He didn't really say anything...:-). Interview culled from this week's encomium magazine...
Let's talk about your romance with Annie, whats the plan for the marriage?
2face: I can't talk about that now but don't worry, when the IV is ready, I will surely send you one.
But how did you arrive at settling down with Annie Macaulay out of all the mistresses?
2face: I don't know o (Smiles)
At least tell us one particular quality you see in her
2face: I say I don't know nah!
Okay, but how does it feel that your sixth child has arrived?
2face: We thank the Lord
Tell us what is special about your fiancee?
2face: No comment, but I will say nobody special pass. Everybody is special (referring to the other women)
ONOME says...............
Annie u dey see wetin ur bobo talk so???issokai!Na u get ur life,do whatever rocks ur boat.
Tuface na u o."Nobody special pass.".Women dey suffer o,chai!
Nne!i swear ds guy is a badth guy.he is so cunny.2baba,i hail!ure gifted.well,atlast he is settling with 1.cherryberry
so,annie z just lxk oda women? Issokay
Y did he agree 2 do dis interview if he aint going 2 answer d questions? Wat a waste of media time and his time 2. If he didn't want dem questions all he had 2 do was tell his PR 2 tell dem not 2 ask. Very stupid post. And yes Linda.. U just wasted ur time and OUR time. Cheers
Billie jean
Gosh, "Nobody special pass"
Omg, dis is classic. *Smh. Goodluck wt dat Annie.
Omg!!! Dis is classic. Goodluck Wt dat Annie. *Smh
They look nice.
Chei! He would have just said ' she has stood by me thru thick and thin, she is a very special friend blah blah blah" which one is 'nobody special pass'??
Everywoman that has been asked by a man to be his wife likes to think of herself as being the best of the other women in the man's life. Annie wouldnt be any different.
Tubaba, u no try for here ooo (Except of course annie gave you permission to say it dis way)
You still rock sha!!!!!
Daft Tuface, Dafter Annie!
Yes 2baba no comment...
na wehhhh ooo nobody special pass???? tubaba u harsh oo anyway God is watching u lol n as for linda u beta post my comment b4 i give up on u n dis ur space
2 Baba my man...From Nobody Holy Pass --Nobody Special Pass---Soon you go still say Nobody Born Pikin Pass..
Ewwww tubaba u no try at all. I mean gives us sum' like: "Annie is a strong woman, beautiful inside & out..." U know, something. U could really hv come up wit something berra dan "nobody special pass"!!!!!! Wut? R u kiddin? Pls am feeling bad for Annie. Deep inside my heart I pray for her cuz she made quite a bold choice by sticking with u. The very least u can give her is respect and consideration. Or am I missing something here? Ann
I don not envy u at all Annie. Gudluck with your man.
Ehen nobody holy pass...abi una holy???
Is not 2face's fault he does not no how to express himsf ni
intelligent answer to annoying/amebo questions
I'm tempted to think so. That was just too raw. Too wrong. Ann
abegi make to interview leave 2baba alone naw abi you wan make the other 2 women vex ehe abeg
he should have said annie na my rock abi no be sooo ehh linda
Wat do we kal dis one nw...anyways...all man to himslf,giv evryone a chnce to mk deir own mistakes
He can't Express himself verbally. English isn't his first language.
Then he shouldn't hv agreed 2 do d interview! Simples
Smart dude!! Dont forget he has female fans who want to "sex him up". The guy likes eating his cake and having it. More grease to your elbows...and vaseline for your downbelow.
What he said makes a lot of sense. Nobody special pass! The women in his life all have kids for him, including Annie,and more are ready and willing to get pregnant despite the so called engagement to Ann,so what's the big deal? Ring or no ring, Anne isn't different from the rest! The sad part is that for reasons best known to her, Annie has chosen to remain in the "love circle"! Like someone said: dumb Tuface, dumber Annie!!!
You have 5 children from 3 baby mamas; Instead of you to marry the 3 women, you proposed to 1 while another is expecting your 6th child...Amadioha is watching you in a broken mirror!
tubaba my man, u fall my hand ooo.wud u plz show her some respect, criosly no comment,u mean there's nofin special abt her?dn y did u choose her,huh? Mayb i shud start callin DUMBFACE,u'r stil my man sha.
tubaba my man, u fall my hand ooo.wud u plz show her some respect, criosly no comment,u mean there's nofin special abt her?dn y did u choose her,huh? Mayb i shud start callin DUMBFACE,u'r stil my man sha.
Dats just d truth. He can't speck english and also can't express him sef dats d fact
Na wa O! "Nobody special pass" Annie I really hope u know what u r letting urself in for, u never even enter house and u never special pass, no b by force to marry O! Make u no try to prove point wey b say na point go come prove u O!
I personally feel for Annie,cos i doubt her happiness in this whole marriage thing. Goodluck annie!.
this interview was just waste of time jor.not unless he plans to answer the questions in his next song though,as its obvious he can't express himself this way
hahahahahahaha.tubaba u no go kill person o.nobody special passie ehh.annie no go vex she understand tubaba very well.
Y r u taking it p... Jealousy is a bad tin oo
v never had any reason to envy Annie cause i know this proposal drama go be longgg tin, haba tubaba, everywoman dey special even d ones planning to come in as well babymamas too ehn #Godiswatchinguo in 3dglasses
"no body special pass" hmn! 3face #God is watching you.
I still love 2baba jare. But the guy funny sha. Wot does he mean by nobody special pass. Abeg LIB readers, what is the male version of a BIMBO. The guy is fine without brains. Poor Annie. Hope she's ready for what she's about to get herself into.
It's obvious she really loves this guy like mad. I can relate with her. That's d way I love my bf to a fault. Although he doesn't have children about, he isn't exactly the perfect man. But leave am nah, I no fit. My dear Annie, it will be well.
Good luck to her, she better accept that tuface has 3 wives and she is just one of them
Girls wont learn , sticking with him sends the wrong message that if he give you SHIT to chop, you go open your mouth . NA UNTIL HE GIVES HER HIV BEFORE SHE WISE UP. How does she expect to have peace in her home . Doesnt she have parents and family to advise her.
Good luck to her sha. As you make your bed so you lie on it
i comment my reserve dis one don pass me....If na u, u go talk abi u no want make him see him pikin dem again...
Heheheheheheheheheheheeheheheh, i dey laff oooo! Tubaba!na wa!
The person interviewing him is not smart at all.
Those are personal issues and you don't get the answers to such using direct questions. GOSH!
Some people should return to school and acquire skills jor.
I'm speechless abt dis tu face issue, gosssh 6 kids , haba dtz so nt nyc of u, bt no mata wat 1 man,s poison wil Eva remain anoda's best food. I wish dem d vry bst on dis journey d re abt 2 embark on
Lol...the boy's not alright @ all
Omgosh. Amadioha is watching u in broken mirror.so hilarious. Anywayz I tink tuface just did nat want tu answer. His tired of all that question.
lol Two baba sef...na the way sha carry on big bro :D
Fluffy shadows
How can he respect any woman who has been hanging around and waiting for his acknowledgement for so many years. She's desperate, Pero is desperate. If you love and respect yourself, a man will do the same. Men see through all the insecurities, desperation, etc of many women. He may love her but I don't know about respect.
English aint his main language. And also Pidgin aint LIB readers first language. "Nobody special pass" means that nobody is more special to him than Annie. Morelike, she is my dearest while others are also dear.
Btw, our artist should make out time to learn languages, it will help their image.
Lmao @ amadioha is watchin u in a broken mirror. U guys r so funny.
Hahaha... Mean!!
linda n omob
Honestly, this annie girl sold herself cheap. Kai. Tuface? I doff my hat o baba in the music department, even in the fyn boi department, but husband material?!!Wont touch ur d**k with a long pole.
- Olah
And u can speck?issorai
Mo una leave 2 baba now, na by force to talk........mcheeewwwww!
Mo una leave 2 baba now, na by force to talk........mcheeewwwww!
Until annie gets it into her head dat 2baba proposing 2 her was not his INTENTION but to save his career bcos of piro's pregnancy...it was an advice given 2 him 2 save his face and career...she shuld av rejected d ring and move on...d only 1 luvin here is annie.if d interview has bin vice-versa annie wuld av said something reasonable abut him.i wish her luck sha....
Tubaba no mind dem jare i understand u pass all of dem. "nobody special pass" meaning.............. "just 2 marry her so dat u ppl will stop abusing m say i no get wife 4 house". abi no b so? Annie i pity u o. anyway God dey.
Dear Linda, please help me tell Tuface that he's mates are buying Bentley and Ashton Martin's, signing deals with Kanye etc he is there allowing his down below to rule his life. SMH. Did he not get any prior to becoming popular? Dbanj and co are making MONEY, tuface is making babies. From a concerned Benuegirl teehee
Lmao @ nobody born pikin pass..
No big deal about the nothing special pass answer, it shows he doesn't want to answer the interviewer, and that's the only way he could express himself. Wishing them goodluck in their affairs
April 25, 2012 1:32 PM @ kenny make we put you for hot sit make you get gist for us abeg
i guess tubaba dey get tired easily with women sho! after all d lovey dovey,wht a comment!!!!
@ anon 04:40am u dat can speck english nko abeg na speak not speck..mumu..can't stop laughin at d interview an comments..*rollin on d floor sef...dammysho
My dear its not amebo questions o. Its normal questions they ask every bride and groom, its an opportunity for each partner to express inate qualities about the other, they may not say so often. Very important questions. It'd have been better if he said, "no comment". Not I no know nah.
And pls, annie should hire a night teacher for her husband. The disgrace is becoming too much. Even my housegirl can speak better "engrish" than 2face, and she just started 3 months ago.
Omg!!!! LIB readers didnt get what TuFace meant. In English what he said in pidgin means 'no one is more special than Annie'. Anon, April 25, 2012 2:03 PM, thank God you understood.
If there's a line up for smart people, don't even stand at the back....it will be an insult to them....just go and look for the line of foolishness where tuface the douche bag is the head and stand there with him.....mumu.
I believe they said "daft". Dumb is good, and excusable, daft on the other hand is another matter. You use open eye enter 2face house of commotion, at least chf fuji knew how to woo his wives. This one has nothing to say about you. Sad
dis guy is d purest definition of an ass!!!!!
Choi this 2baba is just funny with his answers @"i said i dont know nah"
Annie Sorry is your name. choiiiii
this guy is an ASS!...and an ungrateful one!
funniest interview i have read in a while... aww... he sounds like a little kid sha. but but Im sure Annie was on board with the answers just like shes on board with the 2 or more? other wives.LMAO. sigh
Who cares why he chose he?? Liek he is God's gift to women. Mschew
but seriously i loved our naija celebs better when i knew nothing about their personality or personal lives. now Ikeji and other blogs are making me go -__- for them.
tubaba na wa oo! if u didnt want the questions all u had to do was say no to the interview not destroy our heads with broken english
tuface baby mamas are more than three, its only the onces we know that are popular. my neibours friend has a baby for tuface. he is not a responsible guy at all. nuffing frecks me about him.
Lmao @ nobody born pickin pass,buh na true 2face u nor try @ all wif dis ur answer SMH 4 Annie I pity u..
The only reason why she gree 2baba own na say her future dey secured. But i hope she knows that one day after they marry 2baba will insist that all his pikins must to dey under one roof wit am and na she go raise ALL of them including her own. E no easy to marry superstar oh!
U are more dumb than Tuface, wat did u English elementary teacher teach u? No body special pass in English means no one is more special than d other. They are all equally special. I don't see any thing wrong with this perhaps he is been diplomatic so he kukukma marry all 3 . End of discussion.
Anni dos nt kare as long as money is enterin her bank acct jare.
What is nice about them? Sorry 2face you make me sick cos of ur love life, well u are a guy and u av d cash! Dts why d sencesless girls are following u like mumu....... They are a shame to lady like.
If he talk na wahala, if he no talk na anoda wahala. Free him, jor. Let him enjoy his life.
we cannot loose sight of the fact that he has 5kids whose mums are still hurting perhaps so i think i get why he had to say that ...he still has to respect the other mothers of his kids..2face i get way u meant
Ann should better quit this marriage thing. He has five chilren plus yours making it six chilren. A child outside wedlock is better than six children outside wedlock. Think Ann
Tubaba..... Nobody special pass??? Not nice @ all
I guess u speck english better.
I just wanna hug u...pls can I give u an E-hug. No man is dat dumb to declare publicly dat his lady is d same with odas,LIB readers-so quick to jump into conclusion and comment.
Linda,u're nt serious o!u jez wasted my time.and wait o!are u expecting 2baba 2 answer dat question?u want make the other baby mamas kill annie.joor o!he was jez been calculative and matured nt dat there's nofin special abt annie.of course there's sumfin special abt her dat's y he chose her over dem.
On a totally random note....
I agree nobody on earth special pass another
Which one is jealousy,didn't u read his reply,abeg no person shld be jealous of annie
Thanks 4 dis reply on point
afta all this noise, this marriage had berra last
Tuface gave the wise answer because an innocent baby was born to his loving parents-2face and Pero, and people started writing rubbish about Pero like she raped him. He loves all his children and no responsible man will put his children out to be condemned like people were condemning the new baby. Children are a gift from God.
That's a wrong title Linda for this post. And Tuface sounds so stupid in this interview. Honestly. What's wrong in saying one is more special than the others? For him not to say so, I have a feeling he's going to keep seeing the others and didn't want to hurt anyone.
I think Tuface is just being very careful...he really doesn't want others to feel bad...Anyhw sha,na dem sabi
y una dey talk like dis? 2face is being careful here ok? abi una wnt make the rest women beat him huh?
He was just coding and dodging the question...I doubt he was saying shes no more special than hes exes...besides last i remember, Tuface doesnt express himself to great in interviews...so lets overlook this one :)
guy/gal..na ur reply sure pass..tuface is daft but annie...chai....her own na with capit 'D' Daft!!!
wat do u expect?d guy get sense nah.....
Annie should not just deceive herself,this is not love but making do with the better option bcos the other women will contiue to be in his life and he has made that clear with his response.I have been married for twenty years and can tell you with certainty that Annie should accept that he is a polyga,mist whethwer she has the ring or not bcos he just want her to be the woman in the house while others will always be there and indirectly with her consent.What lady with dignity will accept such proposal after all the drama.
wrong boat Ann!!! dont envy u@all
well i dnt knw hw ur doing girl bt truly 4rm d depth i wish u d best.
I understand the word Polygamy perfectly......Tu Baba I hail thee.....I love you and your music.....In fact you a rare breed, the most "Humble Polygamist" that I know. No mind them joor. #God is watching them#...lol.
The truth is that any man that can have more than one woman with children outside his "statutory CODE" of One man One Wife......Even though he respects women socially and physically .....Mentally he sees them the same "thing" Nothing Special......so I don't blame him for that phrase "No one is more special".
And if he can say that Ann; just note it that....... that his not the end of his road when it comes to women or having children outside your marriage or home.....SIMPLE!
Tu Baba.....Baba Oni Baba.......*smiles*
I Love U jooor! Carry Go.....Money dey Women Plenty yan fu yan fu
Wats d problem with everybody here?!..u guys don't need to scrutinise every single thin d guy says.why will he propose to annie if she's not special?personally I think he's very responsible for ownin up to d kids n takin good care of dem.thumbs up 2baba.#team2face
When Annie sef just dey drop pikin like flies for person wey dey drop seed everywhere (D guy dey forbid condom). Even 2baba know say na d money dem like. Wahala no dey...Nobody special pass....CLASSIC
Why wont it be Annie, like terms attract, so it gats to be her, after all the other women dey sing, or act film, celeb dey marry celeb na, tink am.
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