Sisters: Miss Nasarawa - Hadassah Emike Benson & Miss Plateau - Elshammah Enadelo Igbanoi
For the first time ever, there are two sets of sisters contesting in the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria pageant, which will hold next Saturday in Benin. Miss Taraba and Miss Abia are sisters, and Miss Nasarawa and Miss Plateau are sisters. Forget the different names, I have it on good authority that they are siblings.
May the best sister win :-)
linda nor make dem disqualify dem ooo..later u go dey yab JJc, una two na d same ..lol
So sisters can now contest? May the best girl win
Na wa ooooo, is dis a gud or a bad news. See wetin 9ja condition done dey turn families into
wow they pweddy
I don't understand how or why!!Aren't sisters meant to be from the same states? Funny thing is that they aren't even that beautiful
Woowwww,dis is gonna be sumtin else,dey sure want d crown in d family...truly,May d best sister win...
awww they r pweddy
Linda its 'better' sister since its a comparison of two.. Its constructive correction not criticizing U.. Kk? *mwuaah*
Miss Plateau is so pretty!
these MBGN people are just shady. that is how helen prest daughter now changed her last name to Davies and denied her family name. hian! but i like the dark hausa girl. quite pretty.
Linda can gbagaun eeh! She got skills there!
@ Anon 3:55.....I̶̲̥̅̊S̤̥̈̊ it still 'Better' even when referrin to 2sets of sisters? *jus wanna know ni o*
Prof.Gs 102...she's correct since it's Only one person dat d title can be given to ..and she was referring 2 D foursome not d set..." may the best sister win" is very correct..Its constRuctive correction ,I'm not criticiZing u, kk?*mwUaah*.
U might as well shove ur "constructive correction" to ur ass(way way inside)
Linda i am fan of ur blog but most times u dont have sense...If dey disqualify any of dis gals u would know wsup..If u like dont post my comment... Role model my foot
most of theses babes are very beautiful.. the biggest problem they are facing is their badddd weaves! isn't there one good hairdresser in Nigeria? or will I have to move there and open a salon! :(
the second has to be pancake!!! no one knows how to apply their makeup.. most look like they fought with it before they left home.
I mean, what i'm saying is that...nigerian ladies, instead of wasting your afternoon tweeting away, why not check out some makeup tutorials on you tube? it helps.
please enough of this scary face syndrome that is strongly worrying nigerian babes. using brazilian hair and pancake to destroy your natural beauty is not life! i have said my own.
Sisters contending? a mass of average looking eastern women and hardly any are relatively attractive enough to represent on the world stage.
I'm sorry, but there has to be a fix, how do we know they're not all related?!
I guess silver bird has given itself to highest bidders, otherwise this competition would be more representative of the nation as a whole, it appears it become a divisive tool of propaganda.
Common sense would say the should promote diversity, instead its a bunch of bleached middle aged, sisters with borrowed Indian hair.
Dunno english dat much buh thot dere are actually FOUR sisters here *confused*
Even if 10 sisters from the same parent contest in this competition, it does not matter, I give the crown to either miss gombe or miss rivers, others are just mere participant.. My 2 kobo!!
How can two sisters be conntesting @ d saame peagent
How can two sisters be contesting nd dey r not from d same state......politics everywher in naija only GOD can help us
How about you realize Linda is not wrong? it's actually a comparison btw two sets of sisters i.e. Four diffrent girls. Oh...and it's constructive correction not criticizing u.. kk? *mwuaah*
@linda,i no miss nassarawa n miss plateau.they are actually sisters from the same womb.i dont no bout miss abia n miss taraba bt truth is miss nassarawa n miss plateau are soo damn beautiful.forget the pictures.and they have a real supportive mom.wish all mommies cld be like theirs.
so if they re sister...why re they not contesting for the same state??thought a queen from a state av to come from dat state..if not then how can u be a queen in a state u know nothing about...can a swedish contest from miss england.. hell no which kain stupid contest be this,
The first set seem to stand a better chance, looks wise ooo bcoz we never hear dia english yet...n i keep wondering why the one in green blouse has such a creepishly serious grin, which to others might seem like a smile..
sisters yet they are claiming different states......... doesnt that show the contest is now a JOKE
Am very sure they are all family friends of the ben bruce family. This years MUGN is arrangee masters
the diff names explains it. the real dark sister is married and well above the cut off age im sure. chei see strong face now...
repping diff states i see... naija and their no rules... na wa. the Onuoha sisters look alot better.
fine fine girls. but sha i think tht real dark one is either married or above the age limit. her face is way too mature. but she pretty still
luck to them
I dont get how this works. How come Igbo ppl r representing middle belt states? And how is it 2sisters represent 2 difft states? Someone put me thru pls?
This is just hilarious to me. 1f any of the sisters are to get the crown miss taraba and miss abia are better looking, although I feel taraba is definitely the prettier one. And for miss plateau and miss nasarawa they both won't smell that crown, they're a no no! Don't they have a prettier sister that could come and represent another state cause if its left to them,the crown won't enter their family *lol*
Criosly r ds beauty peagents, i get hop o lol. Sisters in d same competition am sure u guyz wont bcom enemies afta ds cos i dnt any MBGN star here.
This is so fraudulent. Do they realise that if one of them becomes winner, she will be stuck with a fake name for life? What prize money is worth disclaiming your true name. Shame
You're kidding about the "not that beautiful" part, right?
Jobless fools 2 of them are even in unilag,go & read ur books
Too much hair !!! Have u seen d hair agbani used to win miss world???!! They need to concentrate more on bone structure !! And neck length !!
Upload ur own picture fool
Allowing two sisters already sounds like basis for ojoro sha.
Oloyinbo she is correct! She is talking about the four of them, she is wishing one of the sisters luck! She is not talking about a pair she is talking about 2 pairs making 4 people!!! U don hit my car Oyinbo repete!!!
u wey dey correct person, should also take care...... 'There should've been a comma after Linda, and u should use 'it's' not 'its'.......this is equally a constructive correction :)
Adaeze O.
my daughters must marry footballers...
These girls will look better with more natural hairstyles. If you are going to wear wig/weave, let it look natural on you.
Readers, please think before you criticize the organisers- most of these girls are really pretty- their pictures taken by the MBGN photographers just happen to be bad- go to this site to see the real beauty of all these contestants: http://missosology.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=133963
Miss Plateau and Miss Nasarawa are confirmed sisters, that one i know because I know them.
this is sas dis is what naija has to offer. Soo dis are the most beautiful girls with tacky weave , looking like barbie. Where are d real natural confident beauties pls and nothing against these girls personally but ??/
U took d words out of my mouth
Lol. How interesting.. Really can't wait to see how it all ends.
@bill now that you know that linda was not wrong would pls tender your apology (which nobody really cares about) to the house and learn from this incident?
Ah Ah Ah!!! @ Anon 9:23pm that dropped a link for us to check out the girls, its true oh. They look much better on the other website. Some of them are actually really good looking. Guys pls check it out.
LOL na wa o!why you mad son?nah u buy them the form?if they are in unilag nko?what a hater!pls get a life big fool!PS yes the two sisters are my frnds that's why I'm defending them oloshi
This is very true!I know Grace and Glory very well they are prettier in person this pictures y'all are seeing ddnt do justice to their beauty
A lot of ppl's face brighten up when they seee light skinned girls. But imagine those same girls as dark babes, u won't think they're pretty will u? Go for features like eyes, cheek bone, lips, good smile and u can't be wrong. I'll prefer to see those girls without make up, and with their natural hair, permed, woven, but let it be their hair. For me miss plateau and miss kwara will go far, if not one of them winning it. Unless its rigged.
Their is no rule that sisters can't contest and their is no way that in nigeria a pagent can be fully representitive of the states, how many pple from borno or gombe do u think applied! Let's face facts, really pretty girls never go for such things. In nigeria its rife with scandle. Like last years comp. Onye kene sunny, sunny ekene ya!
Whao! Am amazed,I swear des gurls r btiful,d photographer n hair stylist of dis shoot shld b locked up.u nid 2 check dem out on dis site,thks anon 4 makin c d real beauty of des gals.guys u nid 2 check d site out 4 d real tin
Bt dese girls r ugly nw..
You're on point.. Check out Miss Rivers. Her hairstyle is similar to the one agbani wore and she has a long and very graceful neck too.
I'm surprised thought one could compete only in her state...
i actually seen mrs. Nassarawa before, and ain't Hausa. She's from Edo state. This whole thing is a joke, any i wish them luck
stop drop the egyptian milk and walk away
Ds mbGn Íڪ shit.....dats all I can say even. D bruce families don confuse finish....na OJORO
omo mehn make i talk true ohh these girls dem woro wor no be small amean what is happening heere. only some that are fine. the ajayi pretti girl she wor wor ohh
So for all those wondering why Igbo girls are representing northern states n all that... it's always got me thinking but, That's the way it works with the MBGN pageant. Any girl can represent any state, so long as all states are represented.
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