The star actress has landed a role in the film adaptation of Chimamanda Adichie's best selling novel, Half Of A Yellow Sun, alongside Hollywood stars like Chiwetel Ejiofor, Anika Noni Rose and Thandie Newton.
The movie, like the novel, will be set during the Nigerian-Biafran War of 1967 – 1970 and explores the impact of this conflict through the twisting story of a University Professor (Ejiofor) and his lover (Newton) her sister, a British ex-pat, and a young houseboy.
Genevieve will play the role of Ms Adebayo, another professor who develops a flirtatious relationship with her colleague Mr Odenigbo (Ejiofor).
Loved the book and just like most others... I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Congrats Thats a big one Amebo Linda I dey gbadun U sha thanx
I'd have preferred "Purple Hibiscus" to be made into a movie. Unfortunately, we have no child stars in this country
Genevieve will take hollywood by suprise one day.I now know that for sure.Congrats gene
I am not surprised at all.genevieve is and would always be a good actress. Afro candy go and take notes from her! You dont need to be nude to be apppreciated and make it in the industry.Love you Genny!
Awwwww.....congrats to her!!! Always wanted her to land the role. Big ups. I hope she marries that character and give it her best!
nice she deserve it kudos!
Woohoo!! They are making the movie!! So happy, love the novel like maaaad! *its a must watch for me* :d
Lyn pls find about a petition abt getting genny to play d lead role.. We need it to sign.. Not 2 clear but I saw it on Bella naija.. We need to support our own.. Luv lyn.. U r doing a fab job.
Congrats Genevieve. You'll soon start going international- like D'Banj.
wow!!!thats so nyc.....i read the book last 2 years and wouldnt mind the movie too,congrts to genny.
Go gurl
Mrs adebayo was the first person to come look for Odenigbo when the war was over.... Hmmn.... Good for Genny.
PS..... Sometimes I still wonder what happened to Kainene
ladies!!! be classy ALWAYS!!! it always takes you farther!!! Congratulations!! you just keep making us proud!!
well done Genevieve see Hollywood calling oh
Yayyyy dis is one of my best novels I cnt wait for d movie.
I Love my Genny dats my Genny...dis woman is a star jare..luv her so much..Congrats Genny I knw u will giv it ur best shot...Keep Shining**
Chimamanda anounced it 3monthss ago on her facebook here http://www.facebook.com/chimamandaadichie/posts/345091528849024. Though Genny wasn't in the initial Cast. Genny deserves it. I guess she'll be Olanna...Or even kainene. Thandie Newton won't fit into any of those roles as much as Genny would
This girl sha won fine kill herself:-)
Gorgeous chic. I am so loving this picture!
OMG! That book took me 8mnths to read. It broke my heart into many pieces and now a movie. I'll be saving my tears for that. Thumbs up Gen!
@ Anon 11.13 the lead role for a lady would be to play the part of Ola, I think, and going by her description in the novel, she looks nothing like genevieve. She's very lightskinned for one, and Chimamada may not want them to tamper with the characters in her book. However the role of Miss Adebayo is a very minor one and I think Genevieve deserves better. For me I think she should be given the role of Kainene, ola's twin sister, who has a stronger character than Ola does, IMO. Can't wait for this movie to come out. Yay!!! And also Chiwetel is a very good choice for that character. I just hope they get the Nigerian accents well. Valerie.
And why ain't they use Nigerian actors? Abi na British accent them go do am
I feel the reason for this is because a proper audition is not done to cast child actors,if the role of a child appears in a script,some actors just bring in their untalented kids and it can be very annoying nollywood u guys should try and take a que from hollywood and do proper auditioning for kids no matter how small or insignificant a role.make una spare us d torture biko-Palo
Well said bellaz
i actually tot "as kanene" as genny completely fits how i imagine
k would look but for the height.
oh well ms Adebayo's role might be small can not be forgotten in the book.... so it not all bad.
gud news. cant wait. who is directing?
Congrats to her.
Fabulous!! Wishing her all the best, she certainly deserves it
omg i loveeeee the book and even her other novel purplr hibiscous:)
Those of you asking linda to check the petition or rooting for Genny to play the lead role which is Olanna have obviously not read the book, to me she is a good actress but she definitely can't play Olanna or Kainene, she's not as fair, tall and pretty as Olanna's character, neither is she as tall and feisty as the not too fine Kainene, to me she doesn't even fit into Miss Adebayo's character if you know the characters well, but all the same, hope she plays the role well cos that novel is a master piece. But I don't see why they should cast people with British accents to play Nigerian's, though I know Olanna and Kainene will be ok to use foreigners since they schooled in the UK and have a tinge of British accents to their tone, can't wait to see the movie!
Hmmmm...no HATE COMMENTS...that's a first....go Genny!
For those who don't see anything good in others, leave alone, she has be castes so what? U want to reverse it? Mbanu!! All Genny haters, sit there and hate while she keep going higher. If God is for her, married or not, fitted for the role or not , she's been choose. So leave her do us proud, she has never disappoint most of us
May God bless Genevieve Nnaji
Oh wow!!! I can't wait...love that book so much that I've read it twice. I also sometimes wonder what happened to Kainene, she was my fav character. Although a small part I really hope Genny uses this opportunity to advance her acting career beyond the shores of Nigeria. After all supporting acts can steal the show, as has been done in the past.
@ Anon 2012 8:14 PM - I completely agree. I would like to see Genevieve as Kainene. A perfect role for me.
Not only Genny..they need a majority African cast and maybe 2/3 Hollywood A List Actor/Actress in order to have an international appeal!!
What gets me is this useless govt people stealing all our money and couldn't even leave some for worthy projects like this..can't blame Hollywood..its their money..if we want things on our terms...we gat to pay 4 it!!
I LOVE Genevieve like MAD!!!!!!! Congratulations girl @7:33pm, Genevieve had already gone international when dbanj was still with the jjc n 419 squad. Them nor be mate abeg!
Choke on this all you genny haters....his girl is the best thing that ever happened to nollywood. Take it or leave it
Dumbass..what stupid petition..how can ur so call gene or DNA do a lead role.pls go and check who thandie newton is and her profile ..so u think she would play other half of genevieve ...our own..our own..u think its all cos of that or real talent.smh
Why are y'll compalinig genny this and that.The director of the movie wants it to get a wide appeal internationally and genny isnt that popular to sell the movie.If a smart nollywood producer/director had grabbed d deal our African big stars would have featured infact omotola would have been olanna-tall fair and pretty.
Genny would have being kainne.
She should have the main role!!!
E de pepper una body say no be Omotola they choose in this cast . As much as e pepper una, haters, the final thing be say, SHE GoT IT. Get a life, in theater, every role is important , Genny God's Favor is on her, they whisper , they convict, they. Judge her harshly, compare her with OMOTOLA , God Favor her. I don't know this woman call Genny, but where ever her name is mentioned for success, I feel complete. May the Almighty continue to favor u, in the presence of your enemies, may he's light shade I brighten path, may your Egyptian perish in the red Sea of hate, now and forever more Amen. Go Genny Queen, you and Ramsey are the Best nollywood is where it is. They say, a prophet is never regonize in his home town , Genny, the day u were conceive , God knew ur name, congratulation dear, Linda, God bless u, all who have supported her God bless u. Nice week y'all .
LOL olofofo anon 12.15pm wetin bring omotola inside the gist now? Are you so insecure or what? Omotola is even busy as she has a lot on her plate....remember dvideo on the oil spillage? Tcheww
so happy for her =)
What will be her role, hope it is something major o.
@anonymous 11.26pm you seem to be ignorant. And who is Thandie Newton? Just because she acts in hollywood and oyibo, therefore better pass? Abeg, leave matter. congrats to Genny. And please people, leave this Genny, Omotola comparisons. E never tire una? Must one fail before una recognise that the other can also exist? Genny abeg God bless you. Let's keep being proud of you. Haters, chop poto poto. And Linda, publish my comment. Yes-O!
Genevieve for lead role for where. Tkae several seats jo. The girl is okay. Not great or excellent. She will not do a movie of that magnitude justice. Even that yoruba bleached one Omotola will do better as Olanna. I even find some of Genevieves actinf forced at times. Nollywood actresses who are effortless and don't typically over do it are Omotola, Steph okereke, Bimbo Akintola, Kate Henshaw, Nse Ntim and once in a blue moon, Stella Dam....of course our dear old Joke Silva, Bukky Ajayi and Patience Ojiafor. That's about it. Genevieve ko, genegive ni
Why the role of Ms Adebayo though? Wrong casting if you ask me
I've read that book like 50 times already and she doesnt ring "Ms Adebayo" to me...we'll see......
Would have loved to see her play Olanna or Kainene it really sucks that western actresses were chosen for those roles. I really loved this book and it's quite disappointing that Nigerian actresses weren't chosen to play the major roles.
Whooooo,this is huge for both Genevieve and Chimananda,to have your book adapted into a major movie,thats mega bucks for all involved.YOU GO GIRLS.
I love ma gurl geni... Shez really repping the nation in a positive way.
Oh wow!!!!
I will definately be watching. Well done Gene.
The book is amazing and sooo moving.
After my exams I would def be reading it again!!!
This is excellent news! Genevieve is the best actress to come out from naija and she's also gorgeous. Hope this is just the beginning of better things to come for her.
From all the comments i've read about i haven't seen anyone mention Omotola's name so what exactly are you on about? Why must every post on this blog turn to a Genevieve vs Omotola battlefest?
Genny is over hyped I aint hating thou,buh genny is not really a professional actress she is not that real I.e she does not really get into the role effortlessly.thou she and mercy johnson act alike.professional actresses are bimbo akintola,liz benson,joke silva and kate hensaw.congrat genny and u r really pretty I admire u buh not ur acting prowess
If we can unveil the faces behind all these anonymous/assumed haters, y'all would be shocked at the number of Nollywood's artistes involved in dishing out all these jealousy filled comments. Haaaa, busted much!!! Congratulations, Genevieve. Of all the artistes in Nollywood, you got chosen. It's a big deal.
Geneveive's PR Vanessa Amadi abi u people are happy after fighting for film role. Genevieve is an okay actress she needs more depth. good luck sha. these are film adaptations nigerian filmmakers shud grab. dont be waiting on the western world to tell ur stories for u.
i love genee
Am teln u, na only house girl and passer by role dem dey audition for. Its a shame really, any impt role dey will pass it down to their untalented relations(tchidi chikere and his untalented ex wife) or stick to the same old faces everyone knows. They are so afraid of change.
Bring on any character and Geny will nail it for you, its not about being tall or fair, she is simply good.
I CANT WAIT!!!, the book was an awesome read! yay!!!!
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Well let me tell u, professionally Bimbo is good, go and tell her she needs to loose some weight and get a hair did, as an actress, u are ur product, u need to treat ur product well so u can sell ur self. Even if she beg for the role, it's ok . We all beg sometimes, and as small as it is, she will hit big, and yes, u r a hater, go sit down. Love u Genny.
That's what's up!!! Lookin forward to it
And you the other one talking about accent and not having depth, Penelope Cruz has been playing lead roles in Hollywood , and she even won an Oscar , yet, she can't even speak English fluently , even Jackie Chain, Anold schazneager does not speak English properly, dont tell me and thing Genny can not do, she has been waiting for Nollywood filmmakers to challenge her, now comes the time, she will make the most out of it better believe that. Remember , it's not rush rush work like Nollywood , as small as it is, she will become big, after all Jennifer Hudson won her Oscar through a supporting role, and beyonce was mad, it's not all about playing pretty, it's about bringing the character to life that's what film making , acting , and thearter is all about.
I am Nneka
Monalisa would have been perfect for olanna.Gene for kaene,I can't w8 to see the foreign actors fake our accent.I do hope they don't destroy the true content of the story with westernisation
I am Nneka
Monalisa would have been perfect for olanna.Gene for kaene,I can't w8 to see the foreign actors fake our accent.I do hope they don't destroy the true content of the story with westernisation
Don't get why people shld protest whatever Genevieve gets! If you soo loved the book, you should have bought the movie rights and only cast Nigerians. Always complaining just for the sake of it... That book is a masterpiece and I trust hollywood to do it justice. I also trust Genevieve to give it her all. Well done girl
Abeg abeg casting monalisa in this film is big a joke as casting rita dominic in it. Biyi will never consider either of them
Hollywood brought money to do movie. Naija people want to write petition that their indigenous artistes were given minor roles. Does it even add up at all?
It's good news. I'm happy for Genevieve Nnaji. As for those who feel the need to compare Genevieve and Omotola, Genevieve can act better than the latter. Not to take anything away from Omotola sha, but she can't act better than Genevieve. And it has nothing to do with who debuted in the industry first(Omotola did her first film in 95 or 96, "mortal inheritance", Genevieve in 98 "most wanted".
Bimbo Akintola is a better actress than both to me, but she really needs to lose weight
RealTruthHurts, "indigenous ACTORS", not "artistes"
So true! This has nothing to do with hating but Genie looks nothing like Olanna who is very light skinned. Monalisa will def fit into the role better. Maybe Gennie could be Kainene or even their cousin.
Nobody is saying congratulations to Chimamanda who is definitely the STAR of the whole news. She makes me so truly proud to be Nigerian and Igbo at that. Go gurl!
Loved the book. Hope the film adaptation does it justice.
How about Antonia Okonma for Kainene? I watched her brilliantly play Darlene, the favourite ‘bad girl’ in Bad Girls, a UK prison drama series, for so many years and I had no doubt she was a proper Jamo chick (UK slang for West Indian girl). I couldn’t even understand some of what she spoke cos to me it was hardcore patois– until I saw her play the role of Toyin, the Iya-Ile (first wife) of a rich politician in a stage production with the same name. Boy, was I wowed! Her Nigerian accent was just as Nigerian as mine (and you know we naijas can hear the slightest twang if someone doesn’t sound like us, me I didn’t hear any o); she even managed to get it to sound a bit Yoruba-ish instead of just a flat Nigerian accent. I was still trying to pick my jaw up from the floor when, after the show she came up on stage again, to a round of applause, to give a brief talk about the social issues explored in the play – this time in perfect Home Counties Queen’s English. Ok, if that is not versatile, then I don’t know versatile! Plus, she is tall, not your conventional beauty and just as feisty as Kainene was described. I wonder if at all she was considered? I think she would have fit the role, but then I guess the producers were looking for internationally recognisable names to throw into the mix. Still looking forward to the movie. #ilovechimamandangoziadichietobitis#.
Tnk u!! Best comment eva
U spoke my mind o
Your a fool for that yoruba bleached one. Ode ni e why u making tribalistic comments you must be igbo. Ignorant fool, im yoruba and i love all tribes especially igbos. Dont you eva in ur life make tribalistic statements again, u hear me so? Mumu
Wrong Casting......Genny to play Mrs Adebayo ?..... No no NO.
Damilola Adegbite will make a fINE Olanna. Olanna wasn't described as very Fair ! Olanna was extremely Beautiful and Curvy. Monalisa does not fit into that Role (Olanna's), at all.
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