God forgive me for saying this but I almost feel more sorry for the old woman than the young man...that's if she is a she :-)
BTW, I apologise for the long absence. Went to Miami and LA...in three days. Spent more time in the air than on land...:-) Was constantly on the move. It was so much fun but quite exhausting. Will get back to blogging in a bit...have another plane to catch. Kisses guys!
@Linda me i just dey see this one oooooo..........Na Lagos ee take happen?.....bcos all things ar posible in Lagos..........see the bride sef,,,,,,like she don turn 69 yrs old..........@LINDA keep flyin,,keep enjoyin,,GOD will keep you safe.....aabeg do com blog jarrrree
Linda, these days you seem to be slow or late in news and current affairs. You are in US and not even a word on Whitney Houston's funeral gist.
Looks like lots of bobos are toasting you seriously in God's own country.
Honestly Linda, I saw this picture someone else and some people were saying it was for love! How can? As far as I'm concerned, na for 'Pali'. Anyways, the woman gets to have a young man warn up her bed. So, no one loses in the end! Lol!
Hehehehe getting married 2 his grandmother
How do you its for visa? After we will say d white pple are dis and dat way towards us. Abeg leave d young alone watever its his cup of tea.
Yoh linda av seen it b4 sha. Buh hope d guy is a NIGERIAN. Coz i knw wah ma brodaz can do.
Kisses darling... Missed you.
Nnkan nbe
She's a he. That hair line n the adams apple, GoT to be a he
linda wat did u think about flavour and Tiwa's oyi song..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEZokWL7h1U&feature=plcp&context=C31308b5UDOEgsToPDskL_3EOhNaAEVlx9wiPlUb4F. this is a review. And by the way you're flexing oh, Miami, LA hmm. Is olrai
They are not even an item, it was just to help the poor guy out. This stuff happens in Europe all the time.
ur blog is losing steam.
I love u linda!
sweeey lord dis is horrible jesus, but linda i don't mind getting married to you though am tooo young, for loooooveeeee loooooooooove loveeeeeeeeee lOvE linda hooks kingsolex infact dat si my wish for 2012 wich will be implemented vission 2015, and now dat is my prayer point. 08091497108.
d guy looks TRAPPED!!! lol
Yu should remove this post.....even if he did it 4 visa it is not your business Is it ? He is not the first neither would he be the last putting it on your blog would only be spoiling His chances ...hyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz really DISLIKE you Linda for putting this up .! LINDA IKEJI if you don't have any story to put up rest Argggggggh na by force ?
Why was it done for Visa? Why are you so presumptuous?
How do you know the man does not love the woman or the woman does not love him?
Please let them be, and yes, she is a she. That was a low blow and quite beneath you quite frankly.
u definitely carried last on this 1...lmao...don diddy
linda ur blog is getting boring by the minute.... *skips to another blog*
Better late than absent.
This is awful. Me get married to my grandma for visa... Mtchewwww... university of calabar
Nawao, all for papers...na benin guy b this lol
How are you Linda? I know you are having the fun of your life over there. Just take it easy babe. As regard ur absence, we can understand,just have fun.U deserve it. Take good care of yourself mt IDOL.
What visa has joined together let no embassy put asunder...happy married life dear. God bless ur union
like i replied on facebook....who's business is it what they both choose? they are matured consenting adults.i dont think anyone of us has any say because one way or the other we have had sexual relationship with an older person behind close doors so that he choose to bring his out into the open and even settle with her is no biggie.
how many young ladies will want to settle down with this same young man without no money or job for now? i doubt if there is any.
Linda hmmmm.............I kno talk anything ooooo
Thought as much. My husband was just saying, he has not seen any updates on your blog and i told him you probably were criss-crossing cities. We do enjoy your blog but mostly your honesty. Have fun lovely and God bless ya!
I said to myself that she looks like a man. Probably this transexual thing they do. Its definately not love.
LOL @ carried last!
Linda you don turn to international socialite! Na wa oh! Just don't forget us when you start dining @ Aso Rock.
(Lost in tots) abeg who wan catch that bouquet? I feel sorry for both grandma and the desperado... #smh
Linda, pls come back to 9ija and keep furnishing us with lattest news. Its obvious that this your vacation is really impaired for super-performance on your blog.
Babe wassup will u? U cant afford to slow down on bizness..uve got to stay onto of ur game..common.. Two days. Not cool..ur d best at wat u do in nigeria..stay on top ok..employ people to run it if u have to..best wishes
Lol. the trend tire me oo.
Na wa oh, wonder in trouser.
God help us
psquare singing; i go chop your money, chop your money, i dont care, dont careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
the 'oyibo woman' dont care, and the smallie go chop her money,,,lol.
Linda, its not only for VISA o.
While I don't want to judge this guy or the woman, I think it is not a nice thing to do stuff like this. But let's keep an open mind you never know if he is really in love.
LOL Linda na sweet JJC sha. You have another "flight to catch" not "plane to catch" :D
One word,eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
This blog shouldn't suffer because yu are travelling, sleeping,eating etc. Don't yu think that its about time that yu structured this and make it a real organisation.
This is the problem with Nigeria company and their owners,never wanting to relinquish responsibilities.I wonder what Mark Zukenberg or the Yahoo and Google owners would have done in your shoes.
P.S. post this abeg oooo
God forbid bad thing!
The guy sef dey like anything!
Grandma,thanks for reducing the population of "anything" by one.
Hmmm! Poverty is the root of all evil. *hisssssssss*
Linda how u dey jare, U don fall in love for obodo oyibo, u just dey cruise everywhere. Have fun sha!
linda, step up jor. u kept us waiting too long *side eye*. lol. hw u dey?
This guy has lots of gutssssssssssssss!! Is this wat green card can do? Hmmmmmmmmmmm!
the blog is not suppose to be inactive in ur absence abeg.How many days now hiaaa
linda babe well done jare i was think what is happening but hope you are enjoying your hols as i was refreshing your page sote sote but at least now i know. take care and hv a safe trip back to naija...
this story funny no be small the things people would do for kpali and german one for that matter na wa ooo them 2 no dey shame mschew!!!!
ONOME says.........................
This madam you dey flex o!Enough roluxing!!!Your excitement is infectious!!!Enjoy!
I no go comment for this story again abeg###
At least he is not a serving governor with a 12year old wife. Please let them be...two consenting adults.
things people do 4 visa!!!more like things pple do to get out of naija..lol
I dnt blame d couple, its d Ikoyi registry I hold responsible...
is that a bouquet or paper flowers? i actually ashamed that the family could allow this; well all the best on his quest.
linda, please just tell me this pics are not real.
Yes u haff carry last in dis one o!!! plus me i haff miss u gan, do and come back biko.
Joke: Linda you better shut up o. Na everybody get visa easily like you? Why didn't you help him?
It is not for visa but for European passport. That is more than visa to a country for the first time.
His family are probably so poor that they had to hire the clothes on them. The bride is like his great grandmother. Ha ha ha!
The woman is an old fool. The boy will dump her within two or three years and marry his sweetheart. Gold digger? No, passport digger...
Story story, he has found his own escape hatch out of nigeria, you better go find yours o !! Lol
Nigeria is not the kind of country one can be stuck in. If you see an escape route, better grab it! You hear, linda!
Thank God the trips have started rolling in after your Kenyan trip disvirgined your passport....
Holla at us in NYC.
lol Linda you rily carry last. They are lodging at Peaceland Hotels, Folagoro,Lagos for their honeymoon. And i think she is a "he" or was a "he". *cringes*
na wa o.... people can do anything for visa o
People dont be fooled. That is a man on female hormones, It's so clear to see and that young boy is gay as hell.
So what if its for visa linda? Bcos u were given one huh.. at least she's married. Are u?
Pls my sake, dont leave us for too long again,i miss u like crazy.have fun!
The bride looks like a he-she. Na wa! Kai!
Lin,U apparently live in air dan on land**dis tour na real safe haven,i 4 like join sha!,i cld b ur hand-bag,i sincerely dnt mind.....as 4 dis dude,**evidently,naija girls can DATE monkeys 4 money,bt naija guys wld MARRY monkeys 4 money!!**
They even bought Aso-Ebi. choiiii #SMH
Linda, sorry to say but you are really starting to sound bush with all these your updates about on air and what state you are in and all that. Is this your first time of travelling outside the country. Is this how you update us when you move from Imo State to Lagos. Biko kwa, stop embarrassing yourself.
damn! what da hell. they are both out of their senses. i must say.
i hate
Well u actually carried last, but its never too late. That guy is an idiot! See as the guy dey sample em ghost wife, and his family supported him too. They must really be very poor!
I do not blame the youngman. I blame those members of his family wearing 'aso-ebi' who agreed to follow him to this show of shame. They are greedy, shameless and corrupt individuals who have no hesitation in sentencing this poor boy to eternal slavery because of the dollars the grandmother would give them. Shameless fools.
na wa ooo, this Yoruba boy ve'got plenty liver oo
It's either the guy is after the Green Card or just waiting for the woman to die so that he can inherit every... ...Naija no dey ever carry last!
Linda=Ajala the traveller,Ajala travel all over the world( 2x is a song) welldone nah GOD do am for you.have fun but no give us LEG-OVER again ooooooooo.for the post i comment my reserve.
we no go hear word again because of Miami-Florida
Keep ur kisses to ur self!!! U tink that will get us?
I think u are a bit irresponsible and uncourteous to ur religeous followers. Wen u were going to the US, u informed us and we understood Y we were getting delayed info. U knew u were going to be away but u dint info us (more like who cares? am catching my own fun!).
I now feel u think u are doing us a good therefore,we need u than u need us(if u think u need us at all).
FYI u are (or ur blog is) nothing without us.the traffic is what encourages all them juicy adverts. Be warned.
I require u make a special post for apology to us or else....
And for all those that will make negative conments to my post, in this 2012, God shall visit u with ...
well after every, i miss u sha.
Gbenga's fan!
our desperation is way out of hand this days,what a hell?.
I feel for you Linda Ikeji. Your blog isn't that interesting anymore.
It's time to take your business seriously.
Other bloggers are out-shinning you.
I use to be a regular visitor but I have found another Naija Site that carries more news than you.
All the same I wish u the best.
The woman don dey die go now, but visa na koko still.
Na only worri or Igbo man fit do this one no wonder dem talk say worri man no dey carry last
I just hope they grow old TOGETHER!
This is my first comment here since following you for like 11 months. Enjoy your stay in US and bring some goodies for us ooooo......wink!
This is my first comment here since following you for like 11 months. Enjoy your stay in US and bring some goodies for us ooooo......wink!
this is serious, visa whala.
World Heaviest Baby, Born by Chun Chun
Texas model: i was saved by my BREAST
linda I'm very sorry to say o but i don't think the maerica you went to changed your perspective because you are still thinking like a typical african.
ray j 31 yrs and the late whitney houston 48 was he in it because of visa??
ashton kutcher 34 demi moore 49 is it because of visa?
you don't know the dude and you have no evidence of your allegations yet you have maligned the guy's name and the woman .your blog enjoys a wide followership what if the immigration official of the country concerned stumble upon this unproven and unsubstantiated allegation?
because you have gone to the embassy and they gave you the visa without stress you are now able to cast aspersions on everybody oga o maybe we that have been in the america/uk should try and padlock the country and prevent other africans from entering
Bon voyage Linda
The woman is too fine... Lucky chap.
Please permit my grammar Linda.....in my own english naija nomenclature, this is what I call a "Trans-lesbiohomofaggogay Marriage".....lol....poverty is a disease oh! it cuts across race, gender, even age.
Linda kilode now, no gist nii, we are bored ooh, do sumthing
Awesome! I love the Original, but love this more!!
So with all your MIA na stale gist u fit give us. Shioorrr
Boring... Yawns. Lemme know when you have real gist Linda.
This is no she jo! She's a transsexual.. Its so obvious.. W@dis world is turning 2ehn!!! God 4gve us all
Only omo nna boys can do a thing like this. Okoros can do anything for money.
Thank heavens i'm not the only one that think 'she' might be/was a 'he'.
This as been in the news for over hw many days nah......late commer,â„“☺â„“ ,you don't have time for us again nah,since you don turn yankee babe !
must that be the onlything he can do just to get visa
On tha first pic, he is holding her like she's carrying something, I think she is pregnant o
Was wondering what happened to ma fav blogger "wink". Njoy ya vaca. Do not leave without visiting NYC.
Mo gbe! What is this?
Linda I don't want details of ur many trips jor . I want gist!!! U bera behave urself o! Cos I don't want to have to cheat on u with all dem other blogs. U do know that when ur up there's nowhere else to go but down, so its a u have to struggle to keep that spot. My
enjoy, dear! can't wait to see some pics
words fail me
if it was just for visa..... but the young lad got himself an E.U passport..maybe the woman has 15 years to leave, in 15 years he would be in his late 30s. not a bad deal.
Hi Linda, nice work all through the years, pls help me visit my blog and give me one advice or two. Would so appreciate. http://zebira.wordpress.com/love-life-season-1-e-1/
He bleaches and perms his hair, she looks like a grandfather...I don't know who the mugu is.
Good luck to them both, na wa.
Hey Linda.. i love ur site and now u are making me hate it.. Whats ur problem cos of small faaji u are leaving what made u up.. go chop chinchin
This is so so bad, imagine a 22years old man doing this to himself, when i saw this, linda, i was rocked down to my world. It's really bad.glo free browsing cheats for operamini.
He does not look like he is interested in women, so he is probably the one being tortured the most. This is so unbelievable it is disgusting, do they really think that they can convince immigration officers?
u sure carried last on this one oh linda!!!! i saw it first on nairaland...
This is abomination.This man stands condemned with every body in that picture.Nigeria is not bankrupt.He can find better thing to do in Nigeria than marry a drug addict.He will soon get hooked on drugs.
Linda....linda....linda!!! How many times i call ur name??? U don dey fall our hand o!! This gist is like 200 years old! E be like say u go do come back naija oh!!! Inugo?
The Nigerian guy even looks like and behaves like a gay.
I don't believe this story jor. I strongly believe it's Photoshop. The pictures don't look real to me.
What old woman will be this stupid and what young man will be this desperate and to have his family around too just looks totally unrealistic.
We don´t want to know where you´ve been or who you´ve been with just give us the gist thats all we need...
I sincerely detest the fact that people have little or no regard for the institution called marriage. Why would a young and promising young man, decide to go to this extent?
His family must be as greedy and their greedy son...Whatever the reason for this union, I wish them the best.
No be small thing... There was even ashebis.... Makes me think it was more than just visa. Whatever, they are both adults... their lives, their businesses.
Sure looks likes a man
Linda ooo,u wan kii me wif laff abi.e no go work 4 u! 'If atall she's a she(lwkmd)
Block head
that was uncalled for! U r probably the type that will settle for less so as to feel among. I'm sure being married is the only achievement you can boast of! Punk ass!
Gbenga stop denying your brother abi we tell you say we no get court for east? We all know say na una get time for aso ebi no matter how short the notice or embarrassing the wedding might be. Ijeoma Linda
Does people don't even look like the guy! Did he rent the relatives for the wedding? I hope nobody shows her all these internet posting o so the poor guys effort will not be in vain!
i visit your blog so nice and intersting. thanks for sharing us.
Party dresses for women
chei all in the name of kpali nawa oooo
as long as the old woman is ready to share her small toy boy with younger women then the agreement is sealed mschw!!!
sorry think about Ur feature
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