What do you ladies think of body magic? It's incredible what it does to the body, right? I've never used it before, is it for only big bodied women? And if body magic can do this to a woman's figure, why then do some women bother with plastic surgery?
is dat y she was frowning in the first pic?
Body magic and all the other Ardyss products do a lot for the female body. The only problem is that they are very un-comfortable and so many women just can't wear them because they are tight. Besides, you are back to square 1 when you take them off as the bulges will still be there...
abeg which one be body magic again???
then when we reach house, and the babe remove wetin im wear, ol boy go pick race. leave matter. nothing beats good old fashion workout and diet.
No matter how much 'Body Magic' flatters, you can't hide from the truth when u take off your clothes. Imagine if he likes you because of the lie 'Body Magic' tells him. You'll still have to reveal the truth when you take off your clothes.
Linda plastic surgery Ȋ̝̊̅§ diff,,bodymagic only works 4 dat moment u ar wearin it,wen u pull it off d bobo go run seein d big tommy... lmao
Plastic surgery is needed because at some point, folks get naked or semi-naked in a bikini...
body magic xtremely uncomfortable> eeeww
Biko where can I buy this particular one. I have tried so many body shaping undergear but none packs it like this one
A friend told me body magic is temporary! It's just like wearing a girdle! It helps u fit into ur clothes and wen removed,ur body comes bk to its former shape! So,he said!
What xactly is d body Magic thing is it Girdle or what??...its gud naow if it works like this!!
pls direct me to the website where I can get the one this woman is wearing
Biko wat Is body magic??
i love dis one
I'm thinking women go for plastic surgery because they want a permanent change in their body. Body magic is temporary and at the end of the day, the problem is still there.
Pls were can I buy it biko
" if body magic can do this to a woman's figure, why then do some women bother with plastic surgery?" Uh because you'll have to take your clothes off eventually and confront all the flab.
They bother with plastic surgery because 'body magic', 'spanks', a girdle or whatever is not a permanent fix. Once you take 'body magic' off, you are back to being YOU.
Btw, I not an advocate of body magic or surgery. I am all about loving YOURSELF!!!
plastic surgery is permanent dumbass
How can u be asking why some women bother w plastic surgery? na wah for u oh. body magic is an item u wear under ur clothes...cant u even see it showing under her clothes? Plastic surgery is permanent.with constant exercise and good diet, plastic surgery works well for most people. body magic does not. its only a temporary solution. I have never had any plastic surgery done but i exercise alot and work out and watch what i eat and dont need either.
cant u c d way shes smiling?...dts cos she cant f"@#ing Breathe!!..dts wat body magic does, am nt encouraging plastic surgery buh so y nt try losing weight?
Amazing Linda! But what happens if i need to go for a swim or get intimate with my partner??
But its so hard to put on! Haba
i use body magic for my big hips and butts after so much execise that never made it look slimmer but i must confess to you, after getting one for about 17k, i feel so uneasy wearing it, sitting down is hell because it makes me feel so uncomfortable! going to the toilet is another hell on it own because u go true hell removing and wearing it back. just make sure ure not soooo pressed before running to the ladies because it might be out before u remove the unconfortable undergarment. maybe the one for tummy is diffrent sha.
They have no choice but to bother about surgery cuz they know the're still goin to take their clothes off in front of a man & it ain't gon be pretty...but on a real tho this body magic is really magic indeed! I could bet my two eyes that a lot of female celebs in naija use it. Btw linda..how much does it cost?
The reason? It's not real and can only take you so long. Why not exercise and fitness and know that what you have is all yours.
And surgery if people prefer that- you still know when you are undressed, what you see, is what you get.
Nice! where in Lagos can it be purchased?
WOW, That IS magic!!! Gotta go get some body magic!
that's because it takes time for the action to show, it makes you reduce what you eat because it will be tight and it is uncomfortable until you get used to the feel of it (which takes time)
women like quick fixes, crash diets that will make them see quick results, diet pills and surgery
the latter being more attractive because it does not mean much work on their part.
i'm a lady, i use the body stuff i know
i choose plastic surgery bc its not wat i will struggle to wear every morning. BM is cool but its homework when you have no one in the house to help you clip or button up......she looks great in the after.
Abeg, how and where can I get it?
linda,women do surgery cos u have to take d body magic off na! many lagos babes now invest in body magic but wat happens wen its time 2 take d clothes off? lmao!
I wonder why they go for plastic surgery too and if someone keeps wearing it, after some time the fats would have burn out.
Is this thing for women only? the pictures i see are always women. Where can I get the ones for men too?
A M A Z I N G !!
Body magic is good but IMO it masks an issue. Also, it's not cheap. I used to rely on girdles and spanx which made me lazy. I started dieting and exercising and lost the folds. I only wear spanx just to give me a neat and finished look especially when wearing dresses.
I use Body Magic and yes its very effective, makes my waist small and my boobs and ass bigger. It got guys running after my awesome shape
Discomfort toh badt!
Wow dis is real magic.......may be dey are ignorant of d side effect
Great!!!!....but i think the second picture has a lil photo shoping going on in the stomach area!
Nice... but make sure u dont hug anybody esp guys cos theyll have a good laugh.
its incredible what it does.....Right
is it only for big bodied women.......yes, u dont have to jump on every trend
why then do some women bother with plastic surgery.....cos u cant wear body magic under a swimsuit.
They bother with plastic surgery cos I guess u can't wear body magic under bathing suits and when u just want to show off the body. Body magic I hear is very uncomfortable.
Hi Linda,
Body magic is torture oh. imagine wearing it to work the whole day, na u go enter ladies remove am by afternoon.
Imagine again wearing it to a party...lagos parry for that matter. body magic no go gree you chop.
and last but not the least...
imagine weraing it out generally, meet a hot guy, exchange number fast forward a few meetings **drum roll** guy finds out the figure 8 chic is atually a size 16/18 chic
omo, guy suppose sue for LACK of FULL DISCLOSURE
Linda pls u dnt need it i have beef for that your waist already.
body magic, here i come!:)
hey linda,its very painful and uncomfortable but for beauty i guess we all wear it when we need too....
Wot is it o! Abeg hw do I get it? I really need am! Wow!!!
Because the rolls of fat return when the clothes come off. The "magic" is not permanent.
the discomfort of this body magic is epic!i really cant use it anymore.the weight is still there wen u take it off so wats the point
Is it really body magic of different Posture..... while i agree body magic makes a difference, her posture of sucking in her tommy, hands on the waist help create a more flattering image
Hmmmm...na wa, many things are involved with being woman o
can she breath??
Body magic can actually do that cos i use it but it can be frustarting at times. at times, i have to enter a fast food to pull it off. i dont see it to be a permanent thing joooooor
The asiri(secret) of the body will eventually be exposed during or pre-action. All these packaging na for Man. If you hide it, you will still be exposed , so keep it real and let the man decide. What you see is what you get. The more you look the less you understand won't work.
Ifeoma Ikeji, y re u a trouble maker 1 of surulere? So u wnt to tell me u dnt knw d diff effects of body magic and surgery? We know u re atuosisi......bravo(wt no effort). NEXT PLSSSSSSSS
cos u wanna look good naked for urself, spouse, in a bikini, and there are some clothes u cant wear that under cos it'll show, and u cant wear cropped tops etc. I dont get why people wear it instead of working out and eating right so u dont have to depend on this uncomfortable undergarment. Dont u think people will notice when u dont wear it? Same thing with butt pads. Like why? After every, u go still off cloth and the guy u r tryn to impress will still see the truth right in his very before.
Am a distributor....its like magic.sorry nor for flat tummy.
Hahaha I'm naturally the after!! Girls in my school have accused me of liposuction! SMH!! And hehehe our mama tools ! We see u here wink!
Big belly men can also purchase it..
I often wonder where it pushes all the fat? It is very uncomfortable to wear.
i dont even have body that nyds magic. my body itself is magical.
LMAO at this fakester.THE PIX is on the same day.
What the hell is body magic? kinda lost in this one, is it an under garment or what? if it is, then it must hurt so bad 'cos that thing will squeeze someone to death.
i know right?why go do plastic surgery?but Linda u have a good figure so no need unless u wan resemble broom stick..its for people who are big or have big waist and wanna appear smaller
i need body magic badly.please i need to buy it .linda please i need body magic .private email.oijeoma@yahoo.com
seems like the woman wore a better bra, and then pulled her tummy inside......nothing magical to me.lol
The women get to do plastic surgery becos if them wear "Body Magic" come go commot cloth for man room, yawa go gas.
Aunty Linda pls hw can i get dis stuff.
Err, I don't think body magic helps to lose weight though.Isn't it just to disguise the bumps and lumps and keep them contained? I suppose that is why people still opt for surgery. It's supposed to get rid of the bumps and lumps not just disguise them.
Yeea its really cool.I̶̲̥̅̊ lyk body magic
Linda please stop revealing our SECRETS... Abi you want to drive the Men away? Haba... hehehehehe.
because linda when your man sees u naked and sees all the flab and fat, they might have a hard time finding u attractive again and they would feel deceived. Most women like tools get away with it, because they date men that dont care or have never seen better body. So yeah the illusion doesnt last, thats why i say to these women to go to the gym and lose weight.
Body magic is good for any body type but I can assure is not the most comfortable thing at all.
Wow will tap that AFTER
I think it is a fantastic invention better than girdle that rolls up at the end. I hear Tools doesn't. Leave home without One.
Yes Body Magic is less expensive but will not give you as much confidence as you will get if you do surgery.
Also, some people go under the knives because they can afford it and to show off lots of skin and certain parts of the body most men want to catch a glimpse of; the abs and boobs for example.
Eating right and exercise beats any body magic...Get you body right and you won't have to worry about a body magic!
Body magic is a temporary fix but I would use it over surgery. In the end, keeping a healthy lifestyle and staying at a comfortable weight for you, is the best way to go. I love my spanx for when I have to wear clingy dresses or white pants.
If I hear say the picture no be " suck belly" eeehhhhnnnnn
How do you get into it and how do you breath and eat after wearing it? Can you put this on with out help?
On a serious note, after you take it off the problem of your obese body remains with all the co-morbidity issues.
Nice before and after though.
could someone kindly explain what this 'body magic' is pls? Thank you.
linda body magic is stale gist na. the thing is rubbish, after sitting for a while the bone/support isn't so straight anymore, then it cuts you in half so you look totally unnatural, after long use is slackens, not to talk of the pain when the bone starts chooking(if there is such a word) you. spanx are better, even primark does seamless body shapers and thy are more natural cos no visible zip/hooks.
but why are you asking sef linda, you wan abuse us fattie bom bom abi
blak kofee
abeg how does this thing work? na girdle?
Linda I am listening to you now on 99.3fm with Matse. You have a sexy voice, no fake accent, so real. Btw, abeg where I fit get that body magic for naija here.
I need one ASAP.
Whch 1's body magic again?? Is it a medicine or wat? And if it is, whr can it b gotten?
seriously Linda do you believe that photo?….dat was taking in like 10 minutes interval…smh
Linda do you seriously believe that picture?….. looks like it was taking in 10 minutes interval
Oh wow!!
Yes Linda, only big women use it bcuz it hides the fat. People opt for plastic surgery so that they can look good naked or in a bikini. You can't use body magic when going to the beach.
Fake fake fake fake. Fake o
Yay! It makes you drop 2-3 dress sizes in 10mins,wearing regularly with a little discipline,makes you lose the weight for good.
Anyone interested should add me on BB-32E
39D08,or call 08098157226.
*sorry Linda for the free advert,thanks*
so that the guy does not have cardiac arrest when she takes off her clothes
Because its painful as hell!! I've only worn mine once...
what is body magic...?
Does this body magic real work, I could use it if it does. I would want to lose some fat
All I wanna know is was she able to breath in the "After" picture? Looks like she was gasping for breath. The maker of Body Magic are free to use my idea for their next commercial
"Body Magic, the self - elimination device for that time of the month when you feel like choking yourself."
No ,slimm ladies can use it too,espesially for the post baby bumps,sucks up any excess rolls n gives u a smashing figure.Am a size 2 n it really helps with my post baby bump.
Because it's something that you have to keep putting on. Women are not only interested in public appearance but also what they look like naked in front of the hubby. Of course it would look awkward to start pulling it off the body and all the rolls of fat burst out! lol So sometimes, surgery is more appealing because it's more convenient.
this life is turning into something else. Anyway the above pics is a nice one.
it is d most uncomfortable tin evaaaa . choooiii . make hott shit no whol u wen u wear it cos 2 wear it is stressfull . sumpple need help wearin it . bot mine 4 30k nd wore it once 2 see my BF o boy na my bf comot am 4 mi oh + it givs serios back ache . tho sum ple cant do wivout it , i relli envy dem but my dear if u no lik my shape lik dat go hug a power station circuit . lmao
That thing is a killer waoooh u can't wear it for to long, u need someone to help u hook it bck esp wen u go toilet I've only worn mine like 3times in over 2yrs
Awesome work to hide the belle
Pls Will this work for our pot-bellied politicians ... .....?
Its nyc
My good God...looks wonderful. But baffles me how all dat fat wd fit into whateva magic dat is...!
It's obvious the BEFORE photo was padded and in the AFTER photo, the padding was removed. Some people are too gullible.
If the product works as the makers / suppliers have claimed (in their fraudulent pics), they should prove the efficacy of their product with a YouTube video and have independent people plucked from the street as witnesses, anything less, I'd say it's fraudulent. If they sold their product in the UK with those pics and claim, Trading Standards will prosecute, fine, and shut them down.
So without the body magic, the lady does not smile...lol.Therfore, any woman who smiles while posing is wearing magic????
Cos when you take it off your gut and flabs still spill out, so why bother decieving your self or your MAN? Abi will you wear it forever? diet, go to the gym or resort to plastic surgery jooo....
My dear! Body magic is a girl's best friend O! And btw, I don't think its only made for full-bodied women; someone like Tara Fela-Durotoye also uses body magic ans she's quite small.
Lin Lin...with surgery, you can at least eat to an extent. With body magic...just forget food...
is she going to eat?
body magic is ok, but the inconvenience is 2nd to none, as it has packed all d fats, it wl also pack all ur intestines together like a cow ready to be slaughtered in an abattoir, e no easy i beg
Hehehehehe... Linda, u don't need it. Its not for everybody. Pple like adaora ukoh and her friends should invest in it. Toolz wears it all the time. She doesn't leave her house without it.
These are exact before and after pics of what body magic does for Toolz. Hehehe
Some pple wear more than one at a time sef. My neighbour wears 3 at once. U won't believe the transformation. From pepertual pot belly like a 9 months pregnant woman to an hour glass figure. Then she would come and complain to me later how guys do not want to continue with her after seeing her without clothes. Body magic is fake advertising. Hit the gym pple!
LINDA! Na wa 4 u oo, u shud knw all dis tinz na Fake naw, cant u notice d same hair,same clothe before and after, or will u tell me d person doesnt have anyoda clothe or hasnt changed hair b4 she got slimmer? Abeg itz Photoshop jare which yeye Body Magic, if den Y isnt Body magic popular....**Yimu**
U go 4 plastic surgery or work out bcos u dnt want to shock d dude wen he takes off ur cloths n c all dem mid belly fat. Dat wud b a shocker!!
Yea it truly is magic, it is not only for big women, i am a SIZE 6 and i use it. what it does more than anything is that it give you an HOUR GLASS figure and over time of wearing it you loose weight. my Mom after six kids is one of my biggest clients, SHE IS OVER 45 BUT HER BODY MANAGES TO LOOK 25 with the help of a BODY MAGIC.
There are different types & prices, body magic is one out of many. if you would like to purchase it shoot me an email : ritaezimuo@yahoo.com. would direct you to the site you can place your directly from the company at a cheaper rate.
Looks painful
Plastic sugery is kinda permanent.
This.....you have to fight your way into it, and please let's not even talk about how you would manage an emergency pee.........because you will most likely pee on yourself, at least that's what i've heard
Linda,hw can i get it cos i av big tummy
Plasty is kinda permanent.
This.......you have to fight your way into it, let's not even talk about surviving an emergency pee....you'll end up peeing on yourself, at least that's what I've heard
First!! @ plastic surgery question; Because the clothes will eventually come off!! Duh!!
Cos body magic is temporary nau
plz hw do i get d body magic?????
Tell me more please. Is it the same thing as what some people call stomach Arch? It looks like a tight and it reaches the tummy. Some people also call it body shaper.
Bcos d magic is temporary & d kind of clothes u can wear wit it is limited.
Linda na wa o!!..this ur shop no be 24/7 at all..more like 8AM-10AM after Siesta open again..9PM-10:30PM..if feeling lucky maybe extend to 11:00PM..
The reason women still go for Lipo suction is because Body Magic just shows it on the outside. When having sex with your husband, you're just the same old fat pig. Body Magic can be quite uncomfortable at times.
Frankly, exercise is the best way to reduce weight but of course, most women are lazy and keep eating like gluttons
Who Ü ðêÿ deceive, Ü fat be say Ü fat, afta Ü don trick d guy finish..abi Ü no go still comot cloth wen time reac,h na dat time fowl yansh go open.
Ds stuff is rili nice......Ԋѻω do I get 1?????
Bcos u cnt breathe properly or eat in body magic, its vert uncomfortable aswell bt plastic surgery shapes ur body and after the pain and the pinch in ur bank acc ur okay
Linda, its not for pple like you. Its for orobokibos and pple with potruding tummy, folds or flabby skin. Wearing body magic is telling pple ur body is wat IT IS NOT. Watch ur weight so u won't hv 2 wear it. My colleague passed out in the toilet because she wore double body magic and couldn't breath well cos it cut off her air supply. All in d name of looking trim. Hahaha
If you want to know the reason why, it is because when they go home and remove the "body magic"they see what they don't like.....oh well, hence plastic surgery! I will say excercise doesn't hurt no one...word
pls where can we get it..
abeg,linda plz how does it work
My problem is that d hooks on body magic is always visible on clothes,which is a. Give away sign.OROBO
is it only wen u put it that it gives u d shape or later on after wearin it times wthout number...pls info.
Slow news day
Den no get ur size
Linda pls I nid to knw were to get dis particular body magic
A priest, a minister, and a guru sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby.
"Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray," the priest said.
"No," said the minister. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven."
"You're both wrong," the guru said. "The most effective prayer position is lying down on the floor."
The repairman could contain himself no longer.
"Hey, fellas," he interrupted. "The best prayin' I ever did was when I was hangin' upside down from a telephone pole."
I can't bet my scrotum this is what Toolz is using to deceive us
Linda,see your mouth like you have never used it before. You want to disappear?
these women just use all sorts to fool us guys now.this is what toolz on beat fm use 2-4-7.the inside aint too pretty always.just keep it real ladies.J-coles voice*work out baby work out baby.
i gotta say, has anyone noticed dt in ery b4 and after pix, d lady in d b4 pix always looks sad. as in she always makes herself look worse dan she reali is. notice how in d b4 pix she wsnt evn smiling. buh in d after pix smiling and posing. y?
i gotta say, has anyone noticed dt in ery b4 and after pix, d lady in d b4 pix always looks sad. as in she always makes herself look worse dan she reali is. notice how in d b4 pix she wsnt evn smiling. buh in d after pix smiling and posing. y?
Good observation @anon 10:11 waz abt saying dat as well*cynthia
Anonymous 8:39 Jeez you sound like a serial killer or at the very least a very hateful person. Strength to however gonna marry you, she's gonna need it.
Happy during the day, sad at night. Women, make your way to the gym and mind what you throw into your mouth.
lol @ anon 10:13 that is soo true, i agree with u. I guess its cos b4 is the sad part. Lol
It's not about eating tat make one big me am a size 4 and I eat like hell yet am still so thin like am 4rm Sudan so its not d food ok
It's not surgery. It's something u put on.
What is it then?? Witches ans witchcratches ?? U obviously have a fast metabolism!! And eating too much of d good food ! I dare u to eat too much rubbish and u also probably move about a lot too soo keep pondering...
This is what Toolz uses.
LOL, ndo o.
Body magis is FANTASTIC, true it's temporary cos when u take it off u still have to confront ur flabs. Apart from making u look slim it also helps in giving u a good posture. Also, if u suffer from constant back pains it helps to reduce it cos ur posture is erect when u wear it. Yes, it is uncomfortable but when u're used to it u're good to go. They also have some for men as well.
But what happens when u take it off?
Men and their foolishness
Do u even know what body magic is?
Ha ha ha, u get to keep your scrotum!
I feel you dont really need this magic, what you need to do is to work out and you will get the shape you want.. I was lusting after a babee sometime ago, was really attracted to her boobs and after few dates she came over to mine and we did it, You wont believe that her boobs was like cherry (agbalumo)..That got me really mad so i decided to find out what happened to the boobs i saw,she went to the shower and i saw her bra and it had li
ke silicon tucked in them.. was a total turn off.. pls be yourself we will accept you like that..
@May 17, 2012 10:31 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble. I'm neither a serial killer nor a hateful person
But the truth hurts :))
the things women go through...
BM can be worn in 5-10 mins.
Not all naija men like skinny women. I see lots of BBW getting married everyday. Love and believe in yourself and your man will surely come.
This doesn't fit in here but I need ur help and that of ur readers. I have a lovely body, it would be smashing if only I have a round bigger butt. My butt is just too flat. Who knws wat I can do besides surgery? Any correct pills or something in town?
ah 3 body magic @ a time? d person wan kpemee? n ma warri accent
careful of buying esp n Afric, Ardyys is stl d best and u can get from their website, d last time i asked someone if they have t naija and i send her a pix of what i wanted, she said 'body magic na body magic, all na d same' i told her noways, i have d shoulder to tummy, just needed d full one so i know d difference.
so careful guys
why do i suspect that you are taking a snipe at Toolz?? lmao
Hey those complaining about their size I will tell you what to do to reduce weight in just 2 months
Step 1:stop much of carbohydrate intake and make protein your bestfriend(you can eat a carbohydrate meal once a week rice,eba,bread etc)
2:take a lot of water
3:exercise(u dnt really need the gym to do this you can dance or play around while playing your fav musik make sure u take the dancing seriously like there shuld b dat sweat,an hour is enuf a day)
4:fruits and vegetable can do for a night food
5:minerals,malt etc won't help you,stop!!!
6:too much fry fry of food won't help but it aint bad if you take it once awhile
7:when sitting tuck in your time dis can n done few mins,when sleepin lie with d tummy
8:don't always look in the mirror every morning to check results wait til after 60days ie 2months then you know if you want to continue
Ps:A proteinous meal can be taken big it does not store in the body and if your doing something mentally like reading or ur physically active(lyk stresful jobs,schoolin etc) I recommend accomodation of a carbohydrate meal more than just a week.
lmao @ Anon May 17 8:39 pm
Body magic is awesome,yeah.... just like girdle,but it works when you keep wearing it,the result isnt immediate,if you need it please contact idiongh@gmail.com,Thanks
@alicekingsley dnt knw y some humans hv decided 2 deviate 4rm d main topics 2 say rubbish....who ws talkin abt how she was smilling or frowning in d pix.....'SMH'
Body magic is awesome,yeah.... just like girdle,but it works when you keep wearing it,the result isnt immediate,if you need it please contact idiongh@gmail.com,Thanks
I have been wearing body magic for a year nau, It gives you this instant transformation once you have it on and it has its pros and cons. Personally I thinks its benefits outweighs its disadvantages. The whole idea behind it is reducing your food intake, which overall makes you loose wt, continuous wearing makes you forget the discomfort. I wear it everyday and it keeps my food intake in check, it actual helped me reduce the size of my stomach and I added a bit of work-out to it.
This is website, for anyone interested in it, asides body magic, they are also into various body sharpers. http://www.ardyss.com/tx/products/shapers/body-magic/.
N.B Patient is key in losing wt,which you have to be when using a body magic.
This picture obviously has been touched up for added effects.... by the way surgery is alot more permanent than body magic, imagine taking everything off in front of your man after deceiving him with body magic.... LOL!!!
Its not a fraud as some people claim here,even the company that makes it encourage users to practice self discipline. When the right size is worn regularly,weight drops down for real. Send me a mail on tunkybaby@yahoo.com if u need one. I went from a size 16 to 12 by using this wonderful product.
Call Fikayo mobile phone 08023186078
Body magic abi body torture,had a room mate d@ used to wear it,dis stuff has like a hundred tiny hooks and its so difficult to wear and remove,she sweats like a she goat just wearin d@ stuff.Dont tink its worth all d palava.
I wonder why she's frowning. I have her kind of tummy and men of different ages still love me. It is better you let them see what they're bargaining for rather than feeling disappointed later.
U better go and reduce that tummy o! Nobody wants to see such a disgusting thing!
believe me, the picture has not been touched up! it's real....the body magic thing works.....At first.
1. smeone has to help u put it on the first 2-3times...it i incredibly tight and uncomfortable..
and cos of the way it is shaped, there's nothing like emergency peeing o cos u have to remove all those hooks......
2. the backache...it gets bad after a while..
3.your tummy feels like it is disappearing after a while, except it comes back for real once you stop the bdymagic
you can only wear it and hook the hand to the boob area when u wear shirts or tops with a high back
4.it will loosen after a month or 2 and you'll be convinced that you have lost weight and so need a smaller size..
5. the hooks and 'planks' holding the bodymagic wil start to come off and 'chook' ur body
even when it's stil new and not coming off yet, the hooks will show in front if you wear tight clothes...
it's a temporary solution to a permanent problem, i should know,...i have 2
Awon ode, the purpose of body magic isn't weight loss, it's to make you look better in clothes.
Exactly my fear o. I always feel if i wear this and a man touches my waist it wont be same. or when i pull off he will take off. Same reason i hate fixn my hair
Photoshop...neither boidy magic, nor spanks can smooth out your folds like that.
Yea it truly is magic, it is not only for big women, i am a SIZE 6 and i use it. what it does more than anything is that it give you an HOUR GLASS figure and over time of wearing it you loose weight. my Mom after six kids is one of my biggest clients, SHE IS OVER 45 BUT HER BODY MANAGES TO LOOK 25 with the help of a BODY MAGIC.
There are different types & prices, body magic is one out of many. for pictures or if you would like to purchase it shoot me an email : ritaezimuo@yahoo.com
I would direct you to the site where you can purchase it. No GIMMICKS!
Eeeya..if u are in abj....will like to recommend a fitness center for u whr i knw u will get ur desired result
omg! where can this be purchased?? i need it
ok,where in abuja? Describe.
What kind of stupid advert is this? is it the same day that she lost the fat? purple shirt (Before), purple shirt (After).
Body Magic is a bitch to wear. Very uncomfortable. Personally, I prefer Spanx
How much is the body magic and where can i get in victoria island, lagos, Nigeria
Hot Shapers Slimming Wear increases your body temperature to make you sweat and leads to healthy weight loss. You can wear it under your favorite clothes and enjoy exercising sports, hiking or just wear it at home while performing daily tasks.
Please, you must stand in exactly the same position in both pictures. Now the first is slumped and the woman looks sad and the other is straight and erect. This is FALSE ADVERTISEMENT.
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