Of your three ‘baby mamas’, why Annie?
That’s where my heart led me to.
Why Valentine’s Day?
That's when it happened. It just so happened to be the time I felt the need to make that move.
Considering that you have known her for such a long time and what has happened with you with the women and the children, when did you decide to make the move?
That's when it happened. It just so happened to be the time I felt the need to make that move.
Considering that you have known her for such a long time and what has happened with you with the women and the children, when did you decide to make the move?
How did the thought come into your mind?
Like any other thought about something important. You start feeling the need to do something or go somewhere different from deep within. Then you just make your move one time. No shaking.
When do you plan to tie the knot?
We will let you know soon enough.
Why did it take you so long to finally make this decision?
I needed to get there, you know, reach the point wey e be say, gbagam! My mind, heart and everything dey ready. The timing for marriage should not be determined by any outside influence my guy. If you are not ready for it don’t commit to it because some people think you should.
Were you nervous before you popped the question?
Yes I was but I was sure of what I was doing.
What if she had turned down the offer?
Wow! I would have asked again.
Can you really be a one-woman man?
Na the journey I don start so now, abi?
What will change now that you are about to get married?
Everything that needs to change.
What is your relationship with the other mothers of your children?
Same at it has been all the while. Cordial mostly. I’ve still got respect for them because we have kids together.
Do you know their reaction to this decision?
I know it may be difficult if any one happens to still be attached emotionally but I can only hope they understand that that’s where my heart is.
Other women have been associated with you in the past five years. Pero, as a matter of fact, is expecting a third child for you soon. One would have expected that the woman with three children would be your option. Not that you owe it anyone, but can you explain the reason for your choice?
Wow! And someone else would say it should have been the mother of my eldest child. Another person will even argue that it should be the lady that has been with me for the longest time. These are matters of the heart. They can’t always be analysed like that. Sometimes you no fit analyse am at all sef.
Wow! And someone else would say it should have been the mother of my eldest child. Another person will even argue that it should be the lady that has been with me for the longest time. These are matters of the heart. They can’t always be analysed like that. Sometimes you no fit analyse am at all sef.
Being that you had three women to choose from, at least seemingly, what it is about Annie that decided it for you?
My mind, my body, my soul, my heart chose her.
Now that you have decided to settle down with your ‘True love’, your ‘African Queen’, how will this affect your song writing?
It will add more inspiration.
Your next album drops very soon. Any chances of an ‘African queen II’ to celebrate your fiancée?
Yes o!
Who will perform at your wedding?
Certainly not me. A couple of my colleagues definitely.
Mr Idibia is deceiving himself.Can I please ask him who will marry the other two? The fact is that he has three wives.
so madam Americana you no get assistant that can cover for you while away......na while oh...your own C.E.O. get as e be. you want to do all the work alone and not employ or pay anyone....odikwa risky.....girls are not smiling oh. abeg shake body employ bc ur trip will become more frequent as you don get visa now.
All the best 2baba
i dont know why i love dis guy buy honesty he is just real..........big ups to u man nothing weei person go do wei worl people no go talk abeg just do your thing
If 2face really gave this interview, it confirms the fact that the guy is impulsive which i think is good sometimes but should not influence major decisions. What of if his heart says Pero tomorrow or Sumbo next year or Linda Ikeji 2 years from now (lol). I hope Annie has thought this through. Anyway wish them the best its their life and if they are happy, thats all that matters.
I like wat he said "My mind, soul n body chooses her" that is a man that has seen it all and finally made a good choice based on wat he has seen. Tuface na Ann, we will join u in prayers for u to succeed in ur marriage
These people (tubaba and annie) deserve all the support and love they can get. a lot of people have condemned tuface for having so many kids and make fun of annie for accepting his proposal...the truth of the matter is that there is no one without sin and shortcomings and we should learn to live and let live. In today's world, over 70% of women are adviced by boyfriends/flings to have an abortion and tubaba has been man enough to father his children and we condemn him? IMO annie has every right to be jubilant because she sees Tubaba differently, she rocked his boat while he was unknown before his stardom, finding unadulterated love in thier young years without the eyes of the press and without money. in as much as we feel we know loads about them..what we read is only in the press for entertainment and nothing compared to what this two actually know about themselves. Marriage has always been about sacrifice and I believe annie would steer the boat well. I wish them all the best in thier future endeavours and protection from the eyes of the evil one. Amen.
Lets pray the marriage will last. As for me, i know trust 2 face. The guy will continue to do his thing.
Can you really be a one-woman man?
Na the journey I don start so now, abi?
lol - classic answer!
It took the double faced guy this long to realise what should have been. Hope he wakes up from slumber now, shake off his bad company. If one lacks commitment, faithfulness and trust as a single, getting married changes nothing.
1st. Yay!!! Awww he sounds sincere. Wish the best.
I'm so happy for Annie and Tuface.
Annie especially because she has been thru a lot with him and her patience paid off cos he's back.
I know its not easy to forget all he has done,my advise to her is to start with a clean slate and not dwell on the past.
I feel they love eachother and the world she please allow this love to grow old.
To all the other baby mamas,I know its hard but this looks like a lost battle.
Please take the high road and move on,I pray u guys find love too.
Kai kai Pero must be devastated....3 kids for him and he doesnt even look her way. i have a feeling he might marry her as a second wife. But she must be a really silly woman.
In for a penny, In for a pound..2baba nutin do you. its your life so live it
Great!!!....... Wat a natural and an endowed Love from 2baba
i love the way he answered all the question.may God help you and see u tru
what an illiterate! a real animal. just chose off the cuff. He sounds so fickle and immature emotionally. Let them keep telling lies and decieving themselves about love. It took that long to decide based just on how you felt in the new year? the man has been jazzed i tell you. He's not well at all.
true love, awwww
Awwww, bless ur heart 2baba.. i feel u die, am a lady but i just respect this guy's decision. and the interview beautiful, well put together. may God bless u 2face and his girl Annie....one love mehnn!
Lookin like kate middletons engagement ring! But dat hand has seen better days Annie, and such awful nail poish Colour b/w wish u guys unendin hapiness n togedaness...,,,,,Neni
Carry go my guy! He has made his decision, we all need to shut up
Love Tuface! Despite the scandals, he always seems like a genuine person with a good heart.
I luv ur courage TU--BABA
2Baba u dey funny sha...I'm very happy for you that you are showing signs of maturity in your outlook to life. I wish you success in yr marriage and many more years of musical success and prosperity...Amen!
he made a very good decision considering the fact that Annie Macaulay has been with him when he was a nobody, she stuck to him despite the fact that he betrayed her by double dating when he eventually became famous,it shouldnt have been his first baby who already has two kids for him mama, it shouldnt have been the one who had two children and is expecting the third, it is Annie his longtime and true love who had only one child for him, the other two are golddiggers that wants to reap from where they did not sow, if they like let them still open their legs for him after the wedding until he gives them baby number twelve what matters most is that he has made 99 to be jealous of 1( Annie) she has won the battle that has lasted for so long. "He who laughs last, laughs best. Congrats Annie the battle is over. But those fingers of your's too dry sha some hand softening cream can help, and mdam Linda post my sermon o
dis is very gwd of u 2baba...
Wao! and they say 2face is not smart just because he dropped out of school!
I'm really impressed by his answers.Apparently, he definitely knows what he wants and what he's doing.
Inasmuch as I'm not a fan of his loose morals and many baby mamas, I'm actually proud of this guy.
I luv dis guy....... 2baba thumbs up
Congrats to Annie for this proposal. i can feel true love from 2face to this babe. Sincerely, 2baba is a more calmer artiste than other folks around; forget his sexual foible, with marriage, we will see 2Face as a better husband as much as a better father to all his kids.
So his heart wasn't there when he was pouring sperm into their vagina, especially the one with 3 kids. He poured sperm into her at least 3 times to make sure his heart wasn't there! Wow! i hope this teaches other women a lesson from the mistakes of those chicken head. Above all, i feel sorry for these children of broken home. I hope these children don't turn out to be like their father, IRRESPONSIBLE! This is what goes on in our society,it's a vicious cycle. So many children from broken home. I bet the 2 face guy came from a broken home.
well said tuface!!!!!i respect your opinion....having a baby for a man doesnt truly make him put a ring on it,he will end up finding his way back to where he wants to be....Big lesson to us women.congrats to u n Annie,i pray it will be forever..
well said tuface,i respect your opinion about what you want for urself....i wish u and your fiancee d best in future.This is a lesson to all we women,its not by pregnancy or a dozen kids for a man.If he doesnt want u,he will find his way back to where he wants to be.
hmmmm...one makes mistake in life and move on..this interview actually made me respesct this guy so much more.he didnt really plan for this women to be preggy 4 him, they just wanted to tie him down with the pregnancy but women has forgotten that even if u have 10 kids for a guy and move to his mother house ,that wouldnt make the guy marry u..in a situation like this its the women that suffers!!!a single girl is still looking for a husband not to talk of the ones with overload...even if a guy has 20 children he would still find a single lady to marry...anne whatever it is am happy for u ..at least u and ur children will be legimate and u will have a man to call ur own who will come back home to meet u ,,no mateer where or how long he goes for.women open ur eyes and learn from this.
I know the situation is complicated but this interview really shows that he truly does love her. When the interviewer asked what would happened if she refused his offer, he said he would ask her again, that showed that he definitely wants to be with her. The reasons why she said yes are beyond my comprehension but the fact is that they both love each other and it shows.
I laff die. Nawa o. To each man his own.
tu baba na u biko
May God not allow me to wait as long as Annie did o.
May no woman's fate be like that of the other two baby mamas (esp. the one with 3 kids)
na wa o.2face getn married?a heart promptn proposal or did he say feeling?as d sayn d end justifies d means
2face abandoning a woman with three kids for him seems dangerous, is like trading on dreaded Boko Haram bomb.
Hmmmmmm.. I'm happy for them.. But I wonder what the other two baby mamas are thinking right now. Please can someone help me with Pero Adeniyi's twitter handler?*sweet smile* thanks. Lol
Such a tout with him breaking down some of his thoughts in broken English but I love it!!! Love my naija peeps. Now my 2kobo. 2face you did the other women wrong. There is no way there won't' be emotional attachment. We all know pero is not just a fuck buddy so how can u say you know it won't be easy for all those who are still emotionally attached. Pero is my friend and she loves you with all her heart HOWEVER I agree and support your decision cos I am putting my self in Annie's shoes. She was there when you were struggling and stuck with you thru your trying times so ultimately she is the best choice but u did the others wrong. Lesson learnt here is if you do not want toi practice polygamy, pls keep it wrapped up. Hell hath seen no fury like a woman scorned so u have to be careful. I know wat I would have done to you, if you did this to me but then again that is just me. Goodluck with all you do bro
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......Ȋ̝̊̅ reserve ♏γ̲̣̣̥ coment!!!
ONOME says.................
He is an a**e,a big true one......cordial relationship ehn?ok na we sha see
He is just an irresponsible man who should learn how to keep his d**k in his pants.I feel sorry for the other women!Anyhow u lot deserve yourselves #iamout#
tuface i love you!!!!! i hope u guys atay 2geda. d least u can do for annie is to be faithful to her throughout ur union and d good news is dat it is possible. i am cheering from behind.
I think he took the right decision, though took longer time.i Wish them well
the man is simple a goat!
Tubaba you have done what you should do.
Althesame you have to be careful with the others and every other thing you do.
His english has improved significantly. Wow. Very witty answers. Me likey
Perfect answers! I'm impressed.
Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!! All thee people saying he has three wives should go and tell police na or better still force him to marry the three!! i wonder why people talk trash without thinking!! I don't support his baby sharing but pero and ajuba must have been fools to have unprotected sex with him more than once that means they wanted the result so i don't pity peolple like that!!!!
6baba has really improved his English over tym n has gud interview skills with witty answers.....infact i think he speaks beta dan dbanj..#sori 2 compare
i am happy he's settling down n seriously hoping he sticks to his wifey..but truth b told dey beta be watching deir backs 4 life cos hell hath no fury lyk a woman scorned let alone 2 women.
BTW we kw d whole cordial thingy is B.S. u sleep with dem frm tym to tym n u say dey shudnt be emotionally attached..huh...sounds lyk somone is seriously misguided..
anyways gudluck 2 u two....u still remain my fav naija singer though
Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!! All these people saying he has three wives should go and tell police na or better still force him to marry the three!! i wonder why people talk trash without thinking!! I don't support his baby sharing game but pero and ajuba must have been fools to have unprotected sex with him more than once besides they had more than one children so after the 1st they did not still learn that means they wanted the result so i don't pity people like that!!!! All those that call tuface names are even worse than him it is just because ur sins don't appear on the internet like his would so you have no moral to be insulting him!!! Tubaba repent o now that u are about to get married o... no matter what 2face will always be my mentor!!!
tubaba na u biko, father of all nations..way to go my guy
Keep quiet my friend!!! Wat kinda Jazz?
Big up 2face that's real love !penny am so sorry!
mild sweet and subtle like 2 baba
I just hope annie will stop her runz at each fight...
abeg annie hold him tight stay in your damn house and fight for your man and your marriage
you'll only reap what you'll sow
if you dey start falling for each trick set up by pero and sunmbo you are so finished
before you know na divorce you go see you better calm down
unlike other people i dey think you biggest ennemy is sunmbo don't think that this scheming woman with her fake smile is your sis in jesus o
lol @ 2 baba i feel like rephrasing his so polite answer "Same at it has been all the while. Cordial mostly. I’ve still got respect for them because we have kids together."
he meant to say if they open their legs for me i not fit refuse but i no go marry any of them period no wife material there
Eazzie,i hp am coret,u don come here again.same comment u dropped on anoda blog(dnt wana mention name).u make plenti sense sha,God bless u
nah wah ooo this guy just got one of his baby moms pregnant for the 3rd time that one no be mistake at all and now proposing..well as far as the girl in question understands that she is not the only woman she has his heart and soul and the others have his prick its all good then she might be happy..what is the point of marriage self as far as i am concerned its just to waste money n legaly ans mrs idibia cuz ur not the only woman n 2face will not stop firing n hw can people be congratulating such
This dude is as honest as they come. He's made mistakes just like EVERY single person that has posted comments on this blog. FINE! But he takes care of his kids exceptionally well. He doesnt owe those other women ANYTHING simply cos they had kids for him. They are all consenting adults, they got pregnant and chose to have the kids For them, it was a gamble...'maybe if i have 10 kids for him, he'll marry me'. There were three of them so there are bound to be 2 losers. Let this be a lesson to us ladies. GONE ARE THE DAYS THAT WOMEN DEY TAKE BELLE HOLD MEN DOWN!
Someone said tuface was pouring sperm somehwere but was the recipient of the sperm not willing? 2 people dey inside the matter, una dey attack only one. Everybody in this drama made a choice to walk these paths. They were in their right senses and had these kids willingly, no point tearing someone apart over this issue.
I wish Tuface and Annie the very best life has to offer. Left to me, he made the right choice cos if this dude was still hustling in festac, Pero or Sumbo will not give him the time of day. Congrats to you both
Soo, the thing in his pants has been the one making the choices all this while....? It is well
That answer she gave to the question about being a one woman man is so funny.am sure he will still continue with d other women but am thinking he must really have loved the Annie sha.i wish them luck
y r pple sayin nonsense, this cheap chewin gum gurl called annie mac or mark was not there when tu faze wuz eatin dust... nw he has money she is claimin she has been is spinal cord...men 1 day 1 day 2faze go find real luv wiv a blind gurl or a broken leg gurl...that where is destiny lies....all da 3 gurl r uselezz whorez... Annie is jst a stupid ashawo counting hersef a d golden egg....her days her limited...
Hopefully he has made the right choice.
This is just too beautiful n I'm soooo luving their love!...Ah bless! Correct n on point answers Tubaba!!I'm sooo impressed!!
My favourite is; 'What if she had turned down the offer?
Wow! I would have asked again.'......Aawwwwwwww tooo tooo sweet n deep!! :D.
Really wishing them well n the best of everything in this beautiful union!!It is well!
Glad its not that mad woman PERO!!!! KARMA!!!!! OF COURSE HE WAS NOT GOING TO PROPOSE TO PERO, WHO WOULD?!LOL!!!!!!!
Even Annie's hands don suffer die. 2face, na Fela Jr.
Norin to do you. I wish them the best.
I can't wait for his new album though, talented guy.
He he? Tuface. I'm sorry for you o. The belle wey you give Pero never ripe. You dey propose to another woman. If you were so much in love with Annie, why did you keep going back to these women. If we consider belle number one as mistake, definitely number two and three cannot be mistakes now. Tu baba. What kind of love is this, less than nine months ago, you were digging Pero deep, and now loving Annie. I'm sure you are roosting for another baby from her. I don't pray this kinda love triangle for my enemy. Peeps, cross my heart, Tuface will continue digging deep with his concubines. At the rate he is going, he will soon dust Fela and Sunny Ade. Kai! Women are so gullible, foolish and thoughtless. Love ko, love ni. Good luck!
Annie should prepare her mind that leopard never change it's spots and u can not bend a dried fish.
The complexities are many - take it from a man with similar experiences. Your parents or siblings may prefer one of the other women and thus you may run into them in places you did not expect. As the kids are growing, you will find that they have different needs and your attempts to fulfill those needs may endear you more towards the particular mother. What happens if the child with the most promising musical talent happens to be that of Pero (a child after your own heart)? How would you react when one of the other women moves on and marry a man that in your opinion is disfunctional and perhaps cruel to your child in his household? We can copy western ways all we want - the truth is our culture and beliefs take precedence in such matters. Old boy, you get three women (at least). Face realty and manage them. You don't need to announce stuff like this publicly - it will complicate your life more. Final advice - the one with 3 kids cannot be allowed to emotional rot - as she goes so do the kids. Old boy, take am from me. Your life is just starting ...
But seriously I won't blame him, he has slept with very many women and only Pero & Sumbo decided to tie him down with pregnancies frm time to time. Abi who gets pregnant multiple times for a guy that has many women in his life? And all d stunts Pero has pooled can last her 3 life times. Then Pero has a child from her still legal marriage. Pero is a seriel pregnancy Queen joo.
Hmmm, I really dont have the right words to express my feelings sha.
1. Innocent Idibia is Irresponsible
2. He made several mistakes (unprotected sex)
3. He waited till he understood himself before permanently bringing a woman into his world
4. I hope he consulted God first
The Women
1. They all were very irresponsible
2. They made a mistake (unprotected sex)
3. They made a greater mistake (not taking pills after sex)
4. Most of them wanted to trap with with kids
5. How can a man be interested in marrying a woman who opened and keeps opening her legs for him each time he says a few heap words.
1. She loved a man
2. she made a mistake (unprotected sex)
3. She was there first and wen fame came other women took a piece of wot she had.
4. If my records are right, she had just one kid for him.
5. yes they might be having sex but she is a smart & strong woman and a faithful one
6. Hence what a man who is ready needs in a woman
As a woman i personally dont care about the other women. Its all d disadvantages of trying to trap a man or being with another woman's man.
Very funny....but true! Abeg free Linda poop
Can you really be a one-woman man?
Na the journey I don start so now, abi?
So proposing to a your first love instead of working on yourself is the beginning of your journey? All the best Innocent!
And this marriage will last. Why? If she endured this bullshit for 10-11 years then being a Mrs/ married to a sperm donor will not do shit. She is not going anywhere. The girl has invested so much time into this relationship. Nigerian women no dey do divorce. They will rather die in their matrimonial homes than leave.
I feel bad for all the women. They all look like fools.
Let the truth be told,he also has to marry others because they have his kids i.e going by the African culture. Its not my portion, AMEN.
6 Children born out of wedlock == Bastards
they are all his wives whether he likes it or not infac....the one that has 1 child is the 3rd wife then the one that has 2 children is the 2nd wife and the one that has 3 children is the 1st wife shekena take it or leave it!!!
finally he decided to follow his heart and not his dick. supremeeeeee story.
If laugh at the people who think Anni has always been faithful and always been there for 6baba even when he had nothing. If only u knew. all the media she posts out there are fake, she is just as bad as the other babymamas, setting him up and forcing pregnancy, after she lost the 1st one, did she not get pregnanat again? she never left him but she sure was NEVER faithful at anypoint. so please all you decieved annie fans pls dont comment on things u dont know. thanks
follow ur heart and not ur dick, always a good choice lol
All I can say is Annie better tie ur wrapper very well and prepare to fight off all drama n girls that cum with tuface.......then again they r a perfect match tuface sleeps around with anything in skirts and Annie sleeps around with anything in trousers even his friends,so I guess this a good arrangement......pero n sumbo go on your knees and thank the lord!y'all really dont want none of that,the right man will cum along for yous and your kids
Hmmmm tuface only if you know the implications of all this ur way wardness ....remember u ave 5 kids with one more on the way,....u need a serious reality check ,u are realy toying with the minds of this women and above all your kids.God help u
Faithful ke?Annie?any1 saying that must b having a laugh!Linda if you are willing to drop a few thousands then I can give you a comprehensive list with dates and hotel names ........deal or no deal?
Word of advice Annie darling,cus ur obviously still a child...u really dnt need to b showing nothing off ,cus your sharing tuface's ding dong with alot of other women both home n abroad.....so srsly booboo celebrate by going on your knees and pray for him to change n be a better father to hs 6. Kids and overcome all hs demons,u mite think you ave won,buh far from it darling this is just the beginning and no 1 envies you atol....all d best,I'll be needing it
@Anon Feb22 6:53 PM
ke? who asked u?
posting foul msg under anon me not on the future bride's side but this na...
you lookin for money? and u asking Linda for few thousands? wetin concern Linda here?
eyaaah go and tell 2 baba he go fetch that ring away from Annie and give it to you na this ring worth at least N1M! mouth watering huh?
Make sure you really know what you talkin about ooo these did had off periods during these of course annie dated other men na trying to move on while 2 baba was very busy with his onw life too not that he was too happy with annie seeing other guys but could he talk?
if na someone besides Annie know these periods well na 2baba himself check ur so'called facts and dates and names well ooo
u no dey get shame
I dont know why people can't just be real and decisive. i beg you all to encourage 2Baba and do everything we can to support him. for christ sake nothing deceitful about his decision.....Na person wey wear shoe no where e for dey pain amm.....Congrats Bruv!!
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