Meagan told GlobalGrind in April:
I suffered through one too many tearful nights. Then shortly after that I became celibate. I said, 'Alright Lord, let's see what you have for me.Now Meagan has revealed to Life and Style that her wedding night will be her first time with DeVon
"Our wedding night will be the first time we're actually together. DeVon was willing to be celibate with me for a year. He loves God, more than I love God, so I don't think there's anything wrong with him."
Aunty Linda U̶̲̥̅̊ sure? With this kind man U̶̲̥̅̊ go gree? I respect her decision, good for her.
She hasn't slept with her to be husband but that doesn't mean she hasn't slept with someone before. As a man, I would want to marry a virgin and marry as a virgin. I'll keep my part of the bargain but if I discover my wife-to-be isn't one, I'll make sure to have sex with a prostitute behind her back before I first have sex with her. 50-50. God no go vex
Linda. I'm disappointed by your last sentence. What do you mean "consider"? Enough said
liiinnddaaaa...this your cuff
Yes she exposed her breast for all other men to commit. Preacher's wife dress modestly.
Yes, after she's been run through by more men than one can count.
Indeed...these Hollywood celebrities..in fact no comment..
Proud of u Meagan..vry thoughtful
Lwkmd ooo.U ths Linda hen,i dnt jst knw wt to do wit u.Very funny lady lol..
Good for u meagan it is good to wait if u can
Chai Linda what is the cough for?? U too like that thing.
Dumbass, dumfuck comment. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit(gtfohwtbs)
na so!!look at the way she is dressing...showing breast..and pastor fiancee would allow her...doesnt the Bible talk about dressing decently?
Who else remembers her from 'Cousin Skeeter'?
! Anon 10:44PM. Go and have sex with prostitute now; no be u go carry disease. And I am sure u go carry the disease because u sound doff! If you sex a prostitue behind ur wife's back how is that do me I do u? Olodo! Dumb-ass!
If that's her decision then I'll really commend her for that. In a socseity that celebrates immorality, and she decides to take this stride. Its for the good of them both.
And so what if she's not a virgin? Does that mean she should continue to swim in the same larva she's decided to stay away from and completely change for the better? You can never satisfy humans...stupid, selfish, careless and disrespectful of other people's personal decisions. Please let her be or die hating on what has nothing to do with you. If you like spread your legs for every Dawg that comes your way, you'll be the one to be tagged 'Dog' and treated as such. #nuffsaid
*sips Alomo*
I totally agree with her decision. I took the same decision and i am now married to the most amazing guy ever. Trust me, when you make such covenants with God, He delivers big time.
ONOME says.......
Abegi shift well joor:)One u have been disvirgined and the hymen broken,u are no longer a virgin.Whether u had sex with just one man 10 yrs before u married or 20 men,the hymen has been breached
No be beans o! I am a 27 female and have NEVER had sex before! Waiting until my wedding night!
Linda dis ur cough need Nico o abi na ata gigun anyway I commend her its not easy am celibate too o for six hours now untill my other celibate half comes back from call duty.lol
every saint has a past and every sinner has a future... i respect her decision regardless of what her past life is.. life isn't about being 100% holy, it is about realizing your shortcomings, and trying to live a more righteous life. as for you dude 10:44 that said you want to marry a virgin,are you a virgin?? the same way you feel megan has slept with other men is the same way some other women will be turned off by the fact that you've slept with a certain number of women too.. quit the double standard shit.. u want 2 marry a virgin yet u arent one... give the girl a break abeggg
Her preacher fiance is standing next to her dressed like that with her flat breast exposed. Issorai by their fruits u shall no dem. hiss
anon 10:44...you a dumbass Virgins could be evil too..if you don't know!!!
Ode oshi, it's your type dat marries asewo for house when u r trying to look for goodie two shoes by all means. Arindin oshi
AUNTY linda, the way they cough, make u go hospital. shaa i like you becos u are plain and natural, looking forward to meet you on June 6 at the Court. u re a decent personality. will really like to know you better becos i wanna m**** u.
kiaH 1989
lmao...no dulling jare.
the man is gay
Linda i love youe interview on bella naija..... Love you even more.
Linnnnnndddddaaaaa i love your bella naija interview GGMYB baby
pastor is on a long tin
Wow! The depth of your folly is mind-blowing! Such stupidity!
Typical haters! Always ready to look for faults in people just to feel good about your own horrible lives. How will you call her flat chested like say anybody in your family fine reach am. Preacher's wife or not, she made a good decision & is a good role model for us. Go meagan
Nice! But all dis plenty sexiness! Hian!
Linda u cough abi? Gud tin, weLl I tried it once4 2yrs twasnt easy, met a guy dat changed ma idea and I feel like a fool, if she is true to her word I really commend her, its easier2be a virgin n hold on than to have tasted the forbidden fruit n stop. Its an addiction no matter ow often u do it ***cos I knw somepple wuld say they aren't sexfreak*** I am tryin again buh it has jux been 5months let's see ow far I go this time. I really celebrate her n may her dreams come thru.
Been celibate for 8 years and still waiting by God's grace
lol@Linda. You are so silly. Yeah, i believe every woman should consider it, not only that, they should do it. It's worth it.
Meagan Good need to cover up her boobs, not only is she tempting her man, she's tempting a lot of men out there.
A man who is celibate is NOT gay, he's the real man bcos he sees more than just sex. That's commendable.
Linda, when are you getting married? I'm waiting. Can I please be one of your bridesmaids?
Good decision. I'll be 29 this year and haven't had intercourse too. Will be getting married this year *cant wait*
Am 26 waitin till my wedding nyt too.yayyy!
D preacher isnt complaining abt the sex part BUT See How d preachers wife dress very sexy, if it was in NAiJA it ll neva happen dey ll say she's evil. @ anony 10.44: U re biggest mumu of all time, In ds HIV era ,U wanna slep wt prostitute.Msheew..
its obvious now that your (Linda's)values are so compromised. it is no longer about what God wants and obeying Him. it is now all about pleasing your numerous worldly fans AND THEIR UNENDING LUST FOR WORLDLY NEWS. BUT GODS STANDARD WILL NEVER CHANGE AND THERE ARE MANY WHO STILL BELIEVE AND LIVE BY THOSE STANDARDS. REMEMBER THE SAYING IN THE BIBLE ABOUT THE EASY (broad way) WAY AND THE HARD WAY (narrow way)- MATTHEW 7:13
Oga ur brain is on reverse, walahi
I applaud megan cumn frm sum1 in d biz where chasity is often times a figmnt of ones imaginatn! God Bless u! I was once in her shoes and had2 ask God2 tke control nw am married2 d most wonderful God fearn guy! I regret al d sampling I did So wasn't worth it! Tnk God 4 Gods grace I was a silly little gal! Linda pls stop encouragn rodon rodon oh! U shlaa b judged by EVERY word spoken/written!
*MILO CLAP* for her......ode oshi
i been celibate since october 1997 (15 yrs) so i don't know what she is bragging about - and am in my early 30s now. I made my pact with God- no sex until my wedding night. Anyone who judges me for my decision, i don't care what you think. To each his own.
but of course bonified HOS will never understand where am coming from. To them am an alien or its impossible. A friend told me am not even human. I said thank you and God bless you.
@Anon 11.28pm, I sorry for you. That thing go don grow teeth by now o!
So she slept with a ship-load of other men but chose to starve her husband-to-be? Maybe the guy na mugu. Nonesense and ingredience!
Is this some kind of press statement, tis btw God, u and ur man mssssheeew y the announcement?, there no biggie there are still virgins at 30..
Yeah! I do. I just loved that programme.Though he was a puppet, i thought skeeter was cute and adorable.
Lmao.......Hahahaha come Linda where u dey see all this kolo commenters I know need African kings of comedy show o once I come LIB I must laugh tire....lol
good for her.
This news is stale though! She has said she was keeping her self for marriage for over a year now and got engaged months ago. It is sad that a lot of people always see the worst in anything they read.m talking about her dressing? Why is it that that is the only thing you could see? Her husband-to-be isn't complaining and haven't you heard that it isn't what goes into a man/what is outside/external that defiles a man, but what comes out of the man. Jesus said that!
Everyone is under construction. Everyone is in a process. It takes consistent renewal of your mind to overcome certain things. You might not like it, but am sure, God doesn't condemn her becos of her dressing! So who are you??
I admire her, I did the same, and a few yrs into marriage now, and the LOVE is sweeter than ever before, even the sex in the bed room. There is something about keeping the foundation right, with God and the Holy Spirit at the center.
Lmfao! Kai! U sound like a 14yr old, and for your own sake I hope you are. Oya go and give mummy back her phone and go to bed you hear.
Wow! I tot linda screens comments in ds blog? Ds comment is too stoooopid 2 b posted. Its actaully a health risk 2 ur readers! Lol!
U ar too right on that one.
Too much information!!!!
Who cares, this is between her and her fiancée. How is this news? There's an element of "oh look at me, I'm wearing my halo" Why peeps reveal so intimate details in interviews, puzzles me. Attention seeking its called.
Rubbish..who is decieving who? Like she hasn't been sleeping with other men. Abegi!!
i will never wait till marriage when it cmes to nigerian women ,after sleeping with all the aristo in abuja, lagos ,ph, owerri etc plus all the numerous chewing gum boyfriends and fuck friends they now expect i will be the mugu to wait till wedding night, even if she claims to be a virgin i must confirm.
the man must be a mugu , unless she is a virgin if shaa. its very stupid for a man to foolishly wait when the girl must have run through a thousand smelly pricks and nuerous abortions then expect you the mugu to wait , thats if she still have her womb intact sef, na only God go save naija men.
Ode. The dumbest comment ever on LIB. Leave her then if u find out she ain't a virgin.
Why are you disappointed*confused face*
A whole 6hours? That one is too long o. My own celibacy ends immediately my other half comes in thru that door from the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her
Keep waiting! Hope the man will be worth the wait sha.
Why are you disappointed*confused face*
Ode. The dumbest comment ever on LIB. Leave her then if u find out she ain't a virgin.
I can't believe everyone is falling for this (even linda), what do you expect her to say that her preacher to-be husband has been having some there and then before marriage or that they had some sweet sex last night. abegi! Mr Preacher is having it on regular basis. waiting still marriage my ass, tell that to the birds.
ANON 10.44
Linda I respect her decision. No need for you doing your silly coughs..Mshewwww
Looool!! Jumping the broom!! V u seen dat movie?? Dts what shez copying. She was evn in d movie
I have hope for myself cos am doing samethin and it hasnt been easy.This is encouraging.
To be honest, every woman secretly or openly would love a man who is disciplined enough to wait for her and be celibate with her.I commend her and desire a man who would genuinely stay celibate with me till we get married and I'm sure there are a few guys out there like that.Don't say its impossible. it may be hard but not impossible.Good one Megan. Young girls need to hear more of this.
Your stupidity knows no bounds. What a dumb comment.
Linda i think it is wrong for you to cough when talking about something as serious as celibacy. Lots of young people read your blog and when u make things like celibacy seem uncool or impossible you pass the wrong message. When you are passing a good message that you don't practice please do not make mockery of it. And just so you all know if you are not a virgin and meet with God repent of your ways in his eyes you are a virgin again."Old things pass away and all things become new". Linda you are very successful now, there are lots of good messages you can pass subtly using your blog. Please consider doing this, when you grow old and look back, you will be glad you did. God bless you, and keep up the good work x
@ Anon 11:14, Thank u very much, God bless u. I really luv ur comment. Meagan has made her decisn, all d insults from haterz wont change a tin. In a world filled with immorality, at least sum1 is tryn 2 act moral.@Anon 10:44, ur reasonin is D U M B! 50-50 in hell.
I'm 29 n never hd sex b4 too.Beat that.Haha.
And her decision for celibacy is news because?
I admire and respect her decision. These women live in a society where 'casual sex' is the norm and even more so in the Hollywood circle. So it must take a lot of strength for her to be celibate and even more so for her husband since she is HOT :) I really think we as women have to move away from trying keep, snare or entrap men through sex. We are more than just playthings for men to use and dump! I salute her and wish them all the very best!!!
LOL !!! This is the first time I am commenting. Linda Ikeji, you are a bad girl. Lol
i know LIB readers will start saying carnal tins against this buh frankly i wish unmarried ladies too can try being celibate, trust me you will notice changes in ur life, men and God......sex is not IT dont let men fool u or ur body!
Yeah right,celibate noni,after years of shagging, and to the preacher guy, WHAT THE FUCK?,i mean i saw her fake teats in californication, biker boyz, and many more.....jeez>>>>>>
i will wait for megan, knowing ama be hitting that the rest of my life
Deciding not have sex b4 marriage dsnt mean u have to be a virgin 4 fuck sake. That's to those saying she's slept around. Yes she has and she's learnt 4rm her mistakes so we should be commending her for wanting to do this. Being celibate is not easy for "virgins" not to talk of people who have been sexually active. I put virgins in quote cos these days, virgins aren't really virgins. These supposed virgins give head to men, engage in oral sex but leave out penetration. Is that virginity? And u hear them say "I'm a virgin".what's d point of that?? Isn't it hypocrisy?? These days, virginity means nothing. U can't have oral sex,and claim u r a virgin jst cos d guy didn't penetrate
D questn z ow many more ppl wil u open ur legs 4b4 u say'I DO'...???????.Even in our present day society,she cld still mk such decision!!abeg she deserves 2b applauded..pls haters quit hatin cos it aint easy,if it is try it!!!!
now it is news dat someone is celibate...but my question for all my fellow believers, muslim or christian is that, in all our holy books isnt this how it was supposed to b in the first place??
forget about being judgmental here, but i do not think we humans realise the level at which we are trying to invoke God's wrath, even pple that are suposd to b role models do not seem to know better. Well happy for megan, atleast we still have some pple that are able to read and understand the holy book. religion shud never be at the tip of the mouth, but from the depth of the soul. clearly we now live in a world where we chose to give in to personal desires over God's command, but mama always said the earth was a fool's lover, we fool ourselves into thinkin we'll be here forever and nt have to answer to our actions, hm! we don jam! May Gd help us all. also I see she takes her surname literally, hehe!
wow! i must really commend her guy for his undestanding.i am also practicing d same thing and believe me when i say its very difficult to get an understanding man. d moment dey find out u are not droping dey disappear like dat was wat it was all about in d 1st place. just believing God for the one dat wld be wit me without sex. cos dats wat i truly want
I agree with you. Good decision. But if sex in marriage is still based on purely physical needs, it is of a low vibrational quality and she'll still feel the past frustration. Fulfilling sex can only be achieved when both people are in sync physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Perhaps the article "Spiritual Sex" on www.awakeprograms.blogspot.com will clarify this.
sleeping with other men doesnt mean you cant turn a new leaf. I and my husband never had sex before marriage and it even happened 3days after our wedding, from thursday my traditional marriage to saturday my church wedding till tuesday. we became to friendly that sex wasnt part of what we had.
I do.. And iv sooo loved her since then,but she can show boobies ehnnn..
See ode mumum wey dey wait for virgin, you go wait tire. Immature prick
Cheii,I'm 21 and same.. Not beans..at allll
I do.. And iv sooo loved her since then,but she can show boobies ehnnn..
some people are bitter @ her decision coz not only have they lost their virginity, they have lost their pride and dignity!!! pls allow the lady! if u want to keep living in sin and prostitution, cheers!!!!
Pass the mic jor! U think say na everygirl get time to read manual on wedding night? Stoneage fool.
The man dey make big miskate o... It's always good for you to 'know' yourselves before the lockdown o.. Some guys thing dey tiny and some girls thing dey gii unpleasant smell... Make u try am first see if you go fit stand am otherwise u will be sitting on a looooong thing..
luuuuuuuvvvv Meagan good lik madddd . sexi lips esp in think lik a man . but i jus wanna ask ehhh biko u don peep d tin make e stand u get , so u no go mari Impo guy oh . i respect dat sex b4 marriage but we must smooch nd i hav 2 no dat sumtins dnt sleep . hiaaa so my bride price no go b 4 notin . lollls
Pastor see her breast oooo, How on earth do you restrict urself.
Im a lady but when i'm in a relationship, though I want to wait i cant, i always want to know what it feels like with him. God help me but i'm also celibate now, its a hard process trust me, soooooo freakn hard
Thank u and she had better pray dat paster dick no go be like the size of my last finger( my last finger dey long sef)
Yeye de smell..see those breats..a dead giveaway..must get dizzy going around the block again and again...after fucking herself silly with that Football player now forming all goody 2 shoes..would have respected her more if she had kept quiet!!..@str8frmdahips..
lol women will never cease to amaze me. they find a good guy then they wanna use him as mugu. can u pls put a picture of her ex-boyfriend "Thomas Jones" d NFL player..very rugged thuggish looking dude. so after he has put serious miles on d P...d goodnatured, mild church boy now has to wait??? na wa oooo.
It dosen't matter again as far as she is no longer a Virgin.
thou shall not judge...good girl
Dis idiot can't even uderstand something simple.. Dumb comment
Thou art a fool! If thou trieth to marry a woman,I hope by God that she cuts off your ballz and leave u! Virgin lover oshi!!! Better open your mind..this is the 21st century.people have advanced!I sorry for u!
See as efrybody ignore u
ONE said: abeg make una park well joor. how can people be so hateful and judgemental? Gosh! she never claimed to be a virgin. she made a personal decision to remain celibate until after marriage and you most people have the to nerves to castigate her for it. if you are a lady and you condemned her decision, u need to have your heads checked. Haba! what is wrong with the lot of you? as for the ladies that spoke negatively about her, keep spreading your legs for every tom,dick and harry that comes your way...that won't make him put a ring on it. A word is enough for the wise.
Enuff gbari!
See as efrybody ignore u
If you have a problem with her decision,please write it nicely on a piece of paper, put it in an envelop, seal it, fold it up, and shove it up your ass.
Thanks Anon 2:20pm...
Some ladies are just too fake for my liking jare....as they say experience is the best teacher as Meagan SAID "I had one too many hurtful nights"...that's enuff to become celibate till u meet who is worth it...
If u don't like it...do u and leave the babe and PK pickin alone
im so happy 4 her...for obeyin Gods word..hell definitely bless their union in Jesus name
Madam park far joor. Who is putting her down abegi good for her. I wish her HML!
This one wey don yamma finish..dey keep wetin??
GBAM! U̶̲̥̅̊ no d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ fornicate bt U̶̲̥̅̊ open boobi for the whole world to see.smh
lol. y are some comments so bitter? dat u have decided not to exercise discipline over urself is so reason to castigate anoda who does. Am 32 and still a virgin and I really praise Megan for her decision. It is difficult enuf for those of us who have no idea wat sex is like. How much more someone who has been there? Big ups to all the primary and secondary virgins in d house!lol
Linda don't upload comments like this! You have to screen better. This is not funny.
LMAO!!!! :D
Good for her. It really is commendable. But please, am I the only one that read that her husband-to-be was 'willing to be celibate' with her? So does that mean if she wasn't celibate, he'd have slept with her? Thought men of God preached against sex before marriage? I would think he would have no say in the matter whatsoever. I'm just curious. Didn't want to comment so waited for over a 100 people to comment to see if I was the only one that interpreted the quote that way... Guess maybe I was. *smile* wish her a happy married life! It's a difficult but wise decision
Happy marriage life, it's good for more people to see what SEX is all about.
She's going ahead in life. She just said no Sex, guys, please don't hate pls.
Lol.ya i must say,i lov ha desicion bt ple shuld nt always critisize oda ple's decision naa.i am a repentant ashawo n i hv made dat decision.n hv celibate 4 8yrs nw n i feel it deep down in me dat my past days hv bein 4givn."u stil hv a chance".n stop being bitter.
the first anonymous is really daft, why would u say u will go nd hv sex behind her back, r pple not allowed to hv a past. im sure d fact u r a virgin is cos of lack of opportunity. pppftttt
e don do..... afterall she neva claimed to b a virgin just celibate
Yeah yeah yeah, and have you all read how Megan posed as stripper at her Hen do? Pole dancing the whole shebang! Double standards or what? Not impressed.
she shouldn't expose herself like that and be making such demands
Loving her decision
Looks like someone took the move "think like a man, act like a woman" a little bit too serious...hmmmmm
hmmm...it is possible sha bt i dont bliv that they have never done it...cmon look at the way shes exposing her breasts for him to see.
It wld encourage odas
I tot same too n went to google. He has been celibate for ova 10yrs, longer than her.
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