Shocking scenes: Daniel (circled) can be seen in Monique's bed. Despite her barely moving, something is going on under the covers for more than seven minutes.
A housemate on Brazil's version of Big Brother has been raped live on TV, it has been alleged. Police today confirmed they had begun an investigation and carried out a search of the studios in Rio de Janeiro, where the popular reality show is being filmed.
Viewers were shocked in the early hours of Sunday to watch contestant Daniel Echaniz 31, apparently force himself on 23-year-old student Monique Amin, who had passed out drunk after a boozy party.
The decision to remove the contestant, who if found guilty of rape faces between six and ten years' jail, was explained in a statement read out by the show's presenter Pedro Bial.
He said: 'Since Sunday morning, the board had been evaluating the behaviour of Daniel, who is suspected of having infringed the rules of the programme.
'Big Brother examined his behaviour without jumping to conclusions and with the utmost care. The images showed a breach of the rules of the programme.
'After careful evaluation, the direction of the programme found that the behavior of the contestant on the night of the party was seriously inadequate.'
Makers Endemol - which is known for encouraging outrageous behaviour among its contestants - today refused to comment on the latest scandal to rock the worldwide Big Brother format.
Big Brother Brasil, which is in its 12th series, is watched by an average TV audience of eight million. In last year's final over 154 million votes were cast.
Culled from DailyMail
Na wa ooo........which kind thing be ds ooo......
This has happened before on Big Brother. We saw Ofunneka get drunk then sexually violated on BBA a few years ago and watch her pretend it didn't happen and remove blame for her assailant because of the stigma attached to rape.
If a party is not in a frame of mind (whether, comatose, mentally incapacitated or drunk) to consent to any sort of sexual activity, it is sexual assault.
The show tends to give housemates all the tools to create this sort of dangerous environment, while not explicitly telling them to.
Toh! Big Brother and its many Evils!
The first rule of over-imbibing alcohol, make sure you're in a safe environment or there are people who will keep you safe. The Big Brother house is definitely not a safe environment.
I'm glad the Brazil producers are taking this assualt seriously. I remember it also happened in South Africa on BBA some years ago and was brushed under the carpet.
I have always believed that the Big Brother shows were attempts at airing cheap porn on TV. I am particularly disgusted at the portrayal of women as objects rather than Intelligent people they are. I particularly hate the fact that entertainment becomes valuable when sex and the sexuality of women is exploited.
wow this is not funny.
Oh, poor girl. I don't like this show - it's so dumb.
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Na tru talk samuel
ds is soooo crazy. and part of endemol encouraging crazy acts. Am i having a rethink of my fondness for big brother? me like ur comment Vaughn Sam.
Really u dnot rape someone passed out or not if guilty he needs more than ten yrs
This is BAD, big brother is turning to something else
d boozing n useless acts is too much weda they r adults or not. Big Brother Organisers ought to cut down on booze n all of dat cos for d fact that its free, housemates will always drink to restlessness giving room for so many stupid acts n at the end... BLAME IT ON THE ALCHOHOL
could this be for real..... It plead it shouldn't reach BB Africa.
Blame it on the vodka
Blame it on the henny
Blame it on the blue top
Got you feeling dizzy
Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol...
Wat is the moral lesson to be learnt from this big brother thing? It's a question I hav been asking since I started hearing abt it. It's all pornography to me and an avenue for young pple to gather under one roof to show how morally depraved they are. It just doesn't make sense.
This USELESS program should be scrapped off o jare! I DON'T see the moral it passes to anybody! #long hiss#
Isn't that what Big Brother is about anyway? Promoting bad behaviour in the name of fun and "entertainment". At least this case isn't being covered up.
BBA's becming an avenue to watch porn and misbehaviours or people
When it happened to Ofunneka that guy wasnt punished, he ended up winning the show. I have always detested the show, it is not African. Poor girl, she is gonna live with the daint all her life. BB aspirants be warned.
i have had no idea what that show BBA is exactly about!
Whatr excatly is the point of it? Watching that show is like peeping through the window at a bunch of people. Its just plain silly!!! (to be as mild as possible)
Well said CC
i don' support rape or any of its kind but why dint the production team stop it initially? why wait till the next day?
THis is one of d reasons why i cnt be found watching this DAMN "nonsence big brothel" Africa. No morals and nothing educative about d show. Pure waste of African air time and misleading our youth in Africa
I agree wt u.tot they ve mıllıons of cameras everywhere nd also 247 survellıance.so y dıdnt they stop hım.defenately d producers too are ın support of ds devılısh act.
There is pretty nothing educative about this program. Recent post... UNIPORT Application for Admission into Certificate Programmes Pre-degree in the Faculty of Humanities is open
well said Vaughn Samuel... well said. We need to 'occupy' Big Brother, so it gets thrown off the air.
What is it that Big Brother teaches? this is one of the most mind numbing and immoral programme on air, trying to sell to the general public an idea of being controlled and watched by a "Big brother" so that when the real BB happens noone would know what hit them. Big Brother my a..se encourages people to be backstabbers, fake, immoral and without integrity in exchange for money. Television is one of the ways in which an individual gets socialised so we can learn from what we see from the tv even subconciously... that programme should be shut down!!!!
Stupid is as stupid does:
Moral of the story: Isolate yourself when drinking. You never know who may be waiting to take advantage of your drunk bum.
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