Members of Boko Haram last night attacked a Deeper Life Bible Church in Gombe, killing six members of the church , including the wife of the pastor, and leaving several others injured. The gunmen shot randomly from the window.
Photos of the dead when you continue...viewers discretion advised please...

Even a young boy. God have mercy!
Enough is enough 4 d christians. Must they live in north? Animalistic region.
Oh my God how can someone do this and go to bed @ nite Rip and to d familys may d good lord comfort u people dnot have d fear of God
What have we xtians ever done to dis sons of satan!
may their gentle soul rest in perfect peace
MEND, please throw bombs into every mosque on every street corner in Nigeria. These fanatics are bastards. its time for an eye for an eye. This is now a religious war!!
Im tired of cursing these green owls called boko haram.its GEJ i would curse.He cant act when it comes to bokoharam,but can open his stupid mumuish mouth to reduce fuel subsidy..while they kill us in our thousands..May they RIP and lets keep praying
This is terribly upsetting. First my heart goes out to the victims & their loved ones. May God grant them eternal peace in Jesus' name. Amen. Split this nation along whatever lines that is needed, we must not be forced to live with hostiles. Let the Christian Igbos return to the east & flourish in what they know how best to do & the Fulanis/Hausas who exhibit this hostility at no provocation at all be by themselves. This is that simple. Other tribes that want to be by themselves form their own tiny nations. What's this thing about forcing one to be in same country with dumb hostiles. Dr. W
Waitin this people do them now,?why them no go bomb subsidy people? Fuck!
People, for how long will this killing continue?
Lameduck Jonathan should concentrate on curbing this menace & not acting out a script!!! This is so sad. May their souls RIP.
its a very terrible situation, why would some people kill fellow humans in the first place?this boko haram men are taking this too far,you know what?these boko haram crew are obviously muslims and they are giving islam a very bad image, i expect those northern imams and emirs to sensitize these people on how to behave that you dont have to kill before you prove a point. if islam is indeed a religion of peace, then these bloodshed should STOP NOW.when was the last time christians killed anybody? im sure Allah is not happy with all these indiscriminate bombings and killings here and there. God bless Nigeria.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO My God! Not again what is happening... Jesus have mercy. A little boy that could have been our next president cut down in his prime.
This is unacceptable. My Lord defend us and fight our battles .......................
Split Nigeria along whatever lines necessary...we must not be forced to live with hostiles. Dr. W
This sight of this beautiful boy lying lifeless has upset me all day this heart goes out to these victims & their loved ones... Split this nation along whatever lines that is necessary. Dr. W
What nigeria has become?? My heart is so heavy God help us.#sobs#
Having said all that why can't christains just leave the north for. Good at least for now. He who leaves to fight leaves to fight another day
Split Nigeria. I'm out! Dr. W
May God indeed have mercy and heal our land!!!
may God almighty have mercy on this nation,pple are being killed like chicken everyday,RIP
lord have mercy
OMG im so angered by this greusome pictures.even the poor young boy! and i wonder the wrath of God has not befallen this lunatic dare God this way murdering innocent people.....couple with having a moronic president who cannot seek assistance in tackling this menace.
Thunder fire these Boko Haram Bastards!!!!!!
It is rather unfortunate that people who are not directly affected by such dastardly acts unleashed by the BOKO HARAM have the effrontery to call the current threat a joke. The BOKO HARAM have time and again shown us that they mean business so why would citizens of this country give deaf ears to their threats. the security agencies of this country who have always been inefficient and incapable of doing their duty even when it had to do with robbers, are totally and utterly incapable of facing the current security threat which is terrorist related. The only thing the Nigerian police and related agencies are good at doing is harassing, beating up and killing innocent Nigerians (an example can be seen in yesterdays killing of a peaceful protester by men of the nigerian police force in kwara.) My advice to southerners living in the north is to evacuate the north for the mean time, and go back when the situation has been resolved.
The Nigerian government has continually failed its people, there is no area of public service were the Nigerian can say his needs is adequately met. We have no light, no water(except for privately owned borehole), no good roads, no security, in fact there is nothing the nigerian government does for its people, and yet they insist we pay tax. God help us. If not for private telecommunication providers we would still have to rely on NITEL. If as citizens of this country we have to do everything by ourselves, then i don’t see why we should have a government, why should we pay tax? I know the government cannot do everything for its citizens, but in the case of Nigeria there is nothing the government does for the people.
signs of the end time. pls everybody shld repent ohh coz time no dey again.
Sorry to see this!!!. But I wonder why the Muslims refuse to guide these Christians when they were worshiping their own god as was done during the Muslim prayers. Islam means terror!!!that is very obvious with this..
I was skeptical @ ur report that xtians were guarding muslims in kano now u can see dis northerners supporting boko haram are devils..these pple dont want a southern xtian as d leader of naija,they hate southerners and deride d muslims in d south..let them continue we av our own plans cos we know where buhari,atiku and ibb with their familiies live..remember what atiku said"if u make peaceful change impossible u will make violent change inevitable" d idiots and fools supporting buhari i weep 4 u..buhari did not campaign in d south south,south east nd he thot he wld win..get ready for d break up of dis country..expiry date of nigeria by d british was 100yrs from 1914..we are watching and waiting
Ask me the offence these dead people committed,,, they choose to attend church instead of mosque. And their punishment is death. These Muslims are animalistic!!!!
Am really getting fed up and pissed with these guys. Things are really getting out of hand.
So dis is GEJ's ruse enh. Wen d heat frm boko haram bcoms 2 much, he raises fuel issues, wen fuel issue reaches boilin point ppl kil n cal boko haram, heiiiiiiiiiiiii
God have Mercy
A vote of no confidence should be passed on the govenors of states in which there has been boko haram activities. it should also be passed on GEJ as he is the CSO of the country.
Insteasd of addressing security issues, he is removing fuel subsidy.
Aluta Continua, Victora Ascerta
Am a christain. But i do feel sori 4 them. Were they deaf wen they said go home. Stay there o
OH GOD! May ALLAH send an army of painful death to boko haram or whatever they are and hiding behind. If this is orchestrated by make people not to strike or for whatever reason,may ALLAH ALSO WIPE THEM OFF THE FACE OF EARTH LIKE HE DID TO NOAH'S PEOPLE. I am a muslim and just last year boko haram killed our brother in law. THEY BUILD THEIR BOMBS IN MUD HOUSES IN VILLAGES NOT IN MOUNTAINS O!.... and govt still cant destroy them. the last woman caught in bauchi after a bomb blast was found out to be a christain. there is more to this boko haram,i think the strike should include making end there terror.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed thru the mercies of God rest in peace. Amen.
This is outrageously annoying! Something needs to be done...i mean more than mere talk. Christians need to act, i mean fight back!We can no longer be sacrificial lambs to destitutes.
Its like the main target of these useless people now are the christians....its a pity,,,
Despite all this terrible things going on,,,GEJ is so engrossed in the issue oil subsidy........God help Nigeria!!!
how i which God could bring back the old testament,were by God will send someone to kill all d muslim.just lik e used people to wipe up a town bcos of dere sins.
how i which God could bring back the old testament,were by God will send someone to kill all d muslim.just lik e used people to wipe up a town bcos of dere sins.
Now I am really afraid for Nigeria.
ds whole thing is getting more deadlier by the day and the fool of jonathan cant give this an emergency response. he is ther debating stupid issues. God punish all this so called leaders
omg! that little boy (crying so hard)
May we never grow cold as a nation to news of people being killed by demons. May God punish the killers with worse than the sins they have committed.
This is really bad, when some group oppress, intimidate and scare a whole nation, and there's just nothing the government can is doing about this, aside from securing themselves with bomb detector vehicles and houses. This murderers will never go unpunished including the Government who are contributing to this. I wish they have their children or direct family killed in some of these incidence, then they'll understand what this means.
can we please rewind and delete that #occupy kano stuff about Muslims protecting the Christians. need we say more
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh no
My God shall answer them! Amen
guys pls follow my blog
You can imagine,linda,and you're here saying "This is the kind of nigeria we want.United!!"This is crap,May Chineke God 4give them.These guys are not human beings,they're idiotic animals.This is not fair now,and you know what?if any of them give their life to christ,this same God that i serve would 4give them.Chei!!y didnt i support ojukwu in this biafra thing oooo.
You can imagine,linda,and you're here saying "This is the kind of nigeria we want.United!!"This is crap,May Chineke God 4give them.These guys are not human beings,they're idiotic animals.This is not fair now,and you know what?if any of them give their life to christ,this same God that i serve would 4give them.Chei!!y didnt i support ojukwu in this biafra thing ooo
Dear Linda,
I appreciate you being on top of news in Nigeria but please I beg you to limit the pictures of the dead. Please consider how the families would feel seeing such gory pictures of their family members on the internet. The more you show the dead, the more desensitised people become to the shocking news. If you must show for evidence of the truth please censor the faces. Have a little respect for the dead.
What a pity, may their souls rest in peace. May God punish everyone destroying Nigeria. Even their generation will harvest their bitter fruit.
What can we do? I'm tired for waiting for Goodluck and reading all these horrid stories
Oh God pls take over dis issue. Let all men know that you are GOD. Dis is . . . .
Mr President is busy addressing other non-pressing issues and spending ridiculous amounts from Nigeria's budget on Aso villa while innocent people die daily from preventable causes, Four years is not a long time, but what about life after Aso villa. God is watching!!!
May God help US all in this country..... this is what our leaders are meant to be after and not the stupid fuel subsidy they are pondering on...... Nigerians life are at stake everywhere and they are not been concerned about the security of their fellow human beings. Our innocent HEARTS would judge them all except if they don't have conscience......
God pls we've seen enough sign of end time,, pls U ar nxt on d list.. We ar waitin 4 ur comin. RIP 2 y'all dat lost ur lives.
May god deal with these evil doers. Something will give very soon.
Hopefully we can all handle it becos that man in aso rock ain't got it under control.
Not even ye
Oh wow, this is unbelievable. Jesus is and would remain Lord. I pray that the families will be comforted by His grace.
2012 is going to be a very trying and crazy year for Nigeria. The new WOrld Order has set its sight on us and they use chaos to take over and impose their own leaders. Libya, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia was not a fluke. We are next and if we dont rise up and unite, they will tear us apart. The world is coming to an end soon.
BOKO HARAM are not muslims because a muslim will not kill when he or she is not waged war against all boko haram LAAHANATULAHHI ALEYI
Death and eternal damnation to islamic Boko Haram terrorists and their sponsors.
May the dead RIP.
linda i think that i should educate you a bit about muslims. first the word ''islam'' means leadership.
second, in the book of sura in the koran it states ''those who do not believe and accept islam are infidels and must be defeated.
the end game of islam is to defeat christianity.....until that happens....there will continue to be blood shed metted out on christians..
Linda why do you always show dead bodies.....pls have some respect for the dead
Honestly, Linda, i am so confused. Boko Haram, fuel subsidy removal wahala, kidnapping, maiming, robbery, cultism, prostitution, unemployment, religious differences & violence e.t.c. I think all these & more are our lot because truth be said, we are all not good people. Opportunistic bastards we all are. Liars, thieves, self-centered creatures, timid, docile, rumour mongers, self righteous, buck shifters, pleasure seeking, religiously intoxicated, tribalistic & incoherent set of human beings.
You think i am lying? The call to strike is the test. See how long it will last. If we do 2 weeks without traditional rulers, self styled political & social elders, concerned citizens & private business men calling for an end to the strike, then be rest assured that Nigeria is on the path to greatness.
We have the catalyst. Now let us see how we use it.
so much sad news in nigeria nowadays. im even tireed of commenting.
Why 4 Godsake???? Is ds wat God askd frm us? God says love ur neighbor as sad
May the good Lord have mercy on their souls. Since they were in church when they died, I hope they are resting in the bosom of their Father. As for the killers, no point wishing evil against them.We know that our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ever wish or hope for them.
@ Anonymous 6:26. Who made you judge over other human beings???
If Islam claims it must wipe out other religions, why cant you just trust your slaying 'prophet' Mohammed to do his dirty job himself rit from the pit of hell? May Jehovah Nissi, the all powerful God visit you some day and teach you what love is all about.
Before i thot the killings was centered on the ibo's but Now, it's RELIGION! The pple killed could be ibo's, youruba's, even hausa's who are christains. What happens to the christain hausa's? where will they go? they can't go east( they'll be killed), west( OPC is there waiting for them). Hmmm! This is so bad.
pray for your nation. You guys have not started well at all.
Come to think of it, of what good are these Hausa Muslims to Nigeria? Other than killing and rulling the rullers(Goodluc Jo) why don't we split cos I think that will be best for everybody, pls am all in for Biafra, how I wish there is someone like Ojukwu may he RIP, I weep for Nigerians, I so fucking hate Hausa muslims, and its makeing me to hate all muslims too, but I have frnds who are muslims, God won't come down and help us from this Boko Haram fools, neither will the govt help us, cos for them to even have a sponsor can u imagine, and GEJ can't do shit means its high time we all stand up for ourselves......
Its is tragic that some people believe they can achieve spritual gains from doing what every religion on earth including Islam preaches against. If infamous terrorist leaders can be caught, I dnt see why the masterminds of this group of glorified touts can't be smoked out. Afterall recent events prove that Nigerian leaders are not that smart.
Sudan is a case no country have survive a religion world, One thing is shall, their is limit to everything on planet earth. May their soul RIP
This is so disheartening! GOD have mercy!!!! My fellow nigerians its high time we wake up from our slumber. There is nothing like "BOKO HARAM" this is just a PDP and GEJ disguise. Their aim is to claim all the states where PDP didn't win the elections by declaring state of emergency in those states. The killing of human beings was never included in the plans but as things are now they had to involve killing of people. 2011 Oct 1st bombing was orchestrated by GEJ and PDP just to tarnish IBB's image and make people hate him more. IBB and henry okah(MEND) were the ones blamed for the 2011 bomb blast. GEJ and PDP is behind all these killings!!! WAKE UP NIGERIANS!
Enough is enough of this!must Christians wait to die before defending themselves. Its either u go to war armed or u don't go at all, they v started the war Christians should eida fight too or leave the warring situation.our sit don look attitude his making some people fatherless, motherless and all. I just sick and tired of this!
God help us,think errbody shold look for a wy to leave this country for a while.WHAT IS REALLY GOIN ON? GOD IS ONLY YOU THAT CAN HELP.
So pathethic.....Hmmmmm.....humans are now like animals even animals should not be killed injustly
may there gentle souls rest in perfect peace. amen
what has the christian done to the said muslim, must they kill. killing is not the way forward to this issue. I think that little boy called jonathan that cannot control his fathers house should go back and think again over what to do to the said devils that has been taking the live of the innocent souls. if he does not take action to stop this inhuman act of these agent called the boko harram i think is time for the Lord to strike cos this cant continue whil he still lives......May their soul RIP...
Morenikejj says
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