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Like honestly, me thinks she 's way too young n should go to school first at least gain the inital basics in education before venturing into music..showbiz affects people so much positive/negative. it takes u away from YOU. i think she is way too young for this but who am i to speak if her folks thinks its ok.
12yrs old? she ought to be in junior secondary naw? oh well...i wish her whatever she wishes herself.
What is this? Beautiful little girl though #nothinglefttosay.
really, like really?
She has money and she has cash...but she does not know what to do? Ah! at this age...Willow Smith was whipping hair back and forth, our own is whipping cash...smh...
Way too young to be talking about money and hustle..her only hustle should be in the classrooms and if she is going to do any singing, it should be about Jesus!!!
Way too young to be talking about money and hustle..her only hustle should be in the classrooms and if she is going to do any singing at all, it should be about Jesus!!!
She needs to be in school...........
My friend will they bloody tell her parents to send her back to school!!! what sort of music is this? "parrty all night long", "i'm a hustler", "whip cash", "'m a boss"...all at 12years old! when even Willow Smith stared with hair! and her music is uncoordinated. her parents should be arrested as it seems they are looking to milk fame off puting her out there at this age!
Just 12yrs and shes wearing makup? Dats weild! Her parents are really nt doin her d best atall bfr u know she go drop out fm school dy pursue musiz smh
Oh Dear!!
For some reason she looks like a little Genevieve Nnaji. Same attitude...if you look closely.
..Got a really bad feeling about this...
Talent - somewhere in there.
Lyrics - putting ideas into the minds of paedophiles...What are they thinking.
Damn too young for the exploitation. Now every pre-teen will start thinking hustling, cash, winding the waist, make up, etc..
Am I the only one worried about this????
C'mmom, I say change strategy to showcase talent.. haba!
Agreed she should not be singing about money, but must she sing about Jesus =/
you are darn right.for God's sake!there's time for everything!
I heard cabo's beat
i heard niki minaj's voice
i heard robotic......
I heard.....i heard......i heard notin!
Saw a promising teen dou.....
she's got cash...she's a hustler at 12...she needs to be in school!
In as much as i love to encourage kids and inspire them to achieve major feats, this one is a NO NO.
Lyrics are senseless (forget the fact that grown artists also talk the same crap) and totally in appropriate for her age. Willow smiths 'whip my hair' had a message of encouragement for people to always believe in themselves and hold their head up high no matter what.
Young girl, your parents seem to have money but pls go to school.
waste of time aye.,.,,.mschew
am beginning to hate how nigerians are beginning to think the public like their artist younger, they better be in school. not everyone have davido's luck or talk of his affluence. I don talk my own.
Dis to me is not talent jst a youg geh dt loves to dance n parents dt wannu mk moni....she shld b in sch n even if she has to sing she sld sing 4 d church choir in teenage class den she wld grow frm dere.....willow smith wannabe it won't work girl don't ruin ur future!!!
this is rubbish! don't even sound and look like a kids song... at this age she should be in school for real and stop talking about hustling and what not point blank!
She's really young. 12 years old? thatz like two years after 10 years. well she's old enough to write and sing but definitely not professionally.
I dont think i'll let my 12year-old daughter become a musician. If she can sing, i'll support it, get her vocal coaches to better it, and then when she's done with uni then you can do what you like. Singing at this ripe age isnt the best thing. That is my opinion.
abeg ooo! that is WINDECK i am hearing ooo! make dem nor spoil the little gurl's career to be ooo! make e nor turn DON JAZZY n D'BANGER case ooooo!!!!! oops! sorry "D'BANJ".... LOL~!~~~~~~~~~~
What's this? If u go breed 12 year old make them sing , na school rhymes she suppose dey drop plus windeck beat??? C'mon now ... I like windeck & my ear drums almost bursted listening to her voice on d beat .
to say she looks like Genevieve Nnaji is very insulting! HABA! they need to wipe that hideous makeup off of her face and do something with her hair. I can't believe a 12-year-old can be singing about such crap. where are her parents??
very insulting to Genevieve, that is...
umm *_*
she is 12...why is she singing about cash? being the boss? and being a hustla?...wrong lyrics for a 12yr old in my opinion
anyway goodluck to her fam if they believe they are on the right track :)
Seriously though, wtf is this?
The song and choreography are not good at all!She has begun to twist her waist like club girls at a tender age! Yes she could be a whiz kid by improving on her songs.Learn from Tosin Jegede who was a child singer in the late 80s, Yvonne Maha in the early 80s and the current Destiny Kids gospel group- Letz not even mention Willow Smith sef coz we got young talents here for Naija. SHUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!! WETIN BE DIS ?
hahahaha see this one, anon 8:13pm, oh nne u sed it all. got money ko got cash ni. 12 year olds should not be allowed to do this, if she starts now talkin about gettin money and gettin cash what will she now sing when she actually gets the cash. Mtcew, she shud enter the industry using young cutness like all them Justin Beiber and d rest did cos the market for 'too much money, party all night long' type lyrics, is saturated!
Disgusting!! The world has too many paedophiles already.... this will only breed more. And I thought there were laws against child exploitation?
hmmmm i dont mean to hate but kimon, this pikin parents shouldnt have let her do this...'i got mi money, i got me cash' Ta, what does this lill one know about cash, money, and being a boss...Smh i felt the whole was just full of crap...I just hope she is getting sm home schooling sha cos it will be sad if she becomes a one hit wonder.
On the second taught, may be her parents send her. #JustThinkingOutLoud
Shows just how much our values have changed.....imagine Tosin Jegede of yester years singing this trash...it wouldnt have been accepted.
well this is awkward
Who does this to their child? Where are her parents?
A 12yr old saying she doesn't know what to do with her cash? Hmm....
Who does this to their child? Where are her parents?
A 12yr old saying she doesn't know what to do with her cash? Hmm....
seriously that girl got talent but first and foremost; she has to make sure she finishes her education and for now try to compose a decent song at this her young age. May be a conscious song or gospe
wow. im speechless...like, what did i just watch? young'uns whining their waists? (did y'all see the little one at the end of the video?) talking about hustling and having money??? wow.
Ok I am done laughing.
I'm guess its her entertainment company that paid Linda to publicize this.
I really dont want to criticize a 12 year old, so instead I will place the blame on her managers, and her guardians, whether its her parents or whoever. Unfortunately trying to keep up with the Jones in regards to song styles, and image isnt going to sell, so please drop it.
I got money, I got dosh, I cash, I'm gonna...smh sorry this is no Willow Smith.
We have failed as a society...Linda no be everyone wey pay you money to publicize wey you go accept. Its really not all about the money, for real!
I think she needs counsel. Willow and Jaden, have good counsel and support from their parents and it shows in what they do and how they do it. Talent is never really enough and is no guarantee that one will remain relevant in life. It is not about the outward but the content. She needs the right content to make her mark.
Buhahahahahahaha I know rightttt. Like that benita girl from that year
The headmistress of this girls school can like 2 call her out on assembly and flog maths and english into her soul.o gi ni!
is this a 12 year old??? hummmm looking like an adult nawa ooo
This is so problematic. A twelve year old singing about cash and parties? What a fucking joke.
The producer of the song must be daft and so must her parents.
This is ridiculous and a prime example of bad parenting.
This is a direct result of bad parenting...and †Ñ’ξ shit she's singing...I call this child abuse and declre î† illegal for a child to be allowed to behave like this...
Wipe that smut off her face!!!
Last I knew, a 12 year old is a frigging CHILD!!! If she's to sing at all, î† should be something sweet, cute and wholesome...
But I guess d parents just want to make quick cash at d detriment of †Ñ’ξ child's future..№t to mention bragging rights.
wow.. just wow
She must have thought Mo' ched** is her mate because of her size. And her parents should please check her waist if she insists she is a Hustler....She would make a nice musician later though.
All these end time children... When I was 12 I was in high school and still watching barney and cartoon network. This lad had better enjoy her childhood and leave the music for later.
RUBBISH.....My 4yr old sings better lol
I think she should be banned from singing to save her future.coz if she continues like this, she'll most likely end up a noni zondi,dencia,justina and goldie all merged into one!! And like a commenter said above, if she must sing by all means right now, she must about jesus !!
She needs school, the song lacks concept.She also needs to redirect her talent to writing essays and reading, after all WAEC has many students failing.She doesnt need this.
Eze,SE London.
wow wonder shall never end, for me i think naija have talent. That is why we are the best. Go girl heaven is with you.
not sorry to say, her song is crap..... willow smith kini?! pls her parents shuld stop hustling her using kids to make money nd fame.......
She is Vic O's sister! She has to be!
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