The former governor of Delta State was sentenced to 13 years in prison at the Southwark Crown court this afternoon for laundering state funds. How many years do you think he will do?
I hear Fashanu's testimony helped his case a bit. The former international football star gave a glowing testimony in support of his friend and the judge admitted it as 'new evidence' and adjourned for almost two hours saying he had to re-write his already written sentence.
After sentencing him to 13 years, the judge said Ibori's assets would be confiscated.
Talk of Justice!
A Great Shame...
Only? I thought they would give him atleast 25yrs or life inprisonment. Smh
Heeyah i pity him sha. To all other polithiefians out there, karma's chilling for u.
Oh well...I'd still chose him over uduaghan any day anytym....God save his soul.
Moral of d story; if yu must steal govt funds invest in naija. Lol
dats just to small for all d shit he did.... life imprisonment is better o,linda tok 2ur pple o.
Wat the hell is his attorney doing...Arrrh, well in 9ja big men dont suffes in prison, he shld go and njoy....B.J.U.S.S
down and out for 13yrs, wats left of a man about 60... bye bye ibori.
I love it let nigeria learn on how 2 judge case without bribery. It will serve as a warning 2 others.
He will b out in 5 years due to good behavior
ewo!!!!! shicken shicken shicken shicken shio!! e wo oju ole re! ole!!! at least for now am happy justice is served. toin!!
Serves him right, buh they deducted the 245 days spent already. Well what more can i say he is damn lucky.
Wow! Dis is serious o! I only pity his children..may God see him true.
Haha. Good he wasn't Sentenced in Nigeria...would've probably done 2yrs (max) #JusticeDone. Now the prosecution should start a fresh case of perjury against shameless John Fashanu for lying to the court under oath. #anuofia
13 years divided by 2 = 6 1/2 - 645days already spent=4 1/2years + good behaviour(1 1/2yrs) = 3years - 1 year parole = a total of 2years
he would only do half of it and all his assets would be seized. serves him right as in how people have suffered and are still suffering in delta state because of this one wicked and evil man. come to think of it he was even going as far as wanting to become president of naija nawa ohhh some people really get liver ohhh
what a disgrace and all family are in jail for what??? answer for stealing
How much did he pay Fashanu? Anyway, I wish him all the best over there and I advise he doesn't bend over to pick that soap when it falls on the floor. Or else his arse will turn from ( . ) to ( O )
I reckon about 6 or 7. Then they'll release him and wait for him to try and use the 'untraceable' $10 million he has stashed away.
He will do at least 8 years and then be out for good behavior. You now have to do at least 75% of your time.... But more importantly who is the money that was seized being returned to???
Now lets go get IBB and the rest of those bagga's!!!
-White Oyinbo Man is back in full effect!!!!
2 years
2 years
the hunter has become the hunted!
sad thing is that he's still got some millions of naira tucked away.
Now we are SURE that he is a CONFIRMED CONVICT unlike the other magistrate court alleged conviction.
Shame on EFCC and shame on the Nigeria Judiciary. Bunch of old idiots fooling each other. As for that Ass licking John fashanu I blame him not,I blame the stupid Nigeria Ambassador that sent him there to embarrass Nigerians.
Two years tops based on - 1) They will take the time he's already served into consideration. 2) If he's on good behaviour and 3) if he agrees to get deported.
Meanwhile, John Fashanu is something else....
served him right......
John Fashanu is a cheap man who will sell his soul to the devil for a little quid. Broke ass always looking for situations to cash in on.
How I wish all these thieves in govt. will have the same fate. I know most of them will stop buying properties in Europe and America. Useless people that have wrecked my beloved country 9ja.
Dem try.He'll probably do 5. His only undoing was dat he was prosecutd abroad.If na naija hm dey,case go don close since.He'ld av been smiling outta court a free man! I weep 4 dz nation...
The thief would serve only 7 years as he had spend 645 days already. He is a common thief. No one to bribe. I wish all the stupid thieves who call themselves politicians in Nigeria would be brought to book. As for Fashanu, he has to say how much he was given. What he said in court today had nothing to do with the reduction of the sentence. It was because the common thief known as Ibori had already pleaded guilty if not he would have gotten up to 24 years! Ole....
London better return money and proceeds from sale of assets to delta state.
Ok yes i agree they need to deduct their fees for doing the work our govt could not do, but sha make dem no chop the one wey remain.
See his big head
Way to go.. Make dem carry that judge come dis country..(for all u ebon seekers, dats y i dey write my own for pidgin...pidgin no get format..lol)
dats good. wish others can be brought before the law
let them send him down to Nija prison make him know how far. 13 years is too small for such an act.
i will advice they forget him in prison.
sweet! ibori should pop champagne in prison. LOL
13yrs? No comment sha.
I think it was a fair sentence considering the fact that he would hopefully be tried by Nigerians when he eventually gets home. I guess its now time to pay Aandoka his friend a visit now.
Damm ! that's all i gat to say
Nice 1 awon ole
James Ibori will be held at Her Majesty's pleasure for at least 6.5 years, but he might serve about 7 years. Not enough to deter alumni of James Ibori School of Thievery & Embezzlement that are in government in Nigeria, especially within PDP and Aso Rock.
James Ibori has always been a thief and a criminal. He will always be a crook. He is no different from a violent bank robber, mass murderer, pedophile or Nigeria's money grabbing "pastors" (magicians) etc. The chimpanzee committed several heinous crimes and should have been given the death penalty for his wickedness. Although James Ibori's jail term is not as lengthy as what is imposed on gay people,
in Nigeria, atleast he will come out of jail raped, gay and suicidal. James Ibori, rot in everlasting hell, you thieving son of prostitute. Smh.
He had it coming. Init
You think John Fashanu's testimony helped him???? I think the judge added 3 years because of it. Afterall it was speculated that he would get 10 years.
(a big smile on ma face after ma comment)...joking
See his eyes!criminal,dat 13yrs too small sha.na so God go dey catch all dis corrupt gov
I bet he will be back after serving 10 years to run for the presidency, and worst still he might win...no be naija again???
We re gonna use this case to prep for exam..... I need all d info I can get.
Well he shld enjoy his soon to be new sexual preference.....
UK courts- 1, Nigerian judiciary - 0.
James Ibori was jailed in London, England for violating UK's money laundry laws. The federal government of Nigeria must also prosecute and jail James Ibori the moment he enters Nigeria. James Ibori must be punished for his crimes against Nigeria. Nigerian government must seize all James Ibori's assets around the world, including his over £25m worth of assets in South Africa.
At the end of his sentence, UK Border Agency must ban James Ibori from ever entering the UK, US and Europe and he must be deported in handcuffs to Nigeria. The Home Office must never allow James Ibori to hide his stupid face here in the UK. He is a disgrace to Nigeria and the black race and we don't want the likes of him here.
He'll be out in less than 7yrs shaa
I love to read your blog Linda. It has shown me a few things.
1. Nigerians are very rude people.
2. Nigerians are ignorant.
3. Too many of us are haters. People who do not see the good in others hardly attract good to themselves.
4. Did I say we are rude?
Now I expect that I would be proved right by people's reaction to this comment.
He will do 6 and half if they consider him as first time offender, but if the first offence he committed yrs back in the U.K. is considered as first offence then he will be unlucky to serve the full 13years.......
You can visit the link below for the full story..
There was nothing glowing about what Fashanu said Linda. He lied and even the Judge was aware of it. You can read it on saharareporters.
Sad, i heard he was expected to come to Nigeria and Serve?
Too bad, but i think he won't serve upto 7years
What a shame because of greed wish you well.
With the look on his face,one will begin to pity him.Wat a shame,d young n very handsome 'odidigborigbo' now lookin old n ugly.
very gud dat suit u riht
Just 13 years....mtcheeeewwww..It should have been 13 decades!!! Oloshi, weyrey.
Its a pitty that James Ibori is used as a guinea pig in this matter. I guess people like Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida- the master-minder of corruption in Nigeria and his cohorts-the present day political thieves should spend the whole of their lives in jail. I am sure what Ibori did is a drop of water compered with the Babangidas and the Atikus!
"After sentencing him to 13 years, the judge said Ibori's assets would be confiscated"- that's right, let this judge continue to kid himself- presumably he will only be able to touch those assets he is aware of and I suspect he has access to money in Nigeria that will still be there when he get out of jail- no wonder Ibori appeared so confident during the sentencing- when the time he has spent in custody is added, I suspect Ibori will be out in two years!!!
Thank You Judge but can we bundle Alao Akala in this package so that we can have 2 for 1 Idiot kind of Deal? Pleasee!!!
Nwoke ike, by d time u r tru wit ur time isi ajuo gi oyi.
Just 13 years!!!...mtcheeewwww....Should have been 13 decades....Oloshi man!
Ibori is a gOodman n alot of deltans benefitted 4rm his govt,the money dey claimed he stole was money he used 2 empower deltans
I love the fact that Chief James Onanefe Ibori is finally in jail where he belongs. I pray Nigeria government claims back every asset the British government recovered from James Ibori and his thieving gang. Nigeria government should also confiscate and freeze all his assets in Nigeria. I pray others in Nigeria that are like James Ibori, including his protégés, are also jailed and stripped of all their assets. I will like to make a toast to lying, stealing, cheating, drinking and to the poetry of the fear and shame in James Ibori's eyes. If you're going to lie, lie for a friend. If you're going to steal, steal a heart. If your going to cheat, cheat death. And if you're going to drink, drink with me, today :)
This man is a disgrace and an embarrassment to Nigeria. I wonder where all the money that he embezzled will go to? Queen of England I guess? You robbed Nigerians and use it to the benefit of a foreign country, while our children suffer. I pray for you cos you got loads of innocent blood on your head..... Very silly idiot. mchewwww. Ppl just think they can live for ever. You generation will cause you for this greedy, evil act someday soon.
Dis good for him atleast others wil lean from dis,God is caltching dem small small.
Well actually i dreamt that he got 15 years in prison. Not too far from that sha. Anyway my only advise to him is that no matter what happens, no matter the circumstances.....for as long as you are there in prison....NEVER.....and i mean NEVER.....DROP THE SOAP!! LOL!!!!
this is so sad, my former gov. sm1 had to be a scape goat and unfortunately twas him. hopefully he doesnt get bullied or beatn by fellow nigerian inmates. chai
Oga, no vex na, haba. I agree am Igbotic. I can't help it, that's my heritage. Supporting Iweala because she's Ibo? No way. I just feel she's good and I might be wrong and you might be right that she is incompetent.
That shouldn't cause 2nd Naija civil war na. See the big big insults you dey give me. But I kinda loved you calling me a 'wise fool' lolllll. Can I use it? I mean in my Username here.
Abeg, free me jor. Make your own comment I make my own. You don't have to agree with me or even read me when you see my post, ok?
Unfortunately, I can't pay you back the compliment since you are anonymous in commenting.
oloju ole re. OLEEEEEE.IBORI OLE
A disgrace to the Nation. What will you tell your children children when you come out of prison. Nonsense
for the first time ever i really feel sad about his situation after all he's not the only thief we have in nigeria how come he is the weorst scape goat "sobs"
Finally some repercussion for all his stealing.... i hope this is a lesson to Nigerians.... and other countries should join in this fight against corruption so the thieves will have no option but to spend their loot in the country. (Nigeria)
NYC-1 says: Ibori will come out strong bcos he went to overseas to admit to guilt he is innocent of, because he wanted to protect the image of Nigeria from embarrassment. Sounds like Poker game, right? Ibori should have requested that they refer him as chief Ibori on the mugshot. I will advice him to use the 13 years imprisonment constructively: he should get a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, or he could take Marketing as second choice.
Yes, Ibori is going to serve the full 13 years. Europe is not Nigeria. I wish they caught people like Bode George, Bankole and Orji Kalu. These smart crooks now transfer their loot to Eastern Europe where no one questions the source of income. Perhaps if not for this situation, Ibori would have come out as the next presidential candidate. Where are the market women; are they not going to hold rally to vindicate their chief? Only God knows the magnitude of destruction looting has inflicted in poor Nigerians. Why can't we make a level ground where honesty and hardwork are rewarded and fellow citizens live and die with dignity?
For those of you who may want to spew sawdust that Ibori's case is a bridge of sovereignty, you may as well kiss my foot.
Just as I said in my comment (which linda did not post)I prefer Ibori to 100 uduaghan he wz jux unlucky in his looting snc Uduaghan got into office till date not even a̷ single road has bin maintained(am not evn gonna say constructed). Everytin Delta state is 2day 4rm raods to clinics to stadia down to schools all wz Ibori. Snc he got 13yrz dey shud b sure to give Uduaghan 1300 yrs imprisonment after his tenure. Only Deltans I mean pple dat lived in Delta state during Ibori's tenure knw he is beta....
Yes...He deserves 25yrs but cos he pleaded guilty to his charges..dats why he got 13
Ex con, became Governor through an absolutely corrupt system, protected by an equally corrupt judiciary, in a country plagued by corrupt management. now back to jail through the British legal system.
Naija Judiciary, protector of the generous treasury looter.
Order from above, set the man free or else....................
Lwkmd (13 Decades) Ahn Ahn Watapeeeen...Make dem reborn am make he die inside there again?
I agree wit you..The list of currupt leaders is endless as far as Nigeria is concerned...Obasanjo included..Abeg make dem ask OBJ wetin him tk money weh them recover from swiss bank on Abacha's case? Nigerians need answer
D paddy of such a thief cannot be far from such behaviour...J.Fash, we see you. Where u r meant to b useful, nobody will hear ur voice. Na to stand by thief we go see u. Ore Ole!
After the 13 years,Nigeria's justice system would have improved and he will get another 13 more when he is deported.
James Ibori, a thief, almost became Nigeria's vice president.
Ojogbogbo ni tole, ojo kan ni ti olohun (everyday is for the thief, but one day is for the owner)
Ojogbogbo ni tole, ojo kan ni ti olohun (everyday is for the thief, but one day is for the owner)
Good. All we need now is for IBB, OBJ, Ohakem and all the babalowas of our government to make one mistake and fall into the same fate. Maybe someoone should put cocaine into their pockets when they are travelling to Korea.
Fashanu needs to stay clear of cases like this. I bet he enjoyed some of the stolen money.
He's just a scape goat, there are other politicians that have done worse than him (PETER ODILI). Please let dem carry that one too...
what a shame
uduagha will also go to jail mark it.
He is as bad as ibori.Aluta continua.
There are still many Ibori's out there waiting for they turn to chop government money. Opportunity makes a thief
like An Author said "A thief who have NO opportunity to steal calls himself a righteous man"
Let all of us have change of heart towards Nigeria and things well work well.
All dem Odili,PDP big wigs like Tony Anenih etc they have to be brought to face the law...Bigots
Lol...I go die o! U no well at all. Lwkmd!
Congrats to Mr. Ibori James for a wonderful life well spent. 8yrs in Government house and 13years behind bar.
He has gone back to his con roots. He should be 54 this year, and by the time he is released, he will be an old man in his sixties. Thank God that justice was served, I hope that this will be a lesson to all politicians
Just that???? i was hoping he'll get more.
he will still come out a rich man and trust some hungry ass kissers,they will celebrate him in the name of victory over enemies.
Is it not appalling that looters in Nigeria are only met with the full wrath of the law only outside the borders of Nigeria. Beyond Africa!!! Its a shame to our judicial system, a shame to our law enforcement agencies, a shame to us as Nigerians and a shame to our leadership. One day, they will arrest our president or ex-president who is deemed ‘corrupt’ and also prosecute and imprison him/her in a foreign land. How many of theirs have we prosecuted and jailed here in Nigeria? Don’t we have a legal system and law enforcement agencies? Don’t they commit such crimes? More still, how many of these our brother/sister quantum looters have we successfully convicted and jailed in Nigeria? Is our law dead? Is it impossible to be enforced? Must we be re-colonized again? Wake up Nigeria!!! Ibori is just one out of millions of quantum looters in this country. We have no reason to rejoice for his arrest and imprisonment in a foreign land when we have a ‘federal republic’.
one word half
this is d face of a thief.our judicial system is dead this same ibori was cleared of all charges in nigeria
Hey, i don't really think it's fit, although he's human too.
He will only serve four years...
He will only serve four years...
you know what?
some of y'all talking bout how Ibori was just a "scape goat" amaze me!
So freaking what??? I'm happy that at least one THIEF has been caught, and if that doesn't serve as a deterrent to the rest of the naija thieving den, I wish them a minimum of Ibori's fate some day.
Yeps! He'll b out in 2017.☹ Ibori is arguably d best gov we've evr had here! D only big mistake he made was giving power to his midget bro'.....
He would never have believed it,How are the mighty fallen.
He'll be out in 5 years or less!
I agree. Uduaghan ΐƨ just useless. Ibori stole, yes, but he worked. Uduaghan shld be given 5 centuries cos e no just dey try at all. And yes I'm a deltan and live in Asaba
I,ve learnt not to scorn people at thier lowest ebb,those of u abusing him would do worst given d chance.never criticise a man until u have worn his shoes,A FELLOW DELTAN
I hope others will learn from this.
what a shame.
hes till needs to lose weight though
the prison will help him do just that
can u imagine, the documentary on him on bbc 2 said he was a cashier at wickes and was sacked for stealing fom the shop in 1991. linda u need to look for this doumentary and post so ur readers wld understand. he was using pounds as confetti in the marriot hotel
we are still slaves to the British. Inferior to the white skin. How can a country that is 50 years old not have the will, or power to prosecute a criminal? it had to be our COLONIAL MASTERS! mental slavery. all of us. foolish Nigerians.
I am Nneka,
Heard the loot will be returned to delta state,I wonder how much my ever vigilant UK government will charge for finder's fee.dia tax will milk d loot dry....big ups UK,9ja judiciary,bow ur head in shame....all una SAN, SAN,SAN na wash!
Yes o dats is one mistake dat I won't 4giv him 4....Uduaghan is totally USELESS and WICKED
U wnt kill me lmao @ never and I mean never drop d soap
5 million pounds is their fee. My best gov any day any time.he provided for d widows.he didnt eat alone he spent money as well we deltians can tell"he was only unlucky as they are worse govt officials out there
linda, you need to be real why are you deleting all the comments about fash because you know him. where is your spirit of journalism. this why people do not read your blogs as much anymore.......
April 18, 2012 10:19 PM what are you yanning and yes i am from delta as well and the state is poverty ridding maybe you have not been there of recent and that is why you are yanning nonsense here
Lol at Akala. Wat do u want him to rub in prison . As for Ibori his shameless girlfriend Rita can now start rallying round for bail money. I'm hosting a fund raiser
@croixXx u r so right on point LMAO
All of u insulting ibori are all dumb... Are u aware that these white mans land will rip us off the money u are all claiming ibori stole. If ibori had stayed back home that money would have circulated one way or the other..morons. I just dye vex....enough is enough with all these white country interfering in our land. What rubbish!
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