Seven months after giving birth to a daughter, former Miss World and Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai has still not lost her baby weight, and her followers in India are not taking it easy with her. She's being lambasted by fans and the press in her country who think she should have lost the baby weight by now.
But the 38 year old mum has said she's in no hurry to lose the extra weight she gained during pregnancy, saying she wanted simply to 'enjoy motherhood.
Baby weight seven months after...does it matter?
Ermm but isn't this how her age mates and even younger look in Nigeria (Pre and post pregnancy period) ?
omg that cant be are she looks so weird......... i hope she loses weight o if she looks like that
NOOOO!!!!!!!! THAT CANT BE AISHWARYA RAI!! *weeping profusely*
damnnn she really added so much. she ad beter try to loose it please.
btw, child bearing can disfigure some women and make others look hot.
Why do people like taking panadol for anoda man's headache. It's her body n her husband has nt complained to anybody abt it. So why crucify her? Plz let her njoy her baby phat oh! Bt Asha u fat oh, lol reminds me of Nobbit.
Linda she is a celebrity it really matters to them, all the same na war beyonce lost weight after three months and they said she was neva pregnant at all and naw this madam them still day complain on top which one person go do abeg, people sha
Aww poor Abhishek
awww!cud diz be just baby weight???...i op she trims dwn....!
Abeg make them leave the chick. It is so much work to be thin! Jeez. I am sure eventually she will lose the weight but let her enjoy before she starts to starve again. I had 3 kids in 3 years and it took me 6 months to lose 30 pounds and I have kept on the extra 25 pounds of and on for 4 years. She still looks fab please. There is too much pressure on women to be thin. I especially hate to hear it from people who have never struggled with weight all their lives.
Love me some Ash but she's got to loose some weight fast! Not saying she has to be the same as her pre baby weight but common..
D price of motherhood.But she luks like a toad nw.
My son was older than 1 year (letz make dat a year and half) b4 I lost mine. Abeg, pple shld leave her joo. Na dem body?? Wen she's ready, she'd do something about it.
I feel their pain....what's worse, I feel her hubbys pain....this one don pass be kiafu!
Why is there so much pressure to lose weight? Let her just enjoy having a baby!!!!
chai na wa,me when never born i de like her.*covers face in shame*
chai na wa,me when never born i de like her.*covers face in shame*
Wow! Seeing this makes me wonder... Beyonce....
dont mind them o ...,concentrate on being a mum... Wats d problem wit pple sef d poor lady shld be left alone ..... Nt everybody wants 2 abandon a newly born baby to be goin 2 d gyn 24/7 when there is a baby to be breast fed.....
to the question you asked at the end...easy answer - no!
Obviously, I prefer her old self but good for her. Let her take care of the kid instead of unnecessarily hurrying to reduce and neglecting the child
I also understand why they're pressuring her. HABA! 5 months fa! She's not just anybody. She's basically an actress and model worldwide
Wow!!! Pls, haba, lose the weight I beg! The difference is clear!!!
Omg people need to get a life this women just had a baby let her enjoy been a mum
Now you see why when a man wants to marry, he should look beyond outward beauty. Maybe she's just lazy, maybe her health is on the line, maybe like she said, she's just 'enjoying' motherhood. Gotta say I shuddered at the after pics sha o. Odikwa risky! But even in the dry well, It izzzz well!!
Apparently, Aishwarya Rai's only redeeming quality in this life is her incredible beauty, is it?So, there is nothing else in this life she should do aside from looking pretty for the world to feast its eyes on her? And now...gasp...shudder...oh horrors...she dared to...gulp ( I can hardly say it) put on (dirty word coming up) weight after childbirth? That is her great sin?! What nonsense!!!! So what if she put on weight? How does her gaining or losing it affect anybody's life but hers?
When men grow old and lose their hair and get pot bellies no one bothers them but God forbid a woman has a little pouch after having a baby, eh??
I'm not saying she shouldnt try and lose weight but it should not be under compulsion!
U r a fool. Linda, I am worried about some of the people who comment on ur blog. Some have asses for brains. Case in point, ds one.
@Prietess, fat is unhealthy, her husband dosent have to complain before she does something. The contrast is shocking. She needs to loose that weight for her own life otherwise she won't even be alive to raise that child. Na wah oh!!! Am in shock
My oh my!she looks like a cow or do I say expired kinda.she shud shed some weight abeg.prefer her former look.
Make una leave the woman jare like say e easy to lose weight...At the end of the day when she is ready she will lose it.
After all she is a CELEBRITY meaning when she makes up her mind she can go do lipo and get back her healthy eating habits.....
Am not saying it's healthy to stay that way, but dammmm let the woman breathe jare....
do u know what it is to stay a particular weight to impress the world and fans(model and actress)....this is her break to enjoy life the best way she can....
The real mom's here that lost the weight will tell you how long it took, no look celebs they can do it when they can and lose the weight faster than the average person.....
to all the heartless people condemning this woman, have you thought of the fact that she may have had serious infertility issues to deal wihth before she had this baby? she had the baby over four years after she got married you know!
When you go through the infertility hitch as a woman, you are put on all sorts of fertility medications and hormone therapy to help you conceive and some of these drugs mess with your hormonal balance leading to unusual weight gain. I have been through it and can tell you that i blew up beyond imagination and i still havenot lost it all!
i believe she doesnot want to meddle with the rubbish drugs and surgeries the likes of victoria beckham meddle with as it may harm her chances of having a baby again even though it would help her lose weight.
if you really believe every married woman who is big is lazy, then you need to get your head re-examined. may you never go through infertility. it may interest you to know that her husband may be the only man who saw her beauty within and not just the miss world status.
Lmao, u are funny,imagine when u born, dnt mind me just joking.
fatty bum bum
@twinkful r u 4 real?hw can u say she looks like a cow. Yr brain is undr yr feet 4 sure......i wonder wat u look like
It is not easy giving birth so I ain't gonna be making no comments.
Itz her choice to accommodate the weight, but I'm guessing seven months is quite some time.
Hepzibah u r one unintelligent fool.What's makes u think he married her just bcoz of her beauty?Well,thnk God she is pretty.I wndr wat u wld luk like after havng a baby.
@Janded...3 kids in 3YEARS??! Wow! U and ur Husband must have been very busy!! Couldn't keep ur hands off each other eh? Or do family planning?? Na wa o!
Abiiii? Even me no understand the fuss.
Bless you. And may you stay anonymous.
All u saying tat fat is dis,fat is tat how sure are u tat u will live tat long? Wannabes. How many of u is a size 6 u jst hide open ur loud mouths and talk anyhow
@Anon 10:21pm May 16th
You're STUPID O! So now you're feeling like one Hormone Therapist or what?
You think they are like Africans that have children as if they're paying them for it. Doesn't it occur to you that she may have decided to postpone child bearing for her career?
I Too Know. Please don't be silly. MTSCHEW
U are d bigger Fool! Haba! Wat has he said to warrant you calling him a fool? All dis rude and uncouth ppl that come online to show dia ill manners..Hian!
People need to shut up, it's too much pressure put on celebrities. She will lose it when she's ready. Let her enjoy herself.
Her husband is not complaining.
omgoodness, she got really big. she looks so diff
I'm sure its not gonna b so hard wen she's ready! She should focus on motherhood! She mustv waited for wat seemed like eternity for dt child......so Linda I don't think it matters! But d transformatn is bloody sha! Lol
when your husband now cheats you will be asking why. kmt .dpmo
Shut up! It's not easy. She must be having some problems in her marriage and too much is expected of her.
Some models (no Linda) eat like mad as ex-models and tell the media that they can now eat.
As a Bollywood actress, Aishwarya still has the best eyes in the world. I love her eyes.
When some women are pregnant, they can hardly eat but later become fat cows... Ha ha ha!
The difference is clear sha,she should just try and loose some weight o,before it becomes too had for her.
You are one of the few sensible ones on this blog. God bless your intelligence.
ONOME says.......
Lose weight don't lose weight,which will it be?hmmmmm
Take care of your baby first priority,shed the weight second priority.U get my drift?
Haaaaaaaa,7mths after hvn a baby n she is lyk dis? Mo se ope temi,lost half d baby fat aldry in just 6wks after delivery n I hvnt even started working on it. She no try oh,celeb or nt we shld hve mercy on our men n hlp dem stay faithful 2 us......yau na gan jaraba
Hmmmm.. You can imagine what women go through.. I've thought so too. It could be the fertility drugs and all that.
Du u knw since wen she felt fat. It must ve bin long. Bin on diets etc etc now she has excuse tu indulge all those burger and chicken. Lol. Tho she overindulged. Lol. Buh all her life she has bin thin maintaining some horrific diets u cant blame her tho. Buh she might b suffering post natal depression. Might also b afarid of going back tu does diet. Wish her d best. If her hubby is nat complaining who cares. Lol. If its mi mine own hubby wud ve a heart attack. Lol
Well I guess if you compare her to Beyonce who lost her baby weight (if at all she had any baby weight to begin with)one week after child birth, she seems to be taking it slow with the weight loss but then again at 38, it gets harder not easier to shed the excess weight. She knows what she is doing and wants to take out time to be with her family b4 returning to the limelight.... I am sure she won't disappoint her fans in the long run so please left her alone...
Love her response. She will lose it in her own time.
She can get as fat as Indian elephant, for all I care. I have never watched an Indian movie. I hate Indian food and I have Bollywood movie. Indians and Pakistanis are the most deceptive, fraudulent and most dishonest fcukers, ever. Do not do business with them. Wetin concern Nigerians with Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai? Smh
Must everybody be Beyonce or all the Victoria Secret module? She will loose the weight gradually at her own time.
Human being can never ever be satisfied. If she's too thin (size zero) you'll start screaming again.
Let her enjoy motherhood as it should properly be.
I beg leave her be.... my baby weight dropped off over the course of a year without diet or exercise. I admire her for focusing on her child now rather than herself, typical Hollywood types are so vain and self centered!
It is totally heartless to put so much pressure on women who have had kids! Jeez...they don't need you to tell them! They know they need to loose some weight, they want to too, so they dont need your extra running away from my own problems pressure!
Now you can fully respect women who have had not just one but 4 kids like Omosexy and understand how hard it can be for her! Especially in Naija without all the available help of Hollywood. * now bowing* our very own beyonce+ ......OMOTOLA we hail thee and your types Jare.
If she doesnt want to loose the weight so what? Its up to her, by the way she should not feel under pressure! Stupid fans, what do they know about pregnancy and birth...it is not easy to get the weight off after pregnancy! Women like vicotria beckham give the impression that its that easy, after having a baby yesterday they automatically loose the weight the following day....rubbish...she is not eating that is the fact! I dont like her physique she is grossely underweight and has put herself at high reisk of developing osteoporosis! KMT!
kai. she is still too big.wat do people mean by enjoy motherhood by been fat. get serious.i have 3kids and the first 2 were like 1yr plus apart. i lost most of it b4 d 2nd one then still had to work out after d 2nd baby.its not easy but its impt.how can such a beauty queen let herself go like dt. if she was a regular chic like me no one will talk.many men who dont complain will go nd get slimmer chics outside.dts not even it for me.i want to look in d mirror and look sweet for myself like i use to be. not as if fat people are not sweet but for health reasons.just start gradually.most times its laziness.start skipping, use tummy trimmer etc. women keep bn hot even after d kids.have never bn really slim bt a normal size 12and looking hot.fatty fatty every where its not ok.abegggi. if i was a guy.after 3months i will follow my wife to d gym.w ll do it together.
See guys "When There Was No Money"... lol. God is great
lolzzzz.............i just knew beyounce's name will keep pooping up
oh no! she looks not so good.
Oh wow Ash didn't know she put on weight. Well she will be in Festival de Cannes so I guess we'll know then what she really looks like!
She is 38 years old people, older women find it more difficult to lose baby weight if they had their first child past 30yrs old. She is human first before a celebrity. Most of you on here are not mothers, have your own first before making comments and please do not compare her to a musician who sings and dances for a living. Some women's body's never go back to the former once they have given birth, that's a true fact. Allow her to enjoy being a mother and take the effing camera's off her face. She has a lovely husband who isnt complaining so ladies and gentlemen on this blog, back off my Miss World.
And ur point is...?
Its really not our business to be honest. But my own two cents is not to dwell on it and put unnecessary pressure on her. For a woman to let herself go like this, I can bet my salary that she is having issues of some sort. ie. in her marriage or even post partum depression..We women have a lot to deal with. Guys, have a heart and let her be!
It just goes to show how deeply disrespected women are.
They are considered chattel, Prick Whetteners and masturbation fodder.
A married woman in her home, cant be a woman. She must be 21 forever. Their mama fine reach am?
Fucking lunatics. Lanre.
kai, u can state ur opinion without calling someone stupid. Do u have anger issues? #justwondering.
Obviously, a lot of people don't know jack about Aishwarya Rai.. No one thought she could ever get pregnant cos medically, it was impossible due to the stomach disorders she had/has. She's been on fertility drugs most of her life, especially since her first marriage collapsed due to childbirth issues... Just so you know, these drugs make you very fat. Before folks say stuffs about people, kindly google them. Life isn't what it looks like..
Yes she needs to lose the baby weight. She had just one baby? She will have another. Yes the baby weight needs to be lost. She isn't where she is because she was heavy. Lose the weight ASAP. She is not broke...she's got the resources. 7months is plenty.
Indians r just as shallow minded as Nigeriand
All you vain and selfish creatures abusing her are crazy. Do u know what she went through to give birth to the baby, do u know if she had complications like Preeclamosia, hbp or diabetes. More over if she is breastfeeding she will put on weight since that can make u more hungry. Instead of spending time with the baby u want her to spend time at the gym. Is it u or her that wakes up in the night to give the baby food. For the other moms abusing her, remember that all bodies are different and that you cannot knock a fellow woman. If it is after 2 years she is fat like that u can knock her BUT not only after 7months. Do u know if she had a CS. Please live her o jare, let her be happy. If u are married to a guy who leavs u or cheats on u bcos u addd weigt after childbirth that means u married a man that does not love you.Period.
Pple free her, why are you taking panadol for some one elses headache, she is happy the way she is , if u don't like it go and hug transformer.
Why are you all swallowing panadol for Aishwarya's headache. The person polishing the koko is not complaining.
I applaud her for not feeding into the pressure of people. Take your time, enjoy yourself and you are still pretty.
Haba! Left her alone ke?
God bless you....
You funny sha!!
Wђã†̥'s with †ђξ name-calling? That's too crass and totally uncalled for..she was only giving her opinion based on her personal experience ...
'Sides, these ® Indians we ® talking about, they count months/years for their married women as bad as Nigerians(I'm sure in ur mind u ® rating them as oyinbo...hehehe
@ Meg, Is easier said than done. Just to let you know that everybody's metabolism is different, some people can burn fat with the slightness of thinking too much(stress) or vice versal. Also the older you get i guess the more difficult it is to loose this weight.
You can loose your own baby fat within an amount of time, but everybody cannot be like you.
I've got high metabolism, meaning I can loose weight easily.I used to be stick thin, that my older sister even taunt me telling me to eat a lot of ice cream to put on weight, 10 years later, here I am strugling to loose the weight I use to loose with drinking detox tea & 100 push ups when I need to tone my tummy. And I haven't got any children yet.
So please stop judging any how.
"Make others luk Hot"???? ermmmm...Bloglord, please who r these "others" I really wud like to know
Fyna dan ur moda obviously.
Oh jst shut up,as 4 ur own brain,I knw u left it in ur moms womb.idiot
i appreciate her dedication to EVERY role she is playing in her life... when she was rulling the bollywood films... she was so particular about her 'heroine' looks... do not ignore the effort she must have had to maintain herself. Now after getting happily married to the man she loves and taking one more step ahead as a mother, she is dedicating her time to her baby and taking very good care of her... Instead of being an obsessed 'celebrity', she has taken up the role of a wonderful mom and has left everything else behind... Hat's off to you Ash.... you are a woman of substance.
Beyonce follow for the others
Why are u even comparing Nigerians yo such a racist!!! Shame on u...
I Respect you ma'am!!
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