The students took their protest beyond the school gates and mounted roadblocks around the UI/Ojoo road, causing serious traffic. All efforts to pacify the students failed, as they promised to continue protesting until their demands are met.
Following the two day protest, the University authority has shut down the institution for two weeks with immediate effect. Their reason for closing down the school? To abort the indefinite protest by students and to give them time to fix some of the problems the student complained about.
Thats my proud alma mater 1998 - 2002 . The authorities better sort it out oooo. I have fond memories from that school
Great Queenites.
Linda is true ooo,my schl is going gaga ryt nw.cherryberry
Nice. Bt they will lose oo.
luk at yhu ppl o.u r lucky bt u dnt knw.in ma skul,electricity in ma skul could off 4a monthwat r we 2do?
When a leader can not bend down,listen to his followers and at least share in their pains. What do you expect from the followers in a community of Intellectuals like the University of Ibadan? More especially,when the predicaments of the students are caused by the ineptitude or better described,the INSENSITIVITY and INDIFFERENCE of the management. Most especially,if the leader cannot placate, with soft words,the aggrieved students…. This problem has been there for a very long time. We need a final solution NOW. While there is light in staff quarters,there is no light in the students’ halls of residence. It makes me wonder if the school was made to make staffs live luxurious life with new cars at their disposal at the detriment of the students’ comfortability. We really need to address this issue of misplaced priority by the management. New halls of residence for students or new halls of events? We lost an innocent life last year because of insufficient accommodation. This is a problem that can and would have been solved a long time ago if not for the insensitivity of the ‘powers that be’. Who knows how many more innocent lives are in the danger of being wasted… Though,uneasy lies the head that wears the crown,yet the head should bear first,the pains of the body…This present management has failed us!. God please,grant the ‘powers that be’ the humility to consider the students in their future actions and In-actions. Please,save Nigeria from Nigerians.
I kip wonderin y nigerian leaders think dialogue is d most diff option. D skul authority shud av dialogued or beta still apologized 2dm b4 d protest. So its nw lyk if dey dint go on d strts wif placades d skul authorities wud av jst kept quiet abt it, Lord av mercy!
Linda u go fear protest 4rm here ooo,dis one pass occupy 9ja,na occupy U.I b dis...d most interesting part was dt d police outside d gate 2 mak sure dt its peaceful were even chanting songs with us....come 2 tink of it d v.c is in china abi japan ooo...smh 4 education sector in d coming years
Linda oooo,our v.c is a big thief... He says he spends 20million naira on fuel monthly,yet no light. He is hardly ever around,all he does is travel round the world with our cash. He does not even listen to our cries,he feels he is bigger than us. There has been no significant development since he came in as d v.c,all what we are enjoying today are the legacies Bamiro left behind.
Linda it is terrible that even pple living outside school has light and water more than we that are living inside the school hostels. Yet, that stupid short fool that calls himself our VC says he spent 20million every month on light for student and the worse thing is that he doesnt even know how to address we the student. You can imagine our VC by the name Adewole said if the student cant manage two hours light a day we should pack and go back to our parents house, and his own children have no brain for books,ℓ☺ℓ, if no be God and their useless papa push them finish school. We the student of UI really miss BAMIRO cos he was a father during his regime,wherever he is(Bamiro) may God continue to protect and uplift him. Amen
Since the inception of the new administration - VC, things have not been the same, light and water-wise. A research institution needs light for research, b4 him, it was possible for the library to have power 24 hours because the line has been prioritised, but now buh. And to compound the case, he doesn't think students are intelligent enough to be dialogued with.
He really needs to get a grip on his administration, else posterity will judge him. His predecessor did very well....
Will keep prayin 4 Nigeria Believing that there is still hope 4 our nation, everything I believe is subject to change.
Lmao re u crious*surprised* he sed dat? D man must be foolish ooo.
Na dem one change nigeria abi? Stupid children! Programme wey don long already na I'm una take hand won fool una sef. Mtscheeew! As if for una papa house wey una dey go light bin dey.
Nigerian universities are just a bloody waste of time. How can you deprive students of basic amenities. And the next thing you know, those bloody ASUU guys will be going on strike for more money when they can't even be fair to the students. How can we ever expect university students to be dignified when they are constantly pressured into reacting like animals?_
I need to meet the last anonymous guy who put that up...I was in ui during bamiro's regime nd I can tell u dat he was just d best vc ui has ever had cos he knew d needs of the school nd he met them unlike the stupid short fool dat calls himself adewole d vc who only knows aw to travel around d world, today south Africa tmrw Japan only God knows if na tourism he come do as a vc and am very sure u must be his son cos u are also daft like him.thank u
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