Zimmerman was released very early this Monday morning, after posting $150,000 bond as he awaits trial for shooting and killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
I am sorry for the loss of your son. I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit older than I was. I did not know if he was armed or not.
The 28 year old neighborhood watch captain will go on trial for second-degree murder which could carry a life sentence if he is convicted.
"I am sorry for the loss of your son. I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit older than I was. I did not know if he was armed or not. "
not a reason whatsoever. he should be jailed for life or sentenced to death!
His suit looks like a parachute on him. I'm actually tempted to feel sorry for the brute.
Bastardddd!!! Wat kind of rubbish apology Ȋ̝̊̅§ dat? As if it can bring back †ђξ dead boy,nonsence *eyes rolling* he can rot in jail for all i care and i want him to βε̲̣̣̣̥ convicted asap,, D̶̲̥̅̊Ĭ§ wuld serve as a lesson to †ђξ oda gun carrying idiots that have no value for human life...i rest my case
Linda, George Zimmerman is a bad guy, he should be jail for life.LATEST ETISALAT TWEAKS FOR OPERA USERS. FEEL THE SPEED
He was safer in Jail than outside. I wont be shocked if he is gunned down. He can wear a bullet proof jacket but will he wear helmet around?
*u're havin a nyt vigil with ur folks,nd u write down "CLUB TINZ" on ur status...GOD is watchin u o
*u travel go Togo,come dey speak british english...alarm go tear u
*u are eatin bread nd akara yet you are updatin "i love dis burger"...GOD go soon provoke wit u
I don't have any right to judge, but for taking someone life, this guy deserve electric chair.
Na wa o.....wotz happening nau..
Well i hope for the worst for him. Or if the family can forgive him, then fine.
Ahan y did dey release dis freak*angry*
I hope this goes not too good
he posted 10percent of the bail bond and not 150,000dollars which was the total amount.
At the beginning of all this, I remember I wanted someone to shoot this guy but now after much reflection, I feel so sorry for everyone involved. That poor boy that lost his life because he went out to get skittles and iced tea. This stupid bugger who wanted to shoot a remake of Miami Vice on his own. If he is convicted, they are waiting for him in jail. If he isn’t convicted and released, he will never be able to resume a normal life. All because someone chose to ignore the phrase, ‘Ok, we don’t need you to do that.’
Think before you act people! There are always consequences to everything in life. RIP Trayvon……Whatever the outcome of this, no one wins.:(
Yeah, nice one let Justice be done!
Atleast he apologised.
His vry stupid wit dat nonsense tlk!do dey write age for head?he stil dey get mouth,mke dem jst pls sentenc am life
I feel some sort of pity for this guy, he's emmaciated so much.
At least he apologised? Pray and tell, what will the apology do? A clear case of medicine after death.
Stories that touch the heart *YIMU* Biko!
Apology wouldn't solve anything. Well good to know he is remorseful, medicine after death sha.
1s more we've resorted a bullying n emotional exposure when trying 2 air out our view.......its very clear dat his action of murdering a harmless teenage black boy inside his house could be related t6racism....we should not let go of the fact that we are NIGERIANS.....GOOD PEOPLE N A GREAT NATION.
How do you explain or justify shooting an unarmed teenager? There's no evidence to suggest Trayvon Martin posed a threat to Zimmerman's life. At no time was Trayvon Martin a threat to Zimmerman. Thank God today isn't 1960s America or Zimmerman and his people in the police and judiciary would have planted a gun and drug on Trayvon Martin.
Zimmerman's action would (to some extent) been justify if it turned out the black kid pointed a gun or knife at him and his only option was to fire his gun. Zimmerman's action was ill-motivated. He had the opportunity to restrain the youth pending the arrival of law enforcement officers, but he opted to take the law into his own hands by annihilating a defenceless black teenager.
If a blackman did to a white kid what Zimmerman did to a black kid, I doubt the blackman would have been granted bail, at any amount. Zimmerman's release is gross insult to the black race and an affront to justice. Zimmerman and his people (within the police department and the judicial system) may try whatever, but I have faith that Black America and the Black race will ensure that they put Zimmerman in jail for the rest of his rotten life, and get justice for Trayvon Martin and his grieving parents and loved ones. RIP Trayvon Martin, you did not die in vain.
Whether in jail or not, he will still reap what he sowed. God has a plan and it shall be manifested.
@anon 12:49pm,atleast he apologised. if d young boy was your brother or your child wat will u do? will dat apology make sense to you?pls b4 commenting think properly.that guy isnt remorse,he taught he was a bit older dan him,wat if?
George Zimmerman murdered a teen: Bail set at $150,000 Lindsay Lohan failed a drug test: Bail set at $300,000 This is our justice system!!!!hisss
what a stupid reason for shooting and killing someone.So if he was older than you nko?
Well..I hope justice is served hot and i am very sure there are hundreds of black americans willing to shoot this guy outside if he is released.Justice is all we ask!!
This is what happens when a man's ego get the best of him. The dispatcher told him to not follow the boy but he took it upon himself to. Why? because he is used to do things his way. His father is a judge so he probably feels he is invinsible. Anyway, I pray justice will prevail to show all the other people that feels they are above the law.
This is d best comment here...nice1
April 23, 2012 12:49 PM is there someting wrong??? the apology that was forced from him and you are hear saying at least he apologised. i wonder what you would have done if it were your family memeer that this happened to. it appears you were not following this story and that is why you made that comment.
i am not saying that the apology was bad but the way events unfolded is wrong and it is not easy to lose a child you would not even hope for that for your enemy how much more
Let's get one thing straight, this IDIOT was a self-appointed neigborhood watchman, nobody appointed him in the first place to do any security job in the first place, I doubt if neighborhood watchmen are even allowed to carry guns around.
The IDIOT was so obsessed with black crime and black people that he made over a hundred call in a month to the police over very frivolous reasons like somebody left their door open as long as there is a black person involved.
He saw a black kid in his neighborhood looking around as he was returning from a grocery store nearby only for him to call the police on the kid, and say he was up to no good and even muttered some racial slur. Against the advice of the police dispatcher not to follow the kid, he took laws into his hands and stalked the boy to death. Who will not be angry if one notices somebody following you around for no goddamn reason? If his intent was not to kill, how come he had a gun? This was a man with a violent past; he once resisted arrest and and physically assaulted a female cop.....he got all that cleaned up prolly using his father's influence in the judiciary to get a squeaky clean image. Now they are trying to use thesame influence to get him a bail, giving him a suit to make him look less than killer, using lame appology as antics to win people's sympathy. Bullshit!! I aint falling for that crap. So if he was a little older than you, your act would have been justified? Or prolly, your lying self-defence excuse would have been more fitting, right?
This idiot killed a kid and went missing for weeks without uttering a word, he even had the audacity to come up with a site in his defence. The IDIOT wanted to play the underdog. He shot the kid to death.
This redneck deserves to be put away for a very long time, else he will kill again....
the guy is innocent and remorseful. yes he killedd but abeg me sef i wud have killed. i fear these african americans and their gangsta gra gra.
Guilty. 911 dispatcher said do not pursue and confront. But he did so na him go find trouble.
What an apology,so there's a better age of killing someone? Whether the Lad was 1yr old or 50yrs old,there is no justification age wise. Although am tempted 2 feel sorry 4 him, let justice prevail. See as em lean. Continue 2 rest in peace trayvon!
He shot the black kid because he has a lower toleration of black people. He's a racist bastard. I pray that what he did to the black kid is done to him and his racist ancestors.
God heal the parents, please.
Have you heard of retinol and how it transforms and defies lines and wrinkles?, its an awesome age-defying product! http://www.thestunninglady.blogspot.com
Even if Zimmerman doesn't get convicted, he will have to relocate to another country, or else, black men will attack him to avenge for the blood of their own brother. And his father is a judge, so he might not get convicted
Yes this man should pay for his crime, but black Americans need to STFU! Useless pple..most of them are the cause of their misfortunes...they commit some kain odd crimes against white pple and blacks too...I think like a week ago, a black nurse kidnapped a three day old baby from his mum, shot and killed the white chic and knocked her body off the road...I no see Jesse Jackson and Al sharpton make pem! Obama sef no claim the black winsh as him sister.
i say someborri somewhere is waiting silently for him..... they had berra leave him in jail.
i feel sorry for him.....i guess its over zealousness......he looks really guilty....May God forgive him......Amen
trust me zimmerman d prison wud av bin bera, outside there ur dayz r numbered. U rily got some nerves sayin al dos rubbish...ws dt an apology or a public show of ur stupidity?
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