Two years ago, author, speaker and blogger Okechukwu Ofili shared his stupidity with the world in the hilariously successful “How Stupidity Saved My Life.” Everything seemed to be going well for the engineer turned blogger turned speaker, but all that changed when he visited the doctors office for a routine check-up and was diagnosed with a life threatening disease. He later found out that his diagnosis was a result of over working himself at his job. After seeing so many people other people burnt out from work, he decided to pen his second book to show that contrary to popular belief, Laziness can actually save your life! The result is the witty HOW LAZINESS SAVED MY LIFE: A collection of radical business ideas for tired, overworked and frustrated people looking for an easier way to get stuff done! Continue...
How Laziness Saved My Life is a hilarious attack at the way corporations and businesses push themselves and their employees to the brink of stress. With chapters such as “Three Things I Learned From Getting Kicked In The Head” and “Why We Need Fewer Meetings and Managers” Ofili is able to poke fun at the work institution as we know it but at the same time offers up simple solutions for Managers and Entrepreneurs for getting the most out of themselves and their employees without killing anyone in the process. If you have ever been stressed at work or felt like strangling your Manager then you need to get this book. But don’t take my word for it, after all I am just the author writing in third person…see what others are saying about it:
Grabs you from the first page and never lets you go…until you are done or NEPA takes light. –Okechukwu Ofili
Grabs you from the first page and never lets you go…until you are done or NEPA takes light. –Okechukwu Ofili
The book is so intelligently written and wickedly funny, it is as if I wrote it myself. –Okechukwu Ofili
HOW LAZINESS SAVED MY LIFE is a must read for Managers and Business Leaders! Get a copy for your boss and one for your bosses cat…it’s that good! –Okechukwu Ofili
The book is currently available on Amazon at and at major Nigeria bookstores including Silverbird Lagos, Silverbird Abuja, Silverbird Port-Harcourt, The Hub Media Lagos, Laterna Lagos and Terraculture Lagos. You can reach the author at:
BB: 3300ED8F
twitter: ofilispeaks
facebook: ofilispeaks
To celebrate the release of his second book. Ofili will be giving away a Blackberry 9930, an Amazon Kindle Fire and other awesome prices (no kidding). All you have to do is take a simple picture. See the poster below for more information

Ofili is an award winning ninja motivational speaker, author, success coach and mind reader entrepreneur who blogs about life, success and entrepreneurial excellence. Follow him on BB pin:3300ED8F, twitter , facebo ok or subscribe to his blog for more success TIPS!” His latest book is titled HOW LAZINESS SAVED MY LIFE, to find out how it saved his life click
Hmmm! Dry!
I haven't commented on dis blog in ages but for Ofili I'll have to. I follow him on twitter and d dude is good. I'm amazed at where he gets d energy from. Always tweeting about diff articles and surveys he's written. I hope to get a copy of dis book, pls Linda what's d retail price?
Thumbs up Ofili. I esp love ur use of animations. Who says writing should be boring?
Great concept. Will like to read the book. For FREE tips on how to get the best out of life with little or no stress visit
i got my copy already.......yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The book looks appealing. I'll have to get it as soon as I can
Good job okey. You call it laziness, i call it smartness.
For those who missed the ship to join WAZZUB and earn salary for life, there is still chance for you to do so via the link below.
Good job
Catching title, nice illustrations! Certainly one that could draw someone's attention but likely to disappoint eventually. You see the problem with many Nigerian writer's is that they tend to deviate from topic. Having read the sample on amazon, what I saw was just stories. I haven't read the complete book but the writer appears to be a easy going fun-loving intelligent guy I sure hope he remembered to deliver what many readers would want to know i.e How Laziness saved His Life and how it can save others too. I can see influences from Malcolm Gladwell in his style of writing, from what I've read.However, I seriously doubt if any there will be any real substance in this book and will therefore not be buying a copy. I tried to visit his blog following your link, all I saw was some registration page asking for my email which I promptly closed. I strongly advise the author to get a better editor and not to generate fake reviews like he did for his first book on Amazon.
Aww happy for him though he was in my school and was also a guest speaker at one of our events goodluck
Aww happy for him though he was in my school and was also a guest speaker at one of our events goodluck
cee_bill,.,,..u must be very stupid or delusional or just lack plain o'l common sense!dint ur mama teach u to shut the fuck up if u dont have any thing useful to contribute!how can u just bash someone's hard work??if its not ur cuppa,.,fine,.,.get dafuk out nd shut da hell up!!this is someone's sweat,.,his hussle,.,.i can understand bashing someone's choice of clothing or hairstyle or watever da fuq ya'll comment on on this blog,.,but this,.,.,this right here is inexcusable brood!gtfoh johhh! linda ojare,.,.d book seems nice!i follow him on twirra too,.,.seems like a fun guy!i catch his comments sometimes on this blog too!u two should totally hook up .btw i saw pics of u and him at one seminar like this both of ya'll spoke at! u looked cute plus he fine!wink**
Let's support our very own!!! Go grab ur copy people!!! #leggo!!!
i wish i can take a pics rite now at my table...i for win oh...i feel so lazy n am bout to see a client now..mtchew...*yawns*
Can't wait to get my own copy, enjoyed "stupidity" well well, Ofili is the man
I must get his first and second book. Dat idiot bashing the book above Lucifa is monitoring you mtchew!
I like the lazy concept for the testimonials.... Creative (Too lazy to ask..smh)
Thanks for the support peeps =)
@Ofilispeaks. I'll buy your book only because (1)im sooo stressed out(Phew),(2) Linda says its ok and because i think you're fine(Coversface smiley). But if the contents of the book is screwed, walahi, i'll haunt you forever.#justkidding. Nice cover tho.
I know why it looks dry to you,cos u look like u hv a low IQ.I guess you would have been interested if it were about shoes and clothes.
Its a very catchy and interesting title willl definitely get a copy I have followed his blog/posts He is very different and thinks out of the box. Nice concept...I've always thought that employers need to change the post revolution style of work...the working environment really does need an overhaul, good job!!
I dnt know why I ever even bother to comment on this stuff u put up if u wnt put up it up.mschew.I hope a better blogger comes soon.
Pls does anybody knw his twitter handle? pls cc me thanks.
Pls does anybody knw his twitter handle? pls cc me thanks.
@udontexpect I think his twitter handle is I'm a follower. Anyways for y'all in doubt of the books content, I can absolutely bet that you'd enjoy it. I got a copy of "how laziness saved my life" and i couldn't stop laughing and smiling *clears throat* reading till i was done. BTW how visited my school Late March.
God bless you bro @ Ofili; You are very hard working, so raep freely the fruit of your labour and enjoy God's blessings.
@ Anon, I'm glad you have reminded me about the SCAMMERS called WAZZUB. A lot of people can remember how I campaigned for WAZZUB everywhere and even gave them free ad on my sites after believing a sweet talking friend. Linda, remember I even tried to recruit you. Even on the 1st of April, I had my home page on WAZZUB and even forgot it there for almost a month. In fact, let me not waste your blog space Linda. I will definitely to so post titled: WAZZUB the SCAMMERS!!!
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