Her words:
I found a worm in my chicken Topper Salad and I want everyone to know this. These eateries need to start paying more attention to quality management and assurance in their processes. I called the attention of their delivery staff to it who says he will escalate to the management but I am sure they won't even react to this. I don't want anything from them but I want Nigerians to begin to exercise some caution when eating out - especially the uncooked food. I have attached the pictures, receipt and video for your viewing..If na America, this babe for don hammer o! Lol. Watch the video here
Dis is highly disgusting. TFC shud be ashamed!
TFC-Tasty Fried Chicken...hahahahahahahaha
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!! I have been on chicken topaz daily this week as part of dietary weight loss plan. yuck!!!
The best thing is just to close your eyes and swallow instead of scanning the food unnecessarily. Ignorance is bliss. Besides, your stomach acids will burn the worm as it gets there. You eat a lot of insects unconsciously. It just happens. It doesn't mean more hygiene should not be kept though
Linda why did you withhold the name of the restaurant? Whose side are you on your readers or the restaurant. Please let people know so they can be cautious.
The place should be sued any ways.
Dear LIB readers,I met a guy today(name withheld by me), he showed me a bomb, claims he is boko haram.....ermmmmm
How have I helped u?
Linda, u don't need anyone to tell you its TFC na...If you wanted to withold the name you shouldn't have put the name of the salad 'cos everyone knows that's the name of one their salad...
Anyway, as unrealistic as it seems, she should still take some legal action and she'd be surprised at the outcome. Take all the evidence to NAFDAC, Ministry of Health, Standard Organisation of Nigeria and if nothing else, let them conduct a health check on the entire TFC and if possible close down the branch where she bought from...
my dear the best, most healthy salad u can ever eat is the one u prepare by urself.
most people especially eatries r impatient to thoroughly wash their veges.
e kpele o!
Duhhh! Dis is TFC..
I come trip for the music o...e come be like ''Alien Invasion'' action movie. Well, no need to withold any name na...market don spoil for TASTEE FRIED CHICKEN...oya my people, the boycott has begun...hahaha
That is horrible ooo.... There must be an agency that checks food quality and all served in public places. Its jst crazy. I have also had bad meat frm an eatery in Uyo n it took me a while before i could eat meat there again cos i kept wondering 'what if'. I wish their management would do summin
The plate is already empty!!! She must have swallowed other worms before discovering this one !!!...omg!
hope the food tasted nice sha....What!!!??? At least your money did not go to waste{judging by the pics u must have really scraped the plate to find the worm}. WOOOOH!! FEAR FACTOR!!
Ewwwwwwwwwwww can't eat tonight
How are we sure she didn't plant the worm there to make sharp money? How come she saw the worm when the plate was almost empty????? Abegggg, leave story for story teller.
itz tastee dey d 1nz wo serve chacolit chicken
Me too I've had similar a experience. I just had severe food poisoning last week after a meal @ tfc. Judging from this, it's obvious they have been 'poisoning' Lagosians with their disgusting unhygienic unsanitary food preparations
linda, na wa for u at times tho.. u say uve withheld d name of the eatery n den u post a link for us to see the video which clearly lets us know its TFC! na so u dey do ur thing?
Well, the person shld rily lay charges so dis eateries can become more health/hygiene cautious.. we lack food inspectors in Nigria, wat do u xpect? so sad.
Ha ha ha...lmao abi Ooo....lolzzzzz!
She should sue. My dad once had a client who sued Fanta because his drink had some unidentified substance in the bottom. He won, btw! Sue, even if u only get N100k plus legal fees lol.
So TFC have joined Tantalizers in serving crap? Dem wan kill person ni? Anyway na ordinary worm,na protein,all join.
In addition, sue not just cos of the money. But so TFC pays better attention to sanitary standards in the future. After doling out a couple of millions in legal fees, they probably will! How disgusting!!
u need not worry..everythin is protein-giving! *winks*
Dis is disgusting I feel lik throwing up.TFC need to do something about dis rubbish
My Warning===>
With d continuous spread of cholera across d country, u have to be extremely careful of where, and what u eat and drink. This is d time to avoid being pennywise on food. Buy clean food and water 4 life. But be mindful dat most of d eateries around us are very dirty without soaps in their toilets 4 us to wash hands. Be careful.
TFC never again! Extremely dirty. The rat that climbed over my leg still haunts me. Why will a restaurant have rats running around?
Painful thing is that people are always almost through with the food b4 they discover it... Lol! This has happened to 2 of my sisters, one in jand and the other in naija here(TFC) I suppect its them tho...
she can still take them to court she has enuff evidence.if na me i no for gree.
Wooow! Just went through the comments! Its TFC again?? WooW!! They should be sued this time around! What rubbish? (When it happened 2 my sis yea, the man sittin next to her wanted 2 take the matter up bt she told hm to calm down. Although, they saw the management and they were like they are really sorry and gave her back her money and multiplied it by 2 and also told her to always come and eat for free... even though she never did)lol, like who would even wanna eat free food after experincing worms??
Thr was a similar xperience wit an OAP on StarFm, she saw a worm in d salad she bought frm Tantis and they had to come on air to xplain nd apologize..This jst means dat watevr agency is responsibl 4 monitorin these eateries needs to take it seriously!! Thr shld also be platforms whr pple can complain!! BTW TFC has to issue a statement nd do a thorough check on d outlet!
I ve boarded a popular international flight n saw a live cockroach!!! Moving around like no man's biz n it came out frm where they keep food they serve ppl. Nigerian authorities need to do smth abt this. This is gross. No more eating salad that is not made by me.
People it is a worm in a salad, get over it...
LOOL. Im sure she can sue TFC or watever if she really wants too.
Moving worm o!
Rotflmao!!! Correct person u be.
Lmao!! Don't mind this Linda sef...!
Ahhh! U be main person! I literally laughed out so loud
Guys, if there is a worm in your salad it is a good sign!!! It means the vegetables in your salad are free of chemicals used to kill unwanted bugs! You should have just pic the worm out and continue your meal, spoiled girl! The salad was the worm's home and you decided to eat it without evicting the tenant, lol!!!
There is no need to sue anyone! She's overdoing it! It's just a poor worm, that was it's house that she eat! It is not like she found shit or runny nose substance in it! You guys should not upset the servers in a restaurant ooo! They will spit in your food and if is a man he will put his natural yogurt on your food!!! Be careful oooo
oh my days and i had a topper salad today. I feel sick just looking @ it.
Dis kin rubbish no dey happen for mama put o
I agree with Anonymous 10:04PM. I also had the same Food Poisoning UNHAPPY CUSTOMER experienced...I was rushed to the hospital by 2am to save my life, all in the name of TFC.
Linda, honestly I don't agree that the eateries outlet should be covered. The need to exposed so that other eateries will learn to be cautious with their food and vegetables.ni
Am a medical doctor who started housemanship a year ago,my first call @ d teaching hosp,I went to Genesis eatery @ 4pm after clinic to eat rice and salad.I vomited&stooled throughout thatt call,I couldn't take care of patients properly and my registrar(direct snr colleague kept shouting @ me)it was a horrible experience,all these eatries,its Just God dats protecting us.
Like seriously You juz made me puke!!!
tastee fried chicken...how can there possibly be a live worm???
It's actually sickening to see a life earthworm in ones food an particularly gruelsome for me cos Ive eaten chicken topper salad at least 3 days a week for the last 4months. TFC this is sheer negligence and totally unacceptable and you should pay for it. I agree with the other folks that you should raise hell with them or sue. I know of a confectionary company in the UK that paid £1000 to a consumer who found a dead ant in her chocolate bar. Pls let's cash in on your experience as gruelsome as it may sound. You can contact me I you need a lawyer or contacts in NAFDAC, SON or office of fair trading.
You guys should sit here. I work for a very reputable insurance agency and the claims that come in thru my desk are mind boggling...bandaids with blood on it in chicken sandwiches...snakes heads in packaged frozen veggies. Mice baked into breads. Seeing normal insects and the likes in veggies is not new at all. It is very hard to have full quality control on these food places but I do know a lot will make extra effort for it not to be repeated. I know I have complained on something as little as the service girl throwing change at me at one of these joints in naija and the girl was not only suspended but I was offered my money back, their calendar and a call from the GM. One time I got a soggy sandwich and it was replaced immediately and the supervisor also apologized... Naija is trying now with customer service so dont bad mouth if you have not experienced it.
This is the last time I'm stepping into TFC. To think dat love their Topper Salad...sad really. Wonder how many worms i musta ingested.
In a space of 2 weeks I have seen rats move around comfortably in DRUMSTIX (Wuse 2 and Garki 2) in Abuja and in the presence of customers. The sales reps at the Garki br made fun of a lady that ran out at the site of the rat.
Also, the eatery just by my office turns to a rat playground at 6pm. The eatery closes 5:30 and the rats take over.
Lassa fever is real. If rats can be operating sooo openly in an eatery, I'm sure worms and worst will be there. These tiny things carry all sorts of bacteria around.
Limit eating out peeps (if you really love yourself)!!!
Then when people start getting sick,no doctor to run to because lagos docs are on strike.
Meanwhile,they sell rubbish to the masses,collect our money,and fly abroad for common headache and even dubai for the pikin wedding.
Kai,TFC una welldone o.Those that have ear, let them hear!
I ate a meal at TFC at 2nd avenue,22 Road,festac town and I stooled for whole day.pls let dem step up or packup.market haff spoil 4u pata pata.
Dis is money!!!!!
I wish we nigerians wouldn't take things so light-heartedly. We accept crappy service, gross incompetence and sub-standard products. That's why these vendors feel they can get away with anything. If this person doesn't sue, I hope this LIB post will reach someone who will take action.
and Linda may i ask u why u have to block d name of d eatery? i mean dd d lady block d info before passing them to u? u r so chicken-hearted, so much for a brave blogger u portray urself, so how wl ppl be careful next time they visit such eatery? sometimes as i like u reach u dey fall ma leg and arms
my lady back t u if u reading this, its not a matter of 'i dont need money from them' but this is ur legal right to live and eat well esp in a public place esp wt all their hype,now they charge so much and i expect them to pay their staff well to be extra careful while preparing food for public consumption, as u read this TFC has lost a customer cause i wl not use my money to buy what wl kill me, u need to sue them so they can get back on their toes, i mean whatdaheck?????? how are we sure some staff v not been sneezing nd throwing mucus n our porridge or moinmoin? useless eateries, once they make small money they relax and hand all to incompetent staff nd this is what u get *am so angry now*
i too vex i just dey come back, yes anons, Nigerians take things for granted an that is why we r where we r today, i remember in d 90's a colleague saw a big stone inside his cocacola bottle and this bottle was not opened o, there's nothing we didnt say to this guy to press charges, he refused and started moving around wt this stupid coke bottle n his bag for weeks turning it into one rocket science and this is a learned Engineer o, few months after people started noticing ants and so in their cocacola bottles of course d wise ones sued cause @ that time cocacola had become so lazy, they pack bottles and fill without washing those bottles thoroughly forgetting that some Nigerians actually use their coke bottles as ash trays, some ppl spit phlegm in their beer bottles - go to bars, some keep them n 1 corner and cockroaches and ants feed on d sugar inside, up tl today i stl dont v confidence n coke as i'll prefer to see d content of what am gulping, tl then team fanta and sprite i am o
I am never eating at TFC again.I will not use my money to buy wat will kill me.
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What the freaking hell is this?!?JESUS soooo damn scaryyyyyyyyyyy!!!Im shocked!!!....Gosh!!!....*Super disgusted n scary face*
Now Linda u'r really pissing me off with that silly 'name witheld by me' ish!!!WTH is that?!?...Mscheeeeeeewwwwwww!!!So what are u contributing to?!?THE GOOD or BAD?!?....Sorry but REAL DUMB!!!
Babe give me ur matter to handle. Nothn less than 50M. Which one be say u no need d money? If u get am and u no need am, give me. I'll gladly help u hold it. Abi linda?
Only God can save us. Av experienced this not only in TFC but some other restaurants. Linda how dyu want us to be cautious when we don't know which is which?
Dont get it twisted the worm might be part of the recipeeeee
we've known u are a lawyer or law student Mr. Donoghue v stevenson. Stop faking dad's story.
you guys ar4e talking of a worm?
i saw a wall gecko (with an insect in it's mouth) in my meal when i went to an eatery in ABJ like 3 weeks ago.
the wall gecko had been fried to make it look like an onion or something.
i was soo bittered but hey, na naija we dey..even if you sued it would take a long time cos actions wouldn't be taken immediately
well, d manager offered me something but rejected cos i was soo angry and could think straight (i had bitten the tail of the wall gecko).. he has been calling me for over 2 weeks.
now i'm okay, i wouldnt go there ever again but i'm laughing it off wit ma gf.
poor naija customer service
Abi o! No be small dubai gan
Had same experience. Stooled till thy kingdom come. Couldn't feel my whole body
Mr Oga we know u are a Lawyer too...
Dietary plan?? Wit topper Salad!! Hahahahahahaha
That's a good one.
Wit pasta, eggs, mayo/salad cream??
& u wonder y ur still fat!
Not just restaurants! Be careful when buying snacks on the road side from those dirty boys! I bought chin chin and me, my hubby and my mom had the worse diarrea ever! It was terrible! Never again!
as a rule of thumb ,I don't eat salad at parties or outsidemy home as I can't ascertain the quality or cleanliness of the environment and conditions the sealed was made. Buying salad to eat is recipe for disaster.Anywhere I travel to,I only buy the local food and very popular ones too.For example in a country like Italy,I'll order any pasta meal or pizza.I hope the TFC matter is looked into by the authorities.
If this girl doesn't sue, she's most definitely a fool forever n ever. Amen.
it's sweet sensation
Sakara u haff killd me,,,staffs sneezin or throwin mucus on our porridge nd moinmoin(screaming)OMG dat what i luv eatin at TFC....am holdin my throat,I feel lyk throwin up YUCK........am no more eatin dere ..neva
this issue shouldnt be made fun of, am sure if its in other countries especially the developed ones, the company shld have been apologizing now for the fear of losing customers, we are soooo backward in some issues and that is the truth.
Health matters shldnt be taken lightly and joked ova. if am the person, i will tweet and facebook it till the company apologises, rubbish TFC!
Hahahahaha. This reminds me of when I did my NYSC in Lagos Camp. One day I went to eat at Mami market when I passed one woman who had a tent food place. She was outside chanting "com chop com chop" for customers to come eat at hers. Next thing I heard her say "Hot salad. Hot salad is ready". I looked and saw her washing cucumber and other vegetables inside very dirty yellowish water that she had already used in washing plates. I almost passed out!!! No be small HOT salad. Dis one na chop and die salad
Lmao. She don 4get say na lag she dey say tenancy law still dey effective.
TFC's new slogan should be : 'food that makes you go brahtakatapatatabrghhhhh in the toilet'
Had similar case with my cousins dt came back from d states, we ent to an eatry in Lekki and she ordered for Chinese, she had almost finished the food when she saw a big beetle like a cocroach. Omg! She threw up everythg in her tummy and was shouting crying for help.The person incharge in d eatry came and apologised meanwhile my cousin was already in d car crying and vowing never to eat out in Naija. A popular eatry in lekki known for making chinese.
The best hygienic food is dt u make at home.
See ds 1. U better ve ur facts b4 postin. 'Topper salad' is far better dan all ds naija's food wen it cums 2 diet.
Seriously??? Bcz of 450naira??? Wen better restaurant dey 2 chop??? C'mon!!!
Donoghue v Stevenson wasn't fanta...dumb dumb.it was ginger beer. And d substance wasn't unidentified. It was a snail.
So hw did u arrive @ ur donoghue v Stevenson conclusion he/she was talking?over sabi lawyer am sure u graduated wit a Pass.
I agree wit u. I one bought TFC toppers salad that tasted off, I called them to complain. Later that day, the manager of the branch n 2 other workers of theirs came to apologize and brought another salad. I felt that ws fair enough cos the normal naija peeps will just say a clumsy 'I'm sorry* when u complain
Ihuoma u will be de-barred for soliciting.ill report u to NBA.
Abeg this video was completely staged! why didn't the person show us any other proof and trust me if there was a worm that long in your salad you would have noticed it before you got to the bottom of the salad. Plus who finds a worm in their salad, records it for 90 seconds or thereabout and then puts music in the background. This is pur SLANDER!!! shaking my head and rolling my eyes abeg
As we continue to advocate for a better 9ja, I think it is unacceptable that private organisations as well as the government take us for granted. Not taking action poses more danger to the health of other 9jarians. We can't just assume that issue is a small one and should be taken lightly. Let's all work together for a better 9jaria.
Fascinating comments and write up. Yes we do find certain things in our food, even at home in some of our houses droppings of rat pooh in our rice and beans! A worm inside a TFC salad, this seems like one small incident that we seem to have blown out of portion. Its not as if they may not have paid attention to detail but incidents like this have happened in other eateries Mr Biggs, tantalizers, Drumstix, and even in McDonalds! There was incident where a man found dead ants in his McDonalds burrito in Canada! Am sure there's an endless list of stories and examples we can find. Eating worms is actually good for you, it reduces symptoms of inflammatory and sometimes incurable bowel disease. Rather than blow things out of proportion and hating on peoples families "pikin and dubai let's focus on the real issues here.
I read a story on Y! about two months ago. A customer found a dead rat in his dried mushrooms from TESCO, the company investigated, apologized and reimbursed him. I think we should give the TFC company some time to look into this matter and respond accordingly. We (Nigerians) are always a tad too quick to pull the trigger.
Sometimes the top management remains unaware of things like this because negligent staff are afraid their mistakes will be used against them. This is a call for an upgrade in the ALREADY EXISTING QUALITY CONTROL measures.
There's ALWAYS room for improvement, that's the lesson here.
I go still chop my charcolit chicken sha! #justsaying
omg! which branch of TFC is this? i buy chicken topper salad and charcoalit chicken every evening at the one in lekki (oando station)..i better watch out ..wtf!
TFC is a fantastic business, mistakes or not.Let us give dem the benefit of the doubt and not unnecessarily bad mouth a good thing that is proudly Nigerian. Remember the food space is getting rather overly competitive and this could just be a well orchestrated move by a rival company. Not every strategy manager in Nigeria understands the meaning of the words 'fair' and 'integrity' and some will outrightly employ tactics like this to position their companies ahead of a recognised Market leader.
Nawa oo, see bad belle prayer for some1 who dsnt want to make a fuss. Ok ooo
linda, this is more serious than you are treating it. please you need to help people. why is the person keeping quiet? has she/he informed TFC officially? why should the person not take legal action... there's something fishy
Linda, dis don show sayd person no sabi how to cook o.How dey go use earthworm garnish topper salad. It is not 2 late 4 dem to go cookery class o. If you sure say na TFC y you commot dem name for receipt and come put carrier bag. No let those who be satan agent use you. Abeg look for beta thing as we go still chop TFC well well. if you wan help 9ja's you go even put the outlet location. anyway thanks for letting us know say ota poju enemy
Yak! Terrible! but there are two sides to the coin. Have u guys thought of the slim chances of the living worm waiting beneath under the salad till the woman involved finishes eating before discovering? Dont we all discover these nasty stuff while still eating as against waiting till the end of the meal?
Yak! Terrible! but there are two sides to the coin... how many times do we have to eat to the bottom of the plate before discovering such terrible objects, Most times its during the meals, shey? haba cant this also be a set up?
LIB readers! this babe is out for something even tho she claims not. do u actually put a soundtrack on a camera recording done in a hurry and uploaded on you-tube, just to show your discontent at poor product/service??? she doesnt want to tell the eatery name but recorded the eateries nylon??? and above all linda dear you gave the product name, which is company specific... hhhhmmmnnn food for thot
If you are genuinely concerned for public safety, then you should have told us exactly the name of this eatery. All this name withheld nonsense that people practice in this country is just another way of encouraging ineptitude.
This is gross. If she planted it there, may God handle her, if not then smthng definitely has to be done about upgrading health and safety in Nigeria. If it were to be in the UK, she would be paid a huge amount from suing them and then UK would sue the company for breaching the duty of care regulation, amongst other laws that have been obviously and grossly breached. First it was robbery on Arik's airlines, now its an earthworm in a reputable eatery. What a shame on Naija.
However,Linda if u look closely at the first two pictures, the worm looked too clean to have been lying in that plate for over 10 mins (at least), the third pic, down, looks like the worm was moved around with the fork, probably from looking at the surprise package. That worm still looked fresh, and we all know that TFC keeps their salad in the cooler, dat worm didnt look like it had seen the cold compartment. It looked too fresh to be true. TFC might have done some dirty things (i've never witnessed any though) but this case has to be judged only by the direct witnesses, not pple who aren't sure, just concluding 'cos of past experiences.
My dear "Charge and bail lawyer", be careful with the things u say, next time get ur facts right before talking, u'll sound smarter that way.It was a rotten snail that was seen at the bottom of the ginger beer can. Read and pass!!!!
There was probably a lot more than the worm in the salad by way of things the eyes cannot see! Good news is that in NIgeria, our immune systems are super wired from all the shit we come in contact with daily.
@ Aduke 8:40 so ur brain still has not figured out the eatery involved....so you still don't know which pastry sells charcolit chicken and topper salad, keep asking useless questions eeehhnn
But how come she informed the delivery guy wen she had almost finished the salad? Was the guy sitting there to wAtch her eat? Or wasn't he meant to deliver, get paid& leave immediately?
This is serious. today na worm, tomorrow na caterpillar, next tomorrow na snake. Abeg lets nip this in the bud before one of our loved ones die from salmonella poisoning. Yep its very real.
linda na black mail be dis jor..TFC here i come!!!
hmmmmm......i feel sick already
i smell a rat! a typical naija wont keep quite after seeing this in a meal. come to tink of it, how come the warm here is short while the warm in the video is a long living one. hmmmmmmmmmm!
Watched the video from a forensic point of view and concluded that the worm was waaay too active for it not to have been noticed till the salad was almost all grubbed up! That worm would have been sighted right from the eatery!! A wanna be News Headliner at work. But if she ate the worm's siblings, no worries - worms have nutritional value... ask contestants on X Factor - lol
I once saw a beetle in the sauce of their pams rice: TFC oyinjolayemi
and i was planning to buy chacolit chicken n topper salad during my trip dis week to see my hubby? chei? chim oo
I found a worm in my chicken topper salad too! i still have the video on my phone till date!
I still have the video of the worm moving around my salad Linda, send me an address so i can send the video to you to help upload, people need to stop eating salads in these eateries!
worms live where? in the earth. Close to the greens they use to make the salad. So its highly likely its a case of not washing the greens well. Personally i dont eat salads outside. i just try to cook many things i eat.
ebonydiva_1@yahoo.co.uk, pls dont publish
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