A washerman, Henry Nnamdi, has allegedly killed his one-year-old son, Chukwuebuka, in order to spite his wife, whom he accused of having an extra-marital affair. Henry also used a hot pressing iron to burn his wife, Mercy, and stabbed her repeatedly in order to force her to confess to the allegation.
A police source said 40-year-old Henry had been suspecting that his wife was having an amorous relationship with his father for a while.
Our correspondent learnt that on Easter Sunday around 2am, Mercy turned down her husband’s request for sex resulting in an argument between the couple.
A reliable police source told PUNCH Metro, “Henry and his wife live together in a room with their only child at 3, Lambe Street, Ago Palace Way, Lagos.
“The suspect had been suspicious of his wife’s movement and on that very day, he came back home late in the evening and was ironing his customers’ clothes on the floor while his wife and son were on the bed.
“His wife and son were both naked because the room was poorly ventilated. Henry then told his wife he wanted to have sex with her but she refused.
“Henry was infuriated by her refusal and saw it as a confirmation of his suspicion. He grabbed the pressing iron and started inflicting burns all over Mercy’s body, including her private part, asking her to confess.”
PUNCH Metro learnt that the suspect immediately grabbed his son and fled. However, the corpse of his son was later found in the compound.
Our correspondent learnt that the landlord, Mr. Amao Lateef, immediately informed the Okota Police Division and Mercy was rushed to a nearby hospital where she has been receiving treatment.
According to sources at the Okota Police Division, the couple who have been married for two years, had a history of fighting and on four occasions, a police report had been filed by Mercy.
Henry, who spoke to our correspondent, said he did not intend to kill his son but only threw him on the ground. He said he had caught his father on top of his wife twice and had only released his pent-up emotion on the day of the incident.
However, 36-year-old Mercy, who is at present writhing in pains at Evolution Hospital, Okota, denied having sexual relations with her father-in-law.
She said, “My husband had been quarrelling with his father and had banned me from going to see him but out of respect, I continued to get in contact with my father-in-law.
“My father-in-law had warned me not to stay with my husband because of his behaviour but I didn’t listen.”
A nurse at the hospital described Mercy’s case as critical as she was burnt in various parts of her body and was also stabbed.
The nurse, who did not wish to be named, said, “She was burnt on both breasts as well as her cervix and was stabbed in various parts of her body.
“She needs serious treatment or else she could have kidney problem. Presently, she has received treatment worth N200,000 but only N30,000 has been paid.
“It will be good if the government and members of the public could come to her aid.”
The spokesperson for the state police command, Mr. Joseph Jaiyeoba, who confirmed the incident to our correspondent on the telephone, said the suspect had been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department, Yaba.
Jaiyeoba said, “On April 8, 2012, the suspect accused his wife of sleeping with his own father and in the process, inflicting wounds on his wife and slammed his son against the floor, killing him.
“The case has been transferred to the SCID and he will be charged with murder and attempted murder.”
Culled from Punch
What's happening in our contry.
wahala oh!...men!
Ds sex of an act is very waaa o! so bcos of prob 5/10 mins of fun which was not granted he resulted in brutality? Poor woman
God, i leave judgement for u.
may the soul of the poor child rip
What r Nigerian men turning to? That man should be sentenced to life in prison n d keys should be thrown away.
May the innocent child Rest in Peace! I feel for the woman but that so-called nurse in a bid to paint a pathetic picture is exaggerrating. How did her cerxget burnt? Pleas o other women how can he have had access her cervix without all those hospital exam equipment? Question o! No ve
This man is a psychopath?Marriage no be by force.She is cheating why didn't u send her packing?"I didn't mean to kill him"When you threw your son on the ground like stone what were you thinking?Suffer not a murderer to live.You must pay for your deeds.
This is another case of abuse on women. Now this man has landed himself in more problems than he can imagine plus the death of His son.Why did he not take it out on his father.
E V I L !!!!!!!!!
RIP Ebuka. I wish d woman a quick recovery n pls, d govt. shld come 2 her aid. As 4 d man, no doubt, he's possessed by evil spirits. Mek police squeeze him "balls". Ozwor!
Jesu Christi!!!
oh my God, see DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL not animal oh BUT REAL DEVIL. See as body dey hot me. I wish there could be something to bring this cute baby back.
SPOUSE PLEASE B PROACTIVE AND QUITS WHEN YOU NEED TO SO that you can live to tell your ordeal with wonderful smile.
RIP Ebuka. I wish d woman a quick recovery n pls, d govt. shld come 2 her aid. As 4 d man, no doubt, he's possessed by evil spirits. Mek police squeeze him "balls". Ozwor!!
Mad man, dats all I can say
chai see wickedness. this man should be burnt with a hot iron on several parts of his body, stabbed and constantly hit hard stuffs on his head, so that he will enjoy what his wife is enduring now. how can a man be so wicked to kill an innocent child bcos of one useless suspicion? this man should be thoroughly dealt with. i wish i could see him so i can give him some physical torture. #soAnnoying
This guy is a monster...
if i should see this i no what to do him but since i can not let god punched him in all we are in the last day
Thanks this is the more reason i always preach of divorce instead of violence that you will always regret. but some people will tell me that divorce is alien to Africa and it is Oyinbo practice. remember the case of “slain banker” who was murdered by her husband, the list is endless.Women shud make a choice, either stay in the trouble marriage and lose your life or file a divorce and get a life! Why not look for another woman instead of this endless journey to the Prison? Why killing innocent child for the sin he knew nothing about? This is really out of hand.
Wish you well in your future abode-Prison.
what a shame?
what wickedness!!!
Anyway, ladies this free video is for you.
want to know why your man may not commit himself to a long lasting relationship with you?
see this video presentation here
And yet some people on this blog have guts to abuse single ladies!
Why are men becoming so WEAK AND INSECURE!!!And why are women taking all this rubbish!! Ladies the moment you lower your standards or your principals is the beginning of you loosing yourself!!! I swear its better to remain single or be single than to endure all this pain!
Men are cruel.... I pray never to meet such men least of all get married to such. Take heart woman and run to the husband of all women'JESUS' only then wil u get peace. Get well soon
So sad! D man is definately a devil. May God punish him..
Thank God am single.My baby dad is also like this useless man. he almost break me into pieces. Awon alagidi talika...
Its a pity that the innocent boy was a victim of their woeful affair.
How can a man be so reckless to the point of taking the life of his own son?
As for the woman,she has something to hide bcos I wonder what brought about her father-in-law warning her against living with her husband. Someone is lying.
Anyway,the those who know the law would settle it.
sad for the poor little boy #RIP
Hmmmm niaja men don kolo finish oooo.. Wat is dis? D Nnamdi of a guy must be an diagnosed mental patient.. Sum serious tin man!!! Kill ur own child as well for wat? He Neva yansh sum1 else since he marry mercy? Make ladies dey check well before sayn I do..
what is marriage turning into these days ehhh if we marry wahala if we know marry wahala ehh what is this
Ewooh! Poor little Ebuka, Rip... D devil has indeed Succeded wt his evil plans against marriages, he wants to make God and hs plans for marriage all lies but Father, ur word will prevail at d end of d day... Look at d monster of a man, using a hot iron to inflict grave injuries on a woman u call ur wife... Pls d police should follow ds case properly and let justice prevail.... Poor woman, i can imagine her pains right now... Pls lets all help ds woman any way we can.... Lol..
Na wa o...May the lil one rest in peace..
Truly there is no doubt dat the heart of man is desperately wicked, we al hav the tendency to do evil or good bt 1nce u serve and obey the true living God u wil undastnd dat d only option is doin good. It dsnt kill to be gud, there is peace nd Joy alwayz in d hrt of good ppl. May God open the eyes of Men 2 see dat d path of abuse is d path of complete destruction. I keep gettin scared of marriage daily but I knw the God I serve has preseved nd set aside a gud man dat fears him nd acknowledges him as master of the universe
When I say do not marry a poor man e go b lik joke d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ always kil their wives out of frustration.horrible pple
The idiot that call himself her husband should mot be spared. Let him pay for everything he has done. Mtchewwwwww *angryBBsmiley*
Children re suppossed to be a source of blessing in every home. What will make a man kill his own son?
Marriage is not by force this time. For better for stay, for beating for goooooooo! RIP LITTLE BOY.
I wonder oooo
na wa oh
All you women be careful with the animals you end up with! Not just for yourselves, but for your children too. Don't let your judgement be clouded by desperation. Someone rightfully said a marriage is not by force! Nor is a relationship!
There's no circumstances where violence is a key to resolution, only the wicked and weak use intimidation tactics to assert themselves.
Women, you are better than this!!!
I'm a gay man, and I have a profound respect, admiration and love for women, I grew up with strong female figures around me, my mother and my grandmother till today remain icons and role models to me.
Men, these are mothers, sisters and wives! They build nations! This woman carried that child for 9 months and a man 'snuffs' out the spark of his life in a moment of madness! Women are not animals. Treasure them!
Women, be empowered, grow and let no man take away your identity and suppress your womanhood! If you see signs of violence in your partners, leave! Do not become a statistic, a lifeless body in a morgue.
The father knws his son better, this is the reason why he warned her ok! Think b4 you talk, you wiil soon ask why she deprived him of sex, FYI , since the room was poorly ventilated, she took off her clothes...shows you how hot the room was. Sex is to be enjoyed, not to be done in an oven!
So far a lot of dis domestic violence has been happening in LAGOS, me think dat state is too stressed up!
Ebuka RIP. pls can we burn Henrys prick and blockos with a hot iron since they have led him to do this???
Na wahh ooo, dis is total madness. RIP poor little boi
This Man is cruel and wicked! How can u kill a child ( U̶̲̥̅̊r fles and blood)just to get at the nother,this domestic violence is becoming something else and its making M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ to be scared about marriage! May God choose the right person for all the singles out there. Wish the poor lady quick recovery
Linda this story came out like 2weeks ago and u are just publishing it. Abeg make you buckle up ooo! I know you are better than this. Good job anyway.
*Crying* Such pretty baby!!! How can he kill his own son??????? He should die a slow death! 1st his penis should be cut & left to bleed & rot away! What evil! MEN!!!!!!
I'm I d only one seeing that dis monkey had and killed a really cute baby? Wtf is wrong with nigerian men and their barbaric mentality......chai...the lady gan has skeleton in her cupboard....poor local men too D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ get inferiority complex. And inferiority complex is in itself a killer.
I really don't know what is wrong with our women. They prefer to die in a man's house when they know the man is a monster all because they don't want to drop "Mrs". They have forgotten that a dead body or highly deformed body/face/vajayjay cannot remarry. Although i don't blame them sha because of discrimination. Seperated, single, divorced women are seen as "unworthy" of respect so most ladies out of fear and shame would rather bear repeated beatings in her "husbands" home than save her own life.
Gone are the days when you do things just to please people. Its your life and you live it just once.
Marriage is really sweet if the man is responsible and matured and if he truely loves his wife.
I was 2months pregnant when my ex husband physically abused me severely and the reason he gave for doing it is because he could do it and nothing will happen. Luckily my baby survived. Of course we seperated after that. I don't know if i would have survived the next one and besides i didn't want to wait for it happen cos i didn't want to loose my life or baby.
I feel for this woman and the death of the innocent little boy touched my heart. Its so sad what men do to their wives whom they are supposed to love. May God help us.
God take absolute control. Help us!
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Smart, your name should be stupid. So if the woman is lying and is sleeping with her father in law, he is now justified for mutilating his wife and the matter will be settled in court abi?
You can be happy you're single but Pls don't thank God you're single, just pray God gives you a better man than your baby daddy who will not "broken" you.
The 2nd part of this comment has to be the funniest thing I've ever read.
RIP ebuka
So don't get married! Bcuz dats how life supposed to be right? Hiss! I'm married for almost 6 years and my man has never raised a finger on me! If we argue we say what we want to say then don't talk to each other until we cool down! I love him for being so patient with me! So don't generalize ok, some married couples don't behave like this animal.
Lawyer Robert Igbinnedion pls come and sue dis one too o
What was the father in law doing on top of her though?
RIP Ebuka.
Bloglord,its not 10 minutes oh!
May Ebuka's Soul RIP!
But why are men so jealous and they do worse things!
How many times have we heard that a woman killed her husband cos he's cheating!
If women start doin that,the male population will drastically reduced!
Moral of story!
Men should stop cheating on their women since it is clear that u know how it hurts!
Bloglord,its not 10 minutes oh!
U be confirmed mumu o!
Stress, poverty and ignorance meet ogogoro joint gossip to turn this man to a killer. Ladies choose your husbands carefully.
Linda pls check ur story well cos what vanguard had to say is a bit different from what ur saying. Feel so sorry for the woman. And may d soul of the baby rest in peace
ok 1hour...or more
Let's starve him to death....he will not taste food nor drink water till he dies. He has to b lock up in a room th...
What a cruel world! Where "Trust" is no longer found in marital homes. Dat man needs to be dealt with mercilessly cos he's a "FOOL"
He is sick!
LINDA...check out my Blog http://versatilientertainment.blogspot.com/2012/04/exclusive-wazobia-presenter-faces-sack.html
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