They then promptly queued up and collected their 1000 Naira “performance” allowance per head from the Federal Government agents that recruited them in front of bemused NLC officials.
A majority of the members were illiterate local Gbagyi women and unemployed youths recruited from villages surrounding the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Their leader, one Isah Mohammed, could not offer a convincing explanation to NLC officials about their mission, and most of the people following him did not really know why they were recruited.
Source: Saharareporters.com
I mean seriously, these women aren't even educated so who do these brain-dead twats (the people that recruited them) think they are fooling?
they were probably just told to stand somewhere and hold signs and they will receive 1000 Naira. why must they bribe people to garner fake support? SMDH.
OMG,LMAO......linda abeg nw.i don nearly piss 4 body i bet dey're nt nigerians.o ga o.lolz.
the women in this pix can not even diffrenciate btw thier right aqnd left hand. Nigerians will never cease to amaze me.
if they are truly Nigerians then shame on them. A disgrace to this Species
Abeg man must wack
What a sad joke of a country. Smh. God abeg o!
This is honestly so sad, shame on our government. Unbelievable!
I still didn't see any evidence of their support. Linda don't tell me you are part of Sahara Reporters Crew.
Na wa o....one thousand naira! While the people organizing them are stealing billions! Insecurity Looms,heck am scraed for the first time being a nigerian! May God he'll us all!
Lmfao!!!!!!! They shld av com to hire me. I'm quite educated & dnt charge much...just a billion naira only!!!!
Shame on the govt!!!
...stupid foolss; hw many days d #1000 won reach dem?? Concentrated illiteratessss
OMG, I can not believe this is happening in Nigeria. Is the federal Government so crude to buy innocent women over withh just 1000 Naira. Well, it won't work cos the strike must hold.
Shame!!!!!!!!! Look closely and you will see that these people are mostly street beggars.
and the plot thickens......
its not thier fault cos they are ignorant of thier action....selling thier children's future what a pity.its so good to be enlightened.
Three words....PA-THE-TIC!!!! Chai!!! What did they hope 2 achieve by employing these lay-abouts who can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground. This is a good sign cos it shows their gettin desperate.
This could easily be a polling station on election day. N1000 per vote! Trust Nigerians and their short sightedness.
http://www.leadway.com/trusteeship-and-investment/index.php have you seen this?
Is the Nigerian Government so desperate that they had to hire people to pretend that they are in support of them. That shows the kind of Government we have.Well, on the part of the protesters, thats what poverty and illiteracy can cause.
Hahahaha hehehehe hohohoho huhuhuhu laughing in all the Nigerian languages! see the yeye people one is fighting for, going behind to collect bribe, actually they are not going behind, they are doing it in the full glare of those trying to protect and defend their rights. Shiiiooooooo!!!! The evil genius was right when he said "everyman(me thinks he meant every Nigerian)has a price and if the said man is not playing ball, then you have not paid the right price". Never thought I'd see the day that I would agree with that evil man, unfortunately that day is today.
they do not understand what removing this fuel subsidy at this time means.......when prices of things would tripple 5 times........
most of them will become prostitutes to survive.........
the truth is......anybody who makes less than N150,000 a month should be prepared for hell fire
wat a shame,dis women looks very hungry and 1000 naira means alot to them anyway cant even blame dem becos wat do dey even know from d obvious dey r not learned pple.
No be small wahala oooo..
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Do those idiot women know that they are the ones with the most to loose? Do they understand that its their children that will start to die from hunger first? Do they understand that we fight for not only them but ourselves? Somebody needs to educate them!
If this is the kind of strategy that our leaders are taking then Nigeria is finished... The person that came up with this idea is just as stupid as the protesters.
this goes to show how lowly Goodluck rates and respects Nigerians he was elected to serve. this i despicable.
"I have read with acatalectic disgust,
governments asinine and puerile
ratiocinations attempting to justiceate
the proposed removal of subsidies
from petroleum products. It has
asseverated that it’s intentions is
guided by the need to checkmate the
odoriferous excesses of a
machiavellian and mephistophelean
cabal and i have said to myself, what a
shame? What a self indicting admittal
of the failure of governance? What
anhocus-pocus? What an
anathematous disdain for it’s citizenry?
Must the people now bear the brunt
for governments ineptitude,
inefficiency and pusillanimity in
squaring up with these economic
philistines and fat cows? I feel even
more nauseated and vexed that the
Governors Forum has posthaste
conferred an apocalyptic imprimatur
on this genie. Let’s not forget that
majority of these same Governors had
earlier called for this state of affairs as
a condition sinequanon for paying the
minimum wage. What an opprobrium?
What a deprecable descent from the
sublime to the ridiculous? It’s up to us
all to put this Presidential and
Gubernatorial genie back into the
bottle but are we prepared?
Lwkmd.......i pity these skiny women afta lyk 1 wik of hardship and suffering!! Linda......help dem oooo!!
not Pro-FuelSubsidy Protesters
Lmao...only in 9ja!
Poverty across the land. Wht do u expect from a Dull PERSIDENT??
is it only elites that are part of the NLC?
D govt is getting petty on dis issue. Why condescend dis low?
Only wan tasand? Choi
some lame ass rubbish....smh
Them try oo very well.They should be shamed of themselves. They can bribe those women but they can't buy Justice.
Tuhunhunmeymey...laffin in idoma.Pro subsidy kor pro subsidy nee Who is fooling who?let's see how the one thousand bucks will get them to the holes they were extracted from.Jona I dey laff...bloody retard.Mschew!!!
If the caption on the picture is true then I wonder:
Various actions ranging from this to the jos killings *cant get over the image of little children burnt to death*last year and the adamawa and gombe killings this year makes me wonder where that 'tipping point' is really for us to say ITS ENOUGH AND KEEP SAYING IT TILL OUR VOICES ARE HEARD AND THINGS RADICALLY CHANGE. I SMH at the National Anthem and Pledge, Nigeria is fast becoming a mere geographic expression.....
They should have collected their entitlements and still join the anti fuel subsidy rally
Shoo! Dem don carry am enter fuel subsidy matter??? Na wa o! Tomorrow dis same "find-belle" peepo go still talk say government too corrupt. See dia tiftif mouth. Sigghhhhhh!
what a blessed nation,
Poverty is definitely at its peak in Nigeria goshhh. See life www.naijaimpressions.com
Now we really need to go on Strike! Bring it on FG!
This one na real wa oh! See people wey we de fight for? se na N1000 go belle full them? wat a shame
This one na real wa oh! See people wey we de fight for? se na N1000 go belle full them? wat a shame
Nigeria for now, is "too" insecure for people to be going around carelessly. While we are protesting and they are supporting the removal of fuel subsidy, we all should not forget that the Boko Haram sect has still not being caught. http://abubaka.wordpress.com
dis is rada sad... if we ve to pay people to undastand deir rights and fight for a better nation for dem and deir generations to come, den Nigerians are jst as pathetic as d government...
hi Linda, I read your blog everyday but I have never made a comment until now... I think you need to look at the removal of the fuel subsidy from a different perspective... this might enable you understand the rationale behind the removal... please send me your email address so I can forward some comments to you in relation to the issue of subsidy...it might not change your mind but it might be edifying... you can post your email address on your home page or just leave it as a comment
Are we going backwards or forward. Reminds one of the dark goggle days of the GENERAL though we are dealing with a man who says he is not a GENERAL.
O ma se O!May I not sell my birthright for peanuts!
@#$%^&*_______________(flat line)
This ppl can neither speak nor understand english. Their english teacher is Dame Patience.
i am not sure what all the fuss about this fuel subsidy is about- even with the 110% or so price increase, fuel is still far cheaper in Nigeria than it is in the US or UK; Nigerians will learn to live with it and the country shall rise again as an economic powerhouse
WOW,this is exactly what I was discussing with my mum just when this protest started, and it sure did happen...the government paying people to go against this movement. Nigerian Government never ceases to disappoint us. Shame on them, and they all have a special place prepared for them in hell.
linda well done please also put the address of jona on your blog where he has reduce the sal of all political holders by 25% and overseas travel to be drastically reduced, expenditure in government to be cut i tell you the nuj and tuc should not listen to these but carry on the strike until pertol goes back to 65 naira or even less.
imagine when doctors tell am say dem go strike fear don catch jona as he know say he no
go fit sick as he cant travel out either as air space would be shut as well LOOOOOL goodness me i carry yansh for us in naija imagine this has never happend before bravoooo naija
As i type, i just heard from my tv , on CNN channel via my generator set which i paid heavy sum of money for petrol, showing glittering pictures of some members of the boko haram! CNN have not been brocasting all the evil going on in my country since, i don't understand their agenda but i was surprised to hear this after a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time the event took place. GOD, your children are crying to you oo, pls come to our aid. Ha, the generator is off!( log out)
How are u sure Linda ?u are becoming too biased
@January 7, 2012 9:27 PM my blood boils and i get very angry when people compare nigeria with uk and us and you must be very stupid and an illterate for doing the comparison. may be you don't know that you can not compare the standard of living in the uk and us with nigeria. they are developed countries where everything works and i mean good roads hospital 24 hours light and so on.
next time you open that your yeye mouth make sure you do your comparison well as nothing is working in nigeria got it useless thing!!!
it is clear from the comments that a lot of Nigerians have no clue what a subsidy is. Please get educated and listen to the reason for it before you start protesting and rallying. Economically it makes sense; but given the current state of Nigeria and the fact that our government if corrupt, this is neither the time nor the way to implement this removal. To learn more of the reason behind this subsidy please watch this video.
oooga o,nigerians cn even deny dr creator f u gv dem sum money!!!!! even though they ar iliterates,ds it mean mke dem fools 2u????na wa oo
@ anonymous 8.42 me thinks this is wayo of sorts. Why do you want to talk to my sista in private, if it is about subsidy removal share your info with all, as this is an open forum, and we might all learn something from your input. Dis kain meet me for corner no good ooooo. Linda mai sista from anoda mista, no gree to this cheap toasting o...lol
Some pipo keep calling odas illitrates for not supporting the removal of subsidy. Una tank u o litrates. Odas kip comparing naija to uk & us. Una head nor correct. As u are reading dis na do u have nepa lite? wot abt our roads, health care, good education, just to mention des few. Gej n his vice wil eat food worth 1b naira 4 jst 365 days n yet fuel can't be subsidised. Pls dis is nt a question of litracy or wot ve u. Ok if we are illitrates bcos we nor support removal, fund education so dat next time we would have been educated enof to undastand d reason 4 removal n we wil gladly support. Like sm guys on dis blog wil say, our litrate supporters abeg make una park wel jor!
This na aboki people na! Wetin they know?
I bet you whatever money they are planning on will end up as always in individual pockets.
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