Rescue efforts from other students
Tragedy struck early this morning at the Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, after seven female students fell into a well located inside one of the hostels inside the school compound while fetching water and doing other things around the well.
According to eye witnesses, three girls were washing on top of the well, which is the hostel's only source of water, while the remaining four were sitting on its top, when all of a sudden the well collapsed beneath them. All seven girls fell into the well.
Other students around the hostel when the incident occurred rescued 6 of the alive. Unfortunately one died inside the well. Another one died on the way to the hospital. The remaining five are receiving treatment at the hospital.
Well in 2012? What a shame! RIP to the girls!
How sad! Well ke? Nawao
RIP to the dead girl. I just feel too bad reading this.
a whole university still has an exposed well, village level.. what happened to a water pumping machine.Nigeria needs to step up fast..smh
i know right...well in 2012! WTF?? look at the lives of the poor things cut right in the middle. May God spare the rest of us.
P:S- we are no third world country we are 5th world!
They are alive,they discovered they are still breathing on their way 2 d hospital,though dey ve closed down our school till further notice...
Hw will someone in her right senses sit on top a well in dis 21st Century.....May the soul of the departed rest in peace
TRAGIC! may their souls rest in peace and I pray for strength for their families. Pray the surviving ones pull through as well..all these preventables tragedies mehn mtchew
a whole university still has an exposed well, village level.. what happened to a water pumping machine.Nigeria needs to step up fast..smh
a whole university still has an exposed well, village level.. what happened to a water pumping machine.Nigeria needs to step up fast..smh
My thought exactly! Well in 2012!!! I just wish such tradegy would befall the children of government officials that turn a blind eye to such things in our society.
RIP to those girls mehn! Nigeria...I'm starting to fall out of love with that country.
~ Menakaya's Baby.
very sad,i graduated from there,the school authority n d government are not doing anything to give the people there good water
a private uni 4 dat mata,havin a well.d ownr of dat sch must b very stingy..
OMG! This is sad sad sad!!!!. Y would they be washing or sitting on the well? Goosh except maybe it was well cemented if not y? Dis is sad. Their families will be in pain and tears right now..omase o. May their souls R.I.P
Why is the school supplying water through a well in this century. after almost 30 years they haven't gotten it together to develop a water works for the school. I don't want to here about govt. this is not a govt issue but the governing school board issue. they should all be fired for incompetence at best and the parents should sue the pants off the school for having that kind of safety hazard around their students.
May their souls rest in peace Amen
Haba! ekpoma might have water issues, but that does not mean the school's only source of water is a well!
get the facts right, it must have been an off campus hostel.
sad though, may they RIP.
Well as the only source of water in that hostel? What a bloody shame!!! May the souls of the dead girls rest in peace and I pray the others recover.
For God sake despite all the money this institution is gaining why not provide borehols instead of well. Na wa oooooo
jesus!! this is sad
May their soul rest in peace. Amen. It is time though for the school to advance. Well?
God of mercy have mercy on us.may their souls RIP and may God grant the once who are receiving treatment speedy recovery in Jesus name, Amen.
äηð Ɯε̲̣̣̣̥ just celebrated world water day yesterday,wat A̶̲̥̅̊ shame
Oh what a shame that wells are still located inside the universities. And wait? Only the source of water??
What a shame! When will our dear Nigeria move forward as a country? It's very pathetic!
What a shame! that's the horror students in that school pass through. The learning environment is so no conducive.
May their souls rest in peace.
And yesterday was World water day!!! Where is Health and Safety in Nigeria or in the school? Where is SON - standards organisation of naija?People just die for nothing . May their Souls rest in peace and may their families have the wherewithal to sue the school for all its worth as well as the state govt.
Linda, na because you never stay for village before, i dont think you will know the difference between 1999 and 2012.
haba, am sure you were even born in lagos.
this is really sad. they r already rioting in the school as we speak(from a reliable source)the sch is closed temp. so so sad.
john said
this is a very sad news am i heard.make their gentle souls rest in peace.AMEN
This is so sad how come there is no good housing for students in nig i believe nig can do better
This is really sad
1. It incident occurred on school property
2. Yes this is the only source of water for students in girls hostel onyregbulem aau
3. The well has been cracking for years and no renovation watsoeva has been done, water is one of the things edo state government should have looked into instead of buying buses 4 d sug body
4. Did good help come fast? no!
5.Thank God for the five girls that survied and my sister who was carrying a bucket to the well as it collasped.
6. May the souls of the final year student and 100 level student find rest in the lord
:( May their souls rest in peace
So sad. May their souls rest in peace.
May their souls rest in peace, O ma se oo!
Who said the school is a private university? Na wa oh! Saying trash so confidently. Get ur facts right b4 posting
Ekpoma is a government university. It is not a private university. You guys delight in displaying your ignorance in this country. It's just so sickening.
all these glorified high schools called universities!!
Yet more states are angling for two or even 3 universities of there own.
Why not merge all these damn schools and pull resources together for infrastructure that can facilitate learning and development??
Uni..with a well as the main source of water..shame shame..but they are to blame..how can you sit on top of the well??..
Nigeria! where art thou headed? Well inside a hostel? how then is the learning environment? this students graduate and are supposed to be termed as GRADUATES!
Haa ekposky wat a shame this is really sad †̥ hear i pray the soul of the departed should rest I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ peace n God shoud give the families the grace †̥ bear the lost.
WTH is a 'well' doing in a uni in this present age?the term shouldnt even be associated wiv schools..
Ȋ̝̊ graduated from ekpoma; Ȋ̝̊ don recall any well on campus. When was it built?
If not for the pictures ,I would have felt that this is fable,stories from the past.Are the prices of pumping machines higher in Ekpoma ? What is their excuse for still having wells in these century,especially where undergraduates live ?
Jeeez! Dis is horible, well? female hostel? God help us and diar soul rest in peace. Quick recovery 2 d 5.
This is ridiculous. A university must have running water from taps, not a well. In my opinion the university officials have to answer to criminal charges.
I graduated from dat sch, Ekp has water issues, though there r some boreholes around d sch hostels. D indigenes of that town mostly do any & everything to frustrate govt's efforts to provide water 4 d town, cos selling of water is one of their thriving business. I was a medical student there & I drank sachet water 4 d 6yrs I spent in dat town.
This is ridiculous. A university must have running water from taps, not a well. In my opinion the university officials have to answer to criminal charges.
R.I.P to the students who lost their lives.
So sad, May their souls rest in perfect peace... Amen!
One of D girl was actually in coma
yl d oda one died... Amazingly the
dead girl rose up @ the mortuary
this sent the students into wild
jubilation. D oda girl hs regained
conciousness. What d devil meant
4bad God turned it! Non of the
seven girls is dead. Pls... 4rm AAU,
Na wah ooo.......may their gentle souls rest in perfect peace
I see the school have people blogging here on their behalf. Please time off and get your school facilities sorted out first before you start your PRO campaigned.
I still think you all should be sued for running the institution to the ground or are you saying the school never took off, whatever. you are still responsible for callous indifference.
stop blogging and go fix your school.
it so disheartening when one reads news of avoidable deaths like this,why would any landlord or any skool both public and private still be using well without pumping machine in this age??na wa o.but come to think of it,we have seen governors distributing cutlasses,hoes,diggers etc to farmers in recent times in our society and calling it "empowerment" in this era of mechanized farming too so maybe well wtout pumping machine shouldn't be much of a surprise.Seriously,we are light years behind in Nigeria.So pathetic.
See why Nigeria would still be the way it is?
U are defending mediocrity...Shame
it is nt tu gud d school maintains committee are so careless,bt still RIP to d girls and d lord God should consul their family.
Omg!!! This is sad news to heard. May there soul rest in a perfect peace.
really a shameful thing to happen in 2012
the well collapsed? oh wow and to think nigeria one of the richest african countries
smh may their souls rest in peace...
We can collect Oil 15,000 feet in the ground and send it countries thousands of miles away...but we can't provide water less than 100 feet underground to people right on the surface! #irony
Ekpoma have always been uncivilized. so they havent woken to civilization yet? ok see wat their primitive nature have caused naw.
i pity the parents of the ones that passed. its very sad burying a child. may their souls rest in peace
dats wat we face in dat skl o, its rily terrible water n light is a major issue in dat skl, d hostels are unkept, no street lights n terrible lecturers, d taps r no longer flowin infact d list is endless
Some people need to stfu about how they speak of the dead....aww well it's a really sad news; i pray the survivors have speedy recoveries and may the soul's of the departed one's rest in peace.
This school in my humble opinion deserve to be shut down untill they meet safety standard and provide basic amenities to the students. Like wise other so called universities. How can students pay so much tuition and yet it is not used to their advantage. what do they teach about health and hygiene in these schools yet the students live on well water. How long is this gonna go on in this country. I weep for my people. Shame on our so called leaders. May God deliver us all.
Do they have engineering and construction dept in this school. How come they couldn't drill the land for some water. It's a pity we produce engineers in these so called universities who can't produce nothing. This is a classical example.
May d souls of d departed rest in peace.
for real????? wow!
Dangote cement..i'm sure @Ofilispeaks..you spoke the TRUTH!!
that's crazy...
Why should they sue the school why should someone sit on a well when u are not a bady may they soul rest in perfect peace
R.I.P to the Young Lady and my condolence to her family!!!
Nigerians you see what I mean, This is 2012 my people, 2012!!!!! If I say lets start a protest and hold a rally against these kind of things in schools, all of you will disappear.
-White Oyinbo Man
No this respect to the incident but isn't that a little to big a whole to be referred to as a well?
Shei ts d engineering student dat ll buy all d pumping machines availabe and drill d land 4rm their own pocket.....ode....nobody forced yu to comment S̴̩☺̴̩̩̥̩̩̩̥ if ur gonna sound lyk an ass jux shut ur mouth..
What a sad news
like their are no wells in lagos.... may their souls rest in peace, may those who survived receive speedy recovery.
Hmmm! it is well
Nigeria is a bush country. I don't think any Ghanaian university has open well like this.
The university should be dragged to court and the affected students should be compensated. Even the family of the dead ones should receive compensation.
Somebody is chopping state money somewhere. Wicked people! Ole!
May their soul rest in peace.
may their gentle soul rest in peace.
we rep aau?? all of uba wey una dey run una useless mouth...una dey ,madt............
like there are no wells in lagos and other big cities. Just and incedent that could happen anywhere. May their soul rest in peace and may the Almighty comfort their families
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