31 year old homeless man Rudy Eugene was shot dead by police on Saturday May 27th after he was seen chewing off the face of another homeless man while high on drugs. Rudy chewed off 75% of his victims face in the most horrific attack that has left the victim battling for his life in the hospital.
A man was cycling off the MacArthur Causeway on Saturday afternoon when he saw a naked man tearing pieces of flesh from another naked man's face at the side of a freeway. The cyclist, who later told reporters that it was the most gruesome, traumatic thing he'd ever seen in my life, called the police to the scene. When the police couldn't get Eugene to stop the savage attack, they shot him dead.
To see what's left of the face of the victim, then continue...but please be warned, it's extremely graphic. If you don't want to see it, do not continue...
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Surveillance footage shows the two naked men lying on the walkway. The body on the left is the victim whose face was being chewed by the man on the right |
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Surveillance footage shows the two naked men after the attacker was shot by police |
'It was one of the most gruesome things I have ever seen in my life in person. You know, you see these things in the movies but when you see it in person, it's pretty traumatic' A police officer said.
The victim is currently in the hospital recovering from his injuries which are said to be some of the most horrific staff have ever encountered.
It seems that the attacker was high on something - probably pcp. Say no to drugs.
Oh My God! Gruesome
Nawa ooo, are men becoming carnibals.
Kids dont do drugs, stay in school!
Omg I was just reading that on email, how gross ewwww
Cannibal Hannibal - Life imitating Art - Art imitating Life .
OMG,short of words,what are we human turning into for God sake !
Is It that he was hungry? And wat was d oda guy doing while his face was being chewed off? Was he high too abi his hands were bound? Na wa o!
O ma ga o
Linda, please, be careful of the scripts and links you accept from people who want stuffs posted, etc. I visited your blog with 3 different devices (pc, iphone, ipad) and the browsers all got hijacked. The "Solid Star Releases Second Single 'Skibo'" post contains browser hijacker. Please remove the script or it can compromise PCs and devices. They used the browser hijacker / malware to deliberately and maliciously funnel Internet traffic to their site. They made a fool of you, they stole from you, and you should do them for at least N2Million. They tricked you into posting malware on your blog. You had a good intent while theirs was malicious and devious. You can blog him / keep the post, but, please remove the html script and hyperlink. Only link to sites which contains no malware, etc, or you'd piss off your audience or / and your blog hijacked - and you locked out of your own blog. Please, be sure to link your blog to your phone so that recovery is easy should your blog be hijacked.
blooooood of GOD wtf is dat??????GOOD LORD ave mercy
to the first anon, it doesnt seem, it was factually stated in the article that homie was high.
thank you linda for warning about the graphic nature...some of us read the article and got the gist without the added "image"
So horific. Judgement Day is near
This is man inhumanity to man ....owsshhhhhh
Gruesome indeed.buh hw can a physically active person allow such to β done to him? Was he totally incapacitated nt to resist? Jst thinkin aloud. So ridiculous.
OMG...w.t.h..Dats a freak jeez...y on earth wud a human being do dis shit..fucking stupid Carnivorous fuck...mehn dis dude needs another face cos dis is cray!! Doubzeeee
This is cray........ F$ck"..."...
God forbid Evil. Thank God dey caught him. U ll think he's a human mscheeew Cannibal
Goodness me!! Ds is so brutal.. He is better being dead...gosh! Cnt even get 2sleep again.
The man was high on bath salts.....this is extremely disturbing
This is just bizarre
@Anon 11.57,probably PCP(Phenycyclidine), that drug is worse than LSD,cocaine,crack and heroine put together.Reminds me of some video game,resident evil or mortal kombat.Dammnn
Oh my goodness! What in Pete's sake! What sort of drug would have gotten him that high? I'm so sure he was possessed by the devil.
Jeez... Dis is bahd
wowzers! what are his teeth made of? Claws??
Like is that even possible?
WTH?? That's so disturbing.
PCP is one heck of a drug! I can almost guarantee that was what he was on.
Former singer Houston gouged out his own eyes as a result of this same drug.
Can barely recognize him now.
So sad
Cannibal! Drugs just brought out his inner nature. Kai. Say NO to drugs. Not yes, NO
Dis is so badddd
Hannibal Lecter came to life huh? Nasty. Evil. Devilish. I hope this man survives and they're able to make something decent of his face afterwards.
I agree with rFour, I've also sometimes gotten warnings of malware when I'm opening your site Linda. Be careful Linda, don't know where I'll get gist from if ur blog is ever hijacked lol
Goosh!! Vampire!!!
CHIGURL says...
Clifford orji wat ever happened to that guy???
Some of u think this guy was high on some kindda drugs. Think again... Did any1 of u ever watch a Zombie movie? Just maybe its becoming a reality... Let's be warned
But can I ask something serious, why were they both naked. I feel they were kissing and making out when the devil in d cannibals head bursted. No matter what it is sha, dat ain't normal. Gosh *irritated*
the homeless man
homeless man you say how was he able to afford drugs the eugene skin looks neat he does not look like someone who has no shelter i suspect he is a bigger cliffod orji ritualist+cannibal
Let me tell u what drugs do folks! It weakens your will and make you easy prey for demonic influences! Demons are always looking for who to express themselves through! ( being "disembodied spirits" ) What was witnessed was just one expressing itself through an "easy prey" that was high on drugs! So no to drugs and say yes to God!
Ok! We're missing out sumthyn. Y ARE THEY EVEN NAKED???
This is pure evil,the Day his Mother gave birth to him she was so happy,not knowing he is an Evil Child.For someone to have this as a Child it´s better to remain Barren.Only God knows how many People he has killed, is good they shot him to death bloody Cannibal.
This is really bad. Why do pple do drugs?
Yeah linda pple often hijack your site, u need to be very careful
waaaaaaat? did he do that with his nails or claws? why re both parties naked please?
Read d guy had to be shot 12times for him to seize d attack. By then, he was dead. Like this is cannibalism. Don't get what his teeth were made of. Or did d drugs give him super strength or wat?
This guy was posessed by some demon. May God protect us from such people IJN!
did he chew n swallow dat??????.....this is so disgusting!!!so glad he was shot dead..n the victim,was he high on drugs????? y would he let himself get eaten????? GOD FORBID!!!
OMG... the attacker is a vampire, and not human.... what a world we live in God have mercy on ur children.
cannibalism at the highest order
The world is coming to an end + the man was clearly possessed by an. Evil spirit, no drug can induce any human being to eat another.
Jesus is really coming sooner than we think,the end is pretty near.
dis is pathatic
O my God, it is very very horrible the victim's face is been chewed off may God help us
*munching bread*
ONOME says........
My goodness:(
I have seen so many gruesome accident "tins": mangled limbs,head injuries,gun shot wounds but this has to sure take the cake.
How disturbing.
His autopsy result should shed more light on which drug mixture he was on.His being naked as at the time of the cannibalism makes me think he was also on cocaine psychosis....sad
We are ignoring vital details here, d question is why where both men naked?? Isn't that bothersome? N why would a full grown man allow his face 2 be eaten up? Dat devil also doesn't seem homeless to me. I think this should be given serious investigation except of cos the police are trying to cover up something 4rm the public
God have mercy on us,jesus.....
dat man is hrtless.
U must know his mother to know she was very happy then?? Smh at nigerians and their subjectivity rules all smh !!
it shows u dat d world is coming to an end ...pls accept jesus NOW...
Gosh... dis is crazy demn. I jst wana believe they were both having fun after what ever drug they took which got both of dem naked before the demons took possesion of Eugene's body as the tool 4 distruction. Bt d question remains: Hw come were they both naked on the road? Could dat b were they took wat ever was responsible 4 dat act? Dis is the hight of canibalism.It's high tym we surrender all to God.
Gosh... dis is crazy demn. I jst wana believe they were both having fun after what ever drug they took which got both of dem naked before the demons took possesion of Eugene's body as the tool 4 distruction. Bt d question remains: Hw come were they both naked on the road? Could dat b were they took wat ever was responsible 4 dat act? Dis is the hight of canibalism.It's high tym we surrender all to God.
This is why I support the death penalty for drug traffickers. See the effects of a drug induced mind. Geez! It is so gross. Thank God he was shot dead. He was so out of it. Actually ate a fellow human's face...........
am pretty sure that d attacker is an NGWA person..... cos dey are known to eat people.
Ok people for those of you wondering how the other guy could allow someone chew his face off here's why; It's most likely d cannibal was high on PCP, that drug can give u superhuman strength. Dude coulda even ripped d limbs of d man! And as for d nakedness clearly he was 'overheated' and had to take his clothes off, PCP can do that as well. God help us o.
dis man na RAW VAMPIRE! this is unimaginable and horrible.
Help me tel them God's Levites they think its all a coincidence....read d whole book of Revelations jus for more understanding....Accept Christ nw while grace still abounds!
Ugh! Lord have mercy
Wah must av happend 2 mak som1 do dat 2 anova!!guess its more spiritual than wat our physical eyes see!!
PCP makes people do some really gruesome things!!
Drugs are bad yo, just say NO!
A surveillance video has surfaced
of Rudy Eugene (pictured left), who Miami police shot to death
on May 26, after they
discovered him gnawing on the
face of 65-year-old Ronald Poppo (pictured right). Poppo was homeless for nearly four decades before the attack, reports the U.K.’s Daily Mail. RELATED: Florida Cannibal Identified (Video) The 18-minute video depicts Eugene, who was naked and had
taken his clothing off on the causeway, straddling, punching, and
then ripping off Poppo’s clothing as he slept on some train tracks.
Afterward, the “Miami Zombie” — as he is now being called —
began feasting on Poppo’s face. Police investigators state that the
attack was totally unprovoked. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop his assault and he ignored
their cries, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Watch the surveillance video here: Who Was Rudy Eugene? Eugene was a former North Miami High School football player. He allegedly enjoyed smoking marijuana and planned on starting
his own mobile car wash business. Friends describe Eugene as a
friendly lover of music, especially rap, and very normal. About
five years ago, the young man’s luck went south, and he ended
up divorced from his wife, Jenny Ductant, and arrested a few times. Eugene was said to have always worked and owned a car. “He was always looking for ways to make money. Not necessarily
illegal, but sometimes he got in trouble with it,” lifelong friend,
Daniel Ruiz told the Miami Herald. “But for Rudy to do something that graphic, that aggressive, that violent, that
gruesome — that’s what’s really troubling us. Rudy? Really?
Rudy? Naw.” Yet on Saturday, the demeanor of the affable son of Haitian immigrants changed dramatically. Eugene’s close friend and former roommate Erica Smith told the Miami Herald, ” Someone must have given him something really bad. A few days ago he told my brother that he was really
depressed and didn’t want to live anymore. He was a guy who
just wanted a family and someone to love him.” Was Eugene High On Bath Salts? As police try to piece the gruesome puzzle together, it is believed
that Eugene was under the influence of a potent LSD-type
designer drug called “bath salts,” but they won’t know for sure
until his toxicology report is complete. RELATED: What Is LSD? When users ingest the drug, their body temperature is taken to
dangerous levels that causes them to rip off their clothing and to
become violently irrational. According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), bath salt users have reported impaired perception, reduced motor control,
disorientation, extreme paranoia, and violent episodes. Agitation,
paranoia, hallucinations, chest pain, and suicidality are additional
effects of the drug also known as “Ivory Wave” and “Bolivian
Bath.” The stimulant also raises blood pressure and increases pulse rate.
The long-term physical and psychological effects of use are
unknown but potentially severe. The drug, which has nothing to do with the bath salts that we use for bathing, have become increasingly popular, particularly among teens and young adults,
and are sold at a variety of retail outlets, in head shops, and over
the Internet. Citing an “imminent threat to public safety,” the DEA has made
the possession and sale of three of the chemicals commonly used
to make bath salts — the synthetic stimulants mephedrone,
MDPV, and methylone — illegal. The ban, issued in October
2011, is effective for at least a year. During that time, the agency
will decide whether a permanent ban is warranted. It’s Not a Wrap Yet In the meantime, according to published reports, Poppo had his face eaten down to his goatee, the forehead was just bone, and he has no nose or mouth. The mild-mannered homeless man who “resembled singer Kenny Rogers and who never bothered anyone” is struggling to survive and is in critical condition at Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center. The police investigation on the Eugene/Poppo case continues.
Its crazy wot people get themselves into, totally inhuman. Drugs or no drugs
Omg this disgust and scares me at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was a zombie Dx
Its the first stage of the zombie epidemic
he proball was smokin some loud
the food bank must have closed early that day. . PcP saved steveO's life yet it couldnt save this guy
OMG!!! This is terrific
God is indeed great, 4 d victim 2 hav survived ds attack. Wait bt dt face,wonder wt culd b done 2 dt
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Well that certainly livened up my day!!!
Good job I wasn't eating ay!!
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