The infant (pictured above) was found alive and well though extremely cold after laying in the morgue's freezer for 12 hours |
A 'stillborn' baby was found alive in a draw in a hospital morgue by her distressed mother 12 hours after the girl was declared dead. Analia Bouter was 26 weeks pregnant when she gave birth to her fifth child prematurely at a hospital in Resistencia, in Argentina's northern Chaco province. But after medical staff told her that the infant was born with no vital signs her distraught parents went home with a death certificate.
welve hours later Analia and her husband decided to go to see their baby's body, which was being kept in a refrigerated drawer at the Perrando hospital morgue.
Mrs Bouter told Argentina's Clarin newspaper:
‘That night, we went to the morque. We wanted to take a photo of our daughter. But when a worker opened the drawer we heard a cry and she was alive.’
The mum, AnalĂa Bouter |
She said she ‘stepped back and fell to my knees’ after she ‘saw her stretching,' the mother added.
‘My baby was born at 10.24am and at 11.05am was already in the drawer. She spent 12 hours in the freezing cold of that morgue. I saw for myself the ice on her body.’
Mrs Bouter said that her pregnancy was normal until she suddenly went into early labour on April 3.
She said: ‘At first the doctors said that she was born dead, then said she had died shortly after birth because she was too small to survive.
‘I don't know who is to blame, and I'm not thinking about it at this moment. The joy of knowing she's alive is covering every other feeling. I'm a Christian, and I believe this was a miracle of God.’
And she said that her daughter is ‘getting stronger by the minute’.
The parents, who were going to call their daughter Luciana Abigail, said she will now be baptised Luz Milagros, which means Light Miracles.
Meanwhile, the Perrando hospital has suspended the medical staff involved in the birth while they conduct an investigation.
The hospital's director Jose Luis Meirino said: ‘At the moment we have no explanation. The baby was attended to by obstetricians, gynecologists and a neonatologist. They all reached the same conclusion, that this girl was stillborn.’
He said that hypothermia may have caused the baby to go into a type of hibernation, causing her vital signs to vanish completely.
Rafael Sabatinelli, health secretary for Argentina's Chaco province, called the case ‘disgraceful’ and promised a full investigation.
He said: ‘Every member of the team that was involved has some responsibility, so they will have to answer for this.’
Culled from Daily Mail UK
There can be miracles wen u believe
why cant they just accept that there is a God who sees everything?his science cannot be understood by man,afterall, he is the founder and sole establisher of it!God is great!
God is great.He is the Alpha and Omega.Praise be to him.
God is truly awesome may you live to be strong and healthy little one you truly are a miracle baby....Praise Him!
This is sure a miracle... Nothing else. Thank God!!!
I ☎ dis miracle
God is Awesome and Great.
What kind of a FOOLISH n STUPID MISTAKE is dis.t
God is GREAT!!!
Isn't God wonderful? He did so many miracles in his time...nw he's doing it again. Dis' a miracle baiiby...Let God be praised!
Because You're the Master of the Universe and you cannot be bound by either time or space or any condition, because nothing is ever too late for You to intervene or redeem, because in Your infinite wisdom You can show up and confound every specialist and all the wisdom of men, I TAP into this miraculous testimony right now dear Lord Jesus Christ, and every stillborn project and dream in my life receives LIFE right now in Your name that is above all names.
Wow! God is wonderful!!!
This is nothing short of a miracle men... I can imagine the joy the mother feels...
For those who dont belive in miracles, miracles are real. Miracles are act of God provokd by desperate faith of man. I learnt d couple parent attnd newly planted winners chapel church in argntina. This is papa faith in action.
God works in miraculous ways! Mind blowing ways.
Oyi n'atu muo. Thank God she was eventually discovered
Good ending to this. I hope God is by her side and the child suffers no future complications. Premature children keep having their problems even years after birth
miracle baby.....
The hospital and the doctors should thank their stars that they are not in the US, by now, a big time medical malpractice attorney would have been salivating a lot!
incredible miracle.this was God atr work.ordinarily,matured adylts will find it difficult staying in such freezing temperatures,but God kept d little girl for a purpose. http://www.articlejig.com
this is d finger of God at work.what adults could not survive,God preserved d little baby as an evidence of his awesome power. http://www.articlejig
anon 10.29 not necessarily my cousin was 7 months premature and has been healthy all her life the only doctors visits she has made in her 29years are annual medical chekups...thank you BABA for this miracle.Amen
Allahu Akbar
If dis happened in Nigeria i would say they want to sell the baby ni.thank God for the baby's life
God is awesome, may his name be praise above every other name and science nonsense forever. this is truely a miracle, i believe the child was born stillborn so no one should be bleam. for 12hours in a morgue where they have 24hour power and the new born baby (premature) did not die???? and coinccidentally the parents decide to visit d morgue to take d baby picture and u all think this is normal or chance or luck????? commonnnn only God can make this possible... i have a baby who was premature thou all grown now, thanks be to Jesus, its a struggle for them to survive the 1st 24hours under intensive care not to talk of abadoned in a frezzer for 12 good hours..oh pls! miracle baby, the angels where surely there keeping her warm.... thank you Jesus!!!! am close to tears.
God is GOOD! See miracle? Who say GOD NO DEY!!! Man, if I knew them personally, I for throw party for them, this is something to celebrate well well. THANK GOD FOR THE BABY'S LIFE AND FOR THE JOY THE PARENTS WILL MOST LIKELY NEVER LOSE.
And in my mine... Amen
She has no problem. For it is by grace .she was likely dead and they went home prayed praised and believed their spirit directed them back for their miracle and God woke her up on their arrival....with the cry n stretch to confirm it. Let's lay no blame for our eyes can not see those borne of the spiritual.
His wonderful name be praised
You are the Most High
Chei kai'gozie Chineke.Daalu. Our God is alive.He never fails nor disappoints his faithfuls.
The lord that saves her.. will see her through..in Gods domain there is nothing like complications.doubting Thomases..that's why miracles don't come ur ways.
Pls stop this!!!
Wow this is great! God alone be praise! Jamb Change of Course And Institution Will Closed On the 27th April 2012!!
So happy to read this! She should have been buried alive!
God be praised.
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Thank You Lord, You R still in charge and will always be. Continue to bafke them with signs and wonders. Thank You so much..and yes, am particularly thankful that she said she is a Christian and she knew it was a miracle. I don't know abt u, but I hv always believed in miracle and I still do. If u blv, u will rcv. Thank u Lord Jesus for this testimony.
Adaeze O.
Our Lord is gud, he is our Holy saviour. God of miracle.2012 WAEC BIOLOGY SPECIMENS and practical QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
God is the greatest!! He alone is worthy of all praises! The little girl definitely has a purpose in this world. 12 hrs in d freezer?? omo, baba God noni!! Nuff said!
Baba God na ur hand work eeeee !
So...let me get this....what u r saying in other words is for miracles to happen we must attend winners chapel abi?? Abeg,park well jor n stop exaulting a man above God.
This is clearly an act of God so I don't know which papa's faith is in this one. People should learn to give glory to God alone and not mere mortals.
Nuff Said!!!
Father Lord,the impossibility specialist..nothing is too difficult for You. Praise the Lord, o ye people. You are too awesome Lord. May this baby fulfill her destiny. The enemy has been defeated
@bukata, faith is an individual sontin,which one is 'papa faith', God performed a miracle for the couple not cause of papa faith, he did this for his own glory so let's glorify him, the church they attend has nothing to do with this, THIS IS THEIR MIRACLE because GOD IS GOD.
Haaaaa, 1st tin a$ reading ds morning is d miracle of life by God, may he he bring life to me and my loved ones in jesus name amen, also protect d little one and her family. God is really a wonderful God
Otondo, why u no pray dis prayer secretly. Agbekoya
He is a wonder workin God
wow, dis is wonderful, God is good, imagine 12 freezing hours, an adult cannot even survive dat, He is an awesome God. An obvious miracle, Jesus is lord.
It was a mistake only allowed by God so that his name will be glorified. Can you imagine, the numbers of persons in Argentina who will learn of this and praise and glorify the name of God? A tot born premature at 6months plus surviving a freeze condition for 12hours. Haba! Na only GOD fit dey responsible.
You jst had to add that. Even if they attend Winners like u claim, why shud it be ur 'papa's faith' that was at work. What of d Couple's faith, I mean, they went back after a few hours.
Pls giv glory to God and not ur GO. God cannot share his glory with any man.
Abeg make we hear word, Baba Twister. If you wan do evangelism to win people come Winners do so openly instead of this ambush marketing when u wan do.
God has done a great and marvelous thing here. Instead of focusing on that you wan say na papa do am, because the couple dey worship for winners in Argentina. Where did you get that jara from? Does it matter where the couple worship as long as they are Christians?
By the way, for your information before you start twisting this story to suit your own imaginations, this couple had no part in this miracle. There was no faith displayed by them. Child as far as they were concerned was dead. They only came to take a picture of their dead child. Get that right Twister and just glorify God.
AnonymousApr 11, 2012 02:29 PM : at least praise and thank God first.
I believe that the child was preserved for a purpose. Have faith. Leave the rest for God, He is in control.
God is GREAT....He lives...TP
God u started it, u are a faithful God, perfect all dat concern dis little baby's health. There will be no complication in Jesus. Thank you Jesus.
I've alwayz dat man up there *GOD*to be an impossibility specialist but He blew me away dis time. My love 4 Him is Infinito... <3 <3
Indeed God is at work, imagine being in Morgue for 12 hours and still alive, obviously it's the Lord doing and it's marvelous in our sight. The doctor should be freed cos if if the was alive and he said she was dead,putting her in morgue would've made her dead completely, this is the way God proves to doctors that He's the greatest of doctors, higher than the highest, bigger than the biggest,and He can bring something out of nothing. To you alone be all the glory.
God is indeed awesome.
This is the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in our sight. Indeed God is at work, imagine a toddler being in a morgue for 12 hours and still alive. I think they should freed the doctors on duty, is just a proof from God that He's doctor Jesus, who can raise the dead and bring something out of nothing.He's the same yesterday, today and forever, He did it then, now and can do it again.He's higher than the highest, greater than the greatest and stronger than the strongest.You alone are worthy to be praised.
This is clearly a sign of God. All praises be unto his name 4 he is RISEN!
They should keep investigating since they can't identify God They should keep investigating.
This is a miracle. God be praised!
She acknowledged the Miracle to God and really that was just God in action....
At the end of days men shall witness the mysterious hand of God that will defy every form of scientific explanation, just like it was in the beginning.
When God perfomes a miracle, we just concentrate on His unlimited greatness and we dont need to put blames on one another. I believe that indeed to man the baby was dead but by the power of God, she was raised from the dead to prove to the world that even the premature baby can survive the ice of the morgue for 12 hours or more. These are what we call (true miracles of God). What is an impossible situation with man, is possible with God. I think there is no need to punish the doctors or whoever took part in assisting the mother. Think for example if one is tested HIV + then he/she believes God for a miracle and gets healed (HIV-). Do the person who did the test get fired? We need to thank God for a life saved than thinking of vengeance. It is a wake up call to the Drs, Scientists etc that man has a limit and this World's science can not compared to God's science. As a believer of God, I am humbled to hear such a testimony and a very big Pppprrraaaiiisssssse to God Almighty. Amen
God is awesome in all ways
awww thank God they came at the right time
Somebody shout Halleluyah *Holds ears*
I'm a christian and i do believe in the power of miracles,but it irks me so much that with every extraordinary occurrence, Nigerians(and generally Africans) shout "it's miracle".....No,does it not occur to you that science may play a part?I mean God gave us science for a reason,so that we can use our brain to help ourselves.....that's why so many people die in Nigerian hospitals waiting for miracles to happen instead of actually conceding to medical help...Anyways the hospital staff has helped this baby without being aware of it,as she seems to have been revived by the extreme cold in the morgue,the positive effects of cooling the brain on a child with no vital signs has been proven b4.....Google it if u wish, and if you like continue shouting about miracle baby...Some1 even said its cos the parents go to winners chapel in argentina...are u kidding me???
it's a miracle indeed and i dnt think anyone has to loose a license cos am sure most likely the baby was actually dead and raised from from the dead by GOD just like he did this Easter for us
This shows that God is still God all by himself.
God you are holy, may your name be praised.
@ Anonymous 7:11am I pray very soon you will believe and come to know the One who does supernatural things, THE I AM THAT I AM, WHO CAN KILL AND MAKETH ALIVE, THE GREAT WARRIOR (WIN WARS WITH EVEN THE LESS DEFENSIVE OBJECTS)THE CONSUMING FIRE,THE OMNISCIENT, JEHOVAH JIREH,EL-SHADDAI, ELOHIM, AND SO MUCH MOOOORE. You will even be the preacher of the gospel GOD BLESS YOU RICHLY
To God be all d glory can't stop praising him indeed its a miracle,doctors and nurses should beware of carelessness b4 u conclude on anything u must be very very very sure of what u are doing,cos dis same thing happened 2 one of mi sister inlaws last yr she was 3 months preg it happened dt two doctors after diagnosing her told her dt her baby ws dead and they nided 2 flush it out,as God may ave it one of d doctors that had an appointment somewhere else and ws in a haste 2 leave d hospital suddenly decided 2 check d woman himself after some mins it was discovered dt not only d baby was alive bt was fighting chinese in d womb,so dt is hw dey would ave wasted d baby just like dt without being sure.Wt am i trying 2 say doctors and nurses should always concentrate and be sure of wt dey are doing so as nt give false report and cause hypertension to people
Keep quiet jor. Did your google tell you that the positive effects continue for 12hrs on a premature baby? Or that lack of food and oxygen for 12 hours will make the child start breathing. Are you kidding me???
Feel like stoning u with my shoe.
Nigerians n their local mentality! Yes God do perform miracles, bt wot hz d gparent's church got to do wit it? Anyway if it were to be Nigeria dt baby wud ve been buried-12 good hrs! Thank God for her.
Thank you Jesus! your Grace astounds me....@Naira....when u are alone,lock urself up in the freezer,make sure u re butt naked for 12 hours...u dare say this is not a miracle. mtchew
When it comes to human life and/or death, many times it can be explained away. However, there are also many times that life and death can not be explained away so easily. Sometimes the only explanation...no matter what angle you look at it from, it is better to believe it was faith or God at work here.......
To God be the glory great things he has done...... This is truly a miracle....God is the greatest physician.he is God who never fails...he is awesome,wonderful his mysteries nobody understands.he will alwayz be God n God alone.All praises belong to u Jesus..u r so good.Thank u for little light maracle life......
Every Dead Situation in my n the life of my family i command u to be alive in the mighty name of Jesus Christ AMEN..............
God is the most high, his power is above every othet power. this is the Power of God. the baby didnt freeze to death after 12 hours, God is awesome. that baby is God's anointed!
Praise God, what a terrible experience and worse the baby cant even express his/herself yet
Every morning u wake up is a miracle. Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed.
If more than 1 person declared the baby dead, then it truly was dead. The change in temp must have preserved the organs to a point where they could regenerate. Fabrice muamba was also dead for 70 mins until he was brought back. A baby might not b able to go thru the same rigorous resuscitation though.
Blak kofee
Mumu, olodo. U dnt blv in God and u speak in his name "for christ sake" may God forgive u and draw u closer to himself for u are a lost soul.
TO God be the Glory, this is a great miracle.
God is awesome!!!!!!
What!!!!!all the medical team should be locked up and the key thrown away nonsense
That said, it is still God that gave the scientist the ability to produce drugs, AND THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH SCIENCE!
But you must know, when man fails, then GOD STARTS. Don't limit God, HE makes all things beautiful in His Time.
If u desire a Husband, Wife, child,whatever it is...just do ur best and leave the rest to God..He is the EXTRA-ORDINARY STRATEGIST. He knows exactly how to get u what u need and even more than u expected...DARE TO TRUST GOD TODAY? YOU WILL DEFINITELY RETURN SHOUTING ALLELUJA! JESUS IS LORD.
@ anon 7:11am: all I can say is " may God almighty forgive u n ur ignorance"
'For He says to Moses, i will have mercy on whom i will have mercy and i will have compassion on whom i will have compassion' Rom. 9:15
God decided to have mercy on the baby and compassion on the parents, God is awesome and he is the KABIESI, may His name be praised forever.
@Naira: Based on your comment how many babies have you heard of that were pronounced dead by several specialists have been able to be revived by putting them in a freezer because that will stimulate their vital stats? Simply accept that this is an act of God and keep it moving. Yes God gave us science, but even science is not perfect... that is why they are called practitioners. They are stil practicing. God has been in the healing business for eternity. All glory belongs to Him and Him alone!
it is the Lords doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.
Na God do am oh! May his name be praised!
@ Naira, you are definitely a Thomas who did not believe Christ could be resurrected and a Pharisee combined.
Mr. Naira the researcher, I won't argue with you on your research findings for I've not googled it yet.
But that is not the point. As far as you are concerned God has nothing to do with this but science. Thank God that you at least gave credit to Him for founding science.
Even if it can be checked and it's proven that science was responsible for the tot's revival what is wrong for glorifying God and callihg this a miracle.
Oh Doubtful Naira, has it occured to you Your Royal Thomas, that it was God that could have prompted the parents to go back the time they did?
Or perhaps your pharisaic mind could not fathom the possibility that the mother would have been busy crying and her husband consoling her that the next thing would be to make burial arrangements for the child?
Now think on this, Thou Pharissee. Didn't you know that in all this while this child that your science helped raise because of cold could have died finally if no one had discovered him alive?
My brother or whatever gender you are, God works in mysterious ways and it's not for us to bother how he does it. He can as well use an inanimate object to do his bidding.
Good man, abeg praise God. Him dey excelling.
God is good
@ u d atheist,i pray God deems u n i worthy of redemption so we may partake of miracles too...indeed God is great!
This is every parents worst nightmare turn to bliss. Thank GOD they went back to see her. I think its the mother's instinct that
Thank GOD they went back to check her. It just tells you how strong a mothers'instinct is. This is every parent's worst nightmare turned to happiness. Bless the little angel,she was stock in a freezer for 12 hours and survived. GOD is amazing. May she live long and prosper.
People should simply accept human beings don't have all the answer or final say. God does, because only HIM knows the beginning and the end. Thank you, God. You are faithful.
God alone is worthy to be praised.
For real I was thinking about that as well. If they wer in the US, they can be sued for thousands or even millions of dollars. Nice cheque for the family.
Dat is y he is called Jehovah.. He does wat only he can do.. Odogwu akataka.. Onye oma na eme ife di Nma.. Onye enye akam.. Most faithful... I stand in awe of u...
I pray for you...that the God who showed himself God in this case,will show himself God in your life..may u have an experience that would bring you to your knees in awe of the MOST HIGH GOD HIMSELF..*amen*
Some said itz science but am laughing loud bc they cant proof how science convinced d parents to be there @ that particular moment. Do u know wot wuld hav happened if they had wasted a little second. He is Lord of d universe & He is stil doing MIRACLES. Just believe & accept Him.
Its a great MIRACLE. He has proven again that He can resurrect dead situation bc He alone is Jehovah Shammar. By d reason of this great testimony, i decree that every situation in my life, be resurrected now& in d life of any other person who believes IJN. Amen
allah hak'bar
Geez, Nigerians are so religious. The hospital made a mistake. I do believe in God and HIS wonders. Science also shows the awesomeness of God, where he gave us limited power to know this human body that he created.
I want to advice, Nigerians to not take it too far, God uses other human beings, resources to do his wonders.
Omg THANKYOU !!! Finally someone with brains .. LMAO at d winners thing ahahaha
Smh @ all you miracle loving Nigerians, this is why there's hardly any progress in the country....You ppl should jst go ahead and keep all those pastors in the money...The only miracle here for me is that the parents went back to check on the baby and discovered she was still alive...tharrisall
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