Suicidal man climbs mast in Abuja

Rescue workers trying to get the man to come down After he climbs down from the mast
A suicidal man today climbed a telecoms mast beside the Federal High Court in Abuja threatening to jump down and kill himself, just a few minutes after lodging a complaint and submitting a document at the court.
The man, Mallam Inuwa Musa Tawakalitu, climbed the mast around 12 noon and threw a note down. In the note, he wrote that he climbed the mast because he wanted people to intervene in a dispute between him and former vice president - Atiku Abubakar, who he claimed owed him money.
He said he wasn't going to come down until the IG of police himself showed up, but he was eventually persuaded to come down by staff of the National Emergency Management Agency, fire fighters and the police. I hear he was taken into custody after he came down.
he should go and boko haram him jor
why are de taking him into custody??? Nigeria sef? d man claims he has a dispute with former VP of Nigeria, are they not supposed to listen to his story?
meanwhile some people sure know wat to do to get d attention they seek.
burrr like say e fall na different story e for be by now ohh!
bone dat story of sucide climbing
ode mumu they should have shot him... this made me laff real hard
There's a really good chance he's mentally ill.
Naija is nw improving, people r nw declaring 2 commit sucide publicly. Bt y shld d man b taken in2 custody?
Olowdow!! Why did he agree to come down na? he would have waited for the FG.. so that the FG will fly in or better still appear from wherever he is and end the matter..KMT!!
Last last, the guy na naija guy sha.. im sure he intent was NEVER to jump down.
Was did he do it in broad daylight?He shld have waited till d middle of d nyt when he is sure that one will be able to save him.Idiot.
So his cap n jompa did no interfer wif d climb? Isorai. Wish him beta luck next time.
The man needed something period...Atiku should pay him his money...lmao.
Answer to the question, "Why should the man be taken into custody?" For the same reason why euthanasia is under question... taking ones life is illegal in most countries
I think the man should be listened to..he may have a case and should not be written off.His attention-seeking behaviour could be due to frustration or mental illness, either way, am sure he never meant to die.
least the population is decreasing!
Man on a Ledge pt 2...lol...make d guy go siddon jooor. Na stunt!
Wow so jackie chan n jet li ave finally taught us hw †• Clim stuffs lyk dis..but mallam U̶̲̥̅̊ •̸№ sabi act haba U̶̲̥̅̊ fr wait make †ђε vp himself cm abi U̶̲̥̅̊ •̸№ watch oyinbo film well?n as fr dem dem wey put am fr custody kai,Ɣ nt let him speak nau.am sure na boko haram issue †ђε guy wan talk dat Ɣ dem put am fr custody.cuz peple lyk dat D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ •̸№ care abt der life.na him make am go clim oyinbo tree =))•´¨)
¸.•´ ¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸¸.•´(¸.•´(¸.• =)) нaнaнaнaнa .
there are so many things involved (1) he can be a boko haram sect member which demand to coagulate very important personalities b4 disposing the bomb. (2) he is an african, probably he want to gain popularity in the country. (3) atiku abubarka may or may not be oweing the poor man money.
I wonder why he was taken into custody. Nigeria is a place where the poor never get heard except they pull a stunt like this guy. I really don't blame him.
This sounds like the movie "Man on a ledge"
Gboza says:
ONOMATOPEIA!!! This man harsh sha. See how he codedly announced Atiku's igbese. E don red for Atiku! Make I balance for chair dey watch this best drama of the year.
But Linda how much Atiku owe the mallam? Lmao
The IG should ask Atiku and the man the kinda business that transpired between the two of them. The guy may have been a furstrated Boko haram member who was denied is dues after years of merritorious bombings, sorry i mean services. Lol
Person wey wan die no dey see road write and trowey note. D man is mentally ill I guess.
I no blame the man. At my previous job (immigration hq), some few yrs ago,some contractors who executed contracts for the Service were not paid and many of them after spending their money in the hopes of getting paid aftrward, were not. And so, it was wahala and the only way they thought they could get their money was to come and stage war at the office. I believe the man jor. He just doesnt have anyone to fight his cos like those contractors who didnt have anyone to go to for favors.
Awww, poor guy, funny story tho.
To those asking why he was taken into custody, attempted suicide is a crime according to the constitution.
To those saying he may have a valid story, true but he needs to prove it, he may also be mentally unstable.
lol* hehehe*,chai mallam knw no hw in go cari collect in moni o!de tin don pain am reach bone.way in cari in legs clamb mast.....lol.....,mak in cum 4 dis part of country way i dey stay..lol,..dem go beg am mak in jump....mak dem cari in phone run....fortunately na b b...lol...chai...poor mallam...what wil he do kwanu....but y in go de 4 custody...maka y?wel tank jah say in no die...ur wives go don de share ur property...if u get at all...*lol*
Naija you guys are going thru too many problems this year LOL LOL LOL
And we are only in March - na wah for you ppl
I can't say I blame him for the drastic action he took- justice moves too slow for the ordinary man in Nigeria!
I feel his pain but LIB n oda gossip sites is as far as his plight will get.... Hope da popo wont kill him in da end
You always take a suicide attempt victim into custody to give them a psych evaluation and put them on 72hr suicide watch in a psych ward, are any of y'all educated atall, I guess it would have seemed normal to let him drive home yea
for those asking why he was taken into custody, attempted suicide is a crime under our laws.
Shakara Oloje ni...
mbok y did they beg him to come down? he's not serious. if he really wanted to die he wlda jumped *hisss*
They need To take him into custody so he would not try to harm himself again!
Shoot him,why?
U dey vex oh!
Shoot him,why?
This will surely get Atiku's attention! Atiku abeg i take Allah take dey beg u....pay this man im money! U get the money! Afterall u are a big man.
What u are doing is not fair at all. How can u have all this money and refuse to pay this small man managing to make ends meet his money. Now u've driven him to the brink of suicide.
God go punish u oh.
But y on earth did he come down....silly guy. I guess he needed some attention...
LMFAO!! i can't stop laffing! 9ja no go kee me today! i laffed out loud at the part where he thew the note down..as in!! too funny!
Attemptes suicide is an offence o, liable 2 1yr imprisonment under d criminal code of Nigeria, dts y he waz taken in2 custody... 4 those who asked
Naija people fall my hand. A man being suicidal is not funny any way you look at it. He is most likely depressed or mentally ill. With the rates Nigerians are committing suicide, you guys can still laugh about it.
I hope no one close to you commits suicide and you will realize what a terrible thing this is and not something to be laughed at.
And please don't tell me people don't commit suicide in Nigeria, its just covered up and the family said died after a brief illness.
If not custody, where should they take him to for further questioning? They should take his statement inside Aso Rock abi? ITK...kmt
ONOME says.........................
#nocomments seriously#
@ Anon March 13, 2012 10:53 PM, which kind psych evaluation, for nigeria...abeeegggi!!!!
But wait o...what did the fire fighters come with? Any chance of a picture of them and there apparatus??? SMH..... NAIJA! God help us!
Why dem no leave am make e jump,well he got the attention he needed.good for him
Why dem no leave am make e jump,well he got the attention he needed.good for him
If there's any fact I love abt Nigerians, its d simple fact that we love life n always have hope that things will get better, WE DNT often COMMIT SUICIDE...he never intended to jump buh just wanted attention to be heard as court seems not to be interested in whatever he had to say....smart man I must say...atleast he got our attention n Atikus' also....
Maybe Atiku yansh am finish, nor com pay:-)
Eeeyaaahhhh, poor man, i guess ne couldnt face Atiku alone or was probably threatened or was tired of drawing debt from rich Atiku.... Atiku should be ashamed of himself, this is a disgrace on huis part. The man is indeed brave for taking this step as even Jonathan may intervene on his behalf.
atiku owes u money then u wanna jump from that high mast???? i keep wondering why we mix issues in this country1 this is a clear psychiatric case. wonder what the police will do for him in custody. nutter! he shlda jumped na, even mad man know say death no sweet!
Atiku need to pay this poor man and any other poor person he is owing who may not have this type of opportunity to expose him and i'll like to know what business they had together - hope this man dd not recruit boko haram bombers for him and he dd not fulfil his part of d deal, Atiku oya speakkkkkkkkkkk
In a sane system. The ideal thing's to persuade him to come down and hear him out.
Taking people into custody doesn't mean they're going to be harmed. He needs to be "debriefed".
I watched this on Channels TV and i couldnt stop laughing. Its very sad to think that he felt this was the only way to get publicity on his matter. Atiku abeg if you dey owe this underdog money true true.....plsssssssssss PAY UP.....lol
if dis will make dem listen 2 him fyne i support wt he did, 4 crying out loud y won't atiku who kals himself a big man nt pay his debt nonsense am outa her
one word stupid
He used tragedy to retrieve his money back. I cann't laugh ooo, NAIJA don go kono.
#Correction# Taking his life isn't a crime cos who u go prosecute? Its the "attempt" that's an offence.
God bless you Anon10.44. What else can the ordinary man do? The court wont help him. He cant get close to the onigbese. I guess this is the only way he knows by which he can gain attention. I can feel his pain
.... hahahaha,na wa o,naija is evolving ...im sure boko harram will be biting their finger cos this is a potential suicide bomber ...
African man will never take his life. No matter what d problm is
Its a criminal offence in nigeria 2 attempt 2 or commit suicide.. Doubt d man wl hv jumped tho.. Nigerians nd drama...
Is funny you kow but thank God he was rescued
OMG. Lmfao!!!! He never would have jumped.what a stunt........Linda pls kip me in the know as the story unfolds.quite interesting!!!!!!lol
dem for leave am make him jump now abi
LMAO..they should have left him there, then we will see how he would collect the money he staged the show for.. i really thought nobody answered him,so he came down when he got tired of hanging up there... loool..
Anyhow you see am. He got the attention he needed. NEXT
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