27, 2012. The well attended event kicked off with a red carpet session and saw some of the brightest Nollywood stars and socialites including Desmond Elliot, Ini Edo, Omoni Oboli, Susan Peters and renowned producer Emem Isong attend in their trendy ensembles.
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I was at this premiere and its beautiful piece of work by Patrick's speech and language centre to create awareness for children with special needs..Nice work Monalisa.....The support the artist gave each other was overwhelming. Proud of Nollywood
Susan Peters abeg next time use warm iron on ur attire
Suzy P i hail u oooooooooooo...bet wetin u carry for head biko nu?
Pls ladies,does any 1 knw wher I can get Likas soap in Abuja?
Monalisa luks gud
9jadeltapikin... Nice1 n God bless monalisa for »W̶̲̥̅̊н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇@̤̥̣̈̊̇†̥̣̣̣̇̇̇ she has done atleast this Ȋ̊§ a form of awareness Τ̅☺ help the autism children.
Abeg I Ǻ♍ not being insultive Ooº°˚˚°ºoo ₪☺ b said I wnt yab susan peters but Ȋ̊§ just a form of advice she really really need Τ̅☺ takia of her skin d way her skin Ȋ̊§, her legs she b celebrity ohhh S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ make she arrange her body welll abegggggg make she ₪☺ show dat type of leg again pleaseeeeee
Ini edo you look like weyre tutu with that hair and ur color blocking is off hiss
Dear PHCN, pls provide electricity for people like Susan Peters to iron her clothes....mtcheeeeeeeeeeew...duchess of idoma my foot!
Suzy P.....get a Stylist asap!
Susan Peters the iron is your friend. Ini Edo you look like warm colourful baloon. Omoni Oboli, never gets it right. Watch fashion police re-runs girls!
Monalisa always on point. Good for you.
Dis desmont elliot is everywhr
Monalisa looks gud. Susan peter, no way. Ini edo wats this?? Where is fashion police??
I applaud all those behind this effort to bring Autism awareness to our community.
@ the Fashion - nobody except maybe Monalisa stood out. Ini Edo is the picture child for How NOT To Color Block. Susan Peters dey carry load for head and NEPA must have taken light in her house because she is a wrinkled mess. Emem Isong dresses like a matron. The rest of the ladies...well, make we leave am dere, there isn't enough room to dissect all that is wrong with the outfits on the red carpet.
Most of them look really nice, only the woman carrying a black midget on her head that failed.
Monalisa is looking amazing, but I dnt seem 2 get ini edo dressing dis days o, even d outfit she wore 2 stephanies wedding wassnt flattering at all. Sum1 shld pls lend susan peters a hot iron.
Monalisa seems to be getting it right wit her clothes nd makeup lately!really nice overall getup!
Lmfao @black midget!
Susan p bet why is ur leg BLACK and ur face light? Are u ok sha? Miss notice me or i die(ur words) hiss
Mona is really luking hawt dis day. Totally luvin her. Susan
Monalisa is really reping us ph chicks, as for Susan P WTF is she wearn, Ini Edo i tot since u stopped wearn mass production cloths u wud dress betr but i c ur no where close
Monalisa looks flawless!! Me likey
Rita D used 2 b best dressed 4 me. Now dat she has vanished..5 winner goes 2 MONALISA. Eva since she lost weight she has bn fierce wif her choice of clothing. She beats genny hands down. Mona baby if u r reading dis..u r gorgeous..ur sking is so buttery creamy and ur outfit and hair and make up is on fucking point.
Keep it up baby.
As 4 aunty Susan P, I fink she just wants 2 b tokd abt cos I bliv she does des onpurpose. I wonder how many packs of noble hair at N700 each she used for dat wrap!! Damn!!
Billie Jean
Great cause! Its about time naija starts diversifying their charity programs...and not just motherless babies and hiv/aids all the time. There are so many ailments/situations that deserve attention in Naija too...great start!
Meanwhile, Monalisa's stylist is amazeballs....Chic stays bringing it steadily. Loving the tux blazer.
Susan peters, kilode? what's with d hair style? nd dress? if u did nt v lite, u should v gotten somtin else 2 wear, nd Ini edo, u look horrible!
anonymous 2:54pm, u mean skin, and on point. u welc. BTW monalisa is NOT anywhere close to genny in fashion and everything. pls do NOT compare. thanks.
Susan Peters werra hell is that on your head? You probably wanted to do the high bun but please its an epic fail!
I have to give it to Monalisa Chinda! Chic is always on point!
As for Ini Edo please stick to traditional outfits because this color blocking doesn't do it for you!
@anon 2:54pm no matter how hard monalisa tries she just cant beat rita dominic.Is it because rita is now a big celeb hence she doesnt attend events well.You need to see her at a recent party where she was hosted at deuces OMG she totally killed it.She is still nollywood's own fashionista.
Monalisa Chinda always impresses me with her dressing. If she is the the one that chooses her clothes , then I suggest she looks into styling her colleagues as a business venture. Her first client should be Susan Peters.
Susan Peters has once again killed us with laff! She would have given someone her dress to iron now! wetin sef! cant this chic just come out and look put together for once???? Like really what the fucking fuck is that on her head?
Susan P Ogini? Biko buy charcoal iron just in case ur Gen. Set spoils or PHCN no dey. Small time now u will say LIB readers insulted u. Haba!
Linda Linda, u dey look for susan peters fight again. U for comot am from the pictures cos u know people will definitely pick on her. She will soon start yabbing u on twitter now. If u like don't post my comment.
Ini looks like a secondary school drop out with that tacky hair and stupid attempt to colour block!
OMG!!Wats up wt Ini and dis colours???? i realy do love u but....I CANT STAND THIS!!!!***crying***
Monalisa looks good mehn. Susan P...that hair ehn mba mba.
wetin this one wear?
ini edo haba! u look horrible.
someone buy susan peter a pressing iron!
Susan peters bety nw???wats on ur head????d dress d shoes try n get a stylist pls 4 Christ sakes u luk horrible I swear....
Hehe,,anty susan p's legs αƦε̲̣̣̣̥ so awful,different shades for both hε̲̣я̲̣ leg aπϑ hε̲̣я̲̣ face,Lmao... She has a whole lotta work to do *sigh* moreover she nids to step up hε̲̣я̲̣ game mehn...besides dis ini edo color blocking na serious wah, i love monalisa's combo, nice
Ini & Susan peters, y Una fall my hand na !!!!!!!!!!!
Must u beef her? Is it not enough? Linda, stop this madness biko. No matter what, have u guys not offended anyone b4? I'm now getting irritated with all these insults. U guys should stop it.
Linda, i don't know if u are enjoying this, but plsss caution ur bloggers. U know most of them are doing this to please you. Why all these insults'on susan p all the time? Abeg peeps, e don do! As for INI, insulting her won't make a change. Anyone that knows her personally, can help her in choosing colours. Nobody was born a fashionista. We are all learning. Most of u ranting nonsense here can't even combine colours or dress well on ur own.
Monalisa is hot,as for susan peters osuka s'hairstyle,she really want to get noticed, congratulations mission accomplished,but next time make it twice this size.
Susan Peters obviously got one of this 50naira bend+down+select gowns for this special event. Please can someone also tell her that her red lipstick is very ugly...i can sow a seed of an electric iron and a generator, into her life, cos i see she needs those very urgently.
Monalisa can dress
Some nice dresses there. Ini, Too much colours.
Monalisa looks very stunning in white jacket and black pants; susan my advice to Ɣφυ pls consult the fashion police before u leave ur house.
Eish! Ini Edo's color block is damaging n paining my eyes! Susan Peters= words fail me...was she inspired by Marg 4rm the Simpsons?
Ini Edo pls go get urself a clutch and if u need me to send you one i will gladly do,im just tired of seeing this your signature bag.Monalisa"s beauty does not appeal to me,just cant define it.
Love your looks, Mona! Awesome!!
So bb porsche cant iron lol
Monalisa looking radiant. I loooove her. And Aunty Susan Peters, smh. I don't even knw what to say. Unfresh gal.
Iyamah Ewww at your lipgloss
Okay, i like Monalisa then i stopped for some reason but she's a strong woman. God bless her
Susan p whats dat yam on ur head for kmt what for? Oshisko
Anabel, are u blind? Didn't you see her picture? Well, if you didn't see anything wrong with her looks then you are not being true to yourself
Linda,i bet my last 2k wey dey my hand now say u bin be original troubler finder when u were little n in school ..cos ds na real 'cunni'style u take dey find Susan P trouble again!!!laff wan finish me for here.u really do ur trouble finding now with so much sublety n techno..i hail u sha!
Aunty Ini dis ur own na color yard o, e pass block, ehn siesta Susan wet in u put for head? Nepa cut ur light ni? Monalisa u go girl, always fresh
Lol@ some of the comments!
Know thine friends! http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2012/05/lifes-choice-2.html
The two girls after the write ups Rock! Nice shades and skin
OMG! Am sorry bt Susan peters isn't jst it @ all. what is up with her hair n outfit.
OH Lord!!! Monalisa did it again.. the outfit is so classy and on point.. i love this lady
ini edo looking stupid as usual,ur colour blocking is as awful as your fake acting,go jump in a lake.
plsss susan peter sell ur bb porsche and buy a pressing iron and use the remaining money buy good quality hair and nice body cream..ini obong!!how many time i call u ?so all the endorsement u av being doing they did not pay you?what is with this okrika color combination,i actually thought it was somehousegirl that gatecrashed a party..and pls nollywood..increase omoni wages she needs reurbishments.
mona lisa,totally on point
I still don't understand wearing tights in Nigeria.
I was at the event too.
I want to comment that Ini Edo corrected the MC, MC Open Teeth that she's not a 'miss', but a 'mrs' Ini Edo Anyaegbulam or something. Not sure if I got the name correctly, but I am sure she corrected him that she's a mrs and I was like I didn't know she was married.
The MC apologised and said to her that he didn't know she's married and also she's to blame because she does not behave like a married woman in the movies and she smiled..... I was like what the helll, see silent yabbing, yet she's smiling.
Abi oh!nd her hair! Jess wats dat??? Makes her luk older.she's even old sef.abeg do styles dat fit ur face nd hairs dat r age appropriate abeg susan peters.
Monalisa,I'm glad ur style sense in now on point, cos u were off b4! Ur stylist shd get a raise asap!TC
Anon 8.48 wat has not being thru to oneself got to do with my post? Human beings! U guys should cut d insults on her. Don't care about what u saw or what u didn't see. We all know where the picking on her started 4m.
ini edo looks horrible,is that susan peters in the blue unironed dress,nawa for her o,ah ah.monalisa looks very classy,love her outfit,well put together. But o ye commentators,pls take it easy on susn peters!! Lmao on the comments!!
Mehnnn some comments here are so hilarious,Kaiiii.u guys shuld take it easy abeg....Kudos 2 Monalisa,looking very very pretty in her lovely outfit.
Mehnnn some comments here are so hilarious,Kaiiii.u guys shuld take it easy abeg....Kudos 2 Monalisa,looking very very pretty in her lovely outfit.
Monalisa's stylist is Ezinne Chinkata. the fashion editor of WOW magazine.
na wa o! Linda you really need to stop publishing comments about Susan Patrick. this isnt fair na. she is a human being. why allow your readers knock a sister's hustle? this is cyber bullying. i have said it to you before and i'l say it again. do the right thing!
Anabel i'm glad u remember where the picking on her started, she bargained for this, the insults would have been less if it were between her and Lin but she had the gut to include those that comments on Lin's blog. is she tired of blabbing on tweeter? Kai this Sun porsche girl is modernized itiaba masquerade. Mona u rock, but Gene is Nollywood's Fashonista anytime any day, As 4 Ini u are not representing at all
Ini Edo biko wetin come be this one nooooooow? didnt you find a nice black elegant dress to wear in the very least?!!!
sussy p abeg no mind all these haters jare they re just jealous and bad belle they worry them ...i live in london and am ur number one fan and there is a sale right now in uk ..darling just send me ur pin from ur beautiful bb porsche and i will contact u cos i want to help u buy correct iron which u can even use even if nepa take light and the good news be say he no even need batteries .just hold the iron and he go start to work like that,i no u will like it..you see!!!i be ur number one friend ,a friend in time of ur need is ur friend indeed,and i know how to do hair ,i can do it for u free f charge no need to pay my flight money ..i will just enter british airways do am for u and come back uk .ini i will come bk later for u ..i know u need a friend like me too.
Ini what 'appen?? No mirror for house? please don't try this color blocking combo next time.
I'm so in love with monalisa's sense of style..d chic jus keeps getting fresher..keep it up babe
Susan p no fit talk *wetin happen* laughing
Suzan pls contact diva for d iron and Gen. U need it urgently. Local geh
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