14yr old boy hammered mum to death...sets home on fire to cover the murder | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 10 April 2012

14yr old boy hammered mum to death...sets home on fire to cover the murder

                                           Daniel Bartlam                                               Jacqueline Bartlam

Fourteen year old Daniel Bartlam, a former prep school pupil, crept into his mother's bedroom while she slept and bludgeoned her to death with a sledge hammer, and then set the house on fire to cause distraction from him being suspected as the killer.

The horror film obsessed teenager was jailed for life on Monday after evidence proved he battered his mother to death with a hammer, claiming he was instructed by a voice..

Daniel crept into his mother’s bedroom with this hammers and killed her
Daniel Bartlam was just 14 when he hit mother Jacqueline, 47, seven times with a claw hammer at their detached cul-de-sac home in Redhill, Nottingham.

He then padded her body with paper, doused it in petrol and set fire to it in a bid to destroy evidence and commit the ‘perfect murder’.

Mrs Bartlam body was so burnt she was only identified by autopsy doctors using dental records.
A court heard the teenager rescued his younger brother and the family pet before fleeing from the burning house, telling police that Mrs Bartlam, a Land Registry worker, had been killed by an intruder.
He was was charged with the murder after police discovered video footage on his computer of Coronation Street’s killer character, John Stape.

Nottingham Crown Court heard Bartlam was ‘obsessed’ with a Cornation street character – who battered a woman with a hammer before leaving her body in the wreckage of a tram crash to cover up his crime – and stored files relating to the plot on his computer.

When police examined the rest of the hard drive they discovered he had searched for web pages about ‘people who get away with murder in shows’.
He posted violent scenes from television soap EastEnders on YouTube and had a fixation with crime drama Trial and Retribution

He also penned a soap opera-style plot in which he fantasised about a character called Daniel Bartlam killing ‘Jackie’, his mother.

A source close to the case told the Daily Mail: ‘He comes across as being very mature but there is a distinct lack of emotion. If he was an adult he could be considered a psychopath.’
The product of a broken home, Bartlam had been obsessed with horror films since the age of eight and watched the gruesome Saw 3D movie hours before the murder.
He was convicted of his mother’s murder in February following a two-week trial, but it was only after his sentencing on Monday that Mr Justice Flaux lifted reporting restrictions which prevented him from being named.

Sentencing Bartlam to life with a minimum of 16 years for the ‘senseless and grotesque killing’, the judge said the murder involved a high degree of planning, and Bartlam remained ‘extremely dangerous’.
During his trial, the jury were told he was a ‘young man who immersed himself in a fantasy world; fantasy words he wrote, television drama, films he accessed by the internet and other internet sites’.
Prosecutor Sean Smith added: ‘The boundaries between real life and fiction became very, very tragically blurred.’

Bartlam, who is now 15, initially told police he had a good relationship with his mother.
On the night of the murder he claimed to have been confronted by a masked intruder at the property in Redhill, Nottingham, when he got up to use the toilet. He said the man threw a hammer at him before fleeing and that he then found his mother’s body on the floor of her burning bedroom. He said he panicked and fled with his brother and their dog.

Bartlam was charged two days after the killing. In an outburst at the secure unit he was remanded to soon after, he threatened to ‘kill’ a fellow patient, ‘like I killed my mum’.
He denied murder, offering to admit manslaughter on the basis that he snapped after being branded a ‘f****** freak’ by his mother. Prosecutors refused to accept the plea and Bartlam will begin his sentence in a young offenders’ institution.

Bartlam’s father Adrian, a successful businessman, separated from his mother in 2005, shortly after the birth of their other child, a boy who is now six.

Until then, Bartlam had attended Greenholme, a Nottingham preparatory school which closed last year, and Dagfa, a private boys’ school.
But financial pressures meant that following his parents’ separation, Bartlam was sent to a Roman Catholic state school, where he failed to settle.

In 2010, he was referred to a school counsellor after telling pupils his tie, which he named ‘Fred’, was trying to hurt him.
But just six weeks before the killing, mental health assessors concluded that Bartlam posed little or no risk to himself or others.
A Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust spokesman said: ‘Due to patient confidentiality we are unable to provide any further comment.’

Mrs Bartlam’s parents, who asked not to be named, said in a statement: ‘There are no winners here because not only have we lost Jacqui, but we have lost Daniel too.’
Coronation Street has been nicknamed ‘the most violent place in Britain’, with ten characters killed off in the past two years. A tram disaster in December 2010 took the lives of four characters, while rapist Frank Foster was murdered last month.

An ITV spokesman said the channel took ‘careful steps to ensure that pre-watershed drama was appropriate for a family audience’.

Culled from Daily Mail


BLOGLORD said...


Gbolar said...

Teach a child in the way of the lord...............

Gbolar said...

teach a child in d way of da Lord

Anonymous said...

That son needs to be sentenced to, he is evil!

EdgeVINCI007 said...

Am sure Hollywood knew all along the kind of effect this horror movis have on young kids..... Can you imagine this tragedy? A 14 year old, a 1st degree murder? One more long term effect of a broken home.... So sad!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahn ahn!!! My favourite blogger Bloglord, where u go na?? How could u abandon us like this?? Well,I have missed ur comments n tm glad ur back.
As for this story......I'm speechless!!! Parents,wake up o!!!! We have a lot of work to do as per training our children o!!
Nuff said!!!

Innoxx said...

So sad kids of diz days hav turned in2 samfin else! Linda as i speak wif u now,ppls houses has been raised down and destroyed in a town in Delta-state cox of da heavy wind/storm and rain dat fell few minutes back.Dis yearz rainfall is gonna be samfin else.

Deyinka Onabanjo said...

This is absurd wyt kidz usually gt obssessed wiv tv characters,imaginary frnds(dolls)and many nonsense. Their parents nid to strt workin on dis shit.

Anonymous said...

In as much as my mother may get me annoyed by her constant shouting et al, I know she's only trying to correct me. Nothing, Absolutely Nothing can make me lay a finger on one who carried me for 9 months and has taken care of me to this time. Signs of the End times. We should be careful of what we allow our kids to watch

Anonymous said...

Dis boy is a killer in d making! Cold blooded 1 @ d@! He taught, planned n carried out d brutal killing of hs mother! He shld nt b released 4 any reason watsoeva lest he coms out n kills more ppl!

NKECHI said...

What you get from a society where you can't beat your child no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Everything on tv is about vampires, witches and villains trying to destroy the world. In my day sweet valley, veronica were books that intrigued us, now its serial killers and murder mysteries.

Anonymous said...

Pls I feel it's the lack of discipline that causes all these rubbish. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Ijeoma

Eze said...

When they say child restriction is seriously advised,movie makers know why they are doing this.Nothing wey man dey see for oyinbo land.

Anonymous said...

Parents especially mothers have a lot of work to do! Kids of nowadays are so exposed to all sorts unlike back in the days, thanks to modern day technology! Wow!! This is a tragic! So unbelievable!!...Meggy

Professor X said...

May any child that will kill us, come out as menstruation in Jesus name. Amen.

Anonymous said...

All you paranoid people propagating that to be single is better than marriage now cos uve heard of one spouse or the other kiilig...should now pls start propagating that people should not give birth please! It's dangerous...infact it's better to be childless I guess.....phewwww if you still don't get the message in my post, goodluck to you in your quest of consolation!

Anonymous said...

We think all des arm robberies and minor things dat happen in 9ja r crime abi? Well here's news... Crimes r commited every single day abroad but d reason u wud not know is cos we don't always get d news in 9ja. I lived in d UK and des ppl don't commit simple crimes, der crimes r always mentally based. Sum1 can just wake up and decide 2 practise murder on a sibling and actually do it. U guys don't know how blessed u r in 9ja in terms of crime. At least in 9ja dey have reason 2 commit a crime, but abroad its always on impulse. Its not even safe walking home at night from work or even in daylight cos a lunatic my just feel like killing at dat moment. Crazy!!
Billie jean

boss said...

sadistic little brat

kwase said...

God help us O,is there sumtin dat is not harmful 2 human beings these days?

TruSon said...

Our favourite BLOGLORD is back yippie. Your fans have missed your comments o.
On the case of the late mum, unfortunately, she must have been a victim of the Frankenstein monster she created. RIP
#Teach your child on the path he should follow, when he grows up, he will not depart from it.

BLOGLORD said...

@ANONYMOUS April 10, 2012 11:20 PM


was away on a business trip. work was hectic, had no time for monkey business.(LOL)
am back now. lib continua...

Anonymous said...

Hey yah if d mother had forsee dis situation dat her son will kill her she would av aborted his pregnancy evil boy

BLOGLORD said...

hey TRUSON! my brother from another mother! sup??

Anonymous said...


Ogey said...

mothers got work on their hands with all this movies nd music videos being released everyday we need to really monitor wot our kids watch on tv cos it can really influence them

NKECHI said...

Hihihi.........you too much. Well I say Amen to that.

I am, the no Sender. said...

I think, the Brits as well as Europe as a whole and this also includes the Americas do need to revisit the kind of values they leave their children. Respect for parents and elders must be advocated for urgently.

When the State has an overbearing attitude on how a parent should train their kids, and frowns heavily at corporal punishment there is then little expectqtions to have of their kids as they grow up.

I remember as a kid in the eighties of how I'd quiver and shake at night after watching a serial on T.V, Hammer House of Horror and Thriller. While Horror films scared the hell outa me as a kid, it actually excited and inspired this Bartlam kid even to murder. Phew! It's a crazy world we're stuck with.

Parent's just need to redouble their efforts on monitoring what their kids read, watch and listen. Someone mentioned 'demonised' as in reference to Bartlam. Yeah, that's so true. Have you guys observed the recent trend in kiddies cartoons? How magic, romance and violence is introduced? Why won't the kid Bartlams of this world commit murders?

ephee said...

chokee in human form. he is suffering from horrorpsycolisis.

sleemeto said...

pure evil.....coming to stores near u...#internet

Anonymous said...

ℓ☺ℓ. Amen. Lwkmfh!

TWE (Thé White Enchantress) said...

hmmmmm.....i am shocked beyond doubt. this boy has seen so many horror movies he now knows how to cover his track. who knows what or what else he has killed and gotten away with specially animals.

ejura ochoil said...

May we not give birth to a child that will kill us in Jesus name. Amen!!!

Shadaybrity said...

Serial killer in d making ke?!He is already a well cooked serial killer just got nabbed before he could go further. And that's if his mother is his first anyways.

Crime Investigator said...

from the pic the boy looks disturbed sef. do u guys watch crime channel on dstv channel 255, ull be amazed at what this psycho oyinbos do. pls watch it esp the programme called 'snapped'. it sometimes has nothing to do with the way u train a child. sometimes people just snap(mentally) and do weird things. the Ultimate training of a child na God. but that doesnt mean that parents shld sit down n leave it to God.


this is what u get in a society where child discipline is ruled out, over pampering, and outright freedom to everything. too many horror film and no restriction to the internet, else he'll call 911. God forbid this kain thing. bad pikin.

Anonymous said...

Mumu. Who says single is better than married? Why are there so many senseless people like u in this world? People say to be single is better than to be in a deadlock marriage! Finish! Be intelligent please. Gosh!

Nigerian Recruitment said...

Na wah ooh,Haba.

Anonymous said...

Linda this story is so OLD. People in Jand heard about this ages ago. When it comes to International stories you are quite not current. The Metro newspaper in the UK published this GIST like 1-2 weeks ago.

Y.Tee said...

@Gbolar. Exactly. Bring up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it. Demonized child.

Anonymous said...

Please where did you see Hollywood, they said UK you're calling Hollywood, mscheew, ignorance.

Anonymous said...

The dude dey craze,after him don watch saw 3D,him go carry sledge hammer go hammer em mama head tink say na film him dey watch.
I wonder if Hollywood censor dat movie at all,for me notin go carry me go watch saw for my video.

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