To understand this press release from Karen's camp, you have to understand what initially happened. There were speculations last week that Ms Igho refused to do a magazine cover shoot with her former Zimbabwean BBA housemate, Vimbai. Read the statement below to get the gist...
A press release allegedly by a representative of Vimbai Mutinhiri (former BBA housemate from Zimbabwe) on the viral social media story – which suggests that the effervescence Ms Karen Igho, deliberately refused to be part of a photo shoot session with her for ‘Miss Dee’ magazine.
While this release frowns on any form of ‘She said, he said’ controversy, Ms Karen’s love for her ever supportive fans and media friends made her request that her position be made public.
Ms Igho was approached in Abuja on the 4th September, 2011 by the publisher of Miss Dee magazine at a casual meet to participate in a photo shoot for the magazine, but no exact time was proposed because at the time Ms Karen was preoccupied with spending quality time with her family in Jos; more so as she had just returned from the BigBrother Africa house and needed a relief from the Amplified euphoria.
However, Ms Karen recently got a call with respect to the photo shoot, but for her engagement with her friend, Mr Denrele Edun on the ‘Heavy Beauty’ movie production set she could have gladly obliged. Hence, it is not practical that Ms Igho who was on a movie set in Lagos refused or walked away from being part of a photo shoot session with Vimbai in Abuja.
Ms Karen has being in frequent communication with housemates, even proven with the time spent with Millicent (Kenya) when she came to Nigeria in spite of the ‘House’ confrontations between both during the BBA game episode.
To further reinforce Ms Karen Igho’s friendly disposition to her fellow housemates from BBA Amplified; Ms Karen had begun sending out official invites to WENDALL PARSON (Zimbabwe), LUCLAY ‘MR OTONO’ (S/Africa), WEZA SOLANGE (Angola), LOMWE (Malawi), MUMBA MWAKWA (Zambia), BERNADINA BUYS (Nambia) and their country counterparts in the BBA house in anticipation of a reunion party in Nigeria towards her April 6th birth date celebration. The weekend activity will feature the launch of Ms Karen’s T-shirt line, a BBA housemates’ media tour, charity visits to orphanage homes and the media launch of her upcoming reality TV shoot (details will be made explicit in a release towards the event).
It is Ms Karen’s view that if Vimbai has something to say to her friend, Mr Denrele Edun it’s best done through inter-personal communication and she frowns at any insinuation of ‘war’ with anyone, as in the words of the Destiny Child’s song ‘Survivor’ Miss Karen is better than that.
Finally, we like to empathize with ‘Miss Dee’ magazine and request that the media please redirect their channel of inquiry.
Thank you.
Vanpire and her wahala,wetin she dey do 4 naija? I thot she was too big 4 everyone! Incomplete humab being, mtcheeee!
She is just a vampire witch,imagine her telling big brother to bring in someone with a high IQ level as hers into d house so dey can relate.high ego! Foolish girl
Karen dear dont mind vimbai,and what is she doing in Nigeria?,pls we dont want that vicious and fake human being here.
why am i readin this???
Linda Ђ☺ω do Ў☺ΰ expect those of us using mobile phones t☺ access your blog t☺ read your posts properly? In the 1st place Ў☺ΰ do not have a mobile version and then Ў☺ΰ go ahead and put some other stuffs on the screen which makes it difficult t☺ navigate.. I'll b very glad if Ў☺ΰ look in t☺ this matter cuz its so not C☺☺L and frustrating at the same time.. ☂hαñks for your understanding
What magazine is Miss Dee in the first place?? Does anyone know it? Does anyone buy it? So that's the photo shoot Vimbai came all the way from Zimbabwe for? She carries herself as if she has the world under her feet and she's begging for this feature? Tuehh!!
I'm using mobile and it works just fine so fix your phone and stop chatting outta ur ass .
Every site has mobile version...
If u're using opera 4. Go to ur settings and click on mobile view, if u're using 5. Above go to settings and "on" ur single colunme...
Except u're not using opera mini... I don't know of other applications...
Am using mobile too
Lol... Another BBA season?? Dis time in Nigeria?? Ok na
go to your internet setting or web settings(can't remember but it's under web settings) on your fone and choose or allow a mobile version. You'll enjoy it more.
hehehe! That was harsh,mbok!
Well,i'm using my phone and it works just fine.....
If ur avin a problem viewing writeups on d blog,just go to ur menu and click on column view.it will cum out just right...but linda I can't watch videos dat you post.
Looks like vimbAi is broke and needs some quick cash. Lol.
zim monkey go back home, karen dont photoshoot wt her period, when she has learnt how to get down from her high horse, then we wl talk, u show hatred to Nigerians but u can fly in to catch some fame, iranu omo
It is vampire,also human....careful with the spelling o.k
If I was Karen, I wouldnjust come out straight and say I can't do a shoot with vimbai. Everybody cannot be ur friend and that's what vimbai proved in the bba house.
Try 2 browse dis blog 2tru opera mini,its a mess via d browser
hi linda. when using ma phone (bold2) half the screen is covered with adverts making it difficult to fully enjoy ur blog. kindly look into.
Guess he is using motorola. Lolz
clowns!!..who gives a rats ass about any of this??!!!......wonder y i wasted 3mins of my time reading this crap
There is a mobile version.
Miss vampire...y re u dis stupid...u beta go back 2 Ūя̲̅ country b4 we help u fix dt vampire teeth of urs...leave our karen alone oh....we love ha oh..!!!
@ anonymous 7:9am.am using a bb fone,all u nid to do is to allow it to load after dat u den click on d option nd screw to column view den it will come out on a straight line ......u den read
Use opera on your mobile, I use that to view linda's blog, linda I love you, I read your blog every morning, thumbs up.
Anonymous said...
I'm using mobile and it works just fine so fix your phone and stop chatting outta ur ass .
March 19, 2012 7:24 AM
You are so wrong oh...I can confirm that Linda’s site is very difficult to navigate on my BB so she probably needs to find a way to make it easy as I did not have any such issues using my nokia.
I use the mobile version and it's absolutely fine. Not sure what you are on about!!
I'm still wondering what's the significance of BBA??? It's a high form of voyeurism to me. Make dem go rest abeg?
Karen dear, just keep ur head up. She refuse to be your friend in bba house so there is no point. she should go and look for somebody else to work with. Mtsheeeewwww!!!
I hate Karen with a passion.She is a vapid human being(for lack of a better word),a total waste of space.
I wish she wld jst go away.
I'll suggest u get a better blackberry....coz 70% of LIB readers use their phones and don't have issues. Or Download Opera mini, it help. Also, get rid of those funny icons u have in place of words...its just so....raz.
Throway dat china fone biko...Grab a blackberry running 0S7 or better still buy an iphone or you use laptop. No dey use yamayama phone come here dey complain
Is it just me or hasn't anybody else noticed that this press release is fraught with grammatical errors?
Something must be wrong with this Vimbai. Thot she was too big 4 d world. Ms Karen all d way.
Vimbai shud please leave naija alone and stay in her country ooo. in reality, i dnt think il have anything to do with that sort of gurl. Karen dear no mind am.
Karen looks really nice here. Sorry for the diversion. Hehehe!
I tire oh! I also use a mobile phone.
I will not want to see that good for nothing girl called Vanpire,to her, the world is her pocket. so let her stay in her country. stupid girl. Sylvia
MissDee is Popular in Abj... Its d second Edition of d mag dat is about tu b launched! MissDee Mag is a fashion Mag.. I shud bring Missdee to say d real deal, but why will missdee use Vimbai on her mag sef? MissDee dis is not Banshed at all ohhh! Hahahaha
For starters,what magazine is miss dee???look vimbai or whatever ur name is pls do us all a favour and stay out of nigeria seriously with d so called pride that u think u have is better u stay off really no one cares abt u u'll never be as famous as karen who has a beautiful personality and yes u're still ugly and nigerians still don't like u.
Her face is much whiter these days than the picture you have here. LOL!
March 19, 2012 7:09 AM ...... thanks oh, i have had the problem a few times so i gave up....madam linda pls do something to that regards joor... am happy the way karen responded to Vimbai.
To me BBM means nothing in particular. But if Nigerians have to be spending so much money watching, voting, txting, then we have the absolute right to keep on winning. All that money has to come back to our dear country. Out Vampire oops Vimbai #
WHO GAVE VIMBAI VISA TO THIS COUNTRY....i can never forget the way she was shaking her head in disgust when Karen was announced winner. She is so small and judgemental. Abeg stay in your Mugabe land and leave us poor Nigerians alone oh. Hungry pretentious witch...
Vimbai or what is ur name called, please leave Karen alone o, u didn't lik her when you were in the house so why? Abeg she no want go back to Zim.
Friendship or patternship qua no be by force,abeg,abeg,abeg,Tell VIMBA make she shift,Karen carry go jare.........
Can I just say this is the best (normal) I have seen Karen look in a long time. Understated hair and makeup. She just looks nice, like a classy person.
Meanwhile, Vimbai should drop the matter abeg. It's not by force if someone doesn't want to take a picture with you! And Karen, it's okay to say that you don't like Vimbai and would not be interested in doing a photo-shoot with her.
Vimbai needs to grow up nd jst move on!dat edition of BBA is over nd so is her 5mins of fame!
Ehhheehee! MiSs Dee! God has Sequenced d Banshi!!! Banshiiiiii!!!!
me sef dey wonder jor
@ Anonymous 7:09 go and get a blackberry and install MTN operamini..linda's blog opens perfectly, stop using China phones and stop complaining when u should start using Blackberry porsche like our Dear Susan peters...lol
"EFFERVESCENCE?????" Why would someone describe herself as that? And that is a Noun!!! I am appalled at the level of ignorance that these celebrities exhibit. Someone should call them out.
Vimbai, photo shoot with Karen? The same Karen with "tattoos all over her body that scare Vimbai"? That is if I heard Vim right in one of her chat sessions. The same Karen Vim told to her face, "i hate you" out of jealousy and anger that Karen might be feeling up Vim's house crush, Wendall, even when Karen wasn't. The same Karen, Vim boldly told off("Don't talk to me like we're friends...you need to be kept in your place...we're not friends....") when Karen came to iron things out with Vim.
Even if Karen really refused a photo shoot with Vim, I wouldn't blame her for still being a little emotional about Vim's cold attitude towards her. She was really mean to Karen, both to her face and behind her back.
If it was Mumba, Bernardina or Otono, trust Karen to sneak out of the movie location to the photo shoot. Those are people who weren't scared of her, didn't hate her. They were and still are her true friends.
Vimbai shouldn't cry now. It's a lesson to her and all of us to be understanding and tolerant of others no matter how "below-our-class" they might appear to be.
All these BB users sef, na una come here dey worry us say una phone no dey gree u enjoy this site wella....abeg na, better phones dey market o...make una switch na....if some pple can comforatbly navigate thru this site using their phones then it is not Linda's fault abeg. Am assuming those having issues use blackberry phones.....In all honesty, navigating anysite with blackberry phone using that litte ball of a mouse is hard...if u must stick to BB phones, then u might consider upgrading. I no mean am as curse o...abeg make nobody vex begin they throw curse around here...if u do, na back to sender o.
is this message bout karen n vimbai or palasa fones?
Saw d stupid vimba in woke n koi restaurant in silver bird Abuja last week if not Dat I was dining with ma husband n his trend I almost wanted to shout go home !!!!!!! Silly gal smallish n stil not pretty she was on trying to look like a celeb huh by ma face expression n d way I spoke of Karen from across d table the idiot knew whose side I'm on monkey .so u can come to nigeria to look for money arsehole mchewwwwwweee. Karen will not do a photo shoot wiv u idiot go home!!!!!!!
"I hope I never carry last here" Linda-Linda, hope you aren't reading this 'cos I learnt that grammar here on your blog...lol Some people sha! See Pots calling kettle Black!, Yeah! Karen, let 'haters' go dive from 3rd mainland enter sea. Gbam!
Eeerrrmmm its *scroll and not screw*....
My GOD drama, well i love karen and damn i love Miss dee, her outfits r amazing and great mag, she better not spoil it with putting Vimbai on it, i wont just buy oo.
for the person that asked google miss dee, she is a fabbbbb designer finished all my money in her amazing store.
Vimbai hiding her poor self in vina's house, I stay in abj and I hv never heard of that mag(sorry, just being honest)thought that usless Vampire said 9ja isn't safe what in the world is she doing in 9ja? Abeg we love karen, and can't stop now with(Vampire's) cheap Popularity
What's up with the tacky gucci scarf?
That's all I have regarding this post
Dis vampire girl,I can neva forget d statement u gave out 2 karen onn bba....lemme remind u incase ur long neck has forgotten,u clearly stated dat(I dnt like u karen and wld neva be fwends wit u)so whts dis wide mouth talks abt.abeggi madam go back 2 ur country no be byfalse 2 do photo shoot wit a beautiful star like karen and 4 ur information clitchin is bad for d health stop formin familarity.GBAM.
I am, the no Sender.
Guy, na wa for you o. Who vex you? Who no know go think say the fella been try to snatch your wife(of course, you be guy). The guy only complain as the matter concern am. You either help with suggestions as some very kind and intelligent persons have graciously tried to help him out. If you check am well no be by force say you must make a post. Oya sorry, you hear? The guy no go try near your wife. Ok?
Go back to ur cave Vimbai...stop hiding under anonymous!
Vimbai abi wetin be her name shld go back to her neva neva land joor and leave Karen for us. Rubbish!!
That Vimbai is HOT! How come Naija women don't look this Good. Na so-so mouth dem get.
any person above 16 that watches BBA and follows the activities of the house mates outside needs psychiatric evaluation.
You know the world has come to an end when Karen issues press releases.
What exactly is her talent and what skill are we celebrating?
Celebrity my foot!!
Na bb I dey use oh!nd I do anytin I want 2 do wit it without encountering any probs.so maybe u shud rephrase,lol!
Lol!Take it easy oh,that was her stepping stone,b4 u knw it,she wud b more dan a celebrity!
Pls I am eating o don't want the food coming out of my nose d diatribe by the last two anon funny die. True Anon 02.12 am was too harsh comic relief provided by last anon response still. As for the complainant try ask some tech/IT folks ard, should be able to help with all those opera mini thingies. I am using a phone too.
On the flip side some good comic relief though nd respite from those headache provoking White thing Economium(whatever) pictures
in my opinion vampire just wants to find trouble. i follow Karen on twitter and she is very down to earth so all haters should go and die ohhhhh.
lets not glorify Vimbai. i hate d day i saw her on BB.
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