An exposion occurred in Kaduna around 9am this morning Easter Sunday killing at least 20 people, mostly Motorcycle operators known as Okada riders. The explosion went off a
few blocks near the Evangelical Church of West Africa, (ECWA), around the Ahmadu Bello
Stadium Roundabout by Sardauna Crescent in Kaduna, just as Christians were observing the Sunday Easter Day Service.
The bomb was
planted in a vehicle and was heading for one of the churches in the area when it suddenly detonated at a junction
killing Okada riders and bystanders.
Oh dear, not again! God Save Nigeria.
this bombing thing is getting out of hand in nigeria now...for every significant holiday comes a bomb...too bad
Another Boko Havoc attack. Oh God when will this madness end?
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Usless Country!
Bros Jay, you say these burden go fizzle out soon, we don wait taya, still e no gree fizzle....na so you go look so tay, dem bomb all of us finsh????
Seriously this Boko menace has gone beyond the bounds of good taste. Its high time radical measures are exploited to contain the situation.
Wowww!!!! this is so crazy n so not unfair!!! i wonder wat we did to this people they want evryone to not celerate christian feasts again!!! Haba!! Presido dey on leave now. how we go do abeg, Abaso mbok!!!
Dear God when will dis senseless killings stop???? Pls save us 4rm dese wolves
Dese pple neva tire? Wen dis menace go stop? God! Na u we depend on. Save us frm dese beasts.
Haba! Dis is not nice ooooo.*God save Nigeria*
i am an eyewitness, i was there,i saw it all my mouth cant say hmmmmm lost of so many lives.
More lyk "evry significant Christian holiday" I'm yet 2 hear of a bomb goin off on muslim holidays... I dnt av anythn against muslims it's jst an observation. Make me wonder wat d reaction will b lyk if suicide bombers n bombs went off in mosques! so sad.
ONOME says...................
With the current trend of bombings going on in my country I have come to certain conclusions:
1)Any southerner who is still in the North is a fool,a retard or severely brain damaged.They have told you what they want.They want sharia imposed.They have shown several times that they don't want you yet you are still persisting there?The stubborn fly will be buried along with the corpse.If your host has demonstrated unwholesome acts towards you over and over and over and over and over again why in heaven's name are you still there???????
2)Our God is all powerful and all seeing.He is the author and finisher of our lives.The beginning and the end.However in these instances God's word is made even more manifest.He has blessed us with intelligence,skills,manpower etc etc it is now left for us to utilise these gifts.God is not going to come down and shield Nigerians from BH,that is left for your Government and the security forces to do.It beggars belief that a country that has so many churches on a single street suffers from such calamities on a regular basis whereas other developed countries where security is placed squarely in the hands of government and security agents and in which Christianity and religion donot play central roles like Nigeria do not record such.
3.It is now very obvious that the BH menace has boxed even the security agents in.I read with hope in the last few days how more security agents were deployed to Kaduna and I waited with bated breath hoping and hoping that these animals would not succeed,alas they did.
4.Where are the TB Joshua people?Did He not foresee this one?Or it's only the death of non Nigerian leaders he sees?Where are the other men of God?Time to tell us Christians how to play this game.The BH have laid down their rules and their Northern leaders are quietly enjoying the fiasco so where are you christian leaders????
5.Since the churches are now their favourite bombing arena,is it not about time we reconsider worship in churches and choose parishioners houses??but then again for how long can people stay out of their rightful abode of worship?Which takes me full circle again,Southerners go back to the south!They say the BH attacks both Northerners and Southerners.Yes I concede that but wisdom is profitable to direct.Let all Southerners relocate first and leave the Northerners to sort out their mess.Selfish maybe but "self first" has always preserved the species.
Lord Jesus I am saddened by all these occurrences in my country.Father comfort the families and comfort me Lord.I am truly saddened
RIP.......so sorry about this....
Islamic fundamentalists ......is it because we were taught to turn the other cheek.
The solution to this menace is to give them what they want...break this country and let this fools continuue to kill themselve they have alot of handicap in the north and lots of ppl without future so they can neva runout of suicide bombers
Jona! Oya another one don happen, make you call emergency meeting with service chiefs.
Jon addresses the nation: We have reached a consensus; we must all learn how to live with it.
All they know is to seat in Aso Rock, sell oil, give contracts and loot for their unborn generations.
Eyewhitness thank God for ur life o. I always say we shouldn't call God to do things we can do ourselves but since GEJ is waiting for terrorists acts to fizzle out,we have to cry to God to save us from boko haram.na wah this country.*smh- Palo
So sad ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ )
Dis boko haram fin is gettin outta hand oh...smt has 2 b done immediately...innocent people re just dying 4 no reason..!!!!
These bastards ate acting like theyve never seen bombs before. Every time, they have to explode a place during a Christian event.
Why can't they show their faces and say exactly what they want? Cowards!
♍ε dεγ fear O°˚˚˚˚˚°o
And the government has been trying to negotiate with the master minders!
God will protect His own but we all knw those responsible 4 dis act, so y d pretence.
I'm I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ kaduna nw,was scared cos we I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ karfanchan didnt hear d news till ma frds n family started calln.cant wait to run back to lagos .
May Almighty ALLAH guide us for boko ha ram
I am, the no Sender.
Again Laila, you fall Ikeji hands again. Represent well na. You probably meant, it's so not fair because If according to you it's so not unfair like you wrote, then why are you commenting. Kuku go look for Boko Havoc(as someone so succinctly put it) flag and celeberate them
I am, the no Sender.
This is pathetic and very saddening. It blows one's mind to imagine the height of this wickedness in high places. The depth of man's wickedness can be mind boggling and the resultant evil it broadcasts can only strike fear and dejection.
However, in all things we can still see God's hand in this. Slowly we are begining to witness the dethronement of the Boko Haram. Their schemes are capitulating on them. The bombs are dethoning before it gets to their targets. God will continue to disgrace Ahitophel's counsels and cause a babel experience to fall on Boko Haram or is it Haran. Yes, utter confusion will bring about their implosion.
@ Truson, coolu temper(forget Uncle Jay) Jesus is on the throne. He fights his battles himself and so at the end Christians will have course to shout, Praaaiiiiiseeeee the Looooord.
I expect the President and his cohorts to come out and "condemn this cowardly act" and say the end of Boko Haram is near. I don't know what we did for God to punish us with this bunch of clueless people for leaders.
Nuffsaid. If you voted for GEJ, slap yourself
Something is really wrong with the leadership of this nation,how can this keep happening......has nobody noticed that no PDP state has been attacked all this while......
God will continue to save nigeria nd continue to expose the evil doer becouse no peace for the wicked
see dem, useless sect d only thin wey dem sabi na to bomb,go school dem no gree go
Dnt know why God will continue 2 watch dis pple point a finger 2 his face!! HW DARE U Pple on a day as sacred as Easter! The resurrection of CHRIST! Beware u wicked pple, God has givn tym 2 repent n seek dis face nw! B4 he unleashes his anger on U!
Dear Linda. Do we REALLY know who is responsible? You shouldn't make statements like that. With terrorism, we must never assume.
Oh God deliver ur children from dis deadly people called BH
Uncle 'celeberate' pls pick d log from ur eyes b4 u remove some1's speck!lol
Anonymous 6:29am, this is for u: I sincerely wonder if u understand wot d word "fool" means n all d other cruel phrases u used on people u don't even know. People u can't even imagine. U see, ignorance n foolishness goes hand-in-hand so I wonder who d fool is. I would have loved to buttress my point but u see, growing up, I've learnt not to cast pearls to swine.
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