in way connected to the lungs, except you swallow sperm and get pregnant though.
PS: linda pls post it
Linda, do we need a proof medically to show the existence of heavens and hell? Yet we believe these two things exist.
Why can't we believe this to be true? If it was a bible discovered in the baby's hand, maybe people won't have too much reason to doubt it, right? Apart from that, the baby was born by a Christian and not a Muslim. What will a Christian benefit by making loud the praise of another religion especially Islam in Nigeria?
Why we can be different in the way we see this, we should also be very logical in our arguments...
Seriously speakin its funny hw pple don't believe God wrks in his own ways, n u will kneel b4 him n ask 4 favour still u don't believe in him... Pls grow up!!! Which eva religion we all serve d same God so d earlier u start 2 believe in Him d beta 4 u n if d story is a lie its left 4 God 2 judge dem nt u runnin ur mouth ova 1 religion or d other....abeg stop droppin stupid comments abt religion if u r able 2 type means u r educated so u shud kw beta dan 2 talk rubbish!!!#gbam#
If after reading the over 100 Miracles in the Bible and you do not still believe this story performed by ALLAH (GOD). Then it is obvious your HATRED for Islam is just unimaginable.
Facebook – Naija Muslims Platform
Twitter - @naijamuslims.org
BlackBerry Group – On Request
1. Creation of the universe, including plants, animals and humans (Genesis 1-2)
2. The flood (Gen. 7, 8) View Flood and Babel movie sequence from The HOPE
3. Confusion of languages (tongues) at Babel (Gen. 11:1-9)
9. Lot's wife turned into a “pillar of salt” (Gen. 19:26)
10. Aaron's rod changed into a serpent (Ex. 7:10-12)
11. Red Sea divided; Israel passes through (See: Passage of Red Sea) (Ex. 14:21-31)
12. waters of Marah sweetened (Ex. 15:23-25)
13. Water from the rock at Rephidim (Ex. 17:5-7)
14. The earth opens and swallows up Korah and his company. (Num. 16:32-34)
15. Fire at Kadesh (Num. 16:35-45)
16. Plague at Kadesh (Num. 16:46-50)
17. Aaron's rod budding at Kadesh (Num. 17:8)
18. Water from the rock, smitten twice by Moses, desert of Zin (Num. 20:7-11)
19. The brazen serpent in the desert of Zin (Num. 21:8-9)
20. Balaam's ass speaks (Num. 22:21-35)
21. The Jordan divided, so that Israel passed over dryshod near the city of Adam (Josh. 3:14-17)
22. The sun and moon stayed. (Josh. 10:12-14)
23. Hailstorm. (Josh. 10:12-14)
24. The strength of Samson (Judg. 14-16)
25. Water from a hollow place “that is in Lehi” (Judg. 15:19)
26. 31. Widow of Zarephath's meal and oil increased (1 Kings 17:14-16)
27. Widow's son raised from the dead (1 Kings 17:17-24)
28. waters of Jericho healed by Elisha's casting salt into them (2 Kings 2:21, 22)
29. Bears out of the wood destroy forty-two “young men” (2 Kings 2:24)
30. The Shunammite's son given, and raised from the dead at Shunem (2 Kings 4:32-37)
31. A hundred men fed with twenty loaves at Gilgal (2 Kings 4:42-44)
32. Naaman cured of leprosy, Gehazi afflicted with it (2 Kings 5:10-27)
33. The iron axe-head made to swim, river Jordan (2 Kings 6:5-7)
34. Elisha's bones revive the dead (2 Kings 13:21)
35. Sennacherib's army destroyed, Jerusalem (2 Kings 19:35)
36. Shadow of sun goes back ten degrees on the sun-dial of Ahaz, Jerusalem (2 Kings 20:9-11)
37. Uzziah struck with leprosy, Jerusalem (2 Chr. 26:16-21)
38. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego delivered from the fiery furnace, Babylon (Dan. 3:10-27)
39. Daniel saved in the lions' den (Dan. 6:16-23)
40. Jonah in the fish's belly. Safely landed (Jonah 2:1-10)
76. Cure of two blind men (Matt 9:27-31)
77. Piece of money in the fish's mouth (Matt 17:24-27)
78. The deaf and dumb man (Mark 7:31-37)
79. The blind man of Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26)
80. Jesus passes unseen through the crowd (Luke 4:28-30)
81. The miraculous draught of fishes (Luke 5:4-11)
82. The raising of the widow's son at Nain (Luke 7:11-18)
83. The healing of Malchus (Luke 22:50-51)
84. Water made wine (John 2:1-11)
85. Man born blind cured (John 9:1-7)
86. Lazarus raised from the dead (John 11:38-44)
87. Draught of fishes (John 21:1-14)
88. Syrophoenician woman's daughter cured (Matt 15:28; Mark 7:24)
89. Four thousand fed (Matt 15:32; Mark 8:1)
90. Fig tree blasted (Matt 21:18; Mark 11:12)
91. Centurion's servant healed (Matt 8:5; Luke 7:1)
92. Blind and dumb demoniac cured (Matt 12:22; Luke 11:14)
93. Demoniac cured in synagogue at Capernaum (Mark 1:23; Luke 4:33)
103. Two blind men cured (Matt 20:29; Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35)
104. Jesus walks on the sea (Matt 14:25; Mark 6:48; John 6:15)
105. Jesus feeds 5,000 “in a desert place” (Matt 14:15; Mark 6:30; Luke 9:10; John 6:1-14)
106. The conception of Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:35)
107. Star of Bethlehem
108. The transfiguration (Matt 17:1-8)
109. The resurrection (John 21:1-14)
110. The ascension (Luke 2:42-51)
Gaia , I think you are one of the few sensible people on this platform who has made any sense!
@ Ahmed- its a shame you would even just use ur office to try and justify what you are not sure of. Everything is not about a fight between Muslims and christains
@ the so called christains who have replied Ahmed... You did not have to, there was no need.
Every bible studying person should take a cue from this-
'for what may be known about God has been made plain to man because God has made it plain to man'Romans1vs19
Look guys and to Ahmed whatever you want to freaking believe , it's ur free will but don't have to second guess what Linda is thinking
I rest my case
Mmmmh and the message is the whole Koran? You are dumber than I thought
Either u believe or not,
who cares! think b4 u talk and stop saying rubbish. God knows best...Abeggi, it's a free world, u can also frame up yours..*smh*
yeah right
@ fatimah, you sound well spoken but unfortunately not well read!!! Did you not know that 'grasping' otherwise known as grasp relex in paediatrics is one of the primitive reflexes found in Newborns, as well as Moro's reflex. Girl go get some more education... As Nigerians we should all be knowledgable!!!
Well done
Thank you, Fatimah, Ahmad and Idris for your informed, objective and laudable comments. May Allah bless u guys. It is amazing how dogmatic some people can be on social media these days..maybe thats why I HARDLY even dignify their comments by responding to such subjective and tacky posts.
While I will not fully support the truthfulness or otherwise of this event, partly because I wasnt there when it happened and also because in these climes, a lot of desperate people can go to all lengths for fame and money, I think those who are making unguarded statements abt Allah, His Noble Quran and the Messenger of Allah Isa (Jesus) should desist. Like Fatty said, you do not have to believe it, just shut ur leaking mouth>>>>Such signs are for the cerebral and reflecting minds not stereotyped minds like yours. Be cautioned lest you be visited with what you use your tongues to draw close. Nuff said....
Whether true or not, Islam is not based and does not survive on miracles and good news tales like some other faiths preach. The religion is a divine one, summarises the gospels, teachings and practices that were before it (including the Abrahamic, Mosaic faiths and Xtianity) and it is protected by its Orignator Allah Himself no matter what anyone says. Hence, Muslims believe in all the prophets and Jesus (Isa) and make no distinction amongst them. Tell me another religion that does that.
THE SIGNS ARE THERE TO SHOW ALL DISCERNING MINDS THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD....and there is none like Him. Unfortunately, he has said that dogmatic people like Sugabelly, Kinkybabes and their cohorts cant decipher. May God open ur eyes.
One thing remains sure, if it was a Bible story, this page would have been filled with screams of "Miracles..miracles...hallelujah" and some of us would have just passed by and whistled away ignoring it since our ears are filled with that alrdy...so why the dust-raising cos its a Quran in a Xtian family...PONDER plssss!!!!
If we can pray to God about our heart desires and that thing came to pass, isn't that a miracle? this baby's mother isn't even a muslim and d child was delivered in the church, so what are we arguing abt here? God is just showing us that he is able to do and undo...If Holy Mary can give birth to Jesus christ without having intercouse wit a man, y can't dis kind of miracle happen in this 21st century? U all had beta stop doubting Allah's power and pray for forgiveness, if u were told that something like that happen in Saudi Arabia, u will blive abi? May God forgive us all.
Haha... I am ashamed that you and Fatima are my country people!!!
Hmm all i have to say is carry weapon and kill yourselves. Why are Nigerians cowards? Can't u for one moment love one another? Shame on you!
for the few cowards calling themselves christians yet fearfully trying to embrace the moslems cos they r claiming its true, i have dis question for you: so if they told u a child was born with a tiny Bible wld you believe also? for the moslem's dat claim dey r learned abeg tell me, how much of the quran do u think dat tiny book d baby is holding (while fully dressed!)can contain? you see my people this is not about religion but about common sense and being able to use our brains, wat did the Bible say about end times and false prophesy?? make una shine ur eyes oh!!
how come d picture wasnt taken immediately d baby was born even with a camera fone? so d baby was washed and dressed with him still clutching the said Quran? wer are other pictures of the mother? their besieged home? the travellers dat came far and wide to see baby? which hospital was dis? who wer d doctors dat delivered dis miracle baby? most importantly, which printing press company did dey write at d back of d book? lol!! i see no miracle here, d last time i checked miracle is wen one gets healed, a negative situation goes positive not dis... this is just a case of a lady suffering post partum depression maybe feeling lonely and she decided to get some attention and maybe money, if she was a true xtian she wont be converting to islam but should have done enuf binding,casting, rejecting and declaring it null and void!! Yup, dats how we xtians do it! i believe moslems should worship their mohammed and allow us xtians to worship our sweet Jesus and leave the judgement day for our God. I'm a christian and i sure love my God! mother of dis baby shld stop dis petty propaganda and sort herself out abeg, its been nice!
Taaa make I hear word joor. I feel very disgusted when I see this kind of easily framed stories but I feel worse when people who have access to the internet (who I assume are a bit literate) believe this load of crap. Religion! Religion!! Religion!!! is the opium of the common man, when will Nigerians wake up to realise this. All these stories (biblical/koranic) were sold to you by the westerners just to aid slavery, yet we haven't emancipated ourselves.
Back to the post, it is very obvious this attention seeking act was cooked up 'cos that lil' book is tiny enough to fit into any vagina and the comments so far just concludes that this forum is majorly populated by slowpokes (no offense, sorry with offense sef). Some days ago, there was a post of a baby delivered with six legs and some people were attributing this anomaly to their God, thanking him for working wonders =))..Chai.
My people please remove this religious veil and think.
i tink der is noting 2chew much abt dis.almighty God sees all things tat are seen by his eternal
sight without a pupil or any oda instrument.
In the first place, I must say we are very backward and superstitious in this country watched it on mitv, I just shook my head and said so what? Its a wonder, leave it @ that. Must we begin to read all sorts of meanings to it? Like sm1 sed, our country will nt get better by saying insha Allah or by God's grace! Please let's leave d story nd focus on more productive things abeg!
Enough said!!! I believe small sha buh I would v been more convinced if d quran was stuck on d baby's hand or a scripture permanently written on his palm. All this could be a setup nd all planned. Dey must v paid dem a ton. Nigerians are good!! If we could act like this in all our movies,we wuld have been better than hollywood by now. It is not for us 2 judge anyway!!!
I know my God will not send a baby with a BIBLE to tell me to repent. The bible is here and the word is in my heart. And so it applies.
We have too many educated illiterates in this country....how can one swallow an object, and it finds its way into the womb, (d amniotic sac)...haba!!! Miracles happen every day; believe & praise GOD for it, or u look away & assume nothing happened, rather than write & reason like an illiterate. Tuzkie1
We have too many educated illiterates in this country....how can one swallow an object, and it finds its way into the womb, (d amniotic sac)...haba!!! Miracles happen every day; believe & praise GOD for it, or u look away & assume nothing happened, rather than write & reason like an illiterate. Tuzkie1
My tots exactly
Whatever you want to believe,believe but all am interested in is that they should tell us what is written in the book and translate it correctly.however,i will like to say that why was a picture not taking immediately wen d baby was conceived to make things easy and more clarified.
some people like to say all sorts of trash when it comes to miracle in islam but they never hesitate when thier so called pastors do all kinds of annoyin stuffs in the name of miracles...may Allah forgive us all for our ignorance
How many people remember the headless body of the early 80's, that turned to money making venture until Police swept on them?
My opinion, I would not say outrightly, this is impossible but honestly I have seen this type of Quaran and Bible before so it is not strange, all I just appreciate is that journalist should investigate this story and authenticate it...we all know our people sharp well well...
but wait ooo, how can a quran that was said to be delivered with a baby who had stayed in d mother's womb come out clean,new and untouched? people who believed this can believe any thing.and muslims who are asking others to accept their religion, me i no want the kinda religion that support violence and will ask you to kill any one who doesnt accept the religion!boko haram religion my foot.
10001% FAKE!!!! Looking for cheap publicity
How convenient that the baby was born in a church...what could make the story more viral than that...it's sensational when you say "baby born with quran in church" than "baby born with quran in mosque" let's not deceive ourselves....things were hard for the woman, and with naija scammer mentality, she arranged the whole thing. Let them open the quran and let's see if the insides are stained with blood....afterall na yansh e pass come.........I won't even believe the story if the baby came with a Bible........the woman knows how desperate those people are to spread their religion and capitalized on it.......I won't be surprised if clerics from the Arab world approach her with some heavy duty cash........won't blame her though. Naija is fucled and she has found her speeding ticket outta poverty.
we've seen alot head enough but still pple still dnt get it ryt. God do is own tin in a miraculous way.plz dnt hate..
@Uche, Thanks for enlightenment.
Anon May 17, 2012 12:19 PM, you should be ashamed of yourself even more, if at this age, you can't read, reason and make appropriate conclusions.
My position is that it can happen. Greater things have happened and will still continue to happen, so kini big deal.
I jst tire for all d muslim thins. Very dangerous ppl. So believ after killin u ll ve 7 virgins waitin for u in heaven. This world is full of evil . Lord Jesus save us frm boko haram nd all des Evil ppl
islam is the fastest growing religion in the world,after 9/11 a lot of people converted to islam. Why?we may ask because they sought knowledge they wanted to know why people believed in islam.i would however state that terrorism is not islamic and no soul is permitted to take the life of another.I implore us to be more objective,you must not believe but miracles happen everyday. Waking up each day is a miracle..Let us learn to respect peoples religious beliefs. Islam does not need all these miracles to validate itself as the Quran is evidence enough for those that believe.This is just an incident it could be true or planned(i doubt it) . Just believe what you will but do not turn it into a islam is better than christianity or vice versa debate.To each his/her own.
I really dnt beliv in all dis... @Ahmed uv got d time ooo,nic1 miracle research. www.9janewsmag.com
I'm a muslim & signs like dis one doesn't necessarily need 2 occur b4 we belief in the infallibility of the Quran,the prophethood of Muhammad(SAW)and the uniqueness of Allah.But the thought I want to provoke is that it would av been a different ball game if the baby was holding the bible instead of the Quran.Believe it or not it is still Allah's doing.Q2:1-4
If d video of how d baby was delievered was available and ppl have access 2 it, some will still doubt it and call it falsehood. 1 tin i knw 4 sure is Allah said in qur'an ch 2 verse 256 "dia is no compulsion in religion.verily, d right path has become DISTINCT. Whoever disbelieves in anythn worshipped other dn Allah and believes in Allah, then he has grasped d most teustworthy handhold dt will neva break. And Allah is all hearer, All knower." I believe in the creator of d created (Allah) and not a powerless man dt was crucified by some ppl and he kept crying 2 God saying "y have u forsaken me" if he was d lord and saviour, y cant he save himself?.......they claimed he resurrected but dia book said "it has been appointed for man to DIE ONCE, after dt is judgement"i'm not a fanatic but truth must be told linda post dis
No one knows if its true or not cos we were nt thr..But d only pictures available re pix of d baby already cloth and holdin d Quaran, y was thr no pictur dat showd d Quaran wrappd up in d babies hands staind wit blood as soon as d baby was born!! Mayb dat wud ve bin more convincing!! All d same we were not thr soo stp d arguements!!
Mr Founder of naija muslim platform, get dis straight
if it were a bible Linda would not still believe so pls
put dat aside and lets talk real here.
laughin! u see my fellow colleagues,am actually 1 of d type dat believe strange things do happen but,if you are wise enough just carefully read d whole concept again,u will see its all a frame agenda to bring in the attention of Christian members.it has always been islam agenda to surpass Christian in population n to rule d world 2 n dis is part of it.no wonder my bible says,on dat great day many fake news shall emerge n many shall be deceived.please bro don't b 1 of them.a gud example y i said this agenda is targeted @ Christians is dat, wat concerns d public if d mother of d child which was said was previously a Christian later convertd to muslim.LOL! u all knw wu we serve,knws wat he can n has been doinin 4 us.luv u all!
WISE MEN FROM THE EAST(middle-east) have come to visit them really.....i tried so hard not to comment but the the thut of wise men from the east crossed my mind. but i hope no one placed it in the hands of the baby wen he was born before being cleaned up.....well who are we to conclude,time will always tell.
religious issues are to be threaded with caution just like discussing pastors,imam,priest et al. wat u say either true or false will always count against you during judgment. please lets not rain abuses on one another.
If they check that baby's body very well, they will also so see '666'
@ Ahmed. A park for one corner jor schweeeeeeeeeeeeew!
Can an unholy union and adultery act produce a baby wt d holy book?This apund btw a married man and his concubine.In a nutshell,promiscuity is not a sin is what ds is teaching us.This is a slap on d religion!I rest my case
This baby was delivered in a white garment church not in the hospital.read that from another blog. its definitely a drama to prove whatever.Jesus is Lord.
i am getting a headache just reading all these comments....oh well.... we just have to keep praying ...for ourselves and loved ones...God knows best.
Total B.S... God does not use cheap publicity to prove his existence.
Talking about medical, it is not possible. the simple truth is; you have to look beyond medical. since Jesus Christ walk on water, therefore, anything can happen. you better start believing in miracle, or *______* hehe.
e be say Ahmed make sense oooo, and Linda too make sense, she had to verify before posting. Linda u need to do 10months seminar for your readers and some of the commentators, they are the number 1 problem of the nation. they put religion first before humanity. ppl have failed to realise that the same death wld kill muslim and xtians. If boko Haram drop bom now, wld d bomb separate muslim from xtians?
ppl stil b mumu .i tire oooo.
Linda go on soun, . Good one Ahmed. i dont blame d ppl tackling u ahmad, they are exuding d by-product of deep indoctrination. Well Ahmad, well done Linda.
Linda, am very disappointed in you.. at least, you should be educated enough to know that this is a very sensitive issue...@ Hamza & Fatima; you;ve both said it all...and to all those saying all sort of cruel words about islam, only God can judge u... What i do know is that i can never say those mean words about Christianity, but just as the Qur'an says ;"unto me my religion and unto you your religion".
lol@anon 9.36 exactly poverty and illiteracy
Allahu Akbar, Allah is great.
With Allah everything is possible.
This is sign for those who have eyes to see, and for those who have ear to listen. May Allah guide us aright.
Jazakaallah kahir!
Na lie jor!
why didnt they snap him when cleaning the blood
No matter ur opposition, I believed this is REAL and surely it is a real miracle by Allah. ALLIHAMDULLILAH I'm A MUSLIM and I PRAY NOT TO ASTRAY INSHA ALLAH!
No matter ur opposition, I believed this is REAL and surely it is a real miracle by Allah. ALLIHAMDULLILAH I'm A MUSLIM and I PRAY NOT TO ASTRAY INSHA ALLAH!
I agree with @tuzkie1, yall just shut the ..... up. If you dont believe it, then you simply inform the mother to have the Quran tested. every book has a publisher or publication company rather, Its as simple as abc. And for it to be that tiny i truly dount that a human especially in NIGERIA oo will have the time to think and write up a Quran. You simply thank God for the good and bad and forget the rest.
I was born into a christian family, i have prayed for so many things in the name of Jesus and the prayer was answered , Christian is a religion of peace mostly and it preaches Morals so thats makes it hard for me to go against Christianity. I know it is still part of the psycological brainwashing that has been embeded into my brain since i was small that makes me feel that way but i will still stick with Christianity for now. Now to the Issue of Miracles.There is Vodoo and Magic now and it has been around for such a long time. The Bible and Quran are not written by God. They are both books written by human beings some are of them are not even believers. The Bible we read today is not even complete, it is just an extraction from the main books excluding books like TObit and the rest... When the Bible was written, the earth was believed to be a flat surface and that was why they said Jesus would come and all eyes would see him same time. 99% of Pastors on nowadays are liars and thieves.
NOw to my Muslim brothers, I have read some books on Islam and i could say to my understanding that Islam is divided on the peace issue, some believe it is right to follow the quran to the latter including the Jihad part. that is where the diffrence between christianity and islam comes in. Christian dont go ahead stonning people that work on sunday to death because it was written in the bible. Some are moderate and they think it is wrong and they live there lives. We have all been brainwashed and none of this things are real. THis Quran thing is definately Not possible. It is a lie and no child can come with a Bible too unless it is Vodoo/majic. But this has nothing to do with this dudes(Jesus and Mohamed)... And no pastor can wake the dead unless it is majic or he is a cadiologist or some neurosurgeon. Noah did not bring all animals on earth together . The measurement given in the bible can not even take all species of dogs not to talk of all animals.so that is certainly not possible. There are so many fact that i can not go into now because i am tired of explaining things over and over again. he bottom line is, If you are a Muslim, do things that are morally right, do not kill, do not bomb little children and shout the name of God(Allah) U will so Burn in Hell(if there is one) but i am certain you will never get to Heven. If you are a christain , live your life and dont hate on anyone because they are Muslim or there faith is diffrent from yours. We can all live together as one. Because we have all been brainwashed from the begining of life.
Shut up! Why didn't the ultra sound show it? Or wasnt she receiving medical check up all thru d pregnancy? Ultra sound should have detected d baby was holding something!
Very impossicant! Cheap fame.
My God is not an author of confusion!. God hates sin though He loves sinner, with the hope that they will repent and forsake their evil ways and come back to Him. because God is merciful He thus makes room for us to change and be like Him. i believe if God want to further make His proof clearer to us His creatures as to hating sin and not to confuse us, He would not encourage this so called "miracle" to come from a woman that is not living her life to please Him. People are mentioning Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, but this miracle could only happens through her because she was found holy and worthy enough (without any polution of any kind), this state she was prepares and positions her for the miracle of God to come thru her. This woman in question with the "quar'anic baby" was not married but instead got pregnated by a married man, but come to think of it ask yourselves those of you saying it is from God, did God encourages sex before marriage? it is sin! not to talk of sleeping with a man who is already joined in matrimony with another. Can corrupted body brings out incorruptible things from God? This woman has not even realized her sinful state and ask God for forgiveness of sin and repent genuinely as a true christian if truly she is because she has miss it!. Nobody is perfect but with determination you can work towards perfection thru the Holy Spirit of God if He is in your life. Let us not be deceived whatsoever a man sow he will surely reap, when you sow to the flesh (sin) you will reap curruption but when you sow to the Spirit (godliness/righteousness) you will reap eternal life in Christ Jesus. let no one be deceived for God's standard stands sure!. this are not my words but God's. I can't judge, God Has absolute power to do this. My advise to all is: Stand in the power of His might whereby no strange doctrine will sweep you off your feet. This is the end time.
God bless you. All for money.
There is a reason stuff like this don't happen in north America , if this was true it will be on CNN by now, and investigators would have uncovered that the Quran was printed by a company in middle east and so must have been placed in the baby's hand.If Allah wanted to catch pple's attention, why not on a global scale?
mystery is mystery, wether u like it or not. there are so many things we can not understand as far as d world is concerned. so why are some worldly people saying things they dont understand?
Hahahaha...did d guy do anymore wrong than i read? ROTFL. Idris but u sef be mumu sha.
linda,by now you should know better than post Sensitive matters as such. I'm a christian & i believe Miracles happen everyday. You cant swallow such and it will be found in the womb,neither can it be inserted in the vagina and find it's way there. The know-it-alls should accept God is real & change their ways,SHikena!!!
I this willmake Boko Haram go away, yes Lord, the kid was born with the Holy Quran in his hand. Please do not argue with this. Please Ahmed, tell your crazy ass, motherfucking, cow brain haram dudes that there's a miracle and that they should please stop their idiotic ideology and go back to cow herding.
This is just bullshit abeg! And I thought so from the 1st time I heard it. Did someone open the quaran the baby was holding?? What did it say?? Where was it printed? Did it contain all chapter of the quaran?? That's what people should be asking. But for me, whether d child was born with a quaran, bible, hindu cap or wateva else there is, its is and will always be, total bullshit
Why didn't an ultrasound see this? Why wasn't a picture taken immediately?
how do they know it's quran,did they read the contents.please these are all rumors and fables. Why believe in an allah who teaches hating non-muslims and does not have the power to heal the sick?Next... I know the truth and it's JESUS
You are very confused. A false and fake prophet, thats wat you are. God can never never creat half human, half fish. Those are lies from the devil. God will never take glory for lies and confusion. He can never lie, neither is He an aurthor of confusion. Stop spreading jargons. And you christians its high time you put on the whole armour of God., so you will be able to stand against tricks like this of the devil.
I don't know if this story is true or not o. But I do know that God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. He can make the impossible possible. That's just who He is. It is His nature. Always has been and always will be. So, to all of you saying something is impossible, scientifically impossible etc, remember that God's ways are not our ways. The same God that can make a woman who has been scientifically declared barren, birth nations, is still alive.
why are people compering the bible days to this present day. we all know things that where possible in those days are not happning now.God still performs miracle now but not lik the way it was in the bible.how can u compare the birth of Jesus to this, dat was a one in a life time experience. in d bible dey live up to 300yrs so dont compare sarah givin birth at old age to dis.
"Wal Hasri >> The evening of the World"
We shouldn't be surprised by any of these miracles because it is said in the holy Quran that when the end is near, miraculous things will be happening, so this is one of it.
Either this is baby case is true or not, my question is how well are you prepared to meet you God if the end is tomorrow?
May 17, 2012 10:42 AM
GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dis is not a fight of religion now cos if it was a bible dat was found in d baby`s hand too i will not believe. God performs productive miracle and not stunts.
Please peeps can we refrain from turning this into a christian and muslim argument? If the item found on the baby had been a bible it still won't have changed the fact that the story is false. How is it possible that a baby would have held an item as hard and rough as the cover of the Quran am seeing in the pics and there won't be any mark or sign on the baby's palm no matter how small or faint. I think the story was just made up by a mother so much soaked in poverty looking for a way liberate herself and the new baby. Please think NIGERIANS
Linda i hope u will publish my comment this time.
On the subject I think its another fake story.
Every so called miracle birth that has been announced in the few years in nigeria has turned out to be very fake after proper investigating journalism. Whether its the xtian story or islam, its a fake hungry pple looking for attention and a way for pple to give them money schikena.
Is the quran stuck to the baby's hand?? if not, ......Abegi, Abi no be Naija e happen??? #Allnawash.
Acts 4:12 NKJV
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. (Only the name of Jesus Christ)
John 1:12-13 NKJV
But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Romans 10:9-13 NKJV
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame. For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Pls dear brothers n sisters in Christ, do not be deceived by all these shenanigans or by ur bad experiences from some pastors. DO NOT COMPROMISE UR FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS. DON'T LOOSE UR SALVATION. I Beg u in Jesus name.
Linda, pls post this..it's important that ppls don't loose thr salvation bc of this post u made today. God bless u boo.
Adaeze O.
Amarachi or amarachukwu. I 4got ur name b4 i scroll down. Since linda refused 2 put d up and down colum. Just want 2 say i love u
Hell no1 If it is not on CNN, forgerrit!
@Uncensored Gossip: If you want to know why Jesus was born by a virgin mother it's simply because He is the Son of God, period. That's the fact that you muslims find very difficult to accept.Also Mary, the opposite of Eve, had to be in the picture since Eve was instrumental to our fall,into original sin.The role of Jesus is to deliver us from the effect of original sin and prepare us for Heaven.As Christians we are no longer slaves, but God through Jesus has given us the redemption that makes us children of God. So we call God our father! All the prophets of old had foretold the coming of Jesus. He is the ultimate sacrifice, with Him we do not need the blood of man or animal to get us to heaven.I really appreciate the deep respect that muslims have for Jesus and Mary. But If I may ask, if you respect Jesus so, why did your prophet Muhammed come to discount everything that He(Jesus) taught? Mind you Islam came a good 600yrs after Christianity.This story of a baby born with a koran is not new, we've also had at least one story of a baby born with the bible,e.g one born to muslim parents in Egypt, you can google it. The miracle that can never and will never be repeated is for a child to be born of a virgin. That's why Jesus is not a man like you. He was with the Father before the beginning of time, and He reigns forever!!!
hmnnn,a baby was born with razor blades in his abdomen,so plssss anything can happen......if i saw the pic or documentary i might believe,i watched the one with the razor blade,life birth i was shocked.but naija we dont know what to belive anymore.
i know u guys will luv to hear this, though it was a bb broadcast from someone in uk dat "A baby was born somewhere outstretch of London in a public hospital with the two hands joined together like someone praying, the doctors assured the mother of the baby dat the operation dat will be carried out on the baby's hand will be successful cos its a minor one, wen d doctors did the operation,wen the baby's hand was opened it was bold written there "JESUS IS COMING SOON" and after dat the baby gave up a ghost" so am posting this to all the Christians that says the baby born with the holy quran is so fake and lies, what will u say to this?
Please ooo "Ahmed A" is not me oooo. I don't know him or her. I'm not him and he is not me. He is a fool. He's fake oooo.
Now, to the story of the baby born holding a Qur'an. The story BULL. It is not medically possible. The nurses and midwives who delivered the baby should be arrested and jailed. I highly suspect that they planted the Qur'an in the baby's hand. If the woman gave birth to the whole of Saudi Arabia, on live television, then maybe I'd believe the stupid story. They can't try their stupid and idiotic scam in a UK hospital - they'd end up behind bars. If that baby was actually born with Qur'an in his hand, then he'd most like be Devine, right? A simple test: Can the baby walk on water? No !
I'm highly disappointed in you, Linda. So, if it's Oyakhilome that did his gbonjo now would you be asking of scientific evidence? How unreasonable could people be sometimes! Many Islam-related miracles happen every day, but Muslims ain't desperate for attention. They don't lie for religious gain.
Boko Haram is like the violent Knight Templar in Xtianity. A religion is not to be judged by the aberrations of misguided few.
That said believe it or not, the miracles will continue to happen naturally and someday, truth shall reign supreme. The truth that no amount of blog or media blackmail could withstand.
@ allenjay said...
"I know my God will not send a baby with a BIBLE to tell me to repent. The bible is here and the word is in my heart. And so it applies."
Thank you. Well articulated.
hmnnn,a baby was born with razor blades in his abdomen,so plssss anything can happen......if i saw the pic or documentary i might believe,i watched the one with the razor blade,life birth i was shocked.but naija we dont know what to belive anymore.
This will be my first post here since i have been following u, Linda. Firstly am dissapointed in u, even if u don‘t wanna post it while all other media platforms were doing so since last week, u shld at least be neutral and do so for the good ethics of the profession.
And to some of you that still doubt the miracles of God, have it in mind that he is the alpha & omega, the i am that i am. If this child has come with a bible from birth i definately know that more praises would come from all angles than this, CNN would even broadcast it.... Shame on u enemies of islam!!! The Almighty Allah(SUBWT) is the ever knowing and he does whatever he likes to whom pleases him.
@ amhed, idris, fatimah: thanks for ur contributions , may almighty Allah enriches ur knowledges (amin)
I am from a mixed home when it comes to religion, my mother is a christian and my dad is a muslim, i do go to church sometimes with her because i believe in Jesus (Prophet Isa), mind u he his also one of our noble prophets and that doesn‘t disturb me of my daily five times prayer. So what is ur big problem and who are u to condemn other‘s people religion?
Pls and pls if u don‘t have the belive in ur own God why can‘t u leave other pple‘s own.......you mtscheeeews!!! Fuck you all for not beleiving, who cares? Go to hell!
@ adeyemi edris mk God punish ur mouth dere,mk we accept islam
if this thing happen for osogbo or any Muslim dominated villages or maybe in the North, then it could be possible cus dem mumu well well. but in Lagos? Nah our eyes are widely open!!! the baby mum should get a life, and na she know even if she leave xtain again to join Sango worshipers its her prob. but the truth is. its not possible shikena
I nid miracles, yeah! I want miracles but I dnt nid d miracle of God putn a BIBLE in a new born baby's hand to make believe JESUS IS THE WAY.
Let anything fall from heaven, come from under waters. I wiil always BELIEVE THE BIBLE, my only manual for living.
@Ahmed. why u no go preach for your boko haram brothers now. shebi una be thesame. Rubbish upon Bubbish
U̶̲̥̅̊ will tell pple not τ̲̅ȍ believe bcos U̶̲̥̅̊ r a christain.learn how τ̲̅ȍ put a reply τ̲̅ȍ messages.just seek for giveness.
am a xtian and i believe in miracles, signs and wonders.this case what happend here is a sigh and not a miracle. God condems adultry and fornication so no good can come out of such union. We are forgeting that the devil has power to cause confusion and this may be the act of the devil. Then if we are to believe that it is Gods work then he has a massage from the childs mother to retrace her steps. And to our moslem brothers pls be not decived even if the baby was clutching the bible because he was concieved in mortal sin xtians will cast and bind the devil and request for the mother to go for deliverance. These things can happen cos iv seen were someone vomited a live lizard during deliverance , can we say it is not medically possible? Everybody should be carefull whether xtain or moslem we are serving one . God so leave everythig for him
It shows that U̶̲̥̅̊ urself i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ an illiterate mixed with poverty.you did not witness †ђξ scene and you just jump into conclusion.seek for forgiveness.
am a xtian and i believe in miracles, signs and wonders.this case what happend here is a sigh and not a miracle. God condems adultry and fornication so no good can come out of such union. We are forgeting that the devil has power to cause confusion and this may be the act of the devil. Then if we are to believe that it is Gods work then he has a massage from the childs mother to retrace her steps. And to our moslem brothers pls be not decived even if the baby was clutching the bible because he was concieved in mortal sin xtians will cast and bind the devil and request for the mother to go for deliverance. These things can happen cos iv seen were someone vomited a live lizard during deliverance , can we say it is not medically possible? Everybody should be carefull whether xtain or moslem we are serving one . God so leave everythig for him
You urself tells us dt you don't know wot you are saying.why can't you jus keep short.telling us U̶̲̥̅̊ are G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ @ spoken english.
am a xtian and i believe in miracles, signs and wonders.this case what happend here is a sigh and not a miracle. God condems adultry and fornication so no good can come out of such union. We are forgeting that the devil has power to cause confusion and this may be the act of the devil. Then if we are to believe that it is Gods work then he has a massage from the childs mother to retrace her steps. And to our moslem brothers pls be not decived even if the baby was clutching the bible because he was concieved in mortal sin xtians will cast and bind the devil and request for the mother to go for deliverance. These things can happen cos iv seen were someone vomited a live lizard during deliverance , can we say it is not medically possible? Everybody should be carefull whether xtain or moslem we are serving one . God so leave everythig for him
Ok let me clear the air here,the baby was nit born holding the quaran,it came out with the koran,the lady that found it clearly said that when she got to the hispital the nurse told her somethin like a book came out with the baby,and it was packed with the placenta in a nylin bag,she asked for the nylon bag,got the object out and washed it,was then she realised it was a miniature quaran,then she raised alarm,so the only explanation is that the mother must have pushed the object far up into her womb,prior to giving birth.gbam!
Y can't U̶̲̥̅̊ pple shut up dis Ūя̲̅ smelling mouth if U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt know wot τ̲̅ȍ say. And U̶̲̥̅̊ r educated.use Ūя̲̅ brain.
U̶̲̥̅̊ Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ that U̶̲̥̅̊ urself i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ stupid.cos U̶̲̥̅̊ r nt there nd jus jumping into conclusion.wot if it i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ †ђξ holy bible.jus keep quite if U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt hv any thing τ̲̅ȍ say.
ȋ̝̊̅ know Ūя̲̅ heart i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ as solid as rock.U̶̲̥̅̊ will never believe anything.am sure U̶̲̥̅̊ were nt blind wen a baby with six legs was born.am very sure U̶̲̥̅̊ did nt believe dt too.nonesense
ȋ̝̊̅ still dnt know y pple dnt mk U̶̲̥̅̊se of their head.stop exhibiting stupidity if U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt know wot τ̲̅ȍ write jus rest Ūя̲̅ pen nd shut up.U̶̲̥̅̊ start writing as if U̶̲̥̅̊ r †ђξ only 1 who went τ̲̅ȍ sch.abeg shut up
My brother Ahmed...you re truly blessed and we need more people like u to keep being civil and very explanatory to other people who re willing to learn!!!
and to the rest of us ...God bless us all and let us try to be positive in all our commemts and respectful...thanks
and am just saying....
U̶̲̥̅̊ Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ some pple r just representative.just in sch bt dnt hv brain.U̶̲̥̅̊ jus talk anyhow †ђξ way dt Ūя̲̅ childish brain was. Big fool.
Hey u! Pls go to school!
if to say na osogbo or any muslim dominated villages now. dem for use the fake story chop well well, but as for lagos ooo. people too open eyes! well Muslims are known to be 99% illiterates sha. even if them tell dem say dem write quran untop 3rd mainland bridge dem go believe, cus they r just too blind folded with that islam thing (RUBBISH). this people should get a life and take dat story from where dey got it. its is not possible. shikena
@Fatimah yeah a quran was used cos the baby's father is a muslim according to the story...pls keep quiet, u r not making any sense here
There is wisdom within you!!!! Waoh!
The nurse wrap it on the baby's hand during delivery
My own is: Even if î† was a Bible, I still wouldn't believe that î† is a message from God! †ђξ Devil is out in this end-time seeking those to devour and even as †ђξ Word says, if î† were possible even †ђξ elect would be taken away..
†ђξ Word of God is complete..Jesus is †ђξ way! Even as I believe in †ђξ freedom of every person to a religion of his/her choice, I believe that †ђξ Bible is complete and a careful following will lead mε̲̣̣̣̥ to salvation!
Ά is only those who do №t know about †ђξ wiles of †ђξ evil one that would be moved by this....
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