He told CNN...
I’ve always thought it as something that was still holding the country back. What people do in their own homes is their business and you can choose to love whoever you love. That’s their business. It's no different than discriminating against blacks. It’s discrimination plain and simple.
Linda, It's America. Leave them alone! Most people here don't accept it and will just keep enraging readers. They do there.
And btw, Jay Z it's different from Racism. No one chooses his skin colour but gays know just what they're doing
And no, Jay Z it's not the right thing to do. There's a reason a penis fits perfectly into a vagina. Why anyone will want to do otherwise baffles me. People need tips on how to attract the opposite sex
ONOME says.......
Opinions are like arse holes,everyone gots one and thinks the next person's own stinks.
Make we channel our energy into fighting corruption for Naija jare,the discrimination between the thiefy thiefy politicians and normal people even worse pass homophobia.
Who cares if you choose to be straight or gay?Your problem.Just keep your amorous gestures confined to your bedrooms be it straight or gay or bisexual or transvestism or queer.I don't care.My children deserve the right to have their innocence preserved(they dont need to see your shenanigans on the streets)thank you very much!
Sure you would. Mr Camel Carter. Isnt sleeping with other men part if your illuminati ritual? Schewww.
Whatever he like let him(Jay Z)say after all they are all the same.Obama did that in order to win the next election
no. if you think gay's choose to be gay, then i can say you choose ur skin color. There is something called bleaching!!!!
Gays.... they dont choose. the heart doesnt choose who to love. You cant pay me to love another woman and if they say they are just not attracted to the opp sex, then they're not.
By the way, study ur embryology and reproductive system well. These things can be explained.
What we believe is not the issue, govt cant control things such as marriage, thats fact. Religion can but if you want to use religion to make the law, then there'll be problems because not everyone has the same religion.
duty of the law is serve the people and those gays u say are PART OF THE PEOPLE.
America is a fake kingdom,and must be destroyed at no time soon,,every thing about and in the America are always fake fake,,even there language are fake,,,a land FULL of joy,but God save only one family
Hez illiminati its allowed. New world order tinz
Wetin u sabi? You get copy of bible? Make we hear something. Your opinion no matter. Go put your opinion for rap song see whether you go sell that record.
Im sure this jayz is either screwing kanye or vice versa. Illuminati at work.
Lol. I love my people, if you hate gays make you go rap about it!
Go on Jay! More people need to come out and support gay people, enough is enough with all this hate crimes.
Naija will always remain blind unless people open their eyes and divert their passions at issues that matter and stop chasing after redherrings that they will never comprehend.
You would know as u r a member.
Is homosexuality a disease or a sexuality?
Maybe Jigga is gay too.
Politican in the making.... Remember what he said "your going to be afraid on what i will do next"
ade please be stop talking. Being gay IS a choice, just like falling in love is..we choose who we fall for, we see it happening right at the start and we choice to jump in or walk away. Being gay is not right in any way.
Most of u guys are DUMB and ignorant. Like d'oh they pass bill around before any decision can be made and they vote for it. So it's not Obama's decision alone. Kmt
End time is approaching, God knows better why He created Eve for Adam, not Abraham for Adam.......it sink, uncalled for....Sekina
My people, stop wasting your saliva and breath on this topic. They are just seeking attenion and trying to frustrate many people who do not accept it. I do not hate them but i will not accept it cos it is not morally right and a sin. Some people have said sin is sin like infidelity, murder etc...But let us all a spade a spade. We do accept sin naturally which includes this one. Hell is real and we do not want go there. JayZ will bring up racism cos he wants support from the blacks...but he ain't gonna get that support or pity. Please let us just pray that even if this act is accepted in Ngeria...God help us to keep ourselves and family on check. It is A very serious issue. We all need prayers. IGNORE THESE ARGUMENTS ND MOVE FORWARD! LET US KEEP PRAYING. They are so liitle but they are seeking so much attention most especially in movies both Nigeria and foreign. Prayers can do a lot. Obama will be sorry later if he is just using this to get voters. If not either way, If he is been forced or it is intentional, may God forgive him. Homesexuality has been on for so long. The noise about it is so much cos they want to be
heard. Ignore them and move on with your life. KEEP PRAYING FOR THEM.
Illuminati illuminati illuminati! Gosh, that psychic has brainwashed you all. Well, as for being gay, only God knows what is right! We know nothing, and can't explain why a girl from childbirth behaves totally like a guy and vice versa! God made them didn't He? Just keep ur stuffs within the confines of ur home. TC
I concur!
Its all perversion of the mind, no one was born gay,it is a psychological problem and its the environment that encourages all this form of perversion, why would a man choose to be a bitch in a relationship as well as getting his ass busted? Really disturbing if you ask me.
How wont you support gays,when u cant even get it right with your creator.It all starts from there
Follow Follow
My thoughts exactly.This is one illuminati brother giving support to the other.Both jay-z and obama could be gay,and just deceiving beyonce and madam 1st lady.
I'm a Christian and I strongly believe Sexual relationship between people of the same sex is a sin, but people need not discriminate against gay people just because of their sexuality; most often they did not choose to be gay- its been proven to exist in some other mammals too, but just because they feel a certain way doesn't mean they have to act it out, we all have our challenges in life.Let God be the judge in heaven, i bet there will be alot of surprises there.
Thk u. So right. Cos no one will wnt to choose a lifestyle tht puts thm at risk of discriminatn in society.surely in future mny of us wl realise hw unfair we hv been to gays. NNENNAI
Jay-Z is a hypocrite. How come he married Beyonce and both have a kid together while saying this rubbish. He should have gone for Kanye as a "wife" and sc..w their a...es before looking for an innocent baby to adopt. Mchewwwwwwww
Why should i be bothered what this fat lips thinks?
Do you really expect him to speak against Gays? Ahh!!! Dem plenty for ILLUMINATI naw, una wan make dem suspend am for their Cult ni? If he's really a member of ILLUMINATI, then i wouldnt expect him to speak ill of Gays, they are obviously topshots in the Entertainment & Fashion Industry as well as many being Baphomet Worshippers.
Are u not the son of the devil before? what else where u suppose to support. oniranu. illuminati/free-mason morafucker
If he made a negative comment about Gays, dem for dismiss am for ILLUMINATI naw...Heehee...he still loves the power & fame & he's not ready to let all that fade away...atleast not yet
Am not surprised at all.....
i knw some people tk this gay thing very personal, bt lets face it like jay said whomever an adult chooses to love and screw is totally their business, as long as its consensual n its nt a minor..period. and no, i'm nt gay, i love men!
U must be sodenali minded to assume everyone is a Christian
i heard he's gay. So i aint surprised
MAN AND MAN, WOMAN AND WOMAN. Is there any logic in this gay thing??? I doubt it. I just can't stand it!!! Honestly it's d most disgusting thing to even see. Barack OSAMA has sold himself to the devil just to win the election. I hope he LOOSES.
He's not called Gay-Z for nothing.
So why did he marry Bey? Stupid dude took this gentle chic that used to be a church girl, made her fall in love with him, introduced her to the illuminanti, married her and is now talkin about liking gay marriage. If its soo right, why didn't you marry Kanye or one of your devilish cult members??? #GodiswatchingyouJay-z,youhear,godiswatchingyouoooo
Am female. When I was at d university, I had a senior friend. I was ill on campus and she was taking care of me. One day, while I was in bed, this lady while tucking me in bed, suddenly planted a kiss on my lips. Hot kiss. I was perplexed,shocked too weak to react. She took advantage of my situation. My conciensce almost killed me (I swear) as if I was not even the victim. I lost weight, cudnt eat. Thereafter I told her off 2gether with her 'tlc'. Never happened again.tnk God.
Can someone show me where Jesus said gays will go to hell? Not Paul,or any other writer, JESUS? Sexual perversion include those of you self righteous jerks who fornicate, masturbate etc. If you as much as tell a lie, you are of your father the devil. So before you call names and act all self righteous, look in the mirror. And No, I am not gay. Its their choice and they will bear the consequence of it.
Linda, you had 462 comments on people who were talking about licking pussy and sucking dick and some of your readers dare say that being gay is sexual perversion? they are all hypocrites. Perversion is but not limited to using the mouth you use to praise God to suck dick and lick pussy. Christians indeed!!!!All workers of iniquity will have their place in the lake of fire. Be them gay, pussy lickers /dick suckers, fornicators and adulterers, liars and reprobate minds.
My problem with gay marriage is that it is trying to force the society into accepting what is a perversion of nature. If it is allowed, pretty soon, other issues will start o come up. Gay scenes are already creeping into television programs and movies and if time is not taken, it could become standard. Some of us find these things disgusting and it should not be forced on us. If some people wake up tomorrow and decide to start wanking publicly, are we going to indulge them? There's a reason why we have males and females. If all of us become gays, them the society will become extinct. A man is made for a woman simple. Any other thing is abnormal.
Please, he should stop insulting us by equating it to racism.. Homosexuality is a choice thing while race isn't.
and hate. Haba. Do you think anyone will choose to be gay. When a friend of mine was caught he was beaten, bathed with hot water locked in a room for 7 days and then taken to church for fasting,prayers and deliverance. He is still gay. So after seeing all this how can we believe that someone will willingly choose this.
Sips zobo
Then he should have married kanye na not Beyonce. Well that's his opinion.
Absolute Nonsense!
So much ignorance.... homosexuality isnt a choice, You dont choose to be gay the same why you dont choose your skin colour (unless u bleach lol) I dunno how gay people affect sum of y'all sef. Its their own lives let em be.. and besides its their own country.. for once why not thnk of ways to improve our own country which actually needs people to stand up and do whats right for the good of Nigeria. You are here abusing Jayz, Obama n America like Nigeria is perfect... #Movingalong
Anon 7:08, u're on point. We aren't meant to support or encourage the act, but we should not be beating and killing them either
U re a gay ,nd God wuld destroy u soon.
ILLUMINATI? Hard to believe. But ever so true. Its simple. All that we listen to advertise illuminati. Almost every single pop artist out there has sold their souls to the devil himself. They want fame and fortune. Lucifer has given it to them. In return they carry him out through music. Still hard to believe? Jay Z and beyonces daughter is almost definitely illuminati. “Blue Ivy”. Which fool would name their child that? B.L.U.E = Born Living Under Evil. I.V.Y = illuminatis Very Youngest. Blue Ivy spelt backwards[eulb yvi] in latin language means Lucifers daughter. :O. Rihannas album “Good girl Gone bad” chronicles just watch the title states. Rihannas transformation from good to a bad girl who promotes sexual immorality lust and violence. One of rihannas biggest hits Disturbia. In the vid rihanna and her back up singers depict being demon possed. Rihanna in the s&m vid with “Princess of illumaniti” written behind her. Still hard to believe? Google it. The song empire state of mind. Jayz states the world begins when the church is gone. Lady gaga? The illuminati eye? The eye of satan? Almost every pose you see her in she's depicting the eye of lucifer. There's so much more to this. It becomes more scary when you research it. Music has taken the world by storm. Youngsters want to be like lil wayne. Look ugly. Wear massive shirts. Swear. Be violent. Music is now promoting it all. Youngsters want to become thugs. As 2pac states“Thug Life”. But it only ends u of in prison. Or it gets you killed. And satan laughs. Cause its one more down for him. What we listen to is vital. It can make us. Or break us. Music is satans main tool. Don't be fooled. What you listen to eventually becomes you. “Be sober. Be vigilant. Because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour” 2 Peter 5:8.
Nigerians are just ignorant and bunch of hypocrites. If being gay is a sin, adultery & fornication are also sins in the sight of God. Why dont you unexposed lot allow God to be the judge or are you now doing God's work for him? The bible tells us "Judge not for the measure you give is the measure you receive". I have no problem with how people want to live their lives, so long as the gay people dont recruit kids or rape kids, whatever they do in their rooms/houses is none of my business
woo bi,lin lin,i don tire for dis gay tins n pple.can we end their mata plsss
I totally agree with JAY Z. What people do in their own home is really really none of anyone's business. even if indeed being gay is a huge fat sin(unlike corruption and kidnapping),it is up to GOD to judge. Nigerians are generally easily side-tracked and ignorant. Not every body is a christian or muslim.
Some people are genuine non-religious people (atheists). crucifying them is really 'the passion of christ' all over again.
If your religion says it's bad, then keep off it,train your children the way you believe is right so long as you do not hate your neighbour.
so long as gay people are not affecting minors, i really do not see the harm.
Bashing gay people is just another way of stereotyping a particular group eg blacks, jews,muslims who marry more than one wife,most recently people who believe in cunnulingus.
If I am not mistaken, the greatest commandment is 'Love your neighbour as yourself'..irrespective of gay or straight.
ps: I am not gay, I am a married straight woman with 2 kids and I train my children on the importance of love of your fellow human being irrespective of race or gender or sexual orientation.
hmmmm, Jay Z i understand ur opininon but am nt sure dats wot holding ur country,no no no
hmmmm, Jay Z i understand ur opininon but am nt sure dats wot holding ur country,no no no
i can neva nd wȊ̝̊̅ℓℓ neva support gay pple, it's so wrong 4 God sake. U̶̲̥̅̊ dat is supporting gays 2day, if Ūя̲̅ parent were gays, wȊ̝̊̅ℓℓ U̶̲̥̅̊ b in D̶̲̥̅̊ world 2day 2 run Ūя̲̅ mouth? Why can't a gay man impregnate his part buh instead goes in search O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ƒ a female 2 use her eggs nd carry D̶̲̥̅̊ pregnancy also why can't D̶̲̥̅̊ lesbian do same instead d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ go 2 D̶̲̥̅̊ sperm bank 2 ǵε̲̣̣̣̥τ pregnant. Its notin buh bullshit, devil advocates. U̶̲̥̅̊ fucking choose 2 b gay
Hmmm.Nw we all knw which team u play for.
Ade n Nnenna,gay,gay,gay.
Eze, you're definitely right. But truly, some gay pple didn't choose to be like that. I myself knew that I had SSA(Same Sex Attraction) eversince I was 5. But all thru the years before I reached 15, I was kind of bisexual. Then in 2009 at 22, I fell in love with a girl but chose to never ask her out, so as not to deceive her. We never had any sex(since I'm more gay than bisexual), and I never made her my gf, we remained just friends to this day. I've never been in any relationship cuz I don't want to deceive any girl and I don't want to also engage in homosex(which I last did in 2005).
To cut the long story short, I am ashamed of what I am(gay), and I desperately hope to get married(to a woman, of course) and have kids in the near future, but I won't do that, because I have a conscience, and wouldn't want to break her heart nor deceive her. I don't want to live a lie.
I didn't choose to have SSA, and believe me, I know it's wrong(just like adultery, fornication and other perverted sexual acts), and I believe that deliverance prayer is the ONLY solution that can drive out this "gay demon" from me.
Illuminati things toh sure ju kmt
Illuminati noni long hissssss
Well is not right to discriminate against gay because I have thisame sexual problems but I hate the act & is not as if I choose to do it.sometimes it just happens & one will tink if I was given the chance to choose I still wish to be vry straight but what I hate is legalizing it as a form of marriage & using it as a cult significance leading pple to hell is vry evil
I am astounded at the comments here.So sad!
And that is why marriage equality is, the distillation of America. If you’re a heterosexual reading this, have you ever considered for a millisecond that your right to pursue happiness did not include your right to marry the person you love? And that is why, over the centuries, the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the right to marry for everyone, citizen or even traveler, as a core, inalienable right, bestowed by the Declaration of Independence itself. The court has ruled that the right to marry precedes the Bill of Rights; it has decided that prisoners on death row have a right to marry, even if they can never consummate it. It has ruled that no limitations may be put on it for anyone—deadbeat dads, multiple divorcées, felons, noncitizens. Hannah Arendt wrote in 1959 that “the right to marry whoever one wishes is an elementary human right.
My only conclusion is that this generation of Nigerians are unenlightened,ill educated and ill informed.
Both obama n Jayz are ILLUMINATI
Is not right to discriminate against a gay person everybody has their own dark side.I have thisame sexual problem & find it sad because I did not choose to be there.do you think if I wished I will not choose to be more straight.although I am controling mine but it is hard but what I hate about this jayz is the legalizing of gay marriage & using it as a cult significance like lady gaga because I see it as barbaric to the site of God because even though I find myself in it I wish to get married someday I just wish people watch & think before they copy other peoples lifestyle because they are celebrities
Are u surprised? Baphomet worshipper.He's a demon. Are u sure he's the father of Blue Ivy?
Region or no religion, homosexuality is unethical and senseless. It not something worth having a second thought about. Even if we donot belong to the same religion but we worship the same God. The way we approach Him differs. Illuminati nd others are just God's rebels, they know that God exit, they are different frm atheists.
All who believes the existence and supremacy of God will know that it is what God detests so much. Those who started and recommend it know what they are doing and with their evil and satanic intentions are driving people unconsciously and tru some psychological brain washing (penchant for worldly vanities which make it easier) with some over twisted bogus backups mostly frm the bible.
The only nature certified option is a man and a woman or remain single. How it is possible to be sexually attracted to a male or female like u? Disgusting! Truly, we are free to do anything with our life but we are not free to change nature. Nature does bind us from doing somethings and we must follow if we become dubious, the effect will not be gud at all.
why u no go support am?ilumiakata!antichrist!
I would have fainted if Jay- Z said otherwise. I don't support homosexuality and I'm not in anyway gay but can people just quit being hypocrites. Sin is sin....if you don't have a problem with oral sex then you should not have a problem cos' that's what homosexuals do.
can people stop crucifying other human beings for once? Why is evry1 so hypocritical abt this. I'm not gay, but i don't judge gays cos i rembr d secondary school days of choco n supe stffs. Any girl dt wnts to be honest to herself on ds blog will testify dt those feelings were real. Growing up and putting a lot behind us dsnt gv me right to judge others. Yes, my bible didnt promote it, but those'f u casting stones mayb d ones to end up in hell cos d thoughts of men re not the thoughts of God.
Anon May 16, 2012 1:31 PM any girl? That you have lesbian tendencies doesn't mean everyone else has. Jay Z is bisexual anyway so there goes.
The Bible says whoso finds a WIFE... it also talks about a man being joined to HIS OWN WIFE...
Are we now referring to men as wives?
That no one is perfect does not mean we should condone evil.
the Bible says, "should we continue in sin that grace may abound" of course, the answer is NO. Please, let us call a spade a spade.
Jay Z is not a xtian and i'm surprised that "xtians" see him as role model.
I'm sure God didn't make a mistake when he created Eve for Adam as a companion. I rest my case.
One love.
I am glad that someone from the hip hop community has spoken up on this issue because that community is notoriously homophobic.
Personally, I don't support gay marriage in a CHURCH or in a religious manner but I do support civil unions. It is NOT fair that a couple who have their lives together cannot enjoy the benefits that heterosexuals enjoy such as tax breaks, inheritance and even being able to visit in the hospital if one partner is ill. It is not right that a person could have spent 35years with someone at then get tossed out because the law does not recognize their union.
There is a clear separation of Church and State in the US so what Obama did was according to the law of the land and not religious laws which is a separate thing entirely!
Do I condone their live style, NO but do I think they have a right to file taxes together etc YES.
It is only less than 50 years ago that interracial marriages were allowed in the United States.
Abeg, free them jare!
Anon 10:45 wa gbayi i couldnt have said it any better
Wao, i totally agree wit u.
it is tru dat sin is sin, bt pls homosexuality is a sin before my God, d God any1 serves determine wat he blivs is ryt or nt, as christians d Bible tells us dat we hav been saved from sin nd he who God says is free is free indeed, der's no form of sin a believer cannot overcome. Pls note dat i said a believer, God has given us liberty to choose good or evil bt he adviced us to choose good. So al d gay ppl if only d can accept Jesus as their Lord nd personal Saviour only den wil d be able to understand dat d can choose whom d decide to fall in love wid. may God hlp us al bcz even d righteous face temptations some we overcome some we fail bt above al our priority shld be pleasin God nd nt man. Pls let us nt discriminate d gays bt we can pray 4 dem nd atyms tlk to dem cz dtz wat i do 4 ma gay fwends.
ONOME says........
I just had to add this.When a post was put on oral sex I read comments of people;70% of whom are not married describe with so much relish the act of fellatio and cunnilingus.You could see they were enjoying themselves in their own perceived notion/idea of sexual satisfaction.I thot sex was for MARRIED COUPLES ONLY???
I have noticed one thing about Nigerians:quick to judge,quick to condemn,quick to abuse,quick to express disgust over other people's choices.NONSENSE.
Like I mentioned in my previous content.Your sexual orientation are your choices.Just keep them in your bedroom PLEASE.I absolutely do not want to see male/female;male/male;female/female etc etc displaying publicly any "amorousity" around me or my children.God bless us all.We are all sinners and have fallen short of God's glory.May He who sees all guide us along the right paths always
the person that said if homosexuality is a sin then adultery and fornication are.....of course, they are! that the everyne indulges in them doesnt make them right!
so itis ok for people to endorse gay marriage and be pro-gay but it is evil for others to be anti-gay? i dont get that!! America is now demonizing everyone who says being gay is unnatural and a sin!
so where is the freedom? where is the human right to expression?
so everyone now has to be pro-gay or they are evil....you see how the world is changing? wrongs are becoming normal and rights are becoming wrong....
self destruct Madness in high and low places, who will help us
illuminati tins....lil by lil deir colours will be shown, cos d end time is near.......Jesus is coming soon belive it or not pple! knw whre u stand.
i lov honest comments like ds n nt folow folow hypocrites
Jide said...
When Jay-Z talks of discrimination, he refers to discrimination under the law. The law is what governs everyone who chooses to live in a certain society, not some idea of self-righteousness or logic. Most of these advanced countries have had to accept being gay simply cause of the social welfare system. This system is designed to be acceptive of all despite age, creed, religion, political leaning, and now SEXUAL ORIENTATION.
Here in the UK they use the word 'partner' instead of Husband, wife, boyfriend etc. It covers everyone. Doctors are required to treat everyone the same, and Obama and Jay-Z are just echoing that. We all have our opinions and leanings towards this subject, and there would always be the great divide.
I have a girlfriend, and I am not gay. However I have gay friends, and quite frankly its something that cannot be explained even by some of them. Most have not had a singular episode of attraction to the opposite sex (and they have tried). The same way I tell them how I'm attracted to a woman when I see her and I can't explain it, is the same way they talk to me too. Being gay is not necessarily about a guy waving his hands, or trying to talk like a woman. These guys don't wear lip gloss or dress feminine. Most babes on this forum would find them very attractive, but as one of them once said to me "My only interaction with a vagina was the day I was born. I was there, and I have never gone back". I have chosen to accept him that way.
basically if your personal ethics or what you learn from your parent,churches,mosques or any moral avenue can nt change you noone will impose a law on the way you want to leave your life live and let live but remember where there are rules do not tresspass cos trespassers will be seriously dealt with accordingly how ever the law should respect fundamental human righ life to live right to enjoy freedom and so on and so forth thank you very much you are wellcome
Seriously people, get a life.
Why would anyone choose to be gay if they can help it? Why would you subject yourself to hurt and discrimination? It is not a choice it is how people naturally are.
Let me tell you everyone knows a gay person whether they are out or not.
Has the world ended? No
We have more serious issues to deal with like AIDS, sickle cell, poverty, corruption, poor infrastructure. These actually affect people and have negative effects.
Prioritise people! and what people do in the privacy of their own home that doesn't hurt anyone else is none of your business. Face your front, abeg!
Mims, ur exactly right! Let their privacy remain in the home and not in marriage.
@ Anon 12.39am So, U think ur Naija is Original abi? With all the Hypocrites, Polithievians and all that. Abegiiiii
This piece is self-defeatist. Why would you focus attention on the topic if you are right up your senses? Jay-Z is not a Nigerian and America is a far-away country with different values and a set of societal standards different from ours. This topic in America has added layers that Nigerians (most of them) will never understand. The context and conjecture of this discussion as is transcend the thinking of the ordinary people. Every society has a level they have attained on any given situation. You are just beating about the bush Linda and your focus on this clearly shows your ignorance as well as those of others as you can see from the comments so far.
Don't beat yourself up about it dear. You are GAY and no one has the right to condemn you for being that. Find a Gay lover just like you, and be happy. Happiness is the ultimate goal at the end of the day. You deserve to be happy. And if being with a Guy makes you happy, GO FOR IT!
You have my blessings...
Choco? U must be an FGGC Owerri babe! We were the only school that used the slang 'Choco' or 'Chocorizing'
I hope you told your kids too being gay is alright and good. That if they choose to be gay its ok with you. No start war wey you no fit finish
Danmm you jay. The world is coming to the very last phase. Take action.
i soooo agree with thou shall not judge. Anon 10.48, it wasnt only fggc owerri ooo. I went to fggc ibusa and we use choco. Infact our own chocorizing was baddest. Many'f my sch mates carried it into adulthood ooo.
Anon 10.48, FGGC Onitsha uses choco too. All girls are bi-sexual in nature, If no, why beg to be sucked, licked and fingered? Why not go the bible way by penetrating and procreating? I do not know why some are pretending because they can control it. Even Linda Ikeji has lesbianism traits if she can tell herself the truth. Always going wet for kim k and co. If she likes let her not post my comment.
Sodom and Gomorah is comin bck again, careful guyz!!! Fuck Gay, fuck jay-z fuck obama...dis aint us bur Nigeria...n fr em Gay's supporter's We dont get down dat easy!...
@immature lady, as a female I wud rather hv a guy finger,lick etc me than a frigging girl. Speak for urself retard. A man and woman can do wateva they want, man -man, woman-woman hell to d no. What is sooooo diff for u to understand. Ooppps I 4got.......retarrrrrrrd.
Even your reply says a lot about you. Come out clean madam, because i sense a desperate suppression of an inner fantasy in u. U'll be caught soon u fool that has a bloodline of retards....mtschew
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